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青稞HbTsi1的克隆及其序列特征与表达特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究DREB类基因在青稞干旱胁迫下的表达模式,通过RT-PCR技术从抗旱品种‘喜马拉雅10号’中克隆其中的一个基因全长cDNA,并利用Real Time PCR方法研究其在干旱胁迫、复水条件下的表达情况。结果表明:从抗旱材料中克隆一个1 237bp全长cDNA序列,命名为HbTsi1(登录号:KJ699390)。生物信息学分析表明,该序列开放阅读框长为837bp,编码278个氨基酸序列,由HbTsi1的ORF推测所编码的蛋白,预测分子质量为30.33ku,等电点(pI)为6.11。Prosite Scan分析结果表明,该基因含有AP2/ERF domain profile家族特征基序、1个Bipartite nuclear localization signal profile、6个蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点、6个酪蛋白激酶Ⅱ磷酸化位点、5个N-豆蔻酰化位点、2个cAMP和cGMP依赖性的蛋白激酶磷酸化位点、2个氮糖基化位点。TMHMM预测该蛋白不含跨膜转移功能区。Signal IP3.0预测该蛋白没有信号肽,不属于分泌蛋白。PSORT亚细胞定位预测该基因所编码蛋白位于细胞质。推导的氨基酸序列同源比对分析结果表明,HbTsi1蛋白与短芒大麦的DREB蛋白具有较高的相似性。利用实时定量PCR方法研究HbTsi1在干旱胁迫条件下及复水后不同时间点的表达情况,发现HbTsi1在土壤绝对含水量为33.4%时表达量最高,随着土壤绝对含水量的下降而下调表达;当达到作物正常生长所需的土壤绝对含水量时又开始上调表达;进行干旱胁迫后(15.5%)基因表达量下降;复水后8h时恢复至最高表达水平。说明,HbTsi1基因可能是青稞抗旱节水的关键基因。  相似文献   
通过对贵州野生香菇的分布、形态特征、生长基物和成分分析的研究,为贵州野生香菇的性状保存和开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
环草石斛野生植株与组培苗总生物碱和多糖含量的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对贵州产野生环草石斛植株和组培苗中有效成分(总生物碱和多糖)的含量进行了测定和比较分析。结果表明:不同来源的环草石斛中总生物碱含量顺序为:组培苗>野生样品>市售样品;多糖的含量顺序为:野生样品≥组培苗>市售样品。环草石斛组培苗具备直接提取原药成分的可能性。该研究结果为环草石斛次生代谢产物的工业化生产开辟了新途径并提供了基础数据。  相似文献   
PEG渗透胁迫下3份大麦材料幼苗叶片抗旱生理特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以甘啤4号、哈瑞特和D- 22大麦为材料,测定不同浓度PEG6000(5%、10%、15%、20%、25%和30%)渗透胁迫处理下大麦幼苗叶片的相对含水量、Pro含量等生理指标,分析PEG渗透胁迫模拟干旱对大麦生理生化特性的影响.结果表明,随着PEG溶液浓度的增加,三个材料的大麦幼苗叶片的相对含水量均下降,而脯氨酸含量...  相似文献   
节节麦与野燕麦8倍体杂种核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
节节麦(Aegilops tauschii(Coss.)Sch.2n=2x=14)与通北野燕麦(Avena fatua L.2n=6x=42)杂交,F_1自然加倍成8倍体,8倍体播成的F_2代,遗传性基本一致,PMC镜检表明,染色体数为2n=28Ⅱ。用F_2所结的种子进行根尖细胞核型分析,结果发现8倍体中包含有全套的节节麦和野燕麦的染色体。节节麦中有1对随体染色体.2对近中部着丝点染色体,4对中部着丝点染色体。野燕麦有3对随体染色体,5对近端着丝点染色体,8对近中部着丝点染色体,5对中部着丝点染色体。而节节麦与野燕麦8倍体杂种,有4对随体染色体,5对近端着丝点染色体.10对近中部着丝点染色体,9对中部着丝点染色体。核型分析结果表明,节节麦与野燕麦杂交合成的8倍体,是节节麦与野燕麦的双二倍体。  相似文献   
A programme of field trials for the study of the winter barley–Rhynchosporium commune pathosystem is reported. The associated seedborne disease rhynchosporium leaf scald is regarded as having an important impact on barley yields. The analysis in this study relates to the impact of the seed source (commercial or farm-saved seed) on disease incidence and to the spatial pattern of rhynchosporium leaf scald disease incidence. Disease incidence data were calculated from field data recorded as disease severity. Mean disease incidence was higher in the crops grown from farm-saved seed than in those grown from commercial seed, although great agronomic significance cannot be attached to this result. The spatial pattern of rhynchosporium leaf scald disease incidence was characterized in terms of the binary power law (BPL) and was indicative of an aggregated pattern. Programme-wide BPL results were described using a novel phytopathological application of a random coefficients model. These results have application in field sampling for rhynchosporium leaf scald disease.  相似文献   
