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海洋环境因子对日本海太平洋褶柔鱼渔场时空分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2010—2013年11—12月日本海太平洋褶柔鱼(Todarodes pacificus)的渔获生产数据,并结合遥感获取的海洋环境数据,利用渔获量重心法、地统计插值和数理统计方法,分析了太平洋褶柔鱼的资源丰度与渔获量重心的时空变化及其与主要环境因子(海表温度、叶绿素浓度、海流)之间的关系。研究表明,渔场重心每年稍有差异,经度重心集中在132°20′E附近;纬度重心集中在36°30′N和37°30′N两个位置附近。GAM模型显示,日本海太平洋褶柔鱼渔场的最适海表温度为16~18℃;最适叶绿素a浓度为0.37~0.45 mg/m3。海洋环境与单位捕捞努力渔获量(CPUE)的回归方程的显著性检验表明,除了叶绿素a浓度呈一般显著外,海表温度和空间因子在CPUE上的回归均极显著(P0.01),符合统计意义。4年间渔场的适宜环境范围有所差异,推断主要是日本海海域对马暖流、东朝鲜暖流与里曼寒流相互交汇的强弱作用力引起的,也有不同年份季风的强弱不同以及全球气候变化的因素存在。每一年的渔场海洋环境因子稍有差别,对其资源量的影响巨大。  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration (ET) can be derived from satellite data using surface energy balance principles. METRIC (Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration) is one of the most widely used models available in the literature to estimate ET from satellite imagery. The Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEB) model is much easier and less expensive to implement. The main purpose of this research was to present an enhanced version of the Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEB) model and to evaluate its performance using the established METRIC model. In this study, SSEB and METRIC ET fractions were compared using 7 Landsat images acquired for south central Idaho during the 2003 growing season. The enhanced SSEB model compared well with the METRIC model output exhibiting an r2 improvement from 0.83 to 0.90 in less complex topography (elevation less than 2000 m) and with an improvement of r2 from 0.27 to 0.38 in more complex (mountain) areas with elevation greater than 2000 m. Independent evaluation showed that both models exhibited higher variation in complex topographic regions, although more with SSEB than with METRIC. The higher ET fraction variation in the complex mountainous regions highlighted the difficulty of capturing the radiation and heat transfer physics on steep slopes having variable aspect with the simple index model, and the need to conduct more research. However, the temporal consistency of the results suggests that the SSEB model can be used on a wide range of elevation (more successfully up 2000 m) to detect anomalies in space and time for water resources management and monitoring such as for drought early warning systems in data scarce regions. SSEB has a potential for operational agro-hydrologic applications to estimate ET with inputs of surface temperature, NDVI, DEM and reference ET.  相似文献   
水气平衡栽培不同畦宽对免耕水稻经济性状及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨不同畦宽对免耕水气平衡栽培水稻性状和产量的影响,2007年早、晚季进行了水稻免耕水气平衡栽培不同畦宽对比试验,试验表明:水稻免耕水气平衡栽培比普通免耕栽培更有利于促进水稻根系生长和分蘖发生,增强根系活力,增加有效分蘖,明显提高水稻产量,早季增产4.1%~6.3%,晚季增产14.7%~17.7%;不同畦宽处理间的产量差异不明显。  相似文献   
Summaries of maritime weather reports and mean seasonal satellite-sensed ocean colour distributions for the Mediterranean Sea are used to identify characteristic configurations of physical mechanisms promoting (i) nutrient enrichment, (ii) concentration of larval food distributions, and (iii) local retention of eggs and larvae. Five subbasin scale `ocean triads', hypothesized to be particularly favourable groupings, are identified in the Aegean Sea, the Gulf of Lions and nearby Catalan Coast, the Alboran Sea, the Straits of Sicily/Tunisian Coast, and the Adriatic Sea. These are examined in relation to available knowledge of anchovy spawning grounds. All areas are characterized by patterns of linked wind-driven Ekman upwelling and downwelling. All areas except the Straits of Sicily are found to have inputs of less saline surface waters offering raised nutrient concentrations, enhanced upper layer stability, and frontal density contrasts, and to have areas where the characteristic rate of turbulent mixing energy input by the wind fall below a reference intensity level. All areas, except the Sicilian Channel/Tunisian Coast, also contain abundant locally reproducing anchovy populations.  相似文献   
