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为了解野鸟源新城疫病毒(NDV)基因变异情况,我们对14株2005年~2006年分离自黑龙江三江自然保护区和哈尔滨周边地区健康野鸟体内的NDV的HN和P基因分别进行RT-PCR扩增,并将其克隆至pMD18-T载体进行核苷酸序列测定。结果显示:14株野鸟源NDVHN基因开放性阅读框架(ORF)均为1716bp,编码571个氨基酸;P基因开放阅读框均为1188bp,编码395个氨基酸。13株野鸟源NDVHN和P基因核苷酸同源性分别为96.4%~99.8%和95.8%~100%,分别与参考毒株HN和P基因相比,同源性为82.3%~98.7%和78.5%~99.4%。1株野鸟源NDV与参考毒株Mutkeswar的HN和P基因高度同源。分析表明:这14株NDV病毒与我国普遍流行的基因Ⅶ型和基因Ⅲ型NDV具有很高的同源性,提示野鸟与家禽新城疫的发生在流行病学和生态学上有着非常密切的关系。  相似文献   
果园鸟害防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来鸟类对果园的危害日益加剧,影响了水果的产量和质量,造成了严重的经济损失。现介绍了果园中害鸟的种类以及为害方式,并根据国内外相关研究较完整地阐述了果园害鸟的防治方法,如声音驱鸟法、视觉驱鸟法、设网保护法等物理防治方法和以氨茴酸甲酯为药剂的化学防治方法,为果农进行害鸟防治提供了综合参考。  相似文献   
为明确南方小花蝽和黄蓟马在冬季蚕豆植株上的发生情况及南方小花蝽对黄蓟马的室内捕食控害能力,本试验采用五点取样盘拍法调查了蚕豆植株上黄蓟马及其天敌南方小花蝽的种群密度;在实验室内用捕食功能反应法研究了南方小花蝽雌成虫对黄蓟马成虫和2龄若虫的捕食功能、寻找效应及其自身密度对捕食黄蓟马的干扰反应.结果表明:黄蓟马在3月初达种...  相似文献   
采取不同的棉苜间作方式,研究了棉苜间作棉田天敌群落结构及种群动态规律、棉蚜与天敌的消长动态,以及棉苜间作对棉田蚜虫的控制效应。与常规单种棉田相比,间作苜蓿棉田内的瓢虫、蜘蛛、草蛉种群数量大幅度增长,尤以每隔1膜间作75cm苜蓿带处理区为甚,分别增长了318.0%、120.9%和79.6%。间作或邻作苜蓿的棉田天敌群落的物种丰富度、丰富度指数及多样性指数均高于常规单种棉田,表明间作和邻作苜蓿带并适时刈割,可以提高棉田内天敌群落的丰富度和多样性。刈割苜蓿带对棉田棉蚜及瓢虫类、蜘蛛类和草蛉类天敌的数量动态影响较大。在棉蚜上升初期刈割苜蓿带,使棉田内瓢虫类、蜘蛛类和草蛉类天敌数量急剧上升,棉蚜数量大幅下降,从而有效地控制了棉田棉蚜的暴发。  相似文献   
通过路线调查法对乐山大佛景区内的鸟类进行了调查,发现在春季景区中约有鸟类5目11科25种,其中优势种2种,占8%;普通种1种,占4%;稀有种22种,占88%.从调查结果看,优势种很少,而稀有种占绝大多数,且主要集中分布在3处:即龙池—景区旅馆一带的林丛,月榭—佛国天堂之间的林丛和岷江河沿岸林丛.调查结果还表明,景区的鸟类分布与植被分布和旅游开发程度密切相关.  相似文献   
Native colonial and large ungulate herbivores infrequently coexist on contemporary landscapes but frequently would have in the past, and understanding these interactions is important for conservation in working landscapes—those lands managed for biological and economic objectives. Although many factors contribute to grassland bird declines, consistent and long-term removal of native herbivores from western grasslands promotes homogenous landscapes that are now uniformly grazed by cattle (Bos taurus). This shift in grassland disturbance patterns limits habitat availability for specialized grassland species. We investigated vegetation and bird community dynamics in pastures grazed by domestic cattle and a native colonial herbivore, the black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus). The study occurred in the northern mixed-grass prairie of the United States on four experimental pastures stratified by the proportion of prairie dog occupancy to create an ecological gradient. Vegetation and bird surveys were conducted from 2012 to 2015 on and off prairie dog colonies. Vegetation and bird communities were not different along the experimental pasture gradient but did differ relative to location on versus off town. Prairie dogs induced changes in the plant community with midstatured grasses like side-oats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula) and green needlegrass (Nassella viridula) being associated with off-colony sites while on-colony sites were associated with disturbance-tolerant species such as fetid marigold (Dyssodia papposa). The bird community responded to changes in vegetation structure resulting from prairie dogs with grasshopper sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) being more abundant off colonies in areas with greater vegetation structure, while bird species with more complex life histories, such as the upland sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda), were associated with both on ? and off ? prairie dog colonies. Our findings demonstrate the importance of maintaining spatial heterogeneity in working landscapes and show that native colonial herbivores can help achieve this in the presence of herbivory by domestic cattle.  相似文献   
【目的】研究温度变化对多异瓢虫[Adonia variegata ( Goeze)]成虫捕食棉蚜能力的影响。【方法】在17、23、29和35℃四个处理温度下,室内测定多异瓢虫成虫在不同棉蚜密度条件下的捕食量。【结果】不同温度下多异瓢虫成虫对棉蚜的捕食功能反应属于Holling-Ⅱ型。随着温度的升高,多异瓢虫成虫对棉蚜的捕食能力逐渐增加。在相同温度条件下多异瓢虫成虫对棉蚜的寻找效应随密度的增加而减小。在35℃条件下,多异瓢虫成虫的a/Th最大,捕食能力为17℃的2倍。【结论】温度对多异瓢虫的捕食量影响显著,在一定温度范围内,随温度升高,多异瓢虫成虫的捕食量明显增加。  相似文献   
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