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Drainage is inefficient of coal seam treated by hydraulic fracture due to disordered propagation of fracture. Therefore, we propose a novel approach of fracture-oriented via slotting a slitting in coal seam by high pressure water jet. Firstly,boreholes-oriented are drilled around the borehole of hydraulic fracture. Then we slot the coal seam via high pressure water jet. Finally,we carry out hydraulic fracture in the borehole. Shear destruction area which is formed under geostress is located on crack tip. And crack propagates along horizontal direction because the major principal stress direction is horizontal. Besides,we develop the technique of crack-oriented and apply it in typical low permeability coal seam. The results show that the technique is efficient. The diameter of hydraulic fracture is larger than 25 m,the concentration of gas drainage is 68% on average,and the gas flow is 0.037 m 3/min. The concentration and flow of gas increase 2.12 times and 11.26 times respectively comparing to those of traditional technique.  相似文献   
为探讨含碳物料对饲草玉米生长发育的影响及对苏打盐化土的改良效果,明确研究区域不同含碳物料适宜推荐用量及较优改良物料,本文采用田间试验方法,以晋北典型的苏打盐化土为对象,研究了风化煤、生物炭、牛粪和秸秆四种含碳物料不同用量对饲草玉米出苗率、鲜草产量及土壤pH值、电导率(Ec)的影响,模拟分析了不同物料适宜推荐用量。试验结果表明:含碳物料有效提高了饲草玉米出苗率,施用风化煤、牛粪处理整体出苗情况优于生物炭、秸秆。施用含碳物料后鲜草产量表现出牛粪 > 风化煤 >生物炭>秸秆的变化趋势。与对照相比,施用各物料处理显著增产,牛粪150%opt处理产量76.83 t/hm2最高,风化煤opt处理产量70.30 t/hm2次之,较ck处理增产31.12 t/hm2、23.49 t/hm2。利用效应函数对物料各处理产量进行模拟分析,确定研究区域风化煤、生物碳、牛粪和秸秆适宜施用量为30.0~37.5t/hm2,24.0~27.0 t/hm2,52.5~63 t/hm2和54.0~60.0 t/hm2。施用含碳物料能降低土壤pH值,以风化煤降低效果最好,比对照下降0.09~0.66。不同含碳物料对土壤电导率的影响存在差异,牛粪调控根层盐分效果较好,施用后土壤电导率较对照明显降低。含碳物料还促进土壤有机质含量的增加,以风化煤效果最好。研究得出,含碳物料能促进苏打盐化土的改良和利用,风化煤、牛粪改良效果优于生物炭和秸秆,施用推荐用量能有效改善土壤环境,促进作物增产。  相似文献   
基于数据挖掘的生态公益林效益评价决策支持系统研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
生态公益林效益评价是生态公益林系统管理与可持续发展的重要内容。在生态公益林效益评价的主要内容与价值量评估公式、参数设置及方法的基础上,给出了基于数据挖掘的生态公益林效益评价决策支持系统的功能结构与体系结构;设计了以模型库与知识库为中心,辅以数据库、方法库和计算机网络技术的生态公益林效益评价决策支持系统;利用软件工程方法、J2EE框架技术、MVC设计模式和数据库访问技术实现系统开发。系统利用数据挖掘中聚类分析技术,能进行生态公益林资源分类和关联规则技术挖掘出公益林不同效益指标之间的内在联系。系统具有较强的分析、预测与决策、可视化输出功能,辅助生态公益林管理与决策者提高决策水平和质量。  相似文献   
In order to realize early warning of coal and gas outbursts, and take timely emergency response, the technology of coal and gas outburst early warning and emergency response decision support is brought forward. The characteristics of abnormal gas outburst are specially analyzed, thus methods are given to monitor and identify the coal and gas outburst disaster. Combined with existing safety monitoring system in the mine, researches of such techniques are carried out as outburst gas content predicting, spread range forecasting and regions of power cutoff. Through those techniques, the Daping coal mine gas explosion disaster is retrieved. In the process of simulation, gas spreading early warning and related emergency response proposals can be issued before the gas arrive.  相似文献   
This thesis presents a new method of processing copper_bearing wastewater. The humic acid type water purifier, in form of particles, is manufactured from weathered coal of Nantong Mining Area in Chongqing. Through static test, the optimum condition on treating copper-bearing waste water has been found out. Then the washing water for copper plating, which contains Cu2+ 124 mg.L-1, is treated by dynamic test. When the concentration of Cu2+ in the outlet water is lower than the national standard for draining (1.0 mg.L-1), the working capacity of absorption is 32.4 mg.L-1 and the saturation capacity of absorption is 45.8 mg.L-1.  相似文献   
