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D. M. Burner 《Euphytica》1991,54(1):125-133
Summary Meiosis was studied in 31 wild Saccharum relatives, including Erianthus (8 clones), Miscanthus (5 clones), Narenga prophyrocoma (1 clone), S. robustum (3 clones), and S. spontaneum (14 clones). Chromosome number for 18 clones confirmed published counts or was typical of the particular species. Chromosome number for seven clones (Djatiroto 2n=58, Molokai 5099 2n=80, SES 84/58 2n=58, SES 114 2n=64, SES 260 2n=64, Taiwan 100 2n=112, and US 57-11-2 2n=60) differed from published counts (2n=112, 86-100, 64, 60, 60, 96, and 30, respectively). Counts were obtained for the first time for six clones (Local escape 2n=96, Nepal 2n=72, NG 77-77 2n=108–112, NG 77-199 2n=166, US 57-60-2 2n=20, and US 68-1-4 2n=38). Bivalent chromosome pairing predominated in all clones. Meiotic irregularity (numeric aberrations, univalents, multivalents, and telophase II micronuclei) tended to be associated with taxonomic grouping and level of polyploidy. Clones in Erianthus, Miscanthus, and Narenga were apparent euploids (2n=20–60) and tended to have fewer meiotic irregularities than Saccharum clones. Differences in level of meiotic stability among taxonomic groups may reflect error in chromosome association and synapsis associated with high chromosome number.  相似文献   
引进前苏联陆地棉种质资源主要农艺及经济性状鉴定研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
针对国内棉花生产发展的需要,在石家庄地区自然条件下,我们对引进前苏联的129份和国内的72份陆地棉种质资源的农艺性状、产量及产量因子和纤维品质等性状进行了系统的同步鉴定研究,结果表明:引进材料同国内材料相比,生育期相差不大,引进材料具有株高较矮、果枝节位较低,铃重较高,纤维较整齐,强度高,细度好的特点,而且,在果枝数、叶枝数、单株铃数、单铃重、衣分、子指、纤维整齐度、纤维伸长率等性状的变异潜力和变化幅度均大于国内种质资源。通过系统同步鉴定,筛选出早熟、矮秆、高衣分、高子指、长纤维、高强度和细度好等不同特性的优异材料44份,改善了我国棉花种质资源缺乏的现状。  相似文献   
小麦白粒种质资源抗穗发芽性的配合力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒋国梁  陈兆夏 《作物学报》1998,24(4):491-496
用我国抗穗发芽性显著不同的21个白粒小麦品种(系)及1个红皮品系为材料,分别配成5×6、4×7和7×5三套NCⅡ交配设计,以穗发芽率为指标对杂种F_1及亲本进行配合力分析。结果一般配合力方差达极显著水平,特殊配合力方差亦显著或极显著,基因加性效应起主要作用。抗性亲本对杂种抗穗发芽性表现的作用显著大于敏感亲本,其平均穗发芽率与其一般配合力效应间相关较高,平均相关系数为0.816。穗发芽抗性遗传力较高,广义遗传力和狭义遗传力平均分别为83.30%和58.96%,可以在杂种早代-中代对其进行选择。涪陵须须麦、万县白麦子、遂宁坨坨麦、万雅M120E6、丰产3号等具有较好的一般配合力,可作为优良白粒抗源在育种中利用。  相似文献   
优质稻核心种质青六矮1号及其衍生品种的性状相关性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对青六矮1号及其衍生品种(品系)的相关分析表明: 产量与有效穗数呈极显著正相关, 与每穗总粒数和每穗实粒数呈显著负相关; 倒三叶长与倒二叶长呈极显著正相关, 与着粒密度呈显著负相关, 与粒长呈显著正相关, 与垩白率呈显著负相关, 与垩白度呈极显著负相关, 与胶稠度呈显著正相关, 与直链淀粉含量呈显著负相关. 主成分分析表  相似文献   
Summary Diverse landraces of wheat, collected from the semi-arid (150 to 250 mm of total annual rainfall) Northern Negev desert in Israel were considered as a potential genetic resource of drought resistance for wheat breeding. These materials were therefore evaluated for their reponses to drought stress in agronomical and physiological terms. Up to 68 landraces, comprising of Triticum durum, T. aestivum, and T. compactum were tested in two field drought environments, in one favourable field environment, under post-anthesis chemical plant desiccation which revealed the capacity for grain filling from mobilized stem reserves, under a controlled drought stress in a rainout shelter and in the growth chamber under polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced water stress. Biomass, grain yield and its components, harvest index, plant phenology, canopy temperatures, kernel weight loss by chemical plant desiccation, growth reduction by PEG-induced drought stress