居室环境是指人们生活、工作和休憩的室外庭院和室内环境。随着工业化的发展,大量使用人造建材进行美化和装饰工作、生活环境,使人们的居室环境污染也成为值得关注的重要议题。尤其对城市居民来讲,每天平均大约80%~90%以上的时间是在各种室内环境中度过的,居室环境成为直接影响人们生活的关键。园艺植物在居室中的各种运用,不仅美化居室环境、净化空气、减轻污染、改善居室理化条件,还能使生活环境增添生命的气息,增进身心健康。  相似文献   
为了在改变温室通风口开度的条件下模拟室内气温,根据热量平衡原理,考虑太阳辐射、长波辐射、对流、通风及作物蒸腾等5个主要模块,对温室系统的热量交换进行描述,构建了温室气温动态变化的数学模型,然后通过Simulink仿真平台搭建了以通风为输入以室温为输出的模型仿真框图,并利用典型天气条件下的实测数据对仿真结果进行检验。仿真结果证明了该模型的有效性:在晴天和阴雨天,标准误差分别为0.755 8℃和0.096 3℃,仿真有效性指数分别为92.29%和92.76%。  相似文献   
Repeatability of different stability parameters for grain yield in chickpea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. Kumar    O. Singh    H. A. Van  Rheenen  K. V. S. Rao 《Plant Breeding》1998,117(2):143-146
The presence of genotype × environment (GE) interactions in plant breeding experiments has led to the development of several stability parameters in the past few decades. The present study investigated the repeatability of these parameters for 16 chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes by correlating their estimates obtained from extreme subsets of environments within a year and also over years. Based on the estimates of response and stability parameters within each trial, the ranking of genotypes in the low-yielding subset differed from that in the high-yielding subset. This indicates poor repeatability for response and stability parameters over the extreme environmental subsets. The estimates of mean yield and stability parameters represented by ecovalence, W2i, were consistent over years, whereas those of response parameters (bi, and S2i) showed poor repeatability. Our results suggest that single-year results for yield and stability can be used effectively for selecting cultivars with stable grain yield if tested in a wider range of environments.  相似文献   
吴烨  霍文  何清  金莉莉 《水土保持通报》2017,37(2):75-82,88
[目的]开展塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地自然沙面与人工绿地不同季节局地气候差异性研究,通过观测数据的解析,反映出沙漠与绿地区之间小气候变化的互馈机制,为沙漠区域人工绿地的可持续发展提供理论支持。[方法]利用塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地流动沙丘—人工绿地不同下垫面4个气象站的同步加密观测资料,分析自然沙面与人工绿地的小气候特征差异,初步探讨产生这些差异的原因。[结果]沙漠区对气温的升降速率响应快,绿洲区对气温的变化幅度响应显著;四季在增温时段绿洲相对于沙漠属冷岛,降温时段属热岛;夏季比湿最大,冬季最小,绿洲区相对于沙漠区在秋季湿岛效应持续时间最长,强度最大;春、夏、秋季凌晨至日出时段,绿洲上游边界呈现湿岛效应特征,绿洲下游边界四季全天均表现为湿岛效应;沙漠区域风速日变化极值出现时间早于绿洲区,风速变化范围沙漠区最大,绿洲区最小,在春、夏季,绿洲核心区风速递减率大于绿洲上游边界。[结论]下垫面的差异对小气候影响是十分显著的,绿洲区存在较强的"冷岛效应"和"湿岛效应"。  相似文献   
With rapid development of the civil\institutional\commercial central air conditioning system,the energy consumption problem becomes serious.From the view point of operation and management,this paper provides some measures to save energy through choosing suitable cooling and heating equipments,air handling units,terminal units or designing a better water system.  相似文献   
中国"2+26"城市禁煤供暖,猪场迫切需要找到可以替代燃煤、满足供暖需求的供暖方式。为了解空气源热泵在猪舍地暖的供暖效果,选择北京猪舍,配置空气源热泵设备,进行供暖期间保育猪舍热环境效果试验。结果表明:试验期间,室外最低和最高温度分别为-11.0和12.1℃;在地暖供暖猪舍中,地面温度与供水温度、室外温度都呈正比例相关关系,与供暖距离呈反比例线性关系;在系统供水温度范围为30.0~41.0℃时,猪舍无猪单元距离分水器最近(24 m)测点和最远(60 m)测点地面温度为19.1~28.6℃;实际供水温度平均值较设定温度降低1.8~4.0℃;距离分水器最近(24 m)测点地面温度较实际系统供水温度下降8.3~13.1℃;距离分水器最远(60 m)测点较最近测点(24 m)地面温度下降0.5~1.8℃。无猪时,0.3 m高温度较地面温度降低5.0℃;距离地面0.3 m以上不同高度温度变化不明显。对于北京保育猪舍适宜采用空气源热泵地暖供暖,推荐蓄水罐设定温度宜为43~32℃,实际供水温度宜为40.6~29.9℃。  相似文献   
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