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本试验通过无菌采集西藏地区绵羊肺脏,然后进行细菌分离、纯化及PCR鉴定;同时,对分离的链球菌菌株进行药物敏感性研究,以期为生产实践中对该病原的防制提供参考信息。结果显示,纯化所得到的细菌呈革兰氏阳性链球状,经PCR、克隆、测序鉴定为链球菌;药敏试验结果显示分离菌株对复方新诺明、恩诺沙星、庆大霉素及四环素等大部分药物敏感。本研究为西藏地区绵羊链球菌病的有效防制提供参考。  相似文献   
运用灰色关联分析法,对红柳、侧柏和合头草等3个树种的抗旱性与9项抗旱指标的相关性进行了分析。关联度分析结果表明:叶绿素含量、叶水势、叶片相对含水量以及电导率与3个树种的关联度分别为0.767 4、0.700 5、0.679 3和0.628 7,它们可作为3个树种重要的抗旱评价指标。  相似文献   
对甲胺磷敏感性的田间监测结果显示,绒茧蜂存在着抗性演化,毒力生物测定结果与AChE的K_i值的监测结果呈明显的相关性,每年9月至次年2月期间AChE敏感性最低,8月期间敏感性最高。甲胺磷可显著地抑制绒茧蜂AChE、CarE和GSTs的活性。PB和TPP对AChE的活体抑制率极低,但PB可强烈抑制CarE的活性,而TPP仅在高浓度时对CarE有较显著的抑制作用,PB对甲胺磷有显著的增效作用,而TPP对甲胺磷无增效作用。AChE的K_m、V_(max)及K_i值研究结果表明,田间绒茧蜂对有机磷和氨基甲酸酯的抗性与AChE对杀虫剂的不敏感性有关。由此认为,绒茧蜂对有机磷的抗性主要与其最重要的靶标酶AChE的敏感性改变及多功能氧化酶有关。  相似文献   
Quantitative plant resistance is supposed to be more durable than qualitative resistance for the control of plant diseases. However, it has been experimentally shown that erosion of quantitative resistance can occur. Cumulation of quantitative resistance loci (QRLs) in the same cultivar is considered to improve the efficiency and durability of quantitative resistance, but the choice of QRLs to be combined is of crucial importance. This study investigated whether the combination of QRLs acting on different stages of pathogen development could improve the efficiency of resistance in the apple scab pathosystem. The efficiencies of three QRLs were evaluated against 10 isolates of Venturia inaequalis and the stages of pathogen development that were affected by the QRLs were defined microscopically. A gain in the efficiency of resistance was observed when QRLs were pyramided compared to when they acted alone. Thanks to the combined effects of the individual QRLs, the pyramiding of the three QRLs hindered fungal development at different stages: before the penetration of the plant cuticule, after the penetration with hypersensitivity reaction, and during the colonization and asexual reproduction. These effects were dependent on the V. inaequalis isolates. These results suggest that the gain in efficiency of resistance by pyramiding may derive from the combination of different and complementary molecular mechanisms underlying QRLs. Thus, the resistance achieved from pyramiding such a combination of QRLs should be durable.  相似文献   
为了探讨地衣芽孢杆菌的抗逆性与益生性,研究通过5个试验评定地衣芽孢杆菌的耐高温、耐酸性、耐胆盐、抑菌性和黏附性,于85℃水浴分别处理地衣芽孢杆菌2.5 min、5 min、7.5 min模拟制粒条件;利用pH值分别为2,3,4的人工胃液模拟胃液环境;用0.3%的胆盐模拟肠液环境;抑菌试验测定地衣芽孢杆菌发酵液对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制能力;以蛋鸡肠道上皮细胞为模型测定地衣芽孢杆菌的黏附能力。结果表明:85℃处理地衣芽孢杆菌2.5 min后活菌数最高,与对照组相比提高了2.25%(P>0.05);用pH值为2,3,4的胃液分别处理,与对照组相比活菌数分别提高0.77%(P>0.05)、1.54%(P>0.05)、1.34%(P>0.05);地衣芽孢杆菌发酵液对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌环直径分别为0和16.16 mm;在黏附性试验中,每100个蛋鸡肠道黏膜上皮细胞上平均可以黏附27个地衣芽孢杆菌。说明制粒过程、人工胃液、人工肠液不影响地衣芽孢杆菌的活菌数,地衣芽孢杆菌对金黄色葡萄球菌有显著抑制作用,使金黄色葡萄球菌基本不能在蛋鸡消化道内定植。  相似文献   
