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降雨强度和坡度对细沟形态特征的综合影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
细沟的形态特征研究可揭示坡面侵蚀发生机理,且细沟形态对坡面径流和侵蚀有重要影响;而现有研究仅用细沟密度和细沟宽深比等指标来表征细沟形态,不能全面准确地反映细沟的形态特征。为此基于模拟降雨试验,研究降雨强度和坡度对黄土坡面细沟侵蚀和细沟形态特征的综合影响。试验处理包括3种黄土高原有代表性的侵蚀性降雨(50、75、100 mm/h)和3个细沟侵蚀发生最常见的坡度(10°、15°、20°)。试验结果表明,坡面侵蚀速率和细沟侵蚀速率均随着降雨强度和坡度的增加呈幂函数增加。试验条件下,细沟倾斜度介于16°~20°之间,随着降雨强度的增加而增大,随着坡度的增加而减小;细沟密度、细沟割裂度和细沟复杂度分别为0.74~1.95 m/m2、0.08~0.17和1.09~1.38,三者皆随降雨强度和坡度的增加而增大;细沟宽深比为1.93~2.35,随着降雨强度和坡度的增加而减小。通过相关分析发现,细沟割裂度是评价细沟侵蚀和细沟形态的最优指标;研究降雨强度对细沟形态的影响时,建议优先选用细沟割裂度、细沟复杂度和细沟倾斜度指标;分析坡度对细沟形态的影响时,除选取细沟割裂度外,建议优先选用细沟密度和细沟宽深比指标。细沟横断面主要呈"V形",随着降雨强度和坡度的增加,径流紊动性增强,细沟横断面变化趋于不规则,说明细沟横断面变化可以反映径流的变化特征,从而揭示细沟侵蚀发生机理。  相似文献   
不同水分管理旱直播水稻生长生理与节水效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨东北黑土区水稻高效节水种植模式,于2017年在黑龙江省庆安县采用测坑微区试验,研究了旱直播对水稻光合特性、各器官生物产量、干物质累积速率、根冠比、伤流强度、产量水分利用效率(WUEy)、叶片水分利用效率(WUEl)和产量因子等的影响。试验设置了3个处理:滴灌旱直播(DH)、漫灌旱直播(MH)和常规插秧淹灌(CK),并以CK处理作为对照。结果表明:DH与MH处理的净光合速率Pn(分蘖末期除外)、蒸腾速率Tr、气孔导度Gs、以及叶、鞘、茎、穗等冠部干物质累积量、冠部干物质累积速率(分蘖中期至末期除外)、冠部最大累积速率在整个生育期均低于CK,但WUEl、根部干物质累积量(分蘖前期和中期除外)、根部干物质累积速率、根系活力(分蘖中期与拔节孕穗期除外)均高于CK。3个处理的胞间CO2浓度Ci整个生育期波动幅度不大。根部和总干物质最大累积速率及各生育期根冠比以DH最大,CK最小。DH与MH处理的千粒质量和结实率较CK下降不显著(P0.05),穗长和穗粒数下降显著(P0.05),有效穗数上升显著(P0.05)。DH较CK、MH分别节省灌溉用水63.88%和39.52%,WUEy分别提高2.66倍和1.64倍。滴灌旱直播种植不仅大幅度减少了灌溉用水量,显著提高了水稻的WUEy,而且具有较为可观的经济效益和显著的社会效益。研究结果可为东北黑土区水稻种植模式的选取提供技术支撑,对保障黑土区农业水土资源可持续利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
小良水土保持试验站降雨侵蚀动能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以内蒙巴林右旗为例,详细分析了目前我国北方半干旱草原沙漠化防治中所主要采用的几种方法——围封禁牧、生态移民、舍饲和小草库伦。提出这些方法都属“压力转移模式”,并指出了其失效的各种表现。进而通过分析我国北方半干旱草原沙漠化的主要原因和根本矛盾,指出其失效的根本原因。据此,提出要将“压力转移模式”转向“攻坚模式”才是解决问题的根本出路的见解。  相似文献   
Species composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was analysed in two differently managed mountain grasslands in Thuringia (Germany). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were studied in the roots of 18 dominant plant species from a total of 56 (32%). Additionally, spores of AMF were isolated from soil samples. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species composition was analysed based on 96 sequences of the internal transcribed spacer of the nuclear ribosomal DNA, 72 originated from mycorrhizal roots, and 24 originated from AMF spores. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a total of 19 AMF species representing all genera of the Glomeromycota except Scutellospora and Pacispora. Despite a different farming intensity, resulting in remarkable differences concerning their plant species diversity (27 against 43 plant species), the diversity of AMF was found to be similar with 11 species on the intensively farmed meadow and ten species on the extensively farmed one. Nevertheless, species composition between both sites was clearly different. It thus seems likely that the AMF species composition, but not necessarily the species number, is related to above ground plant biodiversity in the system under study.  相似文献   
基于1∶5万和1∶50万2种不同比例尺的数字高程模型(DEM),结合土地利用类型、植被覆盖度等指标,对试验区土壤侵蚀强度进行了分级,并对不同比例尺DEM求算的坡度差异及其对土壤侵蚀强度分级的影响进行了分析。结果表明:1∶50万DEM较1∶5万DEM综合了大量信息,求算的坡度整体上偏小而使分级结果多集中在微度侵蚀区;不同地貌单元受DEM信息综合的影响不同,地形平坦的山前岗地区受影响最大,而地形复杂的中山区受影响相对较小。  相似文献   
放牧对小嵩草草甸土壤酶活性及土壤环境因素的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
观测了放牧对高寒小嵩草草甸土壤酶活性及土壤环境因素的影响,结果表明:①随着放牧压力的增大,植被盖度、地上生物量、土壤有机质、全氮、硝态氮、全磷、有效磷、土壤水分明显下降,而地下生物量、土壤容重、pH及根土比呈现增大趋势,不同放牧处理间植物群落特征及土壤理化特性显示出明显的差异(P0.05);②纤维素分解酶、多酚氧化酶、脲酶、蛋白酶、碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性均随放牧压力增大而下降,只有过氧化氢酶以轻牧最高,各处理间上述土壤酶活性差异程度不同;③随着土壤深度的增加,土壤水分含量、地下生物量、根土比、土壤有机质及氮、磷养分等明显下降,而土壤容重和pH逐渐增大,且不同层次之间存在显著的差异(P0.05);④除过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶外,其它土壤酶活性随土壤深度的加深显著减小。  相似文献   
