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Focusing on the wolf Canis lupus in Scandinavia as an example, criteria are proposed and an analysis performed to assess the effect on extinction risk of various control policies, while accounting simultaneously for effects of inbreeding depression and potential catastrophic events. Each control policy is characterized by a hunting pressure (the increase caused by hunting of annual mortality rates) combined with a hunting threshold (the population size below which hunting is not permitted). Catastrophes are taken into account by including the persistence of a severe catastrophe in the criterion for population viability. Based on these criteria, the results suggest that only a very limited amount of hunting should be permitted at low population sizes. The results also illustrate the importance of including a long-term perspective in modelling threatened populations.  相似文献   
兰成渝输油管道工程甘陕段全长 5 3 8km ,建设中损坏原地貌和地表植被 ,产生大量的弃土弃渣。经分析计算 ,新增土壤流失量为 3 3 5 5万t,其中弃土弃渣流失量 2 3 19万t ,占流失总量的 69% ;损坏原地貌和植被新增土壤流失量 10 3 6万t。弃土弃渣是土壤流失防治的重点。  相似文献   
干燥介质相对湿度对胡萝卜片热风干燥特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:17,他引:2  
为了探究相对湿度和阶段降湿对热风干燥过程的影响,该文在干燥温度60℃、风速3.0 m/s条件下,研究了相对湿度(20%、30%、40%、50%)及第一阶段相对湿度50%保持不同时间(10、30、60、90 min),第二阶段相对湿度20%下,胡萝卜片的干燥特性和温度变化规律;利用Weibull分布函数对干燥曲线进行拟合并分析干燥过程,结合尺度参数估算水分有效扩散系数;基于复水比、色泽、干燥时间和能耗对不同相对湿度条件下的干燥过程进行评价。研究结果表明:相对湿度保持恒定条件下,干燥速率先上升后下降,且相对湿度越低干燥速率越大。降低相对湿度有利于缩短干燥时间,热风相对湿度20%比50%条件下干燥时间缩短了27.6%;分段降湿干燥条件下,热风相对湿度50%保持30min后降低为20%,其干燥时间比相对湿度恒定为20%条件下缩短了18.5%,干燥过程出现2个升速阶段;Weibull分布函数可以很好地描述胡萝卜恒定湿度和阶段降湿干燥过程。尺度参数α范围在1.864~3.635 h之间,形状参数β值在1.296~1.713之间,水分有效扩散系数在1.17×10-9~2.92×10-9 m2/s之间。对绿红值、复水率、能耗和干燥时间进行综合评价显示,热风相对湿度50%保持30 min干燥条件下绿红值最高为41.4,能耗相比于恒定相对湿度20%条件下减少了6.0%,复水比较高为3.81,综合评分较高为0.91。该文揭示了干燥介质相对湿度对胡萝卜片干燥特性的影响规律,对于优化干燥介质湿度控制策略以提高干燥速率和品质,降低干燥能耗提供了科学依据和技术支持。  相似文献   
为了深入剖析影响区域耕地资源安全驱动因子的作用机理,研究区域耕地资源安全驱动机制。该文以松嫩高平原黑土区巴彦县为例,运用Matlab编程,采用遗传算法对神经网络模型进行改进,结合相关分析法,识别影响耕地资源安全的关键性因子及其与之相关的因子,应用多元回归分析和完全二次回归分析方法,阐明影响因子间的协同作用关系,进而揭示其对耕地资源安全影响的作用机理和驱动机制。结果表明:1)影响研究区耕地资源安全的协同作用关系中,不同影响因子间的协同作用正向和负向交互进行,且不同因子间协同作用大小也不尽相同;2)影响研究区耕地资源安全的自然因素、社会经济因素、生态因素中,自然因素对研究区耕地资源安全起促进作用,社会经济因素和生态因素起抑制作用,且社会经济因素对研究区耕地资源安全的抑制作用最强,生态因素的抑制作用次之;3)在主要影响因子中,土壤质地对耕地资源安全的促进作用最强,pH 值次之,黑土层厚度的促进作用最弱,而高程对耕地资源安全抑制作用最强,水土流失量仅次之,氟的抑制作用最弱。该研究成果可为黑土区耕地资源保护及耕地资源的合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   
The DNDC (DeNitrification-DeComposition)-Rice model, one of the most advanced process-based models for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from paddy fields, has been discussed mostly in terms of the reproducibility of observed methane (CH4) emissions from Japanese rice paddies, but the model has not yet been validated for tropical rice paddies under alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation management, a water-saving technique. We validated the model by using CH4 and nitrous oxide (N2O) flux data from rice in pots cultivated under AWD irrigation management in a screen-house at the International Rice Research Institute (Los Baños, the Philippines). After minor modification and adjustment of the model to the experimental irrigation conditions, we calculated grain yield and straw production. The observed mean daily CH4 fluxes from the continuous flooding (CF) and AWD pots were 4.49 and 1.22?kg?C?ha?1?day?1, respectively, and the observed mean daily N2O fluxes from the pots were 0.105 and 34.1?g?N?ha?1?day?1, respectively. The root-mean-square errors, indicators of simulation error, of daily CH4 fluxes from CF and AWD pots were calculated as 1.76 and 1.86?kg?C?ha?1?day?1, respectively, and those of daily N2O fluxes were 2.23 and 124?g?N?ha?1?day?1, respectively. The simulated gross CH4 emissions for CF and AWD from the puddling stage (2 days before transplanting) to harvest (97 days after transplanting) were 417 and 126?kg?C?ha?1, respectively; these values were 9.8% lower and 0.76% higher, respectively, than the observed values. The simulated gross N2O emissions during the same period were 0.0279 