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Foliar diseases are the main biotic restriction reducing yield in wheat crops affecting both, grain number and/or grain weight, depending on developmental stage at which infection occurs (pre- or post-anthesis, respectively). Grain weight reductions due to foliar diseases were widely reported in the literature mostly associated with decreases on radiation interception during the grain filling period. However, different evidences in wheat showed variations on grain weight responses when fungicide was applied during the grain filling period, probably associated with the timing of fungicide application or with the amount of available resources per grain set when fungicides are applied. The present study was designed to determine the causes of grain weight reduction due to foliar diseases complex (including leaf rust, Septoria leaf blotch and tan spot) in wheat crops growing under contrasting agronomic and environmental conditions (i.e. different years, locations, cultivars and N supply). The experiments were carried out during 4 years under field conditions in different locations of Argentine and France. Five different commercial wheat cultivars were sown on early and late sowing dates; and two contrasting N availability and two fungicide treatments (protected and unprotected) were applied. Grain number was not affected by foliar diseases as their appeared after anthesis. Grain weight was strongly, poorly or not affected by foliar diseases and was not associated individually with both, the sink size and the source size. However, when the grain weight response due to fungicide application was plotted against the healthy area absorption per grain (HAAG), a significant negative association (r2 = 0.81; p < 0.0001) was found for the Argentine experiments. When the HAAG was corrected by the grain weight potential (HAAGW) all experiments conduced in Argentine and in France fit well to a common negative linear regression (r2 = 0.74, p < 0.0001) for the relationship between grain weight variation and HAAGW demonstrating that grain weight potential is an important feature to consider in diseases control programs. Foliar diseases forced the crop to use the accumulated reserved increasing the utilization rate of the water soluble carbohydrates (WSCUR), depleting as a consequence the water soluble content at physiological maturity (WSCPM) in all experiments. The association between WSCUR and the healthy area absorption per grain corrected by grain weight of healthy crops (HAAGW) suggest that foliar diseases in wheat cause source limitation, forcing to the crop to use the WSC reserve which could be insufficient to fill the grains previously formed.  相似文献   
Coupled photosynthesis-stomatal conductance (A-gs) models are commonly used in ecosystem models to represent the exchange rate of CO2 and H2O between vegetation and the atmosphere. The ways these models account for water stress differ greatly among modelling schemes. This study provides insight into the impact of contrasting model configurations of water stress on the simulated leaf-level values of net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs), the functional relationship among them and their ratio, the intrinsic water use efficiency (A/gs), as soil dries. A simple, yet versatile, normalized soil moisture dependent function was used to account for the effects of water stress on gs, on mesophyll conductance (gm) and on the biochemical capacity. Model output was compared to leaf-level values obtained from the literature. The sensitivity analyses emphasized the necessity to combine both stomatal and non-stomatal limitations of A in coupled A-gs models to accurately capture the observed functional relationships A vs. gs and A/gsvs. gs in response to drought. Accounting for water stress in coupled A-gs models by imposing either stomatal or biochemical limitations of A, as commonly practiced in most ecosystem models, failed to reproduce the observed functional relationship between key leaf gas exchange attributes. A quantitative limitation analysis revealed that the general pattern of C3 photosynthetic response to water stress may be well represented in coupled A-gs models by imposing the highest limitation strength to gm, then to gs and finally to the biochemical capacity.  相似文献   
Summary Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ostara) were grown in nutrient solution culture in a controlled environment. Growth rates of individual tubers were determined daily by measuring the increase in their volume. Decreasing the source:sink ratio of individual plants by removing half of the leaf area, decreased tuber growth rate per plant by 50%. Increasing the source: sink ratio of individual plants by cooling to 8°C, or by removing individual tubers of known growth rate, increased the growth rate of non-cooled, remaining tubers within 2–4 days. The potential of the tubers to increase their growth rates was not related to the date of tuber removal after tuber initiation. It is concluded that during the phase of linear tuber bulking, tuber growth is neither limited by pathway nor sink, but by the source capacity of the plant.
