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冬翠大葱是以雄性不育系A304为母本,自交系06-3-9-7为父本,利用三系杂交育种技术培育出的耐寒大葱杂交新品种。该品种整齐度高,葱白坚实,抗风、抗倒伏;管状叶5~6枚,叶片直立,叶灰绿色,蜡粉层厚。平均株高100.51 cm,葱白长40~50 cm,葱白粗2.5~3.5 cm,单株质量0.22~0.26 kg,辣味浓烈,风味佳。品种比较试验和生产试验平均产量63.61 t/hm2,较对照元藏大葱平均增产19.05%;冬翠大葱品质优,干物质含量14.0%,维生素C含量0.218 mg/g,总糖含量7.08%,蛋白质含量15.6 mg/g,纤维素含量0.9%;抗逆性试验结果显示,冬翠大葱抗寒力强,耐热,高抗霜霉病、紫斑病和病毒病。一年四季均可栽培,适宜河南、河北、山东、安徽等地种植。  相似文献   
有机肥对红葱生长和产量及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高红葱生产效益,解决红葱长期连作引起土壤连作障碍等问题,用农业废弃资源草菇渣的发酵产物为主要原料,与土壤改良剂混配成有机肥,在红葱上进行小区试验和生产试验。结果表明:有机肥能促进红葱植株的株高、叶片长、鳞茎长、鳞茎粗的生长,促进植株分蘖,提高红葱单株重量和各器官的重量,提高红葱产量,特别是前期产量比对照提高了61.6%~72.5%,小区试验的差异极显著;有机肥还固定和活化土壤营养,提高土壤交换性钙、交换性镁的含量,中和土壤酸性,降低土壤EC值,最终达到了平衡土壤养分,改善土壤理化性状等效果;而试验农户的土壤存在磷、钾肥过量,镁肥缺乏的问题。本试验为草菇渣等有机废弃物的综合利用,提高城郊农业生态环境的保育功能,增加红葱生产效益提供了合理有效的技术措施。  相似文献   
大葱对亚硝酸盐的清除效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了大葱提取液对亚硝酸盐的清除率以及大葱提取液用量、水浴温度、反应pH值对清除效果的影响.结果表明,当大葱提取液用量为2 mL、水浴温度为100℃、反应pH值为13时,大葱对亚硝酸盐的清除率最高达99.63%.  相似文献   
[目的]通过不同时期洋葱叶片中可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质变化规律的研究,掌握洋葱在花芽分化和抽薹时期生理生化特性,进行初步的研究探索,为探讨洋葱未熟抽薹与其主要生理生化物质的内在联系做准备.[方法]以新疆主栽品种白雪和金红一号为实验材料,测定其花芽分化时期和抽薹开花过程中可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量的变化.[结果]可溶性糖在花芽分化过程中逐渐升高,在花芽分化完成时抽薹期又下降,而在对照组鳞茎形成初期可溶性糖含量一直降低,后期又上升,当鳞茎停止生长时趋于稳定.在花芽分化和抽薹过程中可溶性蛋白质含量变化呈降低—升高—降低—升高的变化趋势,对照组则呈先上升—下降—上升的趋势.[结论]可溶性糖既作为一种供能物质又作为一种信号传导物质,在春化作用中高含量的可溶性糖促进花芽分化,并为花芽分化和开花提供能量,在植物生长发育过程中,蛋白质主要作为催化各种生理活动的酶、细胞结构物质等,较高的蛋白质含量用以行使蛋白质的一些特异功能.  相似文献   
This experiment investigated the synergistic effects of vacuum packaging, light salting, and onion extract on the shelf life of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets stored under refrigeration. The chemical, microbial, and organoleptic changes were monitored for up to 18 days in fillets. Total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) and free fatty acid (FFA) values were evident in the order: control (without salting, vacuum packaging, and extract) > air packaged, salted (APS) > vacuum packaged, salted (VPS) > and vacuum packaged, salted, containing 2% and 4% (v/w) onion extract (2% and 4% VPSOE) throughout the storage period. Thiobarbituric acid values in APS groups were higher than control groups. Data from microbial assay showed that treatment with 2% and 4% VPSOE decreased total viable microbial count (TVC) compared with other treatments. APS, VPS, and VPSOE samples remained acceptable for up to 8, 12, and 15 days, respectively. The most suitable indices for determining shelf life of rainbow trout fillets are TVC.  相似文献   
采用正交设计,测定了不同分化培养基对秋水仙碱处理大葱愈伤组织的影响。结果表明,在不添加2,4-D的基础上,适当提高蔗糖浓度,可以减缓愈伤组织褐化现象的发生,提高芽分化率,以处理6(蔗糖40 g/L+琼脂15 g/L+6-BA 1.5 mg/L)加倍诱导率最高。试验得到了两种嵌合体植株,一种为同时具有三倍体和二倍体细胞的植株,另一种为同时具有四倍体和二倍体细胞的植株。  相似文献   
以银球1号和银球2号为试材,采用田间小区试验方法,研究了不同播期对加工型白皮洋葱生长发育和产量品质的影响。结果表明,9月12~15日是加工型白皮洋葱的最佳播种时期,对提高加工型白皮洋葱的产量和品质有重要的作用。  相似文献   
The bulb onion (Allium cepa L.) has been cultivated for thousands of years and used as an important component of human diet. Recent studies suggest that onions can be used to cure, reduce, or prevent some of the health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, antidiabetic, asthma, antibiosis, and prebiotic effects due to its high antioxidant effect. In this study, we determined the antioxidant capacities of a wide range of onion cultivars; nine commercial cultivars and five advance selections differing in color. The variables tested include bulb size, scale color, total phenolic (TP), total antioxidant activity determined by both “Ferric reducing ability of plasma” (FRAP) and “Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity” (TEAC). We found that yellow onion had the greatest TP content (3.7 mg GAE/g dw); and, the red group had higher TP mean than the white group (2.2 mg GAE/g dw vs. 1.1 mg GAE/g dw). For the antioxidant capacity measurements, the red group had the greatest means by both methods (15.4 μmol TE/g dw and 9.3 μmol TE/g dw for TEAC and FRAP). Yellow onions had higher TEAC (14.7 μmol TE/g dw vs. 8.7 μmol TE/g dw) and FRAP values (9.8 μmol TE/g dw vs. 5.6 μmol TE/g dw) than white onions. Among the cultivars tested great differences of TP, TEAC and FRAP was observed. The TP content of Me-Tan 88 (8.3 mg GAE/g dw) was two times higher than the yellow group. Yellow color Dayton had the greatest TEAC (20.5 μmol TE/g dw) and FRAP (12.3 μmol TE/g dw) means followed by yellow color Me-Tan 88 (19.4 and 11.4 μmol TE/g dw). The two antioxidant measurements were found to be highly correlated (0.99) where absolute values of FRAP were about 40% less than those of TEAC. The values of TEAC and FRAP were significantly correlated by TP with similar rs (0.74 and 0.73, respectively). TP, TEAC and FRAP were significantly and positively correlated to soluble solids (0.41, 0.43, and 0.40, respectively). Our results suggested that the red onions had higher antioxidant activities than yellow and white onions although yellow onions had the richest phenolic contents.  相似文献   
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