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根据金黄色葡萄球菌特异性STAA-Aul基因序列,设计、合成了一对引物,运用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术从10头患有奶牛乳房炎的奶牛奶样中扩增得到8个大小为420 bp的DNA产物;阴性样品中未扩增到产物。测定了其中2个DNA片段的核酸序列,确定为金黄色葡萄球菌的STAA-Aul基因。  相似文献   
应用多重荧光PCR快速筛查作物中转基因成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国批准进口的和获得农业转基因生物安全证书的转基因玉米转化体的序列分析发现,除DAS40278-9和BLVA430101外,CaMV35s启动子、NOS终止子、CrylAb/Ac基因和pat基因覆盖了 21种玉米转基因转化体.通过引物组合筛选、反应体系优化、灵敏度测试、适用性测试等实验,建立了基于4个通用筛选元件...  相似文献   
Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum spp., is a major disease of cultivated strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa. This study identifies the Colletotrichum spp. which causes strawberry anthracnose in the southwest of Spain. A survey of the region was carried out, and the strains isolated were identified as C. acutatum by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with genus and species-specific primers, demonstrating that this species is currently the causal agent of strawberry anthracnose in the studied region. The pathogenicity of C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides strains was evaluated on two principal strawberry cultivars (cvs Camarosa and Ventana) under field conditions, the latter being more pathogenic than the former.  相似文献   
马铃薯胞囊线虫是马铃薯上最重要的有害生物之一,也是我国特别关注的重要植物检疫性线虫.针对马铃薯白线虫ITS序列,我们设计了引物和TaqMan探针,使用15种马铃薯胞囊线虫群体和4种其它胞囊线虫样品进行验证,可高度灵敏地检测单个马铃薯白线虫的胞囊或幼虫,最高检测灵敏度达到10fs;同时开展了混合样品和未知样品的检测,证明了引物的专化性和TaqMan探针特异性.该检测方法可自动化检测马铃薯白线虫并进行定量,适合进行标准化的常规检测.  相似文献   
Aphanomyces euteiches causes severe root rot of peas. Resistance is limited in commercial pea cultivars. Real-time fluorescent PCR assay specific for A. euteiches was used to study the relationship between disease severity and pathogen DNA content in infected peas. Five pea genotypes ranging in levels of resistance were inoculated with five isolates of A. euteiches. Plants were visually rated for disease development and the amount of pathogen DNA in roots was determined using the PCR assay. The susceptible genotypes Genie, DSP and Bolero tended to have significantly more disease and more pathogen DNA than the resistant genotypes 90-2079 and PI 180693. PI 180693 consistently had less disease, while 90-2079 had the lowest amount of pathogen DNA. The Spearman correlation between pathogen DNA quantity and disease development was positive and significant (P < 0.05) for three isolates, but was not significant for two other isolates. This suggests that the real-time PCR assay may have limited application as a selection tool for resistance in pea to A. euteiches. Its utility as a selection tool would be dependent on the correlation between disease development and pathogen DNA content for a given pathogen isolate. The accuracy and specificity of the real-time PCR assay suggests considerable application for the assay in the study of mechanisms of disease resistance and the study of microbial population dynamics in plants.  相似文献   
