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沈钰 《排灌机械》1996,14(4):14-17
分析了径向柱塞泵和轴向柱塞泵压力及流量产生脉动的原因,提出了设计具有较优工作性能柱塞泵的方法,并给出了具体设计方案。  相似文献   
柴油机喷油泵的柱塞、出油阀和针阀这三大精密偶件的磨损程度直接影响到柴油机的供油规律和各种综合性能。为此,采用二次回归正交设计的方法,通过大量的试验数据,建立了精密偶件的磨损量与供油量之间的定量关系式,从而更直观、清楚地了解到三大精密偶件的密封性对供油量影响程度的主次关系。  相似文献   
针对山西省运城地区因地下水超采而产生的地面下沉、地裂、农用机井报废等一系列环境问题,通过计算分析,提出了一个既能满足农业发展对水的需求,又能维持地下水资源环境平衡的地下水可开采量,并就实施限量开采地下水的途径、技术措施、管理机制、水价体系及政策保障等进行了综合分析与阐述。  相似文献   
本文运用电子计算机模拟的方法,分析了影响畜禽保种的主要因素,并通过不同参数组合(包括起始基因频率、群体有效含量和世代数等)的模拟试验得出三个主要结论: 1 在有性繁殖的有限群体中,原封不动地保存群体基因库中的每个基因(包括频率很低的基因)是根本不可能的。 2 在完全实行随机交配的情况下,长期保存频率较高的基因也需要相当大的群体才有可能。 3 频率较高基因的保存也不能单纯依靠群体大小,还需借助于选择。只有这样才能在小群体内长期保存频率较高的基因。  相似文献   
妇女是人口再生产的主要承担者,当前我国城乡妇女生育状况表明,农村母亲对人口再生产的作用明显增强,城市母亲对人口再生产作用下降,而农村女性人口的素质状况堪忧.农村女性人口素质不仅关系到农村未来人口素质,而且关系到整个国家未来人口素质,提高农村女性人口素质十分迫切.提出目前提高农村女性人口素质的重点是:提高农村女性人口的文化水平,提高农村妇女家庭教育能力,引导农村妇女学习市场经济知识,确立与时代发展相适应的思想观念,提高农业科技水平.提高农村女性人口素质的途径是:政府、群团组织、事业单位各自发挥应有的作用;充分发挥各种媒体的作用,特别是发挥电视、网络、图书和报刊的作用.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the effects of artificial diets on the population growth of root maggot Bradysia impatiens, its population growth parameters were assayed on eight artificial diets (Diet 1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, and D8). Results showed that developmental duration from egg to pupa was successfully completed on all eight artificial diets. However, the egg to pupal duration was shortest, while the survival rate of four insect stages was lowest when B. impatiens was reared on D1. When B. impatiens was reared on D7 and D8, the survival rate, female longevity, and female oviposition were higher than those reared on other diets. When B. impatiens was reared on D7, the intrinsic rate of increase (rm = 0.19/d), net reproductive rate (R0 = 39.88 offspring per individual), and finite rate of increase (λ = 1.21/d) were higher for its population growth with shorter generation time (T = 19.49 d) and doubling time (Dt = 3.67 d). The findings indicate that the D7 artificial diet is more appropriate for the biological parameters of B. impatiens and can be used an indoor breeding food for population expansion as well as further research. We propose that vitamin C supplement added to the D7 is critical for the improvement of the B. impatiens growth.  相似文献   
为评估入侵害虫红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus对本土农林生态系统的风险,于2016—2019年采用受害植株调查和成虫诱捕的方法跟踪监测该虫在加拿利海枣Phoenix canariensis引种点及周边1 600 m半径范围内本土棕榈Trachycarpus fortune上的发生情况,并对来自野外加拿利海枣与棕榈上的成虫形态及繁殖力进行比较。结果显示,红棕象甲可随加拿利海枣引种定植而入侵当地生态系统,当其在加拿利海枣上暴发成灾后,还能转移到周边棕榈上继续为害,红棕象甲为害致死的棕榈植株数随着引种植物死亡数的增加而增加。野外加拿利海枣与棕榈上红棕象甲成虫的体重、体长以及按雌雄1∶1配对交配后的产卵量、孵化率相当,但棕榈种群雌虫的翅展较加拿利海枣种群明显变短,表明红棕象甲转移取食本土棕榈后可成功定殖、建立种群,且适合度并未降低。雌虫翅展变短可能与该入侵种表型可塑性有关,反映出其对棕榈的快速适应与进化,表现为"前适应"策略。考虑红棕象甲成虫飞行能力强,建议调高棕榈分布省份该虫的风险预警等级、调整防控策略,开展跟踪监测以了解入侵地实情。  相似文献   

The life history and fitness of Nilaparvata lugens being reared under ambient level (current CO2 concentration), medially elevated (550?µL/L) and highly elevated (750?µL/L) CO2 concentration for long-term generation were compared using two-sex life table instead of traditional age-specific life table. The results showed that significantly longer larval duration and lower fecundity of N. lugens were observed in 750?µL/L relative to 550?µL/L treatment (P?<?0.05). Accordingly, 550?µL/L CO2 significantly enhanced population parameters of N. lugens, including significantly higher intrinsic rate of increase (r), finite rate (λ) and net reproductive rate (RO), but not for 750?µL/L CO2. Taken together, N. lugens performs enhanced development rate, fecundity and survival in individual life history and higher potential in population multiplication under 550?µL/L CO2 level, while only indicates the less enhanced development rate and survival without significant increased capacity of population expansion under 750?µL/L CO2 level. These results should facilitate predicting the fitness and potential population damage of N. lugens, which is valuable for the integrated control of N. lugens in the future increasing CO2 concentration.  相似文献   
蛀虫蜡蚧菌Lecanicillium cauligalbarum是蜡蚧菌属中最近报道的新种,目前对其研究尚属空白。为寻求易于生长的培养基成分,本文通过单因素筛选最佳碳源、氮源、生长因子并进行正交试验优化。筛选的产孢条件(m/v)为:可溶性淀粉1%,酵母粉3%,蚕蛹粉1.5%,基础培养基(氯化钾0.05%,磷酸氢二钾0.1%,七水硫酸镁0.05%,七水硫酸亚铁0.001%),琼脂1.5%,蒸馏水1000 mL,25℃。优化培养基产孢量是PDA的4.5倍,是沙氏培养基的15.6倍。结果还显示该菌的产孢量受氮源影响较大,并对无机氮利用较低。这些结果将为蛀虫蜡蚧菌的后续研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   
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