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利用高效液相色谱法(HPLC),根据二极管阵列检测器和标准品的检测结果对橘红心和白心大白菜内叶类胡萝卜素组分进行鉴定;以橘红心大白菜自交系‘A21530’和白心大白菜自交系‘A21445’为亲本构建了一个269 单株的F2 分离群体,进行橘红心基因精细定位;根据大白菜基因组注释信息,筛选橘红心候选基因并克隆测序分析;基因内部开发标记,在F2 群体进行候选基因验证。研究结果表明,橘红色是由于前番茄红素(7, 9, 7′, 9′–四顺式–番茄红素)、9–顺式–β–胡萝卜素、前链孢红素(7, 9, 9′–三顺式–链孢红素)和其他胡萝卜素组分积累造成的。通过精细定位将橘红心基因定位于A09 号染色体末端,其两侧紧密连锁的标记是SB13037 和SB13049,这两个标记各有一个重组单株,与橘红色基因分别相距0.3 和1.1 cM,物理距离为98.904 kb。根据大白菜基因组注释信息,分析定位区域的23 个基因,筛选出1 个编码类胡萝卜素异构酶的基因CRTISO,基因编号Bra031539。测序结果表明,Bra031539 的编码区有53 个SNP 和6 个碱基缺失,造成12 个氨基酸突变和2 个谷氨酸的缺失。根据缺失突变位点设计标记,在F2 群体中进行验证,结果表明候选基因与橘红心性状共分离。  相似文献   
芹菜NAC转录因子基因AgNAC1的克隆及其对非生物胁迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过RT-PCR方法,从芹菜‘六合黄心芹’和‘文图拉’中分别克隆获得编码NAC转录因子的基因AgNAC1。利用生物信息学方法分析其编码氨基酸序列组成、蛋白质理化性质、亲缘关系、空间结构等,采用荧光定量PCR技术检测基因在不同非生物胁迫下的表达水平。结果表明:‘六合黄心芹’和‘文图拉’AgNAC1开放阅读框长度均为957 bp,编码318个氨基酸,其蛋白质相对分子量分别为36.89和36.77 kD,理论等电点分别为5.94和5.78。AgNAC1蛋白与不同植物中NAC家族成员同源性比对和进化树分析表明,其与胡萝卜DcNAC属于同一个分支,进化距离最近。蛋白功能域预测显示,AgNAC1有多个α螺旋和β转角二级结构单元。荧光定量PCR结果表明,AgNAC1在芹菜叶中表达量最高,具有组织特异性,同时对高温、低温、干旱和盐胁迫均有响应。‘六合黄心芹’中AgNAC1的表达水平在高温处理24 h达到最高。‘文图拉’中AgNAC1的表达水平在高温、低温及盐处理后2 h和8 h高于对照,呈现先下降后上升的趋势,在干旱处理4 h时表达水平最高。  相似文献   
Altitude affects leaf stoichiometry by regulating temperature and precipitation, and influencing soil properties in mountain ecosystems. Leaf carbon concentration(C), leaf nitrogen concentration(N),leaf phosphorous concentration(P), and their stoichiometric ratios of Leontopodium lentopodioides(Willd.)Beauv., a widespread species in degraded grasslands, were investigated to explore its response and adaptation strategy to environmental changes along four altitude gradients(2500, 3000, 3500, and 3...  相似文献   
研究了2014-10—2015-06生长季内6个不同熟性冬小麦品种全生育期内叶片形状系数的变化规律,将小麦生育期划分为出苗、返青、拔节、抽穗、开花、成熟等6个不同生长阶段,依次采样计算各个阶段的α均值,同时考虑α值在单个植株不同叶片之间的差异,以及不同冬小麦品种之间的差异。结果表明:α值总体在0.59到0.71之间,随冬小麦生育期的变化而变化,自苗期到开花期波动增大,开花后缓慢下降;在单个植株之内,α值变异性较大,开花期最为稳定,开花后变异性增加;不同熟性冬小麦品种之间,α值在拔节、抽穗和开花期表现出显著差异,而在出苗、返青和成熟期,差异不显著。因此,建议最好在不同的作物生长阶段采用不同的叶片性状系数,以提高叶面积模拟和预测精度。对全生育期3种熟性6个冬小麦品种的1 485个叶片的面积和长宽乘积进行线性回归分析,可知总体的冬小麦叶片形状系数值约为0.66。以叶面积模型LA=0.66×L×W来估算冬小麦叶片面积,其总体的相对均方根误差(RRMSE)约为4.40%,绝对相对误差(absolute relative error,ARE)约为13.05%,在5种不同叶面积估算模型中精度最高,因此推荐该模型用于估算田间小麦叶片面积。  相似文献   
以荒漠短命植物狭果鹤虱为研究对象,通过野外控制实验,研究叶片被毛(leaf hairs)对狭果鹤虱生理生态特征的影响。结果表明:对于叶片有被毛的植物,模拟凝结水能显著提高叶厚、叶重、叶片水势、净光合速率、气孔导度以及地上生物量(干重),而对根径、根长与地下生物量(干重)表现出较小的效应;对于人工去除叶片被毛的植物,模拟凝结水对其根长、根径、叶厚、叶重、叶片水势、净光合速率、气孔导度、地上与地下生物量的影响不大。由此可知,被毛的存在能显著增加狭果鹤虱叶片吸附凝结水的量,同时也能增强其对干旱环境的适应能力。  相似文献   
通过香蕉内生枯草芽孢杆菌菌株B215对峙培养及其菌体代谢物的活性测定结果表明,B215菌株对香蕉弯孢霉叶斑病原真菌具有很强的拈抗作用,其对峙培养能明显抑制靶标菌菌丝向四周均匀扩展,抑菌带宽度为0.4 cm;菌株滤液的EC50值达5.10%,主要是以代谢产物中的抗菌物质造成孢子和菌丝膨大成球状畸形,原生质外泄,孢子崩溃干瘪,致使病菌丧失侵染和繁殖能力.  相似文献   
Mating type, in vitro sensitivity to the phenylamide fungicide metalaxyl, and mitochondrial (mtDNA) haplotype were determined in some or all of 618 isolates of Phytophthora infestans from the years between 1978 and 1995. A2 mating type occurred infrequently in most but not all years and insensitivity to metalaxyl increased over time. After 1982, the mtDNA Ib haplotype was largely replaced (except for one isolate in 1986 and one in 1995) by two new haplotypes, Ia and IIa. Type Ia was much more common than type IIa.Approximately one quarter of these isolates (165) were compared using