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Rainfall simulation was used to study the vegetative filter strip (VFS) conditions under which losses of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) leaching occur. Boxes containing silt loam soil were planted with ryegrass and cut at two different intervals prior to simulated rainfall 14 days apart. Grass clippings were either removed or retained. During the second simulated rainfall, runoff TDP and DRP were greater for treatments cut the day before irrigation with clippings retained as compared to treatments cut the same day as irrigation with clippings retained. Removing clippings yielded the lowest mean TDP and DRP concentrations. Increasing the senesced vegetative surface area for contact with water, and the amount of time for leaching to occur, resulted in the greatest DRP loss. The VFS management implications should consider clipping removal or no or reduced mowing during the growing season followed by end-of-season removal to reduce DRP leaching losses.  相似文献   

The usefulness of the nitrate‐specific ion electrode (NE) for the determination of nitrate nitrogen (NO3‐N) in surface and ground water was determined. The NE method had several advantages that made it superior to the phenoldisulfonic acid (PDS) method in our environmental quality studies. Samples could be analyzed quickly and with a minimum of sample preparation. Sample coloration and soluble salts did not interfere with the performance of the electrode. Range of detection without dilution was much wider than by the PDS method. Also, the values obtained by the NE method, although slightly greater than those obtained by the PDS method, were satisfactory.  相似文献   

The release of CO2 from fresh soil at medium moisture was examined for 14 days after the application of gamma‐radiation over the range 0.025 ‐ 10 Mrad. All doses stimulated the release of CO2 compared with non‐irradiated soil, but there was no extra yield of gas between 4 and 10 Mrad. Rapid evolution occurred during irradiation and over the next 24 hours, but towards the end of incubation both irradiated and untreated soil produced CO2 at similar rates.

Studies to elucidate the origin of CO2 indicated that the contribution from enzymes was predominant up to 2 Mrad, but at 10 Mrad, 45% of the gas could be formed by radiolytic decarboxylation of soil organic matter. Consequently, heavy irradiation of soil cannot stop production of CO2, and if high concentrations do interfere with the application of radiation to specific soil research investigations, the gas should be displaced or allowed to diffuse from the sample.  相似文献   

The bismuth sulfide and methylene blue colorimetric finishes for soil sulfate determination by the Johnson‐Nishita distillation method were examined and compared. Both procedures gave comparable results when applied to soils and soil extracts, but the bismuth method was more rapid and more reliable. Nitrogen flow rate over the range 100–500 ml/min was not critical for the bismuth method, provided appropriate distillation times were employed. However, the release and transfer of hydrogen sulfide in the bismuth method was effected in one‐third of the time required for the méthylène blue finish, largely due to the elimination of a gas‐washing step. Predrying of soil extract samples increased recovery of hydrogen sulfide with the bismuth procedure arid could be used to increase sensitivity. Nitrate interference was observed with the bismuth procedure but attributed to interference during the reduction step. The bismuth procedure can readily be adapted for microdetermination in the 0–40 ppm sulfate‐S range.  相似文献   
二次聚类与神经网络结合的日光温室温度二步预测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
精确预测日光温室温度是实现对温室精准调控的前提。由于温室是复杂非线性系统,受室内外众多环境因素影响,且部分因素难以准确测量和建模,因此,难以通过机理分析建立室外因素精确影响室内温度的物理模型。而现有时间序列分析、人工神经网络等仅基于数据的方法预测准确度也较低。本文提出连续时间段聚类与BP神经网络相结合的二步日光温室温度预测方法。首先,进行二次聚类,对室外温度情况相似的日进行聚类,并将全年划分为若干个类似时间段,根据连续时间段内相似日的数量进行聚类,将全年内的连续时间段归入若干类别。其次,对不同类别的时间段,分别采用BP神经网络建立室外温度、相对湿度、太阳辐射、风速和温室室内温度间的关联模型,通过数据训练,能够较为准确的根据室外环境数据预测室内温度。通过涿州实验农场2年数据试验验证,通过二次聚类,全年连续时间段可划分为3类,通过分别建立BP神经网络并分别训练,结果表明本方法预测误差仅为6.23%,与现有未分类的BP神经网络预测算法对比,本文方法有效地提高了准确度,平均误差降低5.4个百分点。  相似文献   

