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吉林省菜豆地方品种资源研究及利用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省气候寒冷,菜豆资源丰富。其中的油豆、花皮类型品种资源栽培区域性强,其荚宽、肉厚,呈宽刀形,荚宽可达2.5cm。荚色以绿色、花色为主,绿色荚品种占76%,花皮品种占22%。种皮色以花色为主,占资源总数的62%,种子粒大,千粒重最高达700g。且品种名称生动、形象,具有地方特色。  相似文献   
We investigated the tolerance to weed harrowing of four spring barley varieties and examined the possible interactions between varietal weed suppressive ability and two nutrient levels. Tolerance was defined as the combined effect of crop resistance (ability to resist soil covering) and crop recovery (the ability to recover in terms of yield). The weed harrowing strategy was a combination of one pre‐ and one post‐emergence weed harrowing. In terms of yield, the four varieties responded significantly differently to weed harrowing and the response depended on nutrient level. At the lower nutrient level, weed harrowing caused an increase in yield of 4.4 hkg ha−1 for a strong competitor (cv. Otira), while there was no effect on yield at the higher nutrient level. For a weaker competitor (cv. Brazil), weed harrowing caused no change in yield at the lower nutrient level, whereas yield decreased by 6.0 hkg ha−1 at the higher nutrient level. There were marked differences between the weed suppressive ability of the four varieties when not harrowed, with less pronounced but significant differences when harrowed. Weed harrowing did not change the weed suppressive ability of a variety. Varieties that are tall at post‐emergence harrowing and have increased density after pre‐emergence harrowing, are the ones that benefit most from weed harrowing.  相似文献   
本实验对引进28个白菜新品种进行夏秋季露地栽培品比试验,从地上部生长特性和产量等方面进行测定和比较研究.结果表明:“北京新2号”的株高、开展度和净菜率最大,“北京新1号”的最大叶长和叶宽最大,“京春黄”的单株毛重、单株净重和产量最大.“京春娃娃菜”的平均单株净重最小,产量也最低,但其风味特别好,可作为本地高端市场或特菜种植.综合性状和产量表现较好的品种还有“胜春黄”、“北京新1号”、“黄心大白菜”、“四季春”、“高冷地”和“津秀一号”.  相似文献   
2007年漳州市种子管理站对10个晚稻新品种进行区试,结果表明:区试表现比博优253(对照)增产5%以上、达极显著水平、增产点率达80%以上、综合性状好的品种有谷优嘉6和博优270,建议2008年续试并参加生产试验;表现比对照增产达极显著水平、综合性状较好的品种有元丰优998、特优623、T优55818和T优55856,建议2008年续试;博优586、宜香优1946、博优黄占和Ⅱ优103在区试中表现不理想,建议终止试验。  相似文献   
三种杨树树皮真菌群落的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对毛白杨、陕林4号杨、北京杨不同年龄枝条、树体空间层次的真菌种类、数量及季节动态作了分析,结果表明:三种杨树树皮真菌群落组成不同,链格孢属(Alternaria)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、内脐蠕孢属(Drechslera)、毛壳属(Chaetomium)等为毛白杨上的优势菌种群;链格孢属、曲霉属、木霉属(Trichoderma)、青霉属(Penicillium)等为陕林4号杨的优势菌种群;链格孢属、曲霉属、盾壳霉属(Coniothyrium)、青霉属等为北京杨的优势菌种群。真菌种类及数量在树体空间层次的分布趋势是由上到下逐渐增多;真菌群落季节变化趋势为夏、秋季种类和数量稍高,春、冬季有所减少。  相似文献   
数字图像处理在植物新品种鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着分子生物学和信息技术的发展,指纹图谱技术已成为品种鉴定的重要手段。本文从目前人工鉴定指纹图谱的方法出发,提出了利用计算机的图像处理技术来实现指纹图谱鉴定的方法以及实现技术。  相似文献   
10个红掌品种在生产上的表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱晓东 《热带农业科技》2005,28(2):34-36,41
叙述了在云南西双版纳网棚基质栽培条件下,10个红掌品种的生长和产花表现,讨论了商业品种选择和抗病品种选育对云南热区发展红掌商业种植的重要性。  相似文献   
回顾了从外省和国外引入云南的经济植物,说明由于云南特殊的地理、气候及生物多样性对不同引种植物造成不同的试种结果、发展状况及出现的问题。从而指出在云南高生物多样性森林生态系统条件下,引入外地经济植物种植的有效利用是树种或品种(品系)与当地多样性的适合性配置;可持续发展的种植方式是植物种或品种(品系)的单位种植面积不宜过大,以多种块状混交为宜;减小风险的方式是经10~12年以上的多点种植考验和控制单一种种植比例;发展当地树种风险小,但要保护好当地的生物多样性。  相似文献   
Large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb.) is a shade loving plant grown in the Indian hill states of Sikkim and Dargeeling district of West Bengal. About 30 important tree species are used to provide shade to the cardamom plants. Alnus nepalensis, a deciduous, nitrogen fixing and fast growing tree, is the species most commonly underplanted with cardamom. In addition to providing shade, it is also used for fuelwood. The old trees are cut and young plants coming up are allowed to grow in cyclic order. The quick decomposing leaf litter of A. nepalensis also fertilises the cardamom plants. The nitrogen added to the soil in this way has been found to be as high as 249 kg/ha. Large cardamom thrives well in a moist soil, which is maintained by water diverted from seasonal springs on the upper slopes. The system is well suited to conserving soil, water and tree cover of the characteristically steep slopes of the region. Moreover, the management inputs required for growing cardamom are low but the crop gives a higher financial return than rice or maize. The shade trees used in the system are also a major source of fuel, fodder and timber, especially as access to state owned forests is restricted by legislation. However, increasing incidence of viral chirkey and foorkey disease, panicle rot and capsule borer are reducing the cardamom productivity. It has been observed that integrating dairying and apiculture will further augment profitability from large cardamom agroforestry system.  相似文献   
为科学评价和充分利用花生新品种,本研究运用隶属函数法对12个花生品种品质的5项主要指标进行了综合分析。结果表明,隶属函数值不低于对照‘花育33号’的品种有3个,分别是‘中花224’、‘云花1号’、‘花育9122’,这3个品种综合品质较优,适宜在北方地区种植推广。其中,‘中花224’油酸含量大于75%且O/L>10,可作为优质高油酸花生种质资源利用;‘云花1号’粗蛋白含量相对较高,具有较好的营养品质,可作为优质鲜食花生品种;‘花育9122’含油量较高,可作为油用加工型花生品种。  相似文献   
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