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广东省木薯生产现状与发展对策初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来广东省木薯生产面积在83 360~95 560 hm2之间,总产量在155万~175万t之间,居全国第2位,主要分布在云浮、肇庆、湛江、清远、梅州、茂名、江门、汕尾、阳江、河源、揭阳和韶关12市,平均每667 m2产量1.2多t,单产水平低,价格低廉,科技落后,加工不足,缺乏政策扶持、政府引导和企业带动,农民种植积极性不高。针对存在问题提出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   
通过调查,掌握了秦岭北坡(西安段)的主要野菜资源种类,并对野菜资源的分布情况、生产种类、生活规律与食用方法进行报道,以便为野菜资源开发提供依据。  相似文献   
海南岛东、南部珊瑚礁生态健康状况初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为评价海南岛东、南部珊瑚礁生态健康状况,2004年8月对陵水的分界洲岛,三亚的鹿回头湾、榆林湾、蜈支洲岛,琼海的潭门港、龙湾港,文昌的铜鼓岭和长圮港等区域沿岸珊瑚礁进行监测,采用LineIntercept Transect断面法进行调查。通过对造礁石珊瑚种类、覆盖度、死亡率、补充量和发病率等指标分析海南岛东、南部近岸造礁石珊瑚的生态特点。结果表明:海南岛东、南部近岸珊瑚礁发育良好,种类丰富,生物多样性较高。共发现造礁石珊瑚13科32属77种。由于海洋捕捞和海水养殖等人类开发强度加大,该地区近岸部分区域的珊瑚礁生态环境呈退化趋势,珊瑚健康状况受到严重影响。长圮港、潭门港及铜鼓岭珊瑚健康状况较差;三亚鹿回头等区域局部珊瑚生态健康状况良好,生长呈恢复趋势;远离海岸的岛屿区域,如蜈支洲岛和分界洲岛,由于来自陆地的污染和影响小,珊瑚健康状况呈现良好。  相似文献   
通过调查阐述了有害入侵杂草薇甘菊的生物学特性、入侵危害机理及其在潞西市的分布和危害,综合分析已开展的薇甘菊人工、化学、生态等防治防控措施,并提出在薇甘菊防控中部门组织、建立预警机制、宣传教育、加强检疫等建议措施。  相似文献   
采用直流刺吸电位仪EPG(direct current electrical penetration graph, EPG)技术分析西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis雌雄虫在4种寄主植物上的取食行为,探讨西花蓟马雌雄虫取食行为差异及与寄主适合性的相关性。结果表明: (1)西花蓟马在辣椒上的非取食刺探次数显著少于其他寄主植物。雌虫在辣椒、番茄、曼陀罗和矮牵牛上的非取食刺探分别为2311,3289,3610和3044次,雄虫在辣椒、番茄、曼陀罗和矮牵牛上的非取食刺探分别为1527,2772,2214和1968次。西花蓟马在矮牵牛上的短取食刺探显著高于番茄,雌虫在番茄和矮牵牛上的短取食分别为688和1444次,雄虫在番茄和矮牵牛上的短取食分别为159和809次。西花蓟马在矮牵牛上的长取食刺探次数少于在其他寄主植物。(2)雌虫比雄虫产生更多的非取食刺探和短取食刺探,雄虫的长取食刺探显著高于雌虫。在矮牵牛上,雌虫的非取食刺探次数和非取食刺探总时间为雄虫的15倍。在番茄上,雌虫的短取食次数和短取食总时间分别为雄虫的4倍和2倍;雄虫的长取食次数和长取食总时间分别为雌虫的2倍和7倍。由此可见,西花蓟马的取食行为与寄主适宜性之间无显著的相关性。  相似文献   
山西省晋南地区属我国农业部确定的优质苹果生产基地,但是当地苹果产后综合技术水平还有待提高,普遍存在着“重采前,轻采后”的意识,以及贮藏设施单一、管理粗放,采收、入库标准不一,贮藏保鲜技术落后和商品化处理环节薄弱等问题,成为当地苹果出口高端市场的瓶颈。本文针对实际生产存在的问题提出了解决方案,为当地及山西省打造晋南果品出口交易平台提供指导性意见。  相似文献   
The management of nitrogen (N) fertilization in pasture has great importance for yield and maintenance of Brazilian livestock. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil chemical attributes, shoot dry weight yield (SDWY) and roots dry weight yield (RDWY), nutritional status and nutritive value of Mulato II Urochloa grass that received organic biofertilizer rates as N source. The treatments were arranged in completely randomized blocks, were fertilized with six organic biofertilizer rates (0, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 m3 ha?1) and five replicates during four harvest cycles. There was a quadratic response in the accumulated SDWY for up to a rate of 400 m3 ha?1 and RDWY with 330 m3 ha?1 of organic biofertilizer. The organic biofertilizer influenced the soil chemical attributes and foliar nutrient concentration. However, only the crude protein content presented a quadratic response, and neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber levels were not affected by the influence of organic biofertilizer applied to the soil.