Components extracted from coals contained a lot of monomers , which can be synthesized into many kinds of important and valuable polymers. Nantong bituminous and Yunnan lignite are extracted with carbon disulfide-N-methyl- 2-pyrrolidinone (CS2-NMP) mixed solvent and Acetone at room temperature in turn. The Acetone soluble fractions are analyzed by GC/MS. Experimental results demonstrate that the Acetone soluble fractions mainly consist of aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen-containing compounds and oxygen-containing derivatives. Nitrogen-containing compounds mainly consist of cholesterin, oxygen-containing derivatives mainly consisted of ester and hydroxybenzene,etc.However, sulfur-containing compounds, phosphorus-containing compounds and polycyclic aromatic compounds can not be detected. Moreover, hexadecanoic acid trimethylsilyl ester and Hexadecanoic acid, trimethylsilyl ester are tested in Nantong coal's Acetone soluble fraction.  相似文献   
For the prediction of coal and gas outburst intensity, Incorporate Genetic Algorithm Based Back Propagation Neural Network(IGABP) is proposed to solve the limitations in the traditional GABP such as time consuming, optimal stop condition of GA pretreatment indeterminacy, independency and complex task of great importance etc. IGABP addresses some improvements in adaptive crossover and mutation probability to promote GA performance. And with the introduction of BP operator in the evolution of GA operations, the standard GA optimization is from random search to self guiding search and the convergence rate of GA is upgraded, as well as the determination ability of exact solution. With a simulation as a case study, it is found that the minimum error and standard error with IGABP are 0.012 and 0.227, respectively, compared with -0.126 and 1.529 by traditional GABP.  相似文献   
Based on bolt combined effect in the roof of mining roadway, the necessity conditions of load, span and deflection are proposed for stratification separation in the immediate roof. With strata combination of composite beams as key combination and Principle of Deformation coordination, the calculation formulas of the four key Support Technology parameters are obtained for length, spacing, distance between two rows and pretension force in bolt support of the roof of mining roadway.  相似文献   
The gas accident in Coal Mine is an important safe hidden trouble.The notion on the prevention and cure of gas accident should be changed.Coal gas is a kind of deleterious gas,but it is a clean energy resource.The actualities of coal bed methane resources and its use in our country are reviewed.The foreground for the use of coal bed methane is analyszed.The economic benefit of coal bed methane utilization is evaluated by the Net Present Value(NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return(IRR)method.The results are shown that the utilization of the coal bed methane can decrease the gas accident,save energy source,reduce the environmental pollution,and have remarkable economic benefit.  相似文献   
在阴雨天气 ,光热得不到充分利用 ,采用燃煤加以辅助。考虑到节能、除尘 ,设计了大、中型浴室加热利用工程辅助设备 ,进行了加热设备的设计选择 ,保温热水池的设计、建造与联接 ,热水锅炉除尘装置的设计 ,锅炉废气热利用装置的设计 ,锅炉热水出水温度的选定 ,系统的电气控制、测试等。燃煤生成的烟尘粒子和二氧化硫、氮的氧化物等有害气体采用重力沉降除尘→旋风分离除尘→惯性分离除尘→过滤式除尘→重力沉降除尘 5级除尘装置。经层层除尘 ,这些有害气体被分离进入到下水道 ,经检测 ,烟尘浓度为 35 0mg/nm3 ,林格曼浓度为 0 .9,完全符合国家《锅炉烟尘排放标准》的规定。锅炉废气排放会损失很大一部分热量 ,在锅炉废气出口处加装了一段长 2 .0m、直径 4 0cm、流量 1t/h的热交换器 ,每h能产 0 .6t 4 .5℃热水 (由 15℃升到4 5℃ )。本工程辅助设计具有成本低、经济效益高、空气污染轻、生态效益好、能源互补、综合利用的科学价值。  相似文献   
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