Tillage trials were established on a poorly drained silty loam overlying silty clay loam and on a freely drained sandy loam overlying medium sand, in 1988 and 1989, respectively. Autumn and spring ploughing and two ploughless systems were compared for 12–13 years, with three replications at each site. The ploughless treatments comprised deep versus shallow spring harrowing until 1999, and thereafter autumn plus spring harrowing versus spring harrowing only. In 6 years, treatments with and without fungal spraying of the cereal crops were included. In other years, fungicides were not used. Perennial weeds were controlled by herbicides as necessary, on nine occasions up until 2001. Average spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and spring oat (Avena sativa L.) yields were similar with spring ploughing as with autumn ploughing at both sites. In treatments without ploughing, average yields on the silty loam over clay were 93% of those obtained with ploughing, and on the sandy loam over sand they were 81%. Smaller and non-significant yield differences were found between spring harrowing versus deep spring harrowing, and between autumn plus spring harrowing versus spring harrowing only. Fungal spraying increased yields markedly at both sites (25%), but there was no significant interaction between this treatment and tillage system. Oat was compared with barley in 2 years, with oat performing better under ploughless tillage. At both sites increases in penetrometer resistance occurred in the topsoil of unploughed treatments. These were considered particularly limiting on the sandy loam. On the silty loam there was an increase in surface horizon porosity in the absence of ploughing, which was associated with an increase in topsoil organic matter content. On this soil there was also a tendency toward lower penetrometer resistance at >30 cm depth on autumn plus spring harrowed soil than on ploughed soil, indicating that the plough pan may have diminished. This was supported by observations of greater earthworm activity on unploughed soil. Soil chemical analyses revealed that mineral N and plant-available P and K accumulated in the upper horizon under ploughless tillage. The percentage yields obtained in individual years with autumn as opposed to spring ploughing, were positively correlated with air temperature during 0–4 weeks after planting on the silty loam, and with precipitation during 0–12 weeks after planting on the sandy loam. In the case of yields obtained with spring harrowing only, relative to spring ploughing, positive correlations were found with 0–4 week temperature on both soil types, suggesting that low early season temperatures may limit yields under ploughless tillage.  相似文献   
不同降雨强度对营养盐垂向迁移过程和淋失量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
云南抚仙湖流域农田面源污染日益严重,土壤污染物主要随地表径流进入湖泊,使湖泊受到污染。但目前的现场观测表明,农田区浅层地下水也已受到污染,地下水已成为污染物输移的路径之一。通过四组不同降雨强度作用下的室内土柱试验模拟土壤污染物向地下水的淋失迁移量,对降雨入渗过程中总氮、总磷、铵态氮和硝态氮的垂向迁移过程进行了分析,通过分时段处理来对各组实验中营养盐累积淋失量进行了计算。结果表明,硝态氮的垂向迁移能力和出流浓度均大于铵态氮,总氮和总磷的累积淋失量与累积降雨量呈自然对数关系;降雨强度对总氮的淋失作用明显,对总磷淋失量的影响则相对较弱。实验结果有助于揭示抚仙湖流域降雨作用下农田土壤中污染物的垂向迁移过程及其对农田浅层地下水的污染机制,并为污染物垂向迁移的数学模拟提供数据基础。  相似文献   
放牧强度对高寒混播草地土壤养分含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
垂穗披碱草/星星草混播草地三个放牧季的牦牛放牧试验结果表明:①放牧强度和土壤层深度对有机质含量的影响均达到极显著的水平(P<0.01),且土壤有机质含量随放牧强度的增加呈下降趋势;②放牧强度对土壤速效氮和速效磷的影响不显著(P>0.05),对速效钾的影响显著(P<0.05);不同土壤层速效氮和速效钾含量之间的差异显著(P<0.05),速效磷含量之间的差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
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