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华南毛蕨挥发油对美洲斑潜蝇成虫的行为干扰作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用气相色谱一质谱连用仪,对华南毛蕨Cyclosorus parasiticus挥发油成分进行分析.结果表明,华南毛蕨挥发油中含有38种化学成分,酯类物质占21.961%,酸类占17.199%,烯醇类占16.161%,酚类物质占14.263%,醛酮类占11.026%,其中,对昆虫具有驱避作用的糠醛占2.943%,香豆素占1.327%,丁二酸二异丁酯占1.126%.对挥发油进行生物测定的试验结果表明,2.5、5.0、7.5、10.0μL用量对美洲斑潜蝇成虫产卵在施用24h有驱避作用同时表现出一定的拒食作用,其产卵驱避和拒食作用的大小随施用剂量的增加而增大,随时间的增长而逐渐减弱;施用48h后仅10.0μL有产卵驱避作用和拒食作用.采用四臂嗅觉仪对美洲斑潜蝇成虫的行为反应测定结果也表明,其对这种挥发油具有同样的行为趋向.  相似文献   
红花品种稳定性参数的估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据1990~1992年,在巴盟临河红花生产基地进行的试验结果资料,采用回归系数和离回归方差2个参数对品种的稳定性进行了分析。结果表明:各参试红花品种的产量随栽培环境不同有较大的变化,但参试材料中,无刺红和1-77-1红花品种,在各给定环境条件下,产量高而稳定,是比较理想的品种。  相似文献   
为评价从闽北红芽姜地方品种中筛选出的红芽姜新品系‘科姜1号’,在建阳、福州、漳州、邵武和光泽5个试验点进行‘科姜1号’及闽北红芽姜地方品种(对照品种)的一年多点试验。结果表明:‘科姜1号’的主要农艺性状表现(分蘖数、母姜鲜重、子孙姜鲜重和单株鲜重)显著优于对照品种(P0.01);6-姜辣素含量也高于对照品种,但差异不显著(P0.05)。结合小区产量的丰产性、稳产性分析,‘科姜1号’具有产量高、适应性好的特点。  相似文献   
玉米新品种邯丰79丰产稳产性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004~2005年河北省玉米区域试验结果表明,邯丰79属高产稳产型玉米杂交种,适宜于河北省夏玉米区推广种植.产量潜力大稳产性好,籽粒品质较好,开发前景广阔.  相似文献   
从海南土壤中筛选的一株链霉菌菌株.经鉴定为Streptomyces albogriseus[1],编号JFA-001.采用抑制菌丝生长速率法测定JFA-001菌株发酵液对15种病原真菌的抑菌活性,其中对多数供试真菌的抑制率达80%以上.对JFA-001菌株发酵液的稳定性测定结果表明,菌株传接6代时,活性稳定,从第7代开始其活性缓慢降低,第15代的抑菌圈直径比出发菌株仅减少了1.9mm;发酵液对热和碱的稳定性强,加热到80℃时未丧失活性,在pH10.0的溶液中活性几乎不丧失,但对酸的稳定性较差.  相似文献   
The unpredictability of the Mediterranean climate causes fluctuations in wheat yield and quality, but offers the opportunity for obtaining high‐quality durum wheat in terms of grain protein content. Twenty‐five durum wheat genotypes were grown under irrigated and rainfed conditions at each of two latitudes in Spain during 1998 and 1999. Differences between latitudes in grain protein content and chlorophyll content in the flag leaf were attributable to nitrogen fertilization management. Cycle length until anthesis was less affected by the environment than grain‐filling duration, and was longer under irrigated conditions than in the rainfed sites. A negative asymptotic curve was the best equation to fit the relationship between yield and protein content, suggesting that yield improvements in fertile environments may be attained with negligible reductions in protein content. ‘Jabato’, ‘Waha’, ‘Lagost‐3’, ‘Massara‐1’ and ‘Vit?on’ showed medium to high yield, yield stability and high protein content. Chlorophyll content in the flag leaf, measured at anthesis with the soil‐plant analysis development (SPAD) portable field unit, may be useful for the fast and cheap detection of durum wheat genotypes with high grain protein content in drought‐stressed Mediterranean environments.  相似文献   
为了准确、客观地评价江苏花生新品种鉴定试验参试品种(系)的特征特性,促进江苏花生新品种的推广应用,采用高稳系数法分别对淮南、淮北组的12个参试品种(系)进行丰产性和稳产性分析,并进行品质、抗性及主要农艺性状调查。结果显示:各参试品种均具有中等以上的耐旱性、耐涝性、叶斑病及锈病抗性。具体来说,淮南组的‘宁泰9922’产量较高,且稳产性较好;‘苏花0537’种皮深红色,熟期早,适应性广,粗蛋白含量较高;淮北组的‘连1001’、‘赣榆10-6’、‘东花9号’及‘徐0627’分别较对照‘徐花13号’增产4.7%~7.4%,同时产量稳定性优于对照。因此认为以上品种可以进一步示范和推广应用,同时也表明用高稳系数法评价花生品种(系)的高产稳产性是可行的。  相似文献   