In the Mediterranean area, wild fish have often been suggested as either the reservoirs of the causative agents or at least the carriers of the pathogens responsible for disease outbreaks in cultured fish. However, no epidemiological investigations on actual pathogen/disease interactions between farmed and wild fish have been conducted even for the most important fish pathogens. Only sporadic isolations and identifications of various pathogens in wild fish have been done and real associations with the pathological conditions that exist within the farm environment and vice versa have not been established. Monogenean ectoparasite Sparicotyle chrysophrii and isopod Ceratothoa oestroides are commonly found in the Mediterranean cage-reared sea bream and sea bass and in the surrounding wild fish population. Both species were recognized as pathogens that seasonally inflict serious losses in fingerlings and juveniles of sea bream and sea bass, being potentially propagated and exchanged during wild and caged fish interaction. In order to evaluate the degree of pathogens transfer between wild and farmed fish, we investigated genetic population structures of these two important parasitic pathogens inferred by mtDNA cytochrome oxidase I locus. Parasites isolated from wild and farmed fish on the two most productive Adriatic fish farms showed genetic heterogeneity, contradicting widely accepted hypothesis of cross-contamination, at least in case of S. chrysophrii and C. oestroides. As far as we know, this is the first report that in a study of pathogen transfer molecular evidence was employed to asses the genetic population structure of shared parasites.  相似文献   
测定了信阳市主要野生水产动物Cd、Cr、Pb、As和Hg的含量,并根据单因子污染指数评价法对信阳市主要野生水产动物的品质进行质量安全评价。结果表明,8种信阳市主要野生水产动物的所有样品中均检出Pb和Cr,但均未检出Cd和Hg。在鲫鱼、鲤鱼、青虾和克氏原螯虾中检出As,检出率分别为60%、65.5%、55%和50%。单因子污染指数评价法表明,8种信阳市主要野生水产动物均受到不同程度的Pb污染,鲤鱼和鲫鱼受到了轻度的As污染。  相似文献   
芭蕉属野生种的地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芭蕉属起源于热带亚热带区域,对芭蕉属野生种质资源的研究始于20世纪40年代。通过检索INIBAP的多个数据库和相关文献,归纳整理出芭蕉属野生种的分布规律,为野生蕉的种质资源保存、利用以及品种鉴定提供一定的理论依据。经分析,目前已经报道的芭蕉属共有52个野生种,其中真芭蕉组(Eumusa)11个,观赏蕉组(Rhodochlamys)9个,澳蕉组(Australimusa)13个,红花蕉组(Callimusa)18个,不确定组(Incertae sedis)1个。马来西亚、印度尼西亚、巴布亚新几内亚、印度和中国均分布有不同的3组芭蕉属野生种,但马来西亚和印度分布的种数最多,各分布有15种,约占总数的29%,可能是芭蕉属野生种的多样性中心。  相似文献   
SSR标记对野生大豆种群遗传结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用40对SSR引物分析了8个省区天然野生大豆种群的遗传结构和遗传多样性.结果表明:15个种群共检测到633个等位基因,平均每对引物等位变异基因数平均值15.83个;种群平均Shannon指数(Ⅰ)0.7835,种群平均期望杂合度(He)0.4070,种群平均观察杂合度(Ho)0.0012,平均种群内遗传多样度(Hs)...  相似文献   
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