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献余热治荒沟重开发奔富路一走到陕西省三原县西阳镇陈家窑村临青河北岸的沟边,人们都会惊奇地问:这里的荒沟烂滩,是谁在短短的几年间就把它改造成山青、水秀、林茂、果丰、鱼肥的新天地呢?是他,今年72岁的黄发祥老汉。1985年,黄老汉承包治理清河北岸这条荒沟...  相似文献   
本文据水磨河流域四个断面多年(89-92年0多种(24种)成份的水质观测资料和水量观测资料,运用多种方法,详细进行了研究和评价。“评价”为国家水利部内陆河流水资源保护试点“水磨河流域水资源保护规划”研究课题的一部分,现摘要发表,以为参考。  相似文献   
Selective logging of tropical forests imposes spatial pattern on the landscape by creating a mosaic of patches affected by different intensities of disturbance. To understand the ecological impacts of selective logging it is therefore necessary to explore how patterns of tree species composition are affected by this patchy disturbance. This study examines the impacts of selective logging on species composition and spatial patterns of vegetation structure and tree diversity in Sabah, Borneo. We compare tree diversity between logged and unlogged forest at three scales: species richness within plots, species turnover among plots, and total species richness and composition of plots combined. Logging had no effect on tree diversity measured at the smallest scale. Logged forest had a greater rate of species turnover with distance, so at a large spatial scale it supported more tree species than the relatively homogeneous unlogged area. Tree species composition also differed significantly between the two types of forest, with more small dipterocarps and large pioneers in logged forest, and more large dipterocarps in unlogged forest. Our results emphasize the importance of sampling at a sufficiently large scale to represent patterns of biodiversity within tropical forest landscapes. Large areas of production forest in SE Asia are threatened with conversion to commercial crops; our findings show that selectively logged forest can retain considerable conservation value.  相似文献   
The neurological examination findings, clinical pathology (including Coccidioides immitis IgG/IgM serology) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in 13 dogs with a novel form of intracranial coccidioidomycosis are described in a retrospective case series, with long‐term clinical resolution documented in 11/13 dogs (84.6% of cases) with oral fluconazole therapy. The medical records of the Veterinary Neurological Center in Phoenix, Arizona from the years 2000 to 2017 were utilized to search for dogs with appropriate inclusion criteria. Magnetic resonance imaging findings were highly consistent across all cases and characteristically demonstrated bilaterally symmetric T2 hyperintensity throughout the frontal lobes, caudate nuclei, and rostral internal capsule, ±faint, wispy contrast enhancement on T1‐postcontrast images. These findings were in stark contrast to previously reported MRI findings in dogs with intracranial coccidioidomycosis, which were typically characterized by a focal, strongly contrast enhancing granuloma and extensive vasogenic edema, typically unilateral. Schnauzer breeds represented eight of 13 (61.5%) cases, possibly suggesting a breed predilection. Three cases underwent repeat MRI after resolution of neurological signs and documentation of a decreased Coccidioides titer in response to fluconazole therapy. All demonstrated complete resolution of previously identified lesions, but with marked, severe atrophy of the caudate nuclei and frontal lobes bilaterally. Findings from this study document a variant appearance for intracranial coccidioidomycosis that, to the author's knowledge, has not been previously described in dogs. Authors propose that, although this variant demonstrates extensive pathological changes within the forebrain, the clinical outcome and response to treatment is favorable in a majority of cases.  相似文献   
长武高原沟壑区沟坡地段热量分布与果业生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黄土高原沟壑区沟坡气温多年观测研究,总结出沟坡地段的热量分布规律,该地段平均气温与海拔高度的关系被复杂的小地形因素掩盖,表现为古代沟坡最高,塬面和台坪次之,沟底最低;古代沟坡除温度日较差和塬面相近,还具有绝对温度较塬面缓和,有效积温高于塬面等热量优势,是发展温带果业的理想地段。  相似文献   
遥感在黄河流域水土保持监测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以黄河流域水土保持遥感调查为例,说明以不同分辨率的遥感影像为主要信息源、结合地理信息系统所开展的遥感监测,是一种快速、有效的水土保持监测方法。在地理信息系统软件支持下,遥感可在水土保持动态监测的模拟、水土保持地理信息系统的建立和土壤侵蚀模型的探索等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
通过对中国鸭绿江流域进行实地野外调查和对以往在该地区采集的标本进行分类学鉴定,确定本地区种子植物112科498属1 230种.对这一地区的种子植物从属、种两级进行统计分析,结果表明:该区系属温带性质,特有现象明显,地理联系广泛.该区系以东亚地区特别是与日本相关的一些成分为主体,还有相当数量的北半球温带成分和少量寒带性质的成分.针对物种保护的现状,提出了中国鸭绿江流域珍稀濒危植物保护对策.   相似文献   
任敏  罗连升 《安徽农业科学》2008,36(2):724-726,731
分析了2007年夏季淮河流域安徽段洪涝的雨情、水情以及天气学条件,并与2003年淮河流域洪涝进行了比较。结果表明,乌拉尔山高压脊稳定,西太平洋副高较常年偏强,西风带冷空气频繁,强劲的低空急流和台风活动极端偏少,这5大因素的相逢相遇,导致了稳定的连续暴雨;而副高脊线较常年偏北2个纬距,也正好使主雨带较常年偏北2个纬距,落到淮河流域,导致淮河洪涝。  相似文献   
[Objective] Based on the cotton variety high yielding potential, fiber quality traits, disease resistance, and early maturity characters, a cultivar registration index model was developed to simplify the tedious calculation process in national cotton registration procedure, and thus to enhance the practical application of cultivar regis- tration index in cotton breeding ancl cotton recommending. [Method] By means of correlation analysis, partial correlation analysis and path analysis methods, the cor- relation of cotton main properties and their effects on cultivar registration index were explored using the dataset of national cotton regional trials in Yangtze River Valley during 1996-2013. The cultivar registration index model was constructed with step- wise regression statistical technique to ascertain the quantitative relationship of main characters with cultivar registration index, and the regional cotton trial dataset in 2013 was used to validate the model. [Result] Several characters with larger deter- minants to cultivar registration index were screened out,ie. lint yield increase ratio, pro-frost yield ratio, verticillium wilt index, fiber strength, fusarium wilt index and mi- cronaire value. The cultivar registration index model defined the functional relation- ship of cultivar registration index with the selected main characters, among which lint yield increase ratio, fiber strength and micronaire value contributed most to culti- var registration index. The model validation with regional cotton trials in 2013 indi- cated the root mean square error, RMSE was only 2.77, and the variation coeffi- cient was 6.77%, which confirmed the model prediction effect was quite perfect. [Conclusion] The developed cultivar registration index model was reliable enough to simulate the complicated scoring system in cultivar registration procedure, also sim- plified cotton registration process, and enhanced the practicability of the cultivar reg- istration index.  相似文献   
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