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Size and composition of the weed seedbank was assessed after 12 years of application of four tillage systems in two crop rotations. Mouldboard and chisel ploughing at 45 cm, minimum tillage at 15 cm and no tillage were compared in continuous winter wheat and a pigeon bean/winter wheat 2-year rotation. Weed control was based upon post-emergence herbicide application. Weed seedling emergence from soil samples taken at 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm depths was assessed in a non-heated glasshouse for 12 months. The tillage system influenced weed seedbank size and composition to a much greater extent than crop rotation. Total weed seedling density was higher in no tillage, minimum tillage and chisel ploughing plots in the 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm layers respectively. Density in the whole (0–45 cm) layer did not differ significantly among tillage systems. With no tillage, more than 60% of the total seedlings emerged from the surface layer, compared with an average 43% in the other tillage systems. Crop rotation did not influence either weed seedbank size or seedling distribution among soil layers, and only had a small influence on major species abundance. The weed seedbank was dominated (>66%) by Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. and Amaranthus retroflexus (L.), which thrived in chisel ploughing and no tillage respectively. Results suggested that crop rotation and substitution of mouldboard ploughing by non-inversion tillage (especially by minimum tillage) would not result in increased weed problems, whereas use of no tillage might increase weed infestations because of higher seedling recruitment from the topsoil.  相似文献   
The relation between the frequency of legume crops in a rotation and the root rot severity in pea was examined in a field survey. Additionally, greenhouse experiments were performed with soil samples from legume rotation trials or from farmers' fields. The frequency of pea crops in current rotations proved to be much less than the recommended value of one in six years. The correlation between pea root rot and the number of years that pea or other legumes were not grown on the field under consideration (called crop interval) was weak. Root rot severity correlated better with the frequency of peas or legumes in general over a period of 18 years, but the frequency still explained only a minor fraction of the variation in disease index. Some experimental data pointed to the occurrence of a highly specific pathogen microflora with continuous cropping of only one legume species, but this phenomenon probably does not occur in farmers' fields. In field samples, root disease index for pea correlated well with that for field bean. The survival of resting structures of pathogens such asAphanomyces euteiches probably explains why the frequency of legume cropping has a higher impact than crop interval on root disease incidence. Pea-free periods and legume frequencies have a poor predictive value for crop management purposes.  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of a 2 × 2 factorial experiment on bush snap beans ‘Oregon 1604’. The treatments were 2 contrasted irrigation regimes and 2 contrasted plant densities, and were applied in 1978 and repeated in 1979. Data were collected on the number of flowers and pods, and pod size, at each node of the terminal inflorescence (6-T) of the main stem, and at each node of the oldest inflorescence (2-A) at Node 2. High and low plant densities were 45 and 18 plants m?2 in 1978 and 54 and 33 plants m?2 in 1979. High temperatures, frequently above 32°C, prevailed during bloom and pod development in 1978, but for the most part occurred only during the week prior to bloom in 1979. Inflorescences 6-T and 2-A usually formed 4 and 3 RN's, respectively, in 1978 and 3 and 2 RN's in 1979. The flowers at the proximal nodes of each inflorescence all opened within a few days of one another (duration of flowering at proximal nodes between 3 and 5 days); the flowering-periods of adjacent nodes overlapped, and the flowering period increased acropetally within the inflorescence (duration of flowering at distal nodes between 7 and 13 days). In general, number of flowers, pods formed, pods harvested and percent set decreased acropetally within each inflorescence. The rate of acropetal decline was lessened by high irrigation or low plant density. In both years, high irrigation increased the percent set of all RN's of the 2-A inflorescences, but few other consistent effects between years were observed. The 2 most proximal RN's together produced 93% or more of the yield of each inflorescence. High irrigation significantly increased the total number of pods harvested from these RN's of inflorescences 6-T and 2-A, and low density had a similar effect on 2-A.  相似文献   
