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进出境货物中木质包装传带有害生物得到国际社会普遍关注。分析进出境木质包装检疫监管政策历史变革,收集近10余年我国主要口岸进出境货物中木质包装检疫性有害生物截获报告和研究文献,分析研究其风险特征和规律,比较研究我国木质包装相关的林业检疫性有害生物与进出境木质包装检出的检疫性有害生物名录。结果显示,进境货物中木质包装检疫性有害生物昆虫和线虫检出率高,美国、马来西亚、中国台湾等国家(地区)为高风险地区,IPPC标识不规范,进境未申报或不真实;出境木质包装被进境国家检出天牛侵染,出境前未加施和伪造IPPC标识突出,出境预警量明显低于进境预警量。进境、出境和国内林业检疫性有害生物名录差异较大,初步建立了进境、出境木质包装检疫性有害生物检出通报名录,为科学、有效检疫监管提供参考资料。  相似文献   
[目的]掌握云南省核桃的有害生物种类和发生危害情况。[方法]采用实地调查与室内饲养相结合的方法,对危害云南省核桃的有害生物进行了系统调查。[结果]危害核桃的有害生物主要有4类:害虫、病原微生物、有害植物、有害动物(鼠类和鸟类)。云南省核桃主要害虫共有147种,隶属8目40科;主要病害有12种,其中真菌性病害11种,细菌性病害1种;主要有害植物3种;鼠害3种,鸟害2种。[结论]该研究结果可为云南省核桃的有害生物防治和预测预报提供依据。  相似文献   
基于《Flora of China》《中国植物志》《西藏植物志》和若干植物数据库网站及相关原始文献,对《西藏自治区重点保护植物名录》进行修订。结果表明,《名录》中共有40个类群,此次修订改动了13个,改动率达到32.50%。其中,单独中文名变化的3个;单独拉丁文变化的7个(包括拉丁名拼写有细微错误的2个);中文名和拉丁名均变化的3个。修订中出现了3个属级水平的更改,即互叶铁线莲由互叶铁线莲属(Archiclematis)更改为铁线莲属(Clematis),定结桂花由木犀属(Osmanthus)更改为冬青属(Ilex),毛脉对叶兰由对叶兰属(Listera)更改为鸟巢兰属(Neottia)。此次修订将为保护法规制定、保护措施应用以及相关科研考察提供依据。  相似文献   
IUCN Red List conservation status is apparently judged mainly by assessment of species' susceptibility to threat. However, risk must often depend also on the threat itself. Therefore, we investigate the value of adding to IUCN's current criteria a separate index of threat, human density. Human density in the geographic range of Threatened primate species is significantly higher than in the range of Lower Risk species. Thus, Threatened species are both susceptible, and experience more threat. However, the match is far from perfect. Given abundant other evidence of adverse effects of high human density, the mismatch emphasizes the potential benefit of adding an index of threat to the current criteria. A main advantage might be improved assessment, given the amount of up-to-date data on threats compared with the paucity on reactions to threat. The simplest means of incorporation might be to increase the status of species that experience higher than a certain threshold human density.  相似文献   
Conservation planning decisions are typically made on the basis of species distribution or occurrence data, which ideally would have complete spatial and taxonomic coverage. Agencies are constrained in the data they can collect, often pragmatically prioritising certain groups such as threatened species, or methods, such as volunteer surveys. This mismatch between goals and realities inevitably leads to bias and uncertainty in conservation planning outputs, yet few studies have assessed how data realities affect planning outputs. We conducted a sensitivity analysis on the Protection Index, a method for assessing conservation progress and priorities, using an extensive dataset on species occurrences and distributions derived from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory. Analyses revealed a high proportion of occurrence records for threatened species and certain taxonomic groups, reflecting the agencies’ priorities. We performed a sensitivity analysis on conservation planning outputs, simulating a ‘data poor’ scenario typical of many real situations; we deleted increasing amounts of data in both a biased (exaggerating patterns observed) and unbiased (random) manner. We assessed the effects of data paucity and bias on the value of potential conservation sites, and planning priorities. Certain high value sites with only a few important species occurrences were more sensitive to data depletion than those with many occurrences. Data bias based on taxonomic bias was more influential to site value than threat rank. To maximise benefit from surveys from a planning perspective, it would be better to focus on poorly surveyed areas rather than adding occurrences in already well represented sites. This study demonstrates the importance of sensitivity analysis in conservation planning, and that the effects of uncertainty and data quality on planning decisions should not be ignored.  相似文献   
报道了贵州百里杜鹃自然保护区杜鹃属植物一新种小白杜鹃Rhododendron maculatum Xiang Chen Jiayong Huang和马缨杜鹃一新变种微毛马缨杜鹃Rhododendron delavayi var.puberulum Xiang Chen Xun Chen。小白杜鹃R.maculatum与疣梗杜鹃R.verruciferum较为相似,但区别于前者的幼枝和叶柄幼时被腺体,叶较大而背面无毛,花序轴较长且疏被腺体,花梗仅密被腺体而无疣点,花冠白色,较大,通常宽钟形,具紫红色大斑块,花丝、子房和花柱均较长。微毛马缨杜鹃R.delavayi var.puberulum与原变种马缨杜鹃R.delavayi var.delavayi的区别在于叶狭长,背面毛被稍薄而紧贴,花冠管内外、花丝和花柱均被微柔毛。目前,该新种和新变种仅发现3个种群含数株,资源量十分稀少,依据IUCN红色名录标准均属于极危物种(CR),需要加以重点保护。  相似文献   
中国皮刺螨总科名录初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学革螨非是昆虫类节肢动物的统称,可以作为多种疾病的传播媒介。皮刺螨总科是医学革螨的重要组成部分,结合国内关于革螨区系研究的诸多文献报道,在《中国经济昆虫志》(第40册)的基础上,新增了9属126个新种,丰富和扩展了皮刺螨总科的内容。  相似文献   
为摸清毛乌素沙区食用资源植物类型、用途,确定该区食用资源植物名录,以期为合理利用、有效保护该区资源植物提供科学依据,通过毛乌素沙综合考察,考察采用东、中、西三条线路,经过三个阶段,历时21d,行程5000km,获得丰富的资料,并结合文献资料进行分析、研究、论证。结果表明毛乌素沙区食用资源植物共有8类82科229属320种,毛乌素沙区食用植物资源较丰富。  相似文献   
关于"全球重要农业文化遗产"的中文名称及其他   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
闵庆文 《古今农业》2007,(3):116-120
2002年以来,在全球环境基金等的支持下,联合国粮农组织启动了保护全球重要农业文化遗产的项目,并在世界各地选择了5个不同类型的传统农业系统作为首批试点,我国青田县的稻鱼共生系统名列其中。本文介绍了该项目概况、中文名称的由来、以讹传讹的几个错误以及我国项目执行情况,并呼吁应当重视对于农业文化遗产的保护,尽快制定国家农业文化遗产标准,尽快建立农业文化遗产清单。  相似文献   
该文编制了毕节市七星关老城区苔藓植物名录,并分析了其生活型类型,为毕节城区植物资源信息库补充资料以及苔藓植物资源的其它研究和保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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