Zusammenfassung Kartoffelpflanzen (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ostara) wuchsen in N?hrl?sung unter kontrollierten Umweltbedingungen (14 h Tagesl?nge, 22°C/18°C Tag/Nachttemperatur, 60–80% relative Luftfeuchtigkeit, Licht-intensit?t in Pflanzenh?he ≈380 μE m−2 s−1). Die Wachstumsraten der einzelnen Knollen wurden t?glich aus ihrer Volumenzunahme bestimmt. Die Auswirkungen von Source- und Sink-Manipulationen auf die Wachstumsraten der Knollen wurden w?hrend der Phase linearen Knollenwachstums untersucht. Eine Reduzierung der Source-St?rke einzelner Pflanzen durch Entfernen jedes 2. Fiederblattes oder eines von 2 gleichwertigen hauptstengeln pro Pflanze bewirkte eine sofortige Abnahme des Knollenwachstums pro Pflanze um 50% (Abb. 4). In den meisten F?llen nahm auch die Wachtstumsrate der einzelnen Knollen an den Pflanzen um etwa 50% ab (Abb. 5). Durch Kühlung einzelner Knollen auf +8°C wurden deren Wachstumsraten im Durchschnitt von 4,5 auf 1,6 cm3 d−1 gesenkt, w?hrend gleichzeitig die Wachstumsraten der ungekühlten Knollen von 2,8 auf 5,2 cm3 d−1 anstiegen (Tab. 1). Das Entfernen einzelner Knollen, die bis dahin durch-schnittlich zu 60% am Gesamtknollenwachstum pro Pflanze beteiligt waren, führte innerhalb von 2–4 Tagen zu einem mehr als doppelt so schnellen Wachstum der an den Pflanzen verbliebenen Knollen, so dass das Gesamtknollenwachstum pro Pflanze nicht signifikant ver?ndert wurde (Abb. 1). Hierbei wurden die Wachstumsraten aller an der Pflanze verbliebenen Knollen erh?ht, wobei Wachstumsraten von mehr als 8 cm3 pro Einzelknolle und Tag erreicht wurden (Abb. 3). Die F?higkeit der Knollen, ihre Wachstumsrate dem jeweiligen Assimilatangebot anzupassen, war nicht davon abh?ngig, zu welchem Zeitpunkt nach der Knolleninduktion (10–30 d) einzelne Knollen entfernt wurden (Abb. 2). Aus den Untersuchungen wird gefolgert, dass in der phase des linearen Knollenwachstums eine Limitierung des Knollenwachstums weder durch den transportweg noch durch die Speicherf?higkeit der Knollen bewirkt wird, sondern durch die F?higkeit des oberirdischen Sprosses, Assimilate zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Résumé Des plantes de pommes de terre (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ostara) sont cultivées dans une solution nutritive sous atmosphère contr?lée (longueur de jours 14 h; températures jour/nuit 22°C/18°C; humidité relative de l'air 60 à 80%; intensité du rayonnement photosynthétique à hauteur de la plante ≃380 μF m−2 s−1). Le grossissement des tubercules est déterminé chaque jour en mesurant l'augmentation de leur volume. Les effets de la source d'assimilation et du puits d'absorption sont analysés pendant la phase linéaire de grossissement des tubercules. Une diminution du rapport source: puits d'absorption est obtenue en supprimant la moitié de la surface foliaire de chaque plante. Le grossissement des tubercules diminue en conséquence de 50% (figure 4). Mis à part quelques exceptions, les taux de croissance des tubercules individuels baissent également de 50% (figure 5). Le refroidissement de certains tubercules d'une même plante à 8°C entra?ne une diminution moyenne de leur grossissement de 4,5 à 1,6 cm3/jour. Dans le même temps, les autres tubercules voient leur croissance augmenter de 2,8 à 5,2 cm3/jour (tableau 1). La suppression de certains tubercules qui avaient contribué pour 60% au grossissement total obtenu par plante, entr?ne une augmentation de croissance de plus de 100% des tubercules restants, ceci en moins de 2 à 4 jours. De ce fait, la croissance totale, par plante n'est pas significativement inférieure (figure 1). Après suppression de certains tubercules, on constate que pour tous les tubercules restants leur grossissement augmente et le taux maximum de croissance atteint 8 cm3/jour (figure 3). Les tubercules ajustent leur grossissement en fonction de l'apport effectif de photosynthèse sans liaison avec la date de suppression de certains tubercules après leur initiation (figure 2). En conclusion, pendant la phase linéaire de grossisement, la croissance des tubercules n'est pas limitée par le puits d'absorption, mais par la capacité de la source d'assimilation de la plante.
