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通辽地区美国白蛾发生规律及防治对策初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对通辽地区2016-2019年气温的调查统计得知:超过10℃的天数主要集中在3-11月,分别为174天、176天、182天、175天;超过10℃的有效积温分别为1 728.1日度、1 743.9日度、1 761.4日度、1 731.1日度;根据美国白蛾完成1个世代所需要的有效积温可知,发生代数分别为1.95代、1.97代、1.99代、1.96代;故通辽地区属于2代区。  相似文献   
核桃介壳虫在川北部分地区危害严重,主要危害核桃树主干、枝条,严重时也危害叶柄、叶脉。通过形态学和分子生物学鉴定,确定该虫为桑白盾蚧。桑白盾蚧在川北地区1年发生2代,4月上旬至5月中旬、9月中旬至10月中旬为若虫期,为该虫的最适防治时间。  相似文献   
园花叶蛛在山东日照市沿海地区1年发生1代。以不同龄的若蛛在杂草丛和松树枝叶间越冬。翌年3月下旬开始出蜇,6月下旬发育至成蛛,7月上旬交配,7月下旬开始产卵,9月上旬产卵结束。10月下旬开始越冬。卵期平均8.38d,若蛛期平均373d,成蛛期平均43.2d。雌雄性比为3:1。成蛛日食赤松毛虫幼虫(3~4龄)1.2头(重3.165g),是多种害虫的重要天敌  相似文献   
水杉为我国一级保护的珍贵树种,具有重要的科研价值和应用价值。由于人类过度开发,天然水杉林生境退化严重,自然更新不良。笔者应用Braun-Blanquet的植被社会学研究方法对湖北利川钢厂湾、邓家湾、游家湾3处的天然水杉林进行群落学调查,结果表明:钢厂湾的水杉样地群落类型为水杉-尾叶山茶-日本金星蕨群落,共有植物种类约78种;邓家湾的水杉样地群落类型为水杉-桂竹-黄金凤群落,共有植物种类约81种;游家湾的水杉样地群落类型为水杉-微毛柃-大叶金腰群落,共有植物种类约58种。经过20a的演替,天然水杉林各层的盖度都逐渐增加。在种类组成上,乔木层阳性树种减少,灌木层和草本层种类组成变化不大。  相似文献   
This study aimed to determine the response of native plant species to changed growing conditions, especially increased shade, following establishment of exotic Pinus radiata plantation on cleared native eucalypt forest. In the Northern Hemisphere, species tolerant to shading are typically herbaceous perennials, with large seeds, no obvious mechanism of seed dispersal, and spread by clonal means. We investigated whether life form, mode of seed dispersal, leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA), nutrient uptake strategy, seed mass, fire response, plant height, and clonal spread differed between understorey species of pine plantation and native forest. Further, we asked whether plant functional traits that confer tolerance to stress through shading differ from those in other floras. The study was conducted on the Delatite Peninsula in north-eastern Victoria, Australia. Vegetation of adjacent native forest and pine plantation were surveyed using eight 7 m × 7 m plots per site, randomly located within five paired sites. Differences in plant traits between land-use types were tested by Non-metric Multi-dimensional Scaling (NMDS), analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) and paired t-tests. Cluster analysis of the nine plant traits was used to define emergent groups, with differences between land-use types examined by ANOSIM and indicator species analysis. There was a significant change in the composition of understorey vegetation following conversion to pine plantation that included a decline in the richness of native species. NMDS of plant attributes showed a clear separation of native forest from pine plantation with land use strongly correlated in ordination space (r2 = 0.611). Cluster analysis produced seven emergent groups of plant functional traits for 78 identified plant species. Phanerophytes split into two groups (myrmecochorous trees and shrubs; myrmecochorous shrubs), perennial herbs into four groups (upright herbs, myrmecochorous herbs, barochorous herbs, flat rosette herbs) with one group representing therophytes and anemochorous perennials. Perennial herbs with intermediate SLA and clonal spread were tolerant of the shaded conditions in pine plantation while the two groups of phanerophytes and the myrmecochorous herbs were largely excluded. Shared traits of excluded emergent groups included those that provided an over-riding adaptation to mineral nutrient stress, including myrmecochory, low SLA, ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal associations and N2-fixation. These plant traits could not provide tolerance to stress through shading, which is better explained by the open canopied nature of the native forest.  相似文献   
经对24个板栗新品系幼树的发枝结果习性进行观测,结果表明,新品系平均结果枝占当年萌发枝的50%以上,且连续结果性能好,达到国家板栗丰产选种标准.对24个板栗新品系幼树1年生健壮枝作轻剪、中剪、重剪和不剪(缓放)4种修剪方法的试验,结果表明,轻剪能显著促进幼树发枝和座果,中剪和缓放次之,重剪结实差,发枝少而壮.  相似文献   
Kalam Kohistan is a dry,temperate hilly region in the Hindu Raj Series of the Greater Hindu Kush Mountains with diverse forests.As plant distribution and composition is expression of a range of various environmental variables,ecological and floristic attributes of vegetation in the Laikot Forests were therefore evaluated via consecutive explorative trips.These forests have not been evaluated ecologically before due to harsh climatic conditions and issues of accessibility and the study in hand is one of the first in its nature.Quantitative ecological techniques were used to sample forest vegetation and identify species in quadrats of 2 m×2 m for herbs,5 m×5 m for shrubs and 10 m×10 m for trees.All the data of 195 plant species and environmental factors were analyzed via Two-way Cluster Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis using PCORD and CANOCO software.Among 195 plant species from 63 families were 27 species of Asteraceae,the most-speciose family,followed by Poaceae(20 spp.).The dominant life form was therophyte(86 spp.;44%share),followed by phanerophyte(41 spp.;21%share).For the leaf size spectrum,most prevalent was nanophyll(73 spp.;44%)followed by microphyll(66 spp.,34%)and mesophyll(44 spp.;23%).Calcium carbonate,pH,potassium,sand,silt,organic matter,slope aspect and grazing significantly influenced species composition,distribution and habitat.The floristic variation in the region was diverse due to elevational and aspect gradients and thus devided into three zones.This vegetation zonation can be utilized for forest management,species and habitat conservation.Both in situ and ex situ conservation of threatened plant species may improve their conservation status in future if address properly.  相似文献   
通过对小勾儿茶Berchemiella wilsonii的变种毛柄小勾儿茶Berchemiella wilsonii(Schneid.)Nakai var.pubipetