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通过构建光照强度与浮游植物生物量和群落结构特征参数的关系曲线,为三峡水库水华预测预报模型的构建提供基础数据,同时也为水库调度的方案提供理论依据。基于三峡水库野外原位观测数据的分析结果,针对性设计不同梯度光照强度下浮游植物的生长演替规律室内控制实验。结果表明:(1)光照是影响浮游植物生物量和多样性的关键要素,光照强度0~4 500 lx,浮游植物的生物量随着光照强度的增加而增加,在光照强度为4 500 lx时,浮游植物生物量达到最大,但光强超过4 500 lx之后,浮游植物的生物量随着光照强度的增加而减少;光照强度0~1 500 lx,浮游植物群落多样性随着光强的增加而增加,在光照强度为1 500 lx时,浮游植物群落多样性达到最大;光照强度1 500~4 500 lx,浮游植物群落多样性随着光照强度的增加而减少;当光强超过4 500 lx,浮游植物群落多样性随着光照强度的增加而增加;(2)从制定三峡水库生态调度方案的角度来看,当光照强度在1 500 lx时,浮游植物生物量达到最低,此时其群落多样性达到最大,为最佳的调度方案光照参数;(3)浮游植物生物量(y)与光照强度(x)的关系为:y=2×10~(-8)x~3-5×10~(-4)x~2+3.1923x-122.92(R~2=0.934,P0.01),两者极显著相关;多样性指数(y)与光照强度(x)的关系式为:y=2×10~(-12)x~3-3×10~(-8)x~2+10~(-4)x+0.3266(R~2=0.554,P0.01),两者极显著相关。  相似文献   
近年来,我国淡水湖泊富营养化现象日益严重,藻类大量生长导致水体光照强度减弱,水生植物严重衰退。为了解水体光照强度减弱对生活在沿岸带草丛中的浮游甲壳动物分布情况的影响,本研究于2015年5月至2015年11月在水族箱中通过移植苦草并覆盖不同层黑色遮阳布来建立4个光照梯度(L1- L4),其透光率分别是40.5%、17.1%、7.1%和2.8%,来模拟自然条件下沿岸带浮游甲壳动物群落对低光压力的响应,分析了水体理化指标、苦草和浮游甲壳动物群落结构变化。结果表明:(1)从不同的光照处理来看,浮游甲壳动物生物量随光照强度减弱而减少,其平均值分别是1.27 mg/L、0.99 mg/L、0.95 mg/L和0.45 mg/L,丰度和多样性也随光照强度减弱逐渐降低;(2)与其他3个处理组相比,L4组中除了锯缘真剑水蚤相对生物量百分比从5%升高到25%,其他种类都有所下降,其中晶莹仙达溞从50%降至9%;(3)浮游甲壳动物的平均生物量在秋季(1.28 mg/L)大于夏季(0.54 mg/L),而夏季(83.79 ind./L)平均丰度大于秋季(53.59 ind./L)。统计分析表明浮游甲壳动物群落结构变化与光照强度和苦草生长引起的水体理化的变化显著正相关,主要是溶解氧和pH值。  相似文献   
A reduction in light intensity may increase shrimp activity, although it may also negatively affect the development of photoautotrophic organisms present in biofilm, an important natural food source for shrimp. This experiment evaluated the influence of light intensity on biofilm development and on the growth of cultured Farfantepenaeus paulensis juveniles. Six cages were deployed in a shrimp culture pond and stocked with 60 juveniles (0.72 ± 0.03 g). Three cages were randomly chosen and covered with five layers of polyamide net to reduce light incidence (shaded treatment), while the other three cages were not covered (control treatment). Biofilm chlorophyll a and microorganism abundance, as well as shrimp growth, were monitored during the experiment. Chlorophyll a concentration and the abundance of bacteria and flagellates were significantly lower in the shaded treatment (P<0.05). After 75 rearing days, shrimp stocked in control treatment achieved significantly higher (5.98 g) (P<0.05) mean weight than shrimp reared in shaded treatment cages (5.13 g). Similarly, the biomass produced was also significantly higher (P<0.05) in the control treatment (322.92 g) than in the shaded treatment (287.31 g). The results of this study demonstrate that light intensity has a huge influence on shrimp performance mainly due to the increase in natural food availability.  相似文献   