水稻不同品种耐盐限度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对盘锦地区水稻的几个主栽品种及有生产潜力的新品系,在种子发芽和不同生育时期的耐盐临界浓度及不同盐分抑制条件下的水稻生长状况进行研究。结果表明:水稻种子耐盐能力排序为辽盐糯>辽粳294>盐丰47>辽盐188>辽优2006>辽粳263>沈农9765>辽盐166>辽粳138>辽盐92;在不同生育时期供试水稻品种的耐盐能力排序为:发芽期辽盐糯>辽粳294>盐丰47>辽盐188>辽优2006>辽粳263>沈农9765>辽盐166>辽粳138>辽盐92;分蘖期盐粳68>H522>H757>辽盐166>辽盐188>K20;拔节-抽穗期辽盐166>辽盐188>盐粳68>K20>H522>H757;成熟期辽盐166>辽盐188>盐粳68>H757>H522>K20。  相似文献   
Changes in the N and P concentrations, N:P ratios, and tannin content in Casuarina equisetifolia branchlets across a coastal gradient were studied at Chishan Forestry Center of Dongshan County, Fujian Province, China. (1) Total phenolics and protein precipitation capacity in young branchlets was significantly higher than in mature and senescent branchlets across a coastal gradient; extractable condensed tannin content was higher in young and mature branchlets than in senescent branchlets. Whereas protein-bound condensed tannins increased with senescence, fiber-bound condensed tannins fluctuated without a consistent pattern; (2) N and P concentrations at various stages of branchlet development across a coastal gradient followed the same order: young branchlets > mature branchlets > senescent branchlets; N:P ratio of young branchlets was the lowest, and increased with maturity and senescence across a coastal gradient; phosphorus resorption efficiency was significantly higher than nitrogen resorption efficiency among corresponding coastal gradients in response to P deficiency (high N:P ratio), but nutrient resorption efficiency was influenced by coastal gradients; (3) significant linear relationships between total phenolics and nutrient contents indicated that polyphenolics had a potential effect on nutrient cycling.  相似文献   
Both water movement and nitrate leaching in structured soils are strongly influenced by the nature of the macro-porosity. That macro-porosity can however also be manipulated by choice of tillage operations. In order to investigate the potential impacts of tillage on rates of nitrate leaching from structured soils, a model specific to these soils, CRACK-NP was developed. The model, its application and validation for an experimental site on a heavy clay soil (Verti-Eutric Gleysoil) at Brimstone Farm, Oxfordshire, UK, is described. The model considers the soil as a series of aggregates whose size is also the spacing of the macro-porosity. Water and solutes move in the macro-pores, but within the peds they move only by diffusion, internal infiltration and root uptake (evaporation). The model reflects the influence of diffusion limitation in the release of solutes to by-passing water. The model was then used to investigate the influence of variable ped spacings which were created by variations in tillage practices. The results both from the model and from the field data demonstrated that finer soil structures, which have larger surface contact areas and shorter diffusion path lengths, present greater opportunities for interaction between peds and the water moving around them, and so release more nitrates through the drainage waters.  相似文献   
木本植物组织培养技术在林业科研与生产中的应用与局限   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
吴丽君 《福建林业科技》2003,30(1):67-69,74
针对近年来全国各地植物组培研究机构的相继诞生和组培产业投资热潮,从木本植物组培技术特点、产业化现状、存在的问题及解决的方法等方面,浅析木本植物组织培养技术在科研与生产中的应用前景与局限,为广大科技工作者更好地发展我国试管快繁技术和商业应用领域的研究,客观正确预测木本植物组培技术在林业生产中推广应用的效益及避免盲目投资风险提供参考。  相似文献   
为了提高水分和肥料的利用效率,2015~2016年进行了限水条件下施肥方式对产量构成因素影响的试验。结果表明:底施三元素复合肥+春季浇2水(拔节水+开花水)的产量最高;在相同水分或肥力条件下对穗数的影响较小,穗粒数、不孕小穗数随着水肥条件的不同变化较大,说明在小麦生产中水分和养分是制约小麦生产的主要因素。  相似文献   
利用2009年6月南海综合调查数据,分析了分粒级叶绿素a (Chl a) 的分布特征及其影响因素,其结果如下: Chl a浓度为未检出至0.51µg/L,平均值为0.10±0.09µg/L,其自表向底层逐渐升高, 至50m层达到最高值, 而后迅速降低,在100m以深的水体中, Chl a含量很少, 水深达到200m时, Chl a的含量接近于零, 部分站位Chl a含量低于检出限。分粒级Chl a 结果表明, Pico 级Chl a (<2µm) 浓度介于0.022-0.40 µg/L之间, 平均值为0.097±0.072 µg/L, 垂向分布上与Chl a 总量一致, 浓度最高值位于50 m; Nano 级Chl a (2-20µm )浓度介于0.0040-0.12µg/L之间, 平均值为0.016±0.018µg/L, 垂向分布变化不大, 在50m层有一高值; Micro 级Chl a (20-200µm)浓度介于0.0013-0.051µg/L之间, 平均值为0.0065±0.0086 µg/L, 垂向分布变化不大,在表层有一高值。分级Chl a 对总Chl a 的贡献主要以细胞粒径0.7-2 µm的Pico 级Chl a 占优势(81.7±8.89%), 其次是2-20 µm的Nano 级Chl a (13.2±6.19%); 粒径>20 µm的Micro 级Chl a 的贡献最小(5.10±3.72%)。调查海域内普遍存在潜在氮限制因素, 但不存在硅的限制。温度、营养盐浓度及营养盐比值(营养盐限制)、真光层厚度、水文状况是控制不同粒级Chl a 含量及分布的主要因素。  相似文献   
Altitude affects leaf stoichiometry by regulating temperature and precipitation, and influencing soil properties in mountain ecosystems. Leaf carbon concentration(C), leaf nitrogen concentration(N),leaf phosphorous concentration(P), and their stoichiometric ratios of Leontopodium lentopodioides(Willd.)Beauv., a widespread species in degraded grasslands, were investigated to explore its response and adaptation strategy to environmental changes along four altitude gradients(2500, 3000, 3500, and 3...  相似文献   
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