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Abstract Artificially hatched and reared juvenile European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), from three natural populations were released into an experimental stream. Two of the populations were from lakes and the third population was from a river. Post-stocking dispersal was studied by recapturing fish in traps and by electric fishing after each of the stocking exercises. On all three occasions the first fish to be recaptured were caught in a trap about 400 m downstream from the release site, within 5–12 min of release. Proportions of stocked grayling juveniles recaptured by electric fishing in the fast-flowing section of the experimental stream (the rapids) were 9.9%, 46.7% and 16.6% after the first, second and third stocking, respectively. No significant population-specific difference was found between fish caught in the downstream trap and fish recaptured in the rapids. The uppermost part of the rapids (stretch 1) and the catch in the upstream trap was dominated by fish of riverine origin. Post-stocking migration was influenced by sex but not by body size. Females showed a greater propensity to stay in the rapids compared with males. Implications of the results for stocking grayling in natural streams and regulated rivers are discussed.  相似文献   
  • 1. When considering widely distributed marine organisms with low dispersal capabilities, there is often an implication that the distribution of cosmopolitan species is an artefact of taxonomy, constrained by the absence of characters for delimiting either sibling or cryptic species. Few studies have assessed the relationship among populations across the global range of the species' distribution, and the presence of oceanographic barriers that might influence gene flow among populations are underestimated.
  • 2. In this study, evolutionary and ecological drivers of connectivity patterns have been inferred among populations of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus, a common and widespread solitary scleractinian species, whose reproduction strategy and larval dispersal are still poorly unknown.
  • 3. The genetic structure of D. dianthus was explored using 30 microsatellites in 347 specimens from 13 localities distributed in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
  • 4. Results clearly reveal genetically differentiated populations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (FST = 0.16, FSC = 0.01, FCT = 0.15, P-values highly significant), and Chilean and New Zealand populations with independent genetic profiles.
  • 5. Marine connectivity patterns at different spatial scales are discussed to characterize larval dispersal and gene flow through the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Gene How is a key concern associated with the eonlamination of seed multiplication iields and the use of transgenic crops. The release of herbicide-resistant germplasnis and the use of male-sterile varieties make foxtail millet (Sviaria ilalicii) an appropriate material to inves-tigate this concern. Pollen dispersal from pollen donor sources and gene tlow in fertile and male-slerile varieties of fortail millet were investigated in experiments in China and France. Although foxtail millel is mainly autogamous (less than 2% oiitcrossing), pollen from a 5m diameter plot could fertilize a tertile variety up to 24 ni away, and a male-sterile variety up to 40m. Negative exponential and WeibuU fnnctions were used to tit the relationships between percentage and number i.A iubrids per cm of ear with distance from the pollen source. Wind velocity and direction resulted in variations of gene How intensity, but did nol change liie slope ofthe regression equations. Pollen competition for available target ovules was observed up to 2 m away from a 1 m diameter pollen source. The percentage of pollen grains that fertilized ovules outside the pollen donor source was 1.4% of the total pollen grain produetion. For every iflO pollen grains released under lieid conditions 1.5 seeds were produced. The probability funetion of pollen dispersal for one donor plant was calculated. It allowed predictions of gene How accord-ing to lield shapes, estimations of isolation distances to preserve /ariety purity against pollen contamination, and the fornuiiation of efficient male/female ratios Ibr hybrid seed production.  相似文献   
Summary This paper examines the roles of plant demography, seed dispersal ecology and habitat suitability in influencing invasiveness of horticulturally important species. Section one investigates the relative invasiveness of two woody species, Crataegus monogyna and Prunus mahaleb, and concentrates on differences in demographic and dispersal traits. The second section delineates the invasion of two Asparagus spp. and concentrates on differences in seed dispersal ecology. Section three reports the use of a geographical information system analysis to determine whether habitat suitability, seed dispersal or land management is more important in determining threat of invasion by adventive Olea europaea. C. monogyma, P. mahaleb are closely related with similar habits and overlapping home ranges in Europe. Crataegus monogyna is very invasive in northern New South Wales, having spread rapidly and conspicuously throughout the region and elsewhere in southern Australia at rates of 80–120 m yr−1. Prunus mahaleb is far less invasive, being restricted to a small population, which is expanding at 20 m yr−1. Demographic analysis showed that potential growth rates of P. mahaleb (1.713–1.490) are greater than those for C. monogyna (1.138–1.103). Assessment of the seed dispersal ecology of both species revealed that C. monogyna had seeds dispersed by one bird and three mammals over many kilometers. P. mahaleb had seeds dispersed by six birds and four mammals over distances generally < 100 m. The role of humans in introducing both species and the characteristics of seed dispersal are more influential than demography in determining invasiveness. The more invasive Asparagus asparagoides has smaller fruit with a bicoloured display up to 1.5 m above ground. Less invasive A. declinatus has larger, translucent white fruit displayed at heights < 0.5 m above ground. The role of humans has also been important in shaping the course of invasion. Sensitivity analysis confirms that land management practices, which affect Olea europaea seedling establishment and survival, are most important at a landscape scale in determining invasiveness. The main factors determining the difference in invasiveness relate directly to the changing nature of human management of each species and the ecological interactions between the plants and the invaded environment. This research has implications for the prediction and management of biological invasions; emphasizing the importance of seed dispersal and human activities in determining the course of invasions: both of which cannot be readily predicted.  相似文献   