光照强度对沉水植物生长和光合作用影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沉水植物作为重要的初级生产者,在水生生态系统中有着非常重要的作用。沉水植物的生长和分布受到诸多环境因子的影响,其中水下光照强度、水温和矿质元素等是重要的因子。本文综述了光照强度对沉水植物生长和光合作用影响的研究进展,总结了沉水植物对弱光在形态和生理上的适应机制,并对目前研究中存在的问题和今后的研究方向进行了展望,以期为进一步开展沉水植物生理生态学研究及受损生物群落的恢复提供科学参考。  相似文献   
电麻醉对西伯利亚鲟幼鱼行为特性与血清离子浓度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了不同强度电麻醉对西伯利亚鲟幼鱼行为特性与血清离子浓度的影响。西伯利亚鲟电麻醉阶段包括部分失去平衡期、完全失去平衡期、完全麻醉期和鳃动停止期等4个时期。电麻醉时西伯利亚鲟呈现趋阳性;随着电压升高,到达各麻醉阶段时间与恢复时间逐渐缩短。西伯利亚鲟到达完全麻醉期时间在15 V、20 V、25 V、35 V组间均有显著差异,在30 V与35 V时分别仅为97.0 s和68.8 s,而恢复时间为0 s。各试验组西伯利亚鲟在电麻醉时鳃动频率均增加,而恢复阶段均降低。电麻醉对西伯利亚鲟摄食与活动状态均无显著影响。随着电压升高,钾离子与镁离子浓度先下降后上升,钙离子则先上升后下降。钠离子与氯离子浓度变化较大,均是15 V组时浓度最低,20 V时浓度最高。磷离子浓度呈现增高趋势。pH值在麻醉后降低,对照组与其余各组均有显著性差异。因此西伯利亚鲟幼鱼适宜电麻醉强度为25~30 V,电麻醉是种较好的麻醉方法,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
芋根江蓠(Gracilaria blodgettii)是江蓠属一种经济海藻,可作为琼胶工业原料和鲍鱼饲料,目前已经在中国南方池塘进行试验栽培。为了探讨适合其栽培的生态条件,文章分别测定了在不同温度(18 ℃、23 ℃、28 ℃、33 ℃和38 ℃)、不同盐度(13、18、23、28、33和38)和不同光照强度(3 000 lx、6 000 lx、9 000 lx和12 000 lx)的培养条件下,芋根江蓠藻体的相对生长速率(RGR)和生化组分的变化。结果表明,芋根江蓠适宜生长温度为23~38 ℃,最适温度为28~33 ℃;适宜盐度为18~38,最适盐度为23~33;适宜光照强度为6 000~9 000 lx,最适宜生长光照强度为9 000 lx。在最适的环境条件下,藻体具有较高的日相对生长速率(RGR),藻胆蛋白和可溶性蛋白(SP)的质量分数最高,过氧化物酶(POD)的活性及丙二醛(MDA)的质量摩尔浓度最低,受环境的胁迫最小。在生长状态、光合色素和抗氧化等方面,芋根江蓠具有适应高温和中、高盐度环境条件的特性。  相似文献   
温度、光强和密度对条斑紫菜壳孢子放散的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨玲  何培民 《海洋渔业》2004,26(3):205-209
在实验室内可控条件下,用充气培养的条斑紫菜成熟的壳孢子囊枝作材料,研究温度(5~20℃),光强(5~115μmol/m^2.s)和壳孢子囊枝的密度(0.075~1.709mg/ml)对壳孢子放散的影响。结果表明:(1)在5~20℃范围内,壳孢子均可以放散,温度越低,壳孢子开始放散得越早.但高峰期不明显,且放散的周期很长;20℃是最适宜的放散温度,放散的壳孢子数量多,放散集中。(2)壳孢子的放散在低光强和高光强条件下都较差,57μmol/m^2.s条件下壳孢子放散量多而集中。(3)壳孢子囊枝的密度影响壳孢子放散,低密度条件下壳孢子放散快但总量少;密度太高.壳孢子放散极其缓慢;适宜的壳孢子囊枝密度有利于壳孢子放散。  相似文献   
The dietary habits of the sea urchin Salmacis sphaeroides and the gastropod Trochus maculatus in ex situ mariculture were examined. Fouling algal assemblages on terracotta tiles were exposed to the grazers and compared. Except for Day 0, the assemblages on Days 2, 13 and 27 differed significantly across treatments. S. sphaeroides rapidly consumed most algae, leaving an assemblage dominated by turf algae and bare tile. T. maculatus primarily fed on green filamentous algae, resulting in an even distribution of other algal functional groups, while control tiles were dominated by green filamentous algae. Using three representative fouling algae species (Bryopsis corymbosa, Hypnea spinella and Lobophora variegata), the consumption rates of both grazers and dietary preferences of S. sphaeroides were examined through a single‐diet and a choice experiment respectively. The single‐diet experiment revealed differential algal consumption rates for S. sphaeroides (H. spinella = B. corymbosa > L. variegata) and T. maculatus (B. corymbosa > H. spinella = L. variegata). The choice experiment showed that S. sphaeroides preferred H. spinella over the other two species. These experiments highlighted the importance of understanding the dietary habits of grazers as this has direct implications on their effectiveness as biological controls of fouling macroalgae in mariculture.  相似文献   
Linaria maroccana Hook. f. Ann., ‘Lace Violet’, Lupinus hartwegii ssp. cruikshankii Lindl. ‘Sunrise’ and Papaver nudicaule L. ‘Meadow Pastels’ seeds were directly sown into 105 cell plug trays and received either ambient light or supplemental high intensity discharge (HID) lighting. For each species, a 2 × 3 × 3 factorial was used with two light intensities during propagation, three transplant stages, and three night temperatures. Seedlings were transplanted at the appearance of 2–3, 5–6, or 8–9 true leaves. Transplanted Linaria and Papaver seedlings were placed at 5/11, 10/16, or 15/21 ± 1 °C night/day temperatures and Lupinus seedlings were placed at 15/24, 18/25, or 20/26 ± 2 °C night/day temperatures. For this study, the optimum production temperature for Linaria was 10/16 °C as the cut stems produced at 15/21 °C were unmarketable and production time was excessively long at 5/11 °C. At 10/16 °C, Linaria seedlings should be transplanted at the 2–3 leaf stage to maximize stem number, stem length and profitability. For Lupinus the optimum temperature was 15/24 °C due to long stems and high profitability per plant. Lupinus seedlings should be transplanted at the 2–3 leaf stage when grown at 15/24 °C to obtain the longest and thickest stems; however, $/m2 week was higher for plants transplanted at the 8–9 leaf stage due to less time in finishing production space. For Papaver, the 15/21 °C temperature was optimal as that temperature produced the longest stems in the shortest duration, resulting in the highest $/m2 week. At 15/21 °C Papaver plants should be transplanted at the 2–3 leaf stage. Supplemental HID lighting had no effect on any of the species.  相似文献   
In a previous experiment it has been found that maximum uptake rate (Imax), Michaelis constant (Km), and minimum nutrient concentration (Cmin) as plant physiological characteristics may be important for phosphorus (P) uptake in peat-substrate. Thus, variation of P uptake parameters was evaluated with a series of depletion studies for poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) and marigold (Tagetes patula) under fluctuating climatic conditions and different developmental stages.  相似文献   
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