鲁麦21慢白粉病抗性基因数目和遗传力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以多年鉴定具有慢白粉抗性的小麦品种鲁麦21和感白粉病品种京双16及其杂交组合F2:3和F2:4代株系200个为材料, 于2005—2007年连续2个生长季, 在北京和安阳两地分别进行田间病害鉴定, 并采用质量性状和数量性状2种分析方法估算鲁麦21的慢病基因数目和遗传力。结果表明, 在这2个群体中至少存在4对抗性基因, 其广义遗传力为0.53~0.78。由于出现超亲分离, 因此推测京双16可能贡献1对微效抗病基因, 而鲁麦21至少含有3对慢白粉病抗性基因。  相似文献   
The present experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of an additive derived from the nature as an alternative of dietary antibiotic in Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Six experimental diets were formulated to contain no antibiotics or additive (yellow loess/YL) (control/CON), three graded levels of yellow loess at 5 (YL5), 10 (YL10) and 20 g/kg (YL20), oxytetracycline at 5 (OTC) and amoxicillin at 10 g/kg amoxicillin (AMX) of diet. Weight gain (WG) and specific growth rate (SGR) from fish fed CON or YL5 diets were significantly lower than those of fish fed YL20 or OTC diets. Among non‐specific enzyme, lysozyme activity of fish fed YL20, OTC or AMX was detected to be significantly higher than that from fish fed CON or YL5 diets, whereas superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of the fish fed CON was significantly lower than that for fish fed other experimental diets. Challenge test with bacteria, Edwardsiella tarda, showed improved disease resistance among the fish fed different levels of natural additive without any statistical difference from those fed antibiotics (OTC and/or AMX) supplemented diets. Therefore, these results demonstrated the potential of natural feed additive, yellow loess to replace oxytetracycline and/or amoxicillin in Japanese eel, A. japonica.  相似文献   
瓜类蔬菜是蔬菜产业重要的种类之一,但其产量和品质严重受到白粉病的影响。解决白粉病危害瓜类蔬菜生产最为有效的途径是选育和推广抗病品种,而对瓜类蔬菜白粉病菌及其抗性分子遗传机理的了解和运用是加快抗病品种选育的前提和基础。文章综述了瓜类蔬菜白粉病病原菌种类和分布、抗性遗传和抗性基因、抗性分子标记技术的开发和应用,针对存在的问题提出进一步研究的方向,以期为瓜类蔬菜抗白粉病育种提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
“冷冻宝”对低温胁迫下番茄幼苗生理生化特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在昼夜温度13C/6C条件下,研究了不同浓度冷冻宝处理的番茄幼苗对低温胁迫的反应。结果表明 适宜浓度的“冷冻宝”可使叶片可溶性糖含量和保护酶活性显著高于对照;随着胁迫时间的延长,各处理电解 质渗透率和MDA含量上升,但适宜浓度的冷冻宝处理番茄叶片电解质渗透率和MDA含量显著低于对照;植 株的抗冷性提高,综合评价效果好。通过对不同处理的多种指标综合分析,以浓度2.5~1.25 g/L为宜。  相似文献   
以不同种质番茄为实验材料,利用苗期农杆菌接种法接种番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV),采用实时定量PCR和生理生化方法评价对TYLCV的抗性,统计分析不同抗性番茄材料不同发病时期的表型特征、带毒率、抗氧化酶活性、总酚与类黄酮含量及抗性基因表达量的变化情况,并分析各抗性指标之间的关系。结果表明,番茄材料带毒率为100%;853没有任何感病症状,802与803感病最为严重;抗氧化酶活性、总酚与类黄酮含量及抗性基因表达量在各时期均较高的有867、857、853,817与842次之,803最低。SOD活性、CAT活性、APX活性、总酚含量、类黄酮含量、Ty-1基因、Ty-2和Ty-3基因的表达量相互之间均呈极显著正相关(总酚与Ty-1之间为显著正相关,P<0.01)。番茄植株感染TYLCV后,Ty-1的表达相比于其他抗病基因具有延迟性。综合分析筛选出867、857、853三种抗病性较强的材料,植株体内的抗性基因、抗氧化酶、总酚与类黄酮之间呈正相关,共同提高了番茄植株对TYLCV的抗性。  相似文献   
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