为了解龙眼miR166初级体基因Pri-miR166 S53结构特点及其前体和成熟体在龙眼体胚发生早期的表达模式,采用SMART~(TM) RACE试剂盒和PCR扩增技术克隆龙眼体胚早期miR166基因的初级体(Pri-miR166 S53),确认其转录起始位点,并预测其含有的潜在ORF;利用龙眼基因组数据库提取其启动子序列,预测其含有的顺式作用元件;用实时荧光定量PCR对龙眼体胚发生早期及不同激素处理下的胚性愈伤组织中miR166基因的前体(Pre-miR166 S53)和成熟体(miR166a.2)表达模式进行分析。结果表明:获得长317 bp的Pri-miR166 S53基因初级体序列,对其进行翻译,得到一条长13个氨基酸序列的miPEP(MLCFVDALFLIST)。利用生物信息学软件分析Pri-miR166 S53基因的启动子序列发现,除了具有TATA/CAAT-box外,还含有生长素、脱落酸、乙烯、水杨酸、茉莉酸甲酯及spl、HSE等特异作用元件。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,在2,4-D调控的龙眼体胚发生早期过程中,从胚性松散型愈伤组织发育到球形胚的过程中,Pri-miR166 S53基因的前体pre-miR166 S53和成熟体miR166a.2都表现为下调趋势;而在无2,4-D调控的龙眼体胚发生早期中,pre-miR166 S53和miR166a.2表达模式不同。此外,pre-miR166S53随ABA和乙烯处理浓度升高呈下调表达,而对不同浓度2,4-D处理无应答;miR166a.2随2,4-D、ABA处理浓度升高呈下调表达,而在乙烯处理下呈上调表达。上述研究结果提示miR166前体和成熟体在对外源激素应答的模式上并不呈简单线性相关,可能存在多层次、多方位的调控。  相似文献   
Disease resistance mediated by the resistance gene Xa21 is developmentally controlled in rice. We examined the relationship between Pathogenesis Related (PR) defense gene expression and Xa21-mediated developmental disease resistance induced by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). OsPR1a, OsPR1b, and OsPR1c genes were cloned and their induction was analyzed, in addition to the OsPR10a gene, at the juvenile and adult stages in response to a wildtype Xoo strain that induces a resistance response (incompatible interaction) and an isogenic mutant Xoo strain that does not (compatible interaction). We found that the adult stage leaves are more competent to express these OsPR1 genes and that the Xa21 locus is required for the highest levels of induction.  相似文献   
 本研究建立了大豆种子中菜豆荚斑驳病毒(BPMV)和烟草环斑病毒(TRSV)单管双重实时荧光PCR检测方法。将含有相同浓度的分别带有BPMV和TRSV CP基因的质粒溶液作为阳性对照,以受两种病毒侵染的大豆种子作为待测样品进行实时荧光PCR检测,结果表明能从同一管中同时检测出这两种病毒而不发生交叉反应。尽管在阳性对照中,二者的检测限相当,均可达到35 pg/mL,但在实际应用中,两种病毒由于在大豆种子中的浓度不一致而存在一定的差别。该方法快速、灵敏、简便,同时特异性更强,在出入境检验检疫中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
为探究从广东省清远的鹅体内采集的蛔虫(Ascaridia anseris)的种类,对临床采集的鹅蛔虫样品,在形态观察的基础上,用保守引物NC5和NC2扩增鹅蛔虫的ITS rDNA基因片段,将扩增产物经克隆测序后,获得大小为1 009bp的鹅蛔虫ITS rDNA基因序列(GenBank登录号为KC905082)。序列比对和系统进化分析表明,鹅蛔虫5.8SrRNA基因与GenBank收录的鸡蛔虫(登录号为AJ001508)同源性为96%,而与不同地理株的鸽蛔虫的同源性在91%~96%之间;禽蛔科的鸡蛔虫、鸽蛔虫和鹅蛔虫同一进化分支,鹅蛔虫、鸡蛔虫和鸽蛔虫处于各自的独立进化分支。上述证明,鹅蛔虫是不同于鸽蛔虫的一个独立有效种,在系统发生关系上与鸡蛔虫更亲近。  相似文献   
参照GenBank已公布的猪源输血传播病毒Ⅰ型(Torque Teno Virus genogroupⅠ,TTVⅠ)全基因序列,设计并合成一对特异性引物,PCR扩增片段为194bp,测序结果与已公布的猪TTVⅠ型序列同源性为92.6%。用所建立的方法检测猪圆环病毒Ⅱ型、猪细小病毒、猪伪狂犬病病毒、猪多杀性巴氏杆菌、猪链...  相似文献   
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