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By influencing belowground processes, streamside vegetation affects soil processes important to surface water quality. We conducted this study to compare root distributions and dynamics, and total soil respiration among six sites comprising an agricultural buffer system: poplar (Populus × euroamericana‘ Eugenei), switchgrass, cool-season pasture grasses, corn (Zea mays L.), and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). The dynamics of fine (0--2 mm) and small roots (2--5 mm) were assessed by sequentially collecting 35 cm deep, 5.4 cm diameter cores from April through November. Coarse roots were described by excavating 1 × 1 × 2 m pits and collecting all roots in 20 cm depth increments. Root distributions within the soil profile were determined by counting roots that intersected the walls of the excavated pits. Soil respiration was measured monthly from July to October using the soda-lime technique. Over the sampling period, live fine-root biomass in the top 35 cm of soil averaged over 6 Mg ha-1 for the cool-season grass, poplar, and switchgrass sites while root biomass in the crop fields was < 2.3 Mg ha-1 at its maximum. Roots of trees, cool-season grasses, and switchgrass extended to more than 1.5 m in depth, with switchgrass roots being more widely distributed in deeper horizons. Root density was significantly greater under switchgrass and cool-season grasses than under corn or soybean. Soil respiration rates, which ranged from 1.4--7.2 g C m-2 day-1, were up to twice as high under the poplar, switchgrass and cool-season grasses as in the cropped fields. Abundant fine roots, deep rooting depths, and high soil respiration rates in the multispecies riparian buffer zones suggest that these buffer systems added more organic matter to the soil profile, and therefore provided better conditions for nutrient sequestration within the riparian buffers. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
杨树育苗灰斑病及透翅蛾病防治方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对绥化市“三北”防护林关键品种的杨树育苗中病虫害的种类及防治方法进行统计和分析,得出杨树灰斑病及透翅蛾在育苗过程中的表现及防治方法,对提高杨树育苗阶段病虫害防治具有积极意义。  相似文献   
豫北温县40个黑杨无性系4年生试验材料表明:参试无性系胸径、树高、材积等差异达显著水平,用综合法评定了它们的优劣,选择出3个优良无性系,它们的平均材积分别超对照114.06%、78.67%、69.91%。  相似文献   
The variation of tensile strength parallel to grain in Chinese fir and 1-214 poplar wood from plantations was studied in this paper. Aaccording to the national standards The Testing Methods for Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood (GB 1927 to 1943 -- 1991), the small clear wood samples were cut and tested, which represent the south and north of trees with heights of 1.3, 3.3, 5.3 and 7.3 m. The results showed: the tensile strength parallel to grain of the north wood was higher than that of south wood. ANOVA shows that the tensile strength parallel to the grain with height is of significant difference (at 0.05 level).  相似文献   
杨义波 《吉林林业科技》2005,34(1):17-18,27
利用样地调查方法,对长春市街路与广场的树木结构进行分析,结果表明:街路与广场共有杨柳树172617株,杨树的平均胸径为19.8cm,平均树高8.5m;柳树的平均胸径为20.0cm,平均树高7.5m。杨柳树的总生物量为83805.5t,总叶面积为14851196.9m^2。杨柳树每年可以制造干物质4629.2t,吸收二氧化碳6786.6t,放出氧气4939.4t,吸滞灰尘5755.4t,吸收二氧化硫44.1t。  相似文献   
Incidence and molecular markers of 2n pollen in Populus tomentosa Carr.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Microscopic examination, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and SCAR (sequence-characterized amplified region) molecular markers were employed to determine the incidence of 2n pollen (unreduced pollen) in Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.) and to identify related molecular markers. The presence of a parallel and tripolar spindle at metaphase II and the absence of cytokinesis at telophase II were found to be determining factors in 2n pollen formation. A group of 298 clones that originated from their indigenous areas were investigated for the production of 2n pollen based on pollen size differences, both within a clone and between n and 2n pollen. Pollen grains were collected from 224 of the clones, six of which were subsequently determined to produce only normal pollen; the remainder produced 2n pollen at different frequencies (0.6–21.9%). The frequency at which 2n pollen was produced was significantly and highly significantly different among and within indigenous populations, respectively. Clones produced by the six normal and twenty-two 2n pollen clones were selected for AFLP analysis. Following an initial screening with 55 primer combinations, the E50-M38 (CAT/ACT) primer was identified: it generated a PCR fragment (246 bp) from the normal clones, but not from the 2n pollen producers. In addition, the E31-M50 (AAA/CAT)-amplified DNA fragment (204 bp) was present in 2n pollen producers, and absent in normal clones. These two discriminating AFLP markers were developed into easily detectable SCAR (sequence characterized amplified region) markers which can be used in combination with previously developed AFLP markers to distinguish between normal and 2n pollen clones.  相似文献   
杨树是一个多病虫害的树种,当前病虫害问题成为影响我国杨树速生丰产林产量及木质的严重问题之一。杨树速生丰产林病虫害防治应遵循"预防为主,综合治理"的指导思想。应结合速生丰产林大面积种植的特点,做好各方面预防工作。  相似文献   
盐碱地滴灌对新疆杨生长及土壤盐分分布影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过田间试验研究高垄覆膜滴灌模式下不同土壤基质势对盐碱地新疆杨生长以及土壤盐分分布的影响。试验设5个水平的土壤基质势处理:-5kPa(S1),-10kPa(S2),-15kPa(S3),-20kPa(S4),-25kPa(S5),每个处理重复3次,按随机区组布置。试验结果表明,2009年生育末期,根系周围土体中的盐分比...  相似文献   
河南地区杨树"黄叶病"研究初报   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
为确定河南地区杨树黄叶病的病因并提出有效的防治措施,开展了元素补充、组织粉碎回接、微生物分离回接、线虫检测、电子显微镜切片观察、植原体的PCR及DAPI检测等实验。结果表明:对轻度病株施硫酸亚铁有较好的治疗效果;回接组织粉碎物的健株无症状表现;从病株的根、茎、叶中分离了4种微生物并进行了回接,27.5%的接种苗出现了与黄叶病相似的症状;在病株体内没有发现植原体和内寄生性线虫;电子显微镜下观测到了杆状细菌存在。研究结果对该病害的后续研究具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
城市绿地彩叶树种观赏价值综合评价与分级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决城市绿地景观色彩单调、彩叶植物配置不合理等问题,在详细调查兰州市城市绿地彩叶树种资源的基础上,以兰州市近年来主要利用的21种彩叶树种为研究对象,对其的观赏特性及生态习性进行详细的观察与记录。同时选择13个重要评价因子,建立城市绿地彩叶树种综合评价模型,采用层次分析法进行观赏价值综合评价,并根据评价结果对其进行观赏等级划分,结果表明:(1)在13个评价因子中耐寒性、呈彩期、耐旱性和抗病虫害对观赏价值的贡献率较大。(2)综合评价等级分为3个等级,Ⅰ级(M≥80%),观赏价值高的种类,共计4种;Ⅱ级(79%≥M≥60%),观赏价值较高的种类,共计13种;Ⅲ级(M≤59%)观赏价值一般的种类,共计4种。(3)Ⅰ级的种类建议作为兰州市城市绿地规划的首选物种,Ⅱ级的种类建议在城市绿地规划中大量使用,Ⅲ级的种类建议根据实地情况,在特定条件下选用。  相似文献   
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