When sugarbeet seedlings are transferred from a complete nutrient solution to one from which Ca has been withheld, the rootlets and tops fail to develop. The same transfer at the eight‐leaf stage causes the rootlets to become stubby and swollen at the tips and blade expansion becomes modified; particularly the upper portions of the blades attaining nearly full development, which pucker and often develop a cupping or hooding effect; a unique symptom characteristic of Ca deficiency. As each new leaf develops, the blade area becomes smaller until only a black tip remains at the apex of the petiole, which is the symptom referred to as tip‐burn for this petiole and the successively . shorter petioles formed as Ca deficiency increases in severity. Strangely, these symptoms also appear during periods of rapid growth when the nutrient solution contains as much as 10 to 28 milliequivalents per liter of Ca or when soils are high in Ca. This implies that Ca absorption and possibly translocation limits the Ca supply at the growing point. Increasing Mg in the nutrient solution decreases Ca uptake and increases Ca deficiency. Potassium deficiency, unexpectedly, induces Ca deficiency apparently by decreasing the translocation of Ca to the growing point.

These phenomena suggest the hypothesis that when ion absorption takes place from the root exchange site that has the affinity for H > Ca > Mg > K > Na, then the H generated internally replaces, and the roots absorb, Na, K and Mg preferentially. Externally, Ca would be adsorbed preferentially from the nutrient solution by the exchange complex, and with the addition of Mg, it would compete for the common adsorption site of Ca and limit Ca absorption internally. Under these conditions potassium‐deficient nutrient solutions would not induce Ca deficiency by decreasing Ca absorption but rather by decreasing Ca translocation. Theoretically, Ba would replace H more readily than Ca on the exchange complex, and therefore, Ba would be adsorbed preferentially and Ca uptake would increase. This effect of Ba was verified experimentally.

Since the translocation of 45Ca to the growing point was found to be unrestricted under Ca‐sufficient and Ca‐deficient conditions and since the formation of insoluble Ca compounds such as phosphate or oxalate did not account for the Ca deficiency at the growing point, the cause of the Ca deficiency at the growing point is most likely the higher priority of the storage root for Ca over tops when leaf blades and storage root are both expanding rapidly. However, Ca retransport from older to younger parts of the sugarbeet plant may be restricted by the formation of Ca phosphate under Ca‐deficient conditions and Ca oxalate under Ca‐sufficient conditions.

Calcium deficiency increases net photosynthesis per unit blade area initially, probably because of blade puckering, but not on a per unit chlorophyll basis.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was carried out to determine the S response and the plant S content of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars OS‐6 and IR‐20 grown in sandy Apomu soil series under upland conditions.

Sulphur application increased growth and dry matter yield. At low S rates OS‐6 gave higher grain yield than IR‐20. With high S rates, OS‐6 responded more in straw production. The leaf S content was highest during early growth and decreased with plant age. At flower emergence, the blade of the Y‐leaf appeared to be a suitable index for measuring the S status of the plant. The critical S level was estimated at 0.15%. The critical S levels in the grain and straw at harvest were estimated respectively at 0.12%, and 0.10%. The N/S ratios for the grain and straw at harvest appeared not to be a useful index for determining the critical S status of the plant.  相似文献   

The method described here is useful for the quick determination of soil moisture, especially when many determinations are to be made at a time. The only pieces of apparatus required are some wide‐mouthed conical flasks, a few pieces of glass rod and a balance. The principle involves recording the weight of the flask filled with water and soil sample of known weight (A). This flask weight (H), and the predetermined soil particle density (Dp) and weight of the water‐filled flask (G) are then used to calculate moisture percentage (MP) in the soil sample from the formula:

The method was compared with conventional oven‐drying technique for a wide range of soil textures, moisture contents and other contrasting soil properties. The results obtained showed that the accuracy, precision and simplicity of the method are good, particularly for rapid practical uses.  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected under blight‐affected and healthy citrus trees at 30‐day intervals for 24 months, at 20‐to 50‐cm depth. Analyses of water extracts (1:1 soil: water) for K, Ca, Mg, Na, SO4, and Cl showed few differences in cations, but lower anion levels under blighted trees. The cation/anion ratio was significantly higher under blight‐affected trees. Samples collected once at different locations in the same time period showed the same differences. In one location, K was lower and Na higher under healthy trees than under blight‐affected trees, in others K was higher too.  相似文献   

Soil tests should produce data useful for making accurate lime and fertilizer recommendations aimed at optimizing chemical conditions for plant growth or providing available nutrient levels sufficient for maximum yields. In order to attain these objectives, we believe, quicktest‐computed rates have to be made equivalent to actual values through a regression adjustment. Although it may not be most desirable to use this adjustment for each new population of soils, it may be worse to try to use a function derived from one group of soils on a second group not well represented by the first.  相似文献   
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