Summary Yield stability and the genetic improvement of maize (Zea mays L.) grain yield in the humid pampas of Argentina were evaluated.Stability parameters were computed for 15 varieties grown in 35 environments. To analyze genetic improvement of grain yield, data were obtained from trials grown in four locations and twelve years. Two locations represented the typical maize area, while the remaining two were considered marginal. Simple correlation and linear regression coefficients were computed to study the relationships between yield, stability parameters, number of days to 50% tassel emergence, and year of release. Genetic improvement of grain yield was analyzed from linear regression of the average yield of the three highest-yielding varieties (as percentage of the average yield of five common checks) on year of trial.Yield differed significantly among varieties. Significant variety x environment (linear) interaction was also detected. Significant linear relationships were found between regression coefficient for yield (stability parameter 1) and days to tassel emergence, stability parameter 1 and yield, year of release and days to tassel emergence, and year of release and stability parameter 1. Thus, newer maize varieties tended to flower later and had greater responsiveness to favorable environments than did older varieties. Yields have increased for both the typical and marginal areas, with average yearly increases of 114 and 182 kg/ha, respectively.Breeding programs with nurseries located in the typical maize area have raised yield potential in both areas studied. However, if present trends continue, future releases could prove inadequate in low-yielding or short season environments.  相似文献   
亚麻籽油和辅酶Q10都具有水中溶解度低、稳定性差、生物利用度低等缺点。将亚麻籽油和辅酶Q10(coenzyme Q10,CoQ10)同时负载于乳液中,可解决两者的应用瓶颈。使用阿拉伯胶为乳化剂,采用高压均质法制备复配亚麻籽油和CoQ10乳液。采用动态光散射、透射电子显微镜、体外模拟消化、体外释放、稀释稳定性、冻融稳定性、离子强度稳定性、光稳定性和加速氧化稳定性方法对所制备乳液的理化性质进行表征。结果显示,制备的乳液平均粒径为(284±5.6) nm,多分散指数(polydispersity index,PDI)为0.112±0.025,为均匀分散的球形液滴。制备的乳液在模拟小肠液中消化,和亚麻籽油、CoQ10混悬液相比,乳化后亚麻籽油的消化速率和CoQ10的生物可给率明显提高。乳液中CoQ10的释放表现出缓释效果。制备的乳液具有较好的稀释和冻融稳定性。Na^+和Ca^2+会造成乳液Zeta电位的下降,对乳液稳定性影响较大。乳液载体化后CoQ10的光稳定性得到了提高。CoQ10对亚麻籽油具有较好的保护作用。  相似文献   
Reaction between maleic anhydride (MA) and wood specimens was carried out in a vapor phase reaction system. Reaction conditions such as the ratio of supplied MA to wood, initial moisture content, and reaction temperature were optimized. The MA supplied to the reaction system was effectively absorbed by the wood, and a satisfactorily high dimensional stability was achieved even at a low MA/wood ratio. The dimensional stability increased with rising initial moisture content. When the reaction was conducted at an elevated temperature (180°C), high dimensional stability was attained without remarkable weight increase and bulking. The mechanism of dimensional stabilization was discussed on the basis of the dimensional changes at high humidity and during repeated water soaking and drying. It was shown that the dimensional stabilization arises mainly from a decrease of hygroscopicity. When the reaction was conducted at 180°C, the formation of cross-links in the cell wall was apparent. Following the MA treatment, the antifungal property was remarkably enhanced and met the Japanese Industrial Standard K1571. Therefore, MA treatment in the vapor phase is an effective method to attain antifungal properties as well as high dimensional stability with a small amount of nontoxic reagent.  相似文献   
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