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为明确南方小花蝽和黄蓟马在冬季蚕豆植株上的发生情况及南方小花蝽对黄蓟马的室内捕食控害能力,本试验采用五点取样盘拍法调查了蚕豆植株上黄蓟马及其天敌南方小花蝽的种群密度;在实验室内用捕食功能反应法研究了南方小花蝽雌成虫对黄蓟马成虫和2龄若虫的捕食功能、寻找效应及其自身密度对捕食黄蓟马的干扰反应.结果表明:黄蓟马在3月初达种...  相似文献   
研究动物的核型是建立系统树的基础,它有助于进一步完善系统分类与探讨进化途径,从而更接近客观真理的自然分类与演化系统。这方面国内外已有不少研究报道。本文分析了新疆內陆干旱区11种鸟类的核型,其中6种B.Hammer(1966、1970)、T.C.Hsu et al(1973)和卞小庄(1988)已作过报道。但与本文结果,在二倍体数、着丝粒位置均存在不  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of medical and surgical regimens utilised to treat injured and diseased wild Australian raptors presented at our practice, and to determine if the time, effort and cost of treating the birds was justified in terms of the outcomes achieved. PROCEDURE: All the practice's clinical records relating to the examination and treatment of wild raptors were reviewed for the period April 1994 to December 1998. The species of birds, the aetiology of their injuries or diseases, the treatment protocols and the outcomes of those treatments were correlated and tabulated for evaluation. RESULTS: Fifteen Australian species of raptor were examined and treated. Complete records were available for 104 birds of prey, 73 being Accipitriformes and 31 Strigiformes. The poorest prognosis was for birds involved in motor vehicle impacts, while birds suffering malnutrition or starvation had higher survival rates. The overall rate of survival was 50%. CONCLUSION: Based on the severity of diseases and injuries at the time of presentation, the survival rate was considered acceptable. Veterinary involvement in the treatment of the wild raptors was necessary for the maintenance of the birds' welfare, and to determine appropriate treatments. Intangible benefits included increased practice staff satisfaction, and improving the veterinary professions' public image by providing pro bono treatment for Australian wildlife.  相似文献   
天山巴音布鲁克鸟类调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从1979—1992年作者在新疆巴音布鲁克采集鉴定鸟类标本450余号,约90种。结合访问和野外观察共录得鸟类128种(和亚种),隶属14目,30科,80余属。4种(和亚种)为新疆鸟类新纪录,国家级一、二类保护鸟类分别有6和20种。  相似文献   
营养因素对家禽免疫具有重要作用。脂肪是家禽必需的重要营养元素之一,不仅是维持家禽正常生长、繁殖、生产不可缺少的组成成分与营养物质,也是调节家禽免疫器官、组织和免疫应答反应不可缺少的物质基础。作者从脂肪的生理营养功能,就其对家禽的免疫器官发育、体液免疫、细胞免疫、非特异性免疫、细胞因子产生的影响等方面进行了综述。为合理配制家禽日粮,提高家禽抵抗疾病的能力提供理论依据。  相似文献   
采取不同的棉苜间作方式,研究了棉苜间作棉田天敌群落结构及种群动态规律、棉蚜与天敌的消长动态,以及棉苜间作对棉田蚜虫的控制效应。与常规单种棉田相比,间作苜蓿棉田内的瓢虫、蜘蛛、草蛉种群数量大幅度增长,尤以每隔1膜间作75cm苜蓿带处理区为甚,分别增长了318.0%、120.9%和79.6%。间作或邻作苜蓿的棉田天敌群落的物种丰富度、丰富度指数及多样性指数均高于常规单种棉田,表明间作和邻作苜蓿带并适时刈割,可以提高棉田内天敌群落的丰富度和多样性。刈割苜蓿带对棉田棉蚜及瓢虫类、蜘蛛类和草蛉类天敌的数量动态影响较大。在棉蚜上升初期刈割苜蓿带,使棉田内瓢虫类、蜘蛛类和草蛉类天敌数量急剧上升,棉蚜数量大幅下降,从而有效地控制了棉田棉蚜的暴发。  相似文献   
鸣禽鸟的发声中枢及其神经传导通路的研究曾庆华,赵玲,姜立嘉(东北师范大学生物系)鸣禽鸟之所以能发出婉动听的鸣叫,不仅仅是依赖于外围发声器(鸣管)来完成,而是经过多级水平的相关中枢组成的机能系统密切配合统一调节方能完成的。这个机能系统称它为各级发声中枢...  相似文献   
为探究溴氰菊酯对南方小花蝽Orius similis捕食番茄潜叶蛾 Tuta absoluta能力的影响,本研究以溴氰菊酯对南方小花蝽的致死中浓度为处理浓度,采用药膜法处理南方小花蝽成虫,然后让存活的南方小花蝽取食番茄潜叶蛾卵及1龄幼虫,分析溴氰菊酯对其捕食功能反应及捕食行为的影响。结果表明,经致死中浓度的溴氰菊酯处理后,南方小花蝽捕食番茄潜叶蛾的能力及行为均受到影响,功能反应模型仍符合Holling Ⅱ模型,但南方小花蝽处理猎物的时间延长,控害效能降低,搜寻效应下降, 成虫对卵和1龄幼虫的日最大捕食量分别下降了47.37粒/皿、9.47头/皿;而处理1粒番茄潜叶卵和1头1龄幼虫所用的时间分别延长了777.6 s和3 456.0 s,同时南方小花蝽搜寻、行走、捕食番茄潜叶蛾卵的行为时间分别缩短了444.2、750.2、919.6 s,静止和梳理时间则分别延长了1 677.6、403 s,对番茄潜叶蛾卵和1龄幼虫的捕食量分别降低了4头和1头。因此,溴氰菊酯对南方小花蝽捕食能力产生了抑制作用,在田间防控番茄潜叶蛾时应延长溴氰菊酯与南方小花蝽使用的间隔时间,更好地协调化学与生物防治。  相似文献   
  1. The most western little penguin colony globally, and the most northern in Western Australia (WA) is found on Penguin Island, WA. The penguins use coastal bays that are also used extensively by recreational watercraft. These penguins have been found to either dive predominantly to shallow depths of 1–5 m or to depths >8 m. It is thus hypothesized that (a) both the shallow and deeper diving penguins can potentially be disturbed or injured by these watercraft but that the risk will differ between the two diving strategies, and (b) that risk of injury for both is greater during the summer and autumn, when people are more likely to use watercraft.
  2. This was tested by attaching data loggers to little penguins during chick rearing and by investigating necropsy records. Diving activity was studied for the very shallow and relatively deeper diving penguins separately, and we considered the penguins were vulnerable to interactions with watercraft when they were within the top 2 m of the water column or at the surface.
  3. Shallow‐diving penguins executed >1,200 dives per day, 64% of dives occurred within the top 2 m, and they were vulnerable for approximately two‐thirds of their time at sea. The deeper diving penguins executed fewer dives. Almost half of dives were to ≥10 m, yet they were vulnerable for almost one‐third of their time at sea. Their post‐dive recovery was also longer. Thus, the risk of interaction from watercraft differs depending on the diving behaviour.
  4. This study highlights the potential impact to little penguins throughout Australia and New Zealand.
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