and osmotic adjustment were evaluated in the various experiments.Landraces varied significantly for all parameters of drought response as measured in the different experiments, which was in accordance to their documented large morphological diversity. Variation in grain yield among landraces under an increasing drought stress after tillering was largely affected by spike number per unit area. Kernel weight contributed very little to yield variation among landraces under stress, probably because these tall (average of 131 cm) landraces generally excelled in their capacity to support kernel growth by stem reserve mobilization under stress. Yield under stress was reduced with a longer growth duration of landraces only under early planting but not under late planting. Landraces were generally late flowering but they were still considered well adapted phenologically to their native region where they were always planted late.Landraces differed significantly in canopy temperature under drought stress. Canopy temperature under stress in the rainout shelter was negatively correlated across landraces with grain yield (r=0.67**) and biomass (r=0.64**) under stress. Canopy temperature under stress in the rainout shelter was also positively correlated across landraces (r=0.50**) with canopy temperature in one stress field environment. Osmotic adjustment in PEG-stressed plants was negatively correlated (r=–0.60**) with percent growth reduction by PEG-induced water stress. It was not correlated with yield under stress in any of the experiments. In terms of yield under stress, canopy temperatures and stem reserve utilization for grain filling, the most drought resistant landrace was the Juljuli population of T.durum.  相似文献   
通过对六堡茶种质资源进行调查,发现六堡茶品种资源在苍梧全县、藤县金鸡镇、岑溪市南渡镇等地均有分布,以苍梧县六堡镇、狮寨镇为主要分布地。这些茶原料的水浸出物含量为46.6%~56.4%,茶多酚含量为32.2%~49.7%,氨基酸含量为2.7%~5.2%,咖啡碱含量为2.7%~6.6%,儿茶素含量为17.5%~24.6%,适制六堡茶和红茶。  相似文献   
棉花种质资源收集鉴定与创新利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
十二五期间通过对我国西南地区、南海诸岛、及国外野生棉起源中心实地考察和广泛征集,新收集国内外棉花种质资源1220份,其中陆地棉986份、海岛棉176份、亚洲棉58份,所收集种质均已入国家中期库保存。收集的棉花种质资源分别在河南安阳、海南三亚、新疆阿拉尔进行主要农艺经济性状鉴定和特性鉴定。通过SSR(Simple sequence repeat)分子标记、重测序等技术对收集到的种质进行了分子鉴定,筛选到大量与纤维品质、抗黄萎病、抗旱、抗草甘膦显著关联的基因。在收集保存的种质资源基础上,通过辐射诱变、远缘杂交、复合杂交创造出优质、高产、抗逆等优异种质资源。通过展示向全国科研院所及公司发放棉花种质19 191份次。  相似文献   
为筛选出适合新疆种植的综合性状较优的水稻种质资源,对国、内外355份水稻资源的17个质量性状和20个数量性状进行综合评价。结果表明:在质量性状指标中穗抽出度、二次枝梗、穗立形态、叶片茸毛和分蘖力上表现出丰富的变异类型;数量性状变异范围为3.906%~57.519%,遗传多样性指数为1.713~2.067。通过对数量性状进行聚类分析将355份水稻种质资源划分为4大类群,类群Ⅰ属于极端粒型的特异性种质,共97份;类群Ⅱ属于潜在增产种质,共81份;类群Ⅲ属于晚熟极端种质,共94份;类群Ⅳ属于优质高产种质,共83份。20个数量性状利用主成分分析提取5个综合因子,累计贡献率为74.989%,各成分的贡献率分别为17.472%(PC1)、17.071%(PC2)、15.738%(PC3)、15.237%(PC4)和9.429%(PC5);水稻种质资源的综合得分范围为0.416 8~1.240 8,综合得分前10名的种质资源依次为‘21Y137’‘21Y271’‘21Y162’‘21Y280’‘21Y276’‘21Y87’‘21Y132’‘21Y254’‘21Y294’‘21Y318’,均属于类群Ⅳ...  相似文献   
百合种球活力改良外源技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高百合种球活力研究的系统性,文章从种球活力外源改良技术研究的有关进展入手,包括种球品质复壮技术、采后处理技术和播前处理技术等三大方面,系统阐述组织培养、脱毒、扦插、种球更新、提纯复壮、冷藏处理和播前处理的理化调节技术等应用进展,认为这些外源技术的应用直接受品种、类型、状态、环境、处理等因素影响,改良效果存在差异,建议百合种球外源改良技术的研发应用宜依托种质创新、种球活力生理等基础研究,形成较为完备的种球品质精准改良技术的研发体系,以推动中国百合种球国产化繁育工作健康发展。  相似文献   
大麦资源鉴定评价及优异种质筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在"七五"到"九五"期间我国对1万余份大麦遗传资源的农艺性状和抗病、抗逆、品质等特征特性的鉴定、评价,筛选出一批具有一种或一种以上的优良性状的遗传资源.本文主要对各种类型的优异种质进行评述并提供可利用的优良品种,为大麦育种及基因资源的研究提供依据.  相似文献   
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