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BACKGROUND: Beta-cypermethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, was applied frequently in the control of health pests including houseflies, Musca domestica L., in China. However, different levels of resistance to beta-cypermethrin were monitored in field strains of houseflies. A strain of M. domestica, 4420-fold resistant to beta-cypermethrin after continuous 25 generations of selection, was used in this paper to determine the mode of inheritance of pyrethroid resistance. RESULTS: The estimated realized heritability (h(2)) of beta-cypermethrin resistance was 0.30 in this resistant strain. Results of bioassays showed no significant difference in values of LD(50) and slope of log dose-probit lines between reciprocal progenies F(1) and F'(1), and yielded values of - 0.10 (F(1)) and - 0.11 (F'(1)) for the degree of dominance (D). Chi-square analysis from responses of self-bred and backcross progenies (F(2), BC(1) and BC(2) respectively) indicated that the null hypothesis, a single gene responsible for resistance, was accepted. The minimum number of independent segregation genes was 0.93 for F(1) by Lande's method. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that beta-cypermethrin resistance in the housefly was inherited as a single, major, autosomal and incompletely recessive factor. These results would provide the basic information for pest management programmes.  相似文献   
为阐明玉米抗南方锈病种质的标记基因型和遗传背景,利用7个与玉米抗南方锈病3个基因连锁的SSR标记鉴定了38份抗病玉米种质的标记基因型,并采用40个多态性SSR标记对39份抗南方锈病的玉米自交系和6个标准测验种进行了遗传多样性研究。结果表明,7个与抗病基因连锁的SSR标记将38份抗病种质鉴定为17种标记基因型,表明可能存在多样的抗性基因组合方式;辽2204等9份种质仅扩增出齐319的标记基因型,沈136和W456仅扩增出W2D的标记基因型;种质LO932未扩增出与齐319、P25和W2D相同的标记,可能携带新的抗南方锈病基因;相近遗传背景的抗性种质分属不同的标记基因型,表明抗病种质可能携带的抗南方锈病基因在育种选择中发生了分离。40对多态性SSR引物在45份自交系中共检测出115个等位基因变异,平均每对引物检测到2.88个等位基因,变异范围为2~4;平均多态性信息含量为0.4649,变化范围为0.1258~0.6951;通过UPGMA聚类分析,39份抗病材料被划分到以标准测验种为代表的6个杂种优势亚群中,与系谱分析基本一致,这为在育种中合理利用抗源提供了信息。  相似文献   
联苯菊酯10%水乳剂的配方研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过正交优化得到联苯菊酯10%水乳剂的最佳配方:联苯菊酯原药10%,二甲苯20%,农乳602#3.5%,Tween-20 2.5%,农乳500#2%,乙二醇4%,有机硅消泡剂0.2%,去离子水补足至100%。最佳生产工艺为:使用高速剪切机,剪切转速6 000r/min,剪切时间4min。该水乳剂pH值5.7~6.5,稀释100倍于(30±2)℃恒温水浴24h未出现浮油、沉油、沉淀,经(54±2)℃热贮14d,分解率〈2%,制剂表面张力低,倾倒性佳。  相似文献   
Newly emerging or re‐emerging diseases are a constant and significant threat to agricultural production, so prompt and accurate identification of the causative agents is required for rapid and appropriate disease management. Classical methods of pathogen detection can be successfully supplemented by next‐generation sequencing (NGS), whereby sequence analysis can help in the discovery of new or emerging diseases. In 2007, hop growers in Slovenia reported the appearance of severely stunted hop plants, a phenomenon that spread rapidly within hop gardens and among farms. Classical diagnostic methods were unable to detect a new pathogen; therefore, single step high‐throughput parallel sequencing of total RNA and small RNAs from plants with and without symptoms was employed to identify a novel pathogen. The sequences were assembled de novo and also mapped to reference genomes, resulting in identification of a novel sequence of Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) in the stunted hop plants. Furthermore, the presence of this novel pathogen on hop was confirmed by RT‐PCR analysis of 59 plants with symptoms from 15 hop gardens, representing the main outbreak locations identified by systematic disease monitoring, and small RNA Illumina sequencing of the bulked RNA sample. The high infectivity of the newly identified CBCVd was also confirmed by biolistic inoculation of two hop cultivars, which developed aggressive symptoms in controlled conditions. This study shows the feasibility of deep sequencing for the identification of causative agents of new diseases in hop and other plants.  相似文献   