and 1.45?kg?N?ha?1 for CF and AWD, respectively; these values were respectively 87% and 29% lower than the observed values. The observed total global warming potential (GWP) of AWD resulting from the CH4 and N2O emissions was approximately one-third of that in the CF treatment. The simulated GWPs of both CF and AWD were close to the observed values despite the discrepancy in N2O emissions, because N2O emissions contributed much less than CH4 emissions to the total GWP. These results suggest that the DNDC-Rice model can be used to estimate CH4 emission and total GWP from tropical paddy fields under both CF and AWD conditions.  相似文献   
Colonisation by root endophytes can be beneficial to plants growing on acid, nutrient-poor soils. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi can supply herbs with nutrients and may give protection against aluminium toxicity. Two other root colonising fungi, fine endophytes (FE) and dark septate fungi (DSE), are less well known but are potentially of benefit to their host plant. AM fungi are the most prevalent symbionts in herbs at neutral to acidic soil pH. At extremely low pH, fungal growth can be limited and AM colonisation is usually rare. Fine and dark septate endophytes, on the other hand, have been observed more often under these conditions. In order to relate endophyte colonisation to a gradient in soil pH, we investigated root colonisation by AM, FE and DSE in Maianthemum bifolium, Galium odoratum, Mercurialis perennis and Stellaria nemorum, from a range of acidic beech forests. With decreasing pH, colonisation by AM decreased, whereas the other two endophytes increased. AM and FE colonisation were inversely correlated in Maianthemum bifolium. We compared changes in root colonisation with those in chemical composition of soil and leaf samples and found a positive correlation between leaf magnesium concentrations and the presence of DSE in Galium odoratum. Aluminium concentration in Maianthemum bifolium tended to be lower when FE colonisation was high, suggesting a possible role for the fungi in plant protection against Al. We suggest that FE and DSE may replace AM fungi in herbaceous vegetation at extremely low pH, counteracting some of the negative effects of high soil acidity on plants.  相似文献   
基于植被覆盖率的农村居民点整理潜力估算及实证   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为合理估算农村居民点整理潜力,该文提出基于植被覆盖率的农村居民点整理潜力测算新思路。借助植被覆盖率对农村居民点斑块进行分类,通过分析抽样农村居民点斑块的植被覆盖与内部用地结构得到整理潜力修正系数,从而建立基于植被覆盖率修正的农村居民点整理潜力估算模型,并以北京市门头沟区为例展开实证研究。研究结果表明,门头沟区无整理潜力的农村居民点占大多数,具有整理潜力的农村居民点主要集中在经济相对落后的乡镇,并且这部分农村居民点多远离主干道;山区具有中、高整理潜力的农村居民点略多于平原、浅山区,而低整理潜力的农村居民点明显多于平原、浅山区;门头沟区规划整理的农村居民点内部包含有大量农用地,其中建设用地比例只占63.19%~71.54%,但是,第二次土地调查将整个农村居民点都作为建设用地调绘;因而,一些不考虑植被覆盖修正的农村居民点整理潜力测算方法夸大了整理潜力,放大了城乡建设用地增减挂钩的效果。该文为进一步合理估算农村居民点整理理论潜力提供参考。  相似文献   
DEM分辨率对产流产沙模拟影响研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
地形状况决定流域基本特征,因此在进行流域水文过程模拟时,DEM分辨率会影响流域特征参数的提取,进而影响模拟结果。在研究流域模拟过程中DEM分辨率对流域参数提取及产流产沙模拟的影响,选择黄河下游支流洛河卢氏水文站以上流域为研究区,采用Resizecell技术对1:25万DEM图进行单元栅格处理,分别生成100m×100m、200m×200m、300m×300m和400m×400m四种不同分辨率的DEM图;分别模拟四种情况下1997~1999年流域的产流量与产沙量,进而分析DEM分辨率对模拟结果的影响。研究表明:DEM分辨率对亚流域的面积或个数的提取影响不大,但对坡度值的提取影响较大。其中,400m×400m的DEM与100m×100m的DEM相比,1997~1999年产流模拟结果分别相差9.12%、9.71%、19.52%,产沙量模拟结果分别相差42.25%、43.56%、49.70%。因此,在进行流域产流、产沙模拟时,应进行坡度订正。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵沟壑区小流域土壤侵蚀及其预报模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在小流域内建立人工径流试验小区和自然坡面径流试验小区,观测天然降雨条件下的土壤侵蚀现象、土壤侵蚀量和小流域出口治沟骨干工程的淤积量,并对小流域土壤侵蚀进行了分类。在特别界定小流域"坡面侵蚀"、"沟道侵蚀"和沟道"重力侵蚀"词语含义的基础上,建立起坡面侵蚀模数和沟道侵蚀模数的预报模型。该侵蚀预报模型具有较高的精度,适用于年降雨量为430mm左右的黄土丘陵沟壑区。  相似文献   
土壤速效养分空间变异研究   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:34  
选择山西省一年两作和一年一作两种种植制度下的两个自然村作为试点,通过网格方法采取土样,应用土壤养分系统研究法进行了养分分析,并应用传统统计学和半方差函数对土壤养分变异进行了研究。结果表明,不同种植制度下,土壤养分性质均存在着空间变异,受农业传统施肥措施影响较大的N、P和OM,变异相对较大;而Ca、Mg、K、Cu、Fe、Mn等养分,传统施肥投入较少,土壤变异相对较小;土壤养分性质存在半方差结构,拟合模型包括球型、线型和指数型,但同一养分拟合半方差模型不尽相同。即使模型一致,最大相关距离也不一样,而且空间变异性强弱程度也不尽相同。Ca、N、Mn显示有较强的空间相关性,K、P、S显示具有中等的空间相关性。  相似文献   
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