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) has the largest acreage in Brazil where nutrients are provided to crops by formulated fertilizers, which is the most usual method. Under tropical and subtropical conditions, most of the nutrients required by soybean crops are phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), while sulfur (S) is applied in smaller amounts. The P, K, and S interactions under greenhouse conditions using completely randomized blocks in a factorial 3 × 3 × 3 arrangement were evaluated. The treatments were as follows: three P rates (0, 75, and 150 mg P kg?1); three K rates (0, 150, and 300 mg K kg?1); and three S rates (0, 50, and 100 mg S kg?1). The P, K, and S application had a significant influence on the shoot dry weight (SDW) and number of pods per pot (NPP) in contrast with the increase in grain yield (GY) that had positive relationship with K and S rates. These results indicated that both nutrients were the most limiting to GY. In soil and leaves, only the P, K, and S concentrations were modified by the treatments (P, K, and S), but in the grains there was synergism of P rates with Mg concentration unlike K rates with Ca concentration. Physiological components as photosynthetic rate, intrinsic efficiency of water use, and chlorophyll had influence from P and K rates.  相似文献   
Long-term studies are valuable in assessing the impact of crop management practices on soil sustainability and function. This study used two calculation scenarios, fixed depth and Equivalent Soil Mass (ESM) to assess (i) soil nutrient status and (ii) soil organic carbon (SOC) after 50 years of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates (0, 22, 45, and 67 kg N ha?1) and tillage [clean tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT), and no-tillage (NT)] in a dryland winter wheat-sorghum-fallow cropping system. The soil organic matter (SOM) content increased by 33% with NT and RT compared with CT. The SOC at 0–30 cm was 39% greater than 30–60 cm depth with both fixed depth and ESM calculations. Soil nutrient specifically soil calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and phosphorus (P) associated with N rates were no different than the control. Crop nutrient removal may eventually reduce soil nutrient contents with only N application. Nutrient addition specifically P should be considered in the future.  相似文献   
为了解农村留守儿童社会情感能力的发展状况,对江苏省徐州市2个区进行了实地调查,并运用多元回归分析方法探讨了影响留守儿童社会情感发展的因素。结果表明:农村留守儿童的社会情感发展总体状况良好,但在人际交往、社区融入和亲社会行为方面存在一定问题。农村留守儿童社会情感的发展受到不同因素的影响,其中年级、亲子间沟通频率、教师行为和社区基础设施条件对留守儿童社会情感发展的各个方面都有影响,此外,成绩排名、班级团结度对留守儿童的人际交往有显著影响,亲子分离形式、是否为独生子女、社区关爱留守儿童活动的开展情况对留守儿童的社区融入有显著影响,性别、校园活动的丰富度对留守儿童的亲社会行为有显著影响。  相似文献   
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