利用分子标记提高筛选普感水稻抗病突变体的准确性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 水稻丽江新团黑谷(LTH)是一个云南地方粳稻普感品种,对全球近2 800多个稻瘟病菌生理小种均表现为感病表型。本研究为利用60Co-γ射线辐照处理LTH种子,分单株收获M1代种子。对M2和M3代植株分别进行稻瘟病的自然诱发筛选和人工喷雾接种筛选,以期从LTH中筛选获得抗性提高的突变体。在突变体筛选过程中,我们发现突变体的遗传背景受到零星异交或混杂干扰,这种情况在其他本底抗性水平较高的抗性突变体筛选中往往容易被忽略。为了确保突变体遗传背景的真实性,我们利用分布在水稻12条染色体上的在粳稻LTH与籼稻品种间存在多态性的In/Del标记,分析候选抗性植株是否为LTH纯合背景,以排除杂合假抗性个体。通过两种不同的筛选策略,最终从M3代植株中分别鉴定出1份和4份抗性突变体,为进一步研究LTH普感特性奠定基础。将其中一个LTH抗病突变体分别与野生型LTH和籼稻普感品种CO39进行杂交,获得的F2群体人工喷雾接种稻瘟病菌后调查抗、感植株的分离情况,分析结果显示,该突变体性状符合单个显性基因控制的遗传规律。另外,本研究结果表明:在水稻诱变育种工作中,不仅要做到充分隔离,还需借用分子标记辅助剔除零星意外串粉造成的杂合假突变体,以提高水稻突变体筛选的准确率。  相似文献   
Cytb分子标记技术在物种鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞色素b(Cytochrome b,Cytb)基因作为一种线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)分子标记,其结构和功能是mtDNA的13个蛋白质编码基因中了解得最清楚的基因。它的进化速度适中,一个较小的基因片段就包含着从种内到种间、属间乃至科间的进化遗传信息,被认为是解决分类及系统进化问题可信的分子标记之一,目前,在很多领域已经得到了广泛的应用。本文将简要介绍Cytb基因及其研究方法,重点总结和归纳Cytb分子标记在物种鉴定中的应用现状并对其应用中的问题及发展趋势做一阐述。  相似文献   
In practice, the content of standardized ileal digestible AA in complex feeds for pigs is calculated on the basis of tabulated values for individual feedstuffs. It comes into question, however, whether this truly reflects an accurate content based upon the estimate made for the individual feedstuffs. The objective of this study was to compare standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of crude protein (CP) and selected AA in complex feeds for grower and finisher pigs either calculated or experimentally determined. Six diets with increasing AA levels were prepared for grower (BW from 30 to 70 kg) and finisher (BW from 70 to 120 kg) feed. Crystalline L‐lys, DL‐met and L‐thr were added to both diets, L‐trp and L‐val only to the grower feed. SID of both CP and AA was calculated from feed tables and experimentally determined in six adult minipigs (MINILEWE) with ileorectal anastomosis. With increasing AA levels, experimentally determined SID of supplemented AA increased (p < 0.05), but SID of CP (p  0.05) was not affected. In both grower and finisher feed, calculated and experimentally determined SID of CP, Met, Cys, Trp, Ile and Tyr differed by more than 2% units, but those of Lys and His only in the finisher feed. Yet this effect was not directly consistent. The margin of error following estimation of SID of AA via tabulated values for individual feedstuffs, however, seems to be acceptable for practical use.  相似文献   
【目的】试验旨在揭示终端父本皮特兰猪与杜洛克猪在人工选择作用下重要经济性状呈现出表型趋同的基因组变化特征。【方法】利用376头皮特兰猪、451头杜洛克猪品系Ⅰ、841头杜洛克猪品系Ⅱ和497头杜洛克猪品系Ⅲ群体的50K SNP芯片数据,以100 kb窗口、50 kb步长计算综合单倍型评分(iHS)和等位基因频率差(△AF),分别取前5%作为猪群体内、群体间的基因组选择信号候选区域;利用bedtools分别对iHS、△AF按照左右200 kb进行合并,每2个群体间合并后的iHS、△AF统计量的重叠区域定义为性状趋同区域,并挖掘该区域与猪重要经济性状相关的平行选择信号。【结果】iHS结果显示,在皮特兰猪和杜洛克猪4个群体内共检测到5 112个选择信号候选区域,总长约487.51 Mb。基于△AF方法,于皮特兰猪和杜洛克猪每2个群体间共检测到9 579个选择信号显著区域,总长约913.50 Mb。基于合并后的iHS和△AF,共检测到52个性状趋同区域,总长约4.67 Mb,注释到88个与猪的繁殖、胴体和肉质等性状相关的平行选择候选基因。【结论】皮特兰猪和杜洛克猪群体间存在性状趋同的基因组选择区域有52个,平行选择信号主要涉及猪的繁殖、胴体及肉质等重要经济性状,这与瘦肉型猪种相同的育种方向相关,这些关键基因的发现可为后续商业猪品种遗传改良提供参考。  相似文献   
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