W. M. Lush  L. T. Evans 《Euphytica》1981,30(3):579-587
Summary Physiological and morphological characteristics of the two wild and three domesticated subspecies of cowpeas are compared. The wild accessions are alike in having small, hard seeds borne in dehiscent pods, but differ in other characteristics. We suggest that the wild subsp. dekindtiana, from the seasonally-arid tropics, is more likely to have been the progenitor of modern cowpeas than the other wild subspecies (subsp. mensensis), but that subsp. dekindtiana was first cultivated in the humid tropics where its pods are slow to dehisce. Domestication has been associated with changes in the structure of pod valves and seed coats which reduce pod dehiscence and seed hardness. Pods and seeds have increased in size, mainly by increases in the rate of dry weight accumulation, and their increase has been only partly paralleled by increase in the area of subtending leaves. There has been no increase in the maximum photosynthetic rate of leaves, but the duration of their photosynthetic activity has increased. Domesticates are less sensitive than are wild plants to some environmental controls, such as in the response of germination to temperature, but in their flowering responses to daylength both wild and cultivated forms retain sensitivity under conditions where this is of adaptive value.  相似文献   
The sexual propagation of genebank accessions by hand pollination in the greenhouse is a very expensive and time-consuming routine task. The self-incompatibility of most diploid potato species allows their multiplication in isolated field plots, which is coupled with the advantage of the presence of natural pollinators and maintaining a high level of heterozygosity. The aim of this study was to determine the isolation distance required for minimizing pollen flow between neighbouring multiplication plots. The Solanum phureja clone IVP48 was used as the pollen donor since it possesses a dominant seed marker (‘embryo spot’). The centrally located pollen donor was surrounded by S. phureja recipient plots at distances of 10,20,40, and 80 m, respectively. The average pollen contamination ranged from 0.2% in the plots 80 m from the pollen donor to 5.1% in those 10 m away. In this study, procedures are suggested which will help to reduce cross-pollination between accessions.  相似文献   
The control and/or removal of a dominant invasive species is expected to lead to increases in native species richness and diversity. Small pilot studies were performed on Santa Cruz Island (SCI), California, in the early 1990s to test the efficacy of different methods on the control of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) and management’s effects on native species recovery. We chose a treatment that showed significant native species recovery, applied it at the landscape scale, and followed its effects on fennel infested plant communities. We tested the hypothesis that results from small-scale studies translate to the landscape level. We found that although the control of fennel translated from the small to landscape scale, decreasing from an average of 60% to less than 3% cover, native species recovery did not occur in the landscape study as it did in the pilot studies. Invasive fennel cover was replaced by non-native grass cover over time. Unexpectedly, fennel cover in untreated fennel plots decreased significantly (though not as drastically) from over 60% cover to just under 40% cover while native species richness in untreated areas increased significantly. The correlation between precipitation and changes in native and non-native species richness and abundance in this study imply that changes in species abundances were highly correlated with environmental fluctuations. The lack of a native seedbank and the accumulation of non-native grass litter likely prevented the recovery of native species in treated areas. Greater vertical complexity found in fennel communities, which increased visitation by frugivorous birds and likely increased native seed dispersal, may have been responsible for the increase in native species richness in the untreated areas. These results suggest that successful invasive species control and native species recovery experiments conducted at small scales may not translate to the landscape level, and active restoration should be an organic component of such large-scale projects.  相似文献   
Over-exploitation and fragmentation are serious problems for tropical forests. Most sustainable forest management practices avoid clear-cuts and apply selective logging systems focused on a few commercial species. We applied a simulation model to estimate the impact of such selective logging scenarios on the genetic diversity and demography of four tropical tree species from French Guiana. The simulations used data on genetic and demographic composition, growth, phenology and pollen and seed dispersal obtained for Dicorynia guianensis, Sextonia rubra, Symphonia globulifera and Vouacapoua americana at the experimental site in Paracou. Whereas Symphonia globulifera serves as a model for a species with low logging pressure, the other three species represent the most exploited tree species in French Guiana. In simulations with moderate logging, typical for French Guiana, with large cutting diameter (>60 cm diameter) and long cutting cycles (65 years), the two species V. americana and Sextonia rubra were not able to recover their initial stock at the end of the rotation period, with a large decrease in the number of individuals and in basal area. Under a more intensive logging system (cutting diameter >45 cm diameter, cutting cycles of 30 years) that is common practice in the Brazilian Amazon, only Symphonia globulifera showed no negative impact. Generally, the differences between the genetic parameters in the control scenarios without logging and the logging scenarios were surprisingly small. The main reasons for this were the overlapping of generations and the effective dispersal ability of gene vectors in all species, which guarantee relative homogeneity of the genetic structure in different age classes. Nevertheless, decreasing the population size by logging reduced the number of genotypes and caused higher genetic distances between the original population and the population at the end of the logging cycles. Sensitivity analysis showed that genetic changes in the logging scenarios were principally determined by the growth, densities and cutting diameter of each species, and only to a very small extent by the reproductive system including factors such as pollen and seed dispersal and flowering phenology.  相似文献   
稻瘟病菌孢子传播的影响因素与田间捕捉方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
稻瘟病(PyriculariaoryzaeCavara)是危害水稻生产的一个主要病害,了解稻瘟病菌孢子生活史中的影响因素,监测稻瘟病菌的时空分布动态,对于预测预报病情的发生,确定最佳的防治时机和指导田间防治有重要的意义。本文讨论了影响孢子传播的因素和孢子捕捉的方法,并就玻片法捕捉孢子的方法进行了初步的研究。  相似文献   
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