潜蝇姬小蜂幼虫空间分布型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用Iwao和Tayla’s回归模型以及6个聚集度指标(C、CA、M^*、M^8/m、I、K),对蚕豆田潜蝇姬小蜂幼虫的空间分布型进行了研究。测定结果属聚集分布,为田间调查及保护天敌提供了依据。  相似文献   
The lipids metabolism of tomato and bean plants during biological control of wilt pathogens (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.lycopersici andF. oxysporum f.sp.phaseoli, respectively) byBacillus subtilis was investigated. The interaction of wilt pathogens with both tomato and bean caused an imbalance and drastic reduction in total lipids, triacylglycerol, sterol and all phospholipd fractions except phosphatidic acid. The application of a formulated biocontrol agent,B. subtilis, eliminated the detrimental effect of both wilt pathogens and consequently prevented catabolism of lipid fractions in both tomato and bean. Moreover, the changes in the lipid fractions as a sensitive monitor for biocontrol of wilt diseases suggest a positive correlation between the application ofB. subtilis and improvement in the host metabolism towards anabolism. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 20, 2006.  相似文献   
Ascochyta blight causes significant yield loss in pulse crops worldwide. Integrated disease management is essential to take advantage of cultivars with partial resistance to this disease. The most effective practices, established by decades of research, use a combination of disease-free seed, destruction or avoidance of inoculum sources, manipulation of sowing dates, seed and foliar fungicides, and cultivars with improved resistance. An understanding of the pathosystems and the inter-relationship between host, pathogen and the environment is essential to be able to make correct decisions for disease control without compromising the agronomic or economic ideal. For individual pathosystems, some components of the integrated management principles may need to be given greater consideration than others. For instance, destruction of infested residue may be incompatible with no or minimum tillage practices, or rotation intervals may need to be extended in environments that slow the speed of residue decomposition. For ascochyta-susceptible chickpeas the use of disease-free seed, or seed treatments, is crucial as seed-borne infection is highly effective as primary inoculum and epidemics develop rapidly from foci in favourable conditions. Implemented fungicide strategies differ according to cultivar resistance and the control efficacy of fungicides, and the effectiveness of genetic resistance varies according to seasonal conditions. Studies are being undertaken to develop advanced decision support tools to assist growers in making more informed decisions regarding fungicide and agronomic practices for disease control.  相似文献   
矮生长豇豆的生育与产量形成   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对春播和秋播矮生长豇豆的生长动态,叶面积形成与效能,结荚与豆荚产量形成特性等进行研究,结果表明,春播矮生长豇豆植株和各个器官的生长动态均呈S形曲线变化。秋播矮生长豇豆虽然无抽蔓期,但其生长动态与春播基本相同,而且植株生长和叶面积都较大,单株结荚稍多,但产量无明显差异。净同化率(NAR)在营养生长过程较高,生殖生长过程较低。本文还讨论了矮生与蔓生长豇豆生育与产量形成的差异。  相似文献   
AC10大豆是以75-23-1-5-15品系经激光红宝石辐照,选衣出75-54红品系,以之为父本,以西德青豆SogleenOgden为线本进行有性杂交,再用红宝石2500V辐射选能而成,具早熟、高产、优质等特点,667m^2产量154.47kg,比对照八个月爆增产30.66%。  相似文献   
南方菜豆花叶病毒(SBMV)主要有2株系:菜豆株系(SBMV-B)和豇豆株系(SBMV-C),血清学方法不能予以区分。根据已报道的核酸序列设计了2对特异引物,进行RT-PCR扩增并克隆到载体Bluescript中,序列测定予以证实后利用随机引物法合成放射性cDNA探针,再进行体外转译合成地高辛UTP标记的RNA探针。2种探针均可分别特异地检测Northernblot膜上的SBMV-B和SBMV-C。RNA探针检测SBMV-B和SBMV-C灵敏度分别为:0.1μg和0.01μg。  相似文献   
PVA渗调对菜豆种子活力及膜透性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文探讨了用PVA渗调处理菜豆种子后,种子活力、抗寒性及膜结构、膜透性和超氧物歧化酶活性的变化。结果表明,0.5%~5%的PVA处理菜豆种子后,其萌发率、生长势、活力指数有不同程度提高,以2%浓度效果最好。-2,2,15,25℃四种温度条件下经PVA处理的种子萌发率、活力指数、发芽速度均高于对照。处理种子的膜结构完整,单位面积电导率降低,超氧物歧化酶活性增加。说明PVA可促进超氧物歧化酶活性和膜的修复与重建。  相似文献   
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