two components of fitness associated with aggressiveness (infection frequency × number of sporangia per lesion) on detached leaves of cultivars Maris Piper, Cara and Stirling, which were chosen as exhibiting increasing levels of race non-specific resistance. Isolates were compared with three standard isolates of low, intermediate or high aggressiveness, and the data standardised for comparison between experiments. On cvs. Cara and Stirling, but not on Maris Piper, mtDNA Ia and IIa haplotypes were more aggressive than type Ib in several separate experiments. Similarly, metalaxyl sensitive phenotypes were more aggressive than insensitive phenotypes on Cara and Stirling but not on Maris Piper. The displacement of mtDNA type Ib by types Ia and IIa over this period may have been a result of the lower aggressiveness and lack of complete insensitivity to metalaxyl in type Ib isolates.  相似文献   
Newly emerging or re‐emerging diseases are a constant and significant threat to agricultural production, so prompt and accurate identification of the causative agents is required for rapid and appropriate disease management. Classical methods of pathogen detection can be successfully supplemented by next‐generation sequencing (NGS), whereby sequence analysis can help in the discovery of new or emerging diseases. In 2007, hop growers in Slovenia reported the appearance of severely stunted hop plants, a phenomenon that spread rapidly within hop gardens and among farms. Classical diagnostic methods were unable to detect a new pathogen; therefore, single step high‐throughput parallel sequencing of total RNA and small RNAs from plants with and without symptoms was employed to identify a novel pathogen. The sequences were assembled de novo and also mapped to reference genomes, resulting in identification of a novel sequence of Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) in the stunted hop plants. Furthermore, the presence of this novel pathogen on hop was confirmed by RT‐PCR analysis of 59 plants with symptoms from 15 hop gardens, representing the main outbreak locations identified by systematic disease monitoring, and small RNA Illumina sequencing of the bulked RNA sample. The high infectivity of the newly identified CBCVd was also confirmed by biolistic inoculation of two hop cultivars, which developed aggressive symptoms in controlled conditions. This study shows the feasibility of deep sequencing for the identification of causative agents of new diseases in hop and other plants.  相似文献   
奶牛乳腺上皮细胞(BMECs)在奶牛泌乳期代谢旺盛,导致活性氧(ROS)大量产生,从而诱发氧化应激.辣木叶多糖(MLP)能有效清除ROS和自由基,但其是否具有缓解BMECs氧化损伤的潜力尚不清楚.因此,本文以MLP为添加剂,探究其对过氧化氢(H2O2)诱导BMECs氧化损伤的保护作用.本试验首先将分离的BMECs置于含...  相似文献   
水稻卷叶性状QTL的初步定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以水稻平展叶品种Ketan Nangka和剑叶中度卷曲的广超丝苗杂交F1衍生的185个F2单株为定位群体,利用110个微卫星标记(SSR)对卷叶基因进行初步定位.在全基因组内构建分子遗传连锁图谱并进行QTL检测,在第4染色体长臂上定位到1个卷叶QTL(qRL-4-1).它来自广超丝苗,与标记RM5473紧密连锁,加性效应为1.005,显性效应为-0.220,对表型的贡献率为7.27%,可能是一个新发现的QTL.同时在第5染色体长臂上定位到2个卷叶QTLs(qRL-5-9和qRL-5-10),两侧的标记分别为RM291-RM161和RM161-RM294,加性效应分别为1.812和1.347,显性效应分别为0.119 6和0.141 7,对表型的贡献率分别是16.08%和27.98%,其卷叶效应也来自广超丝苗,这2个位点验证了前人的研究结果.广超丝苗生育前期叶片并不表现卷曲,至生育后期才表现卷曲,其叶片卷曲基因在水稻株型育种上可能有较好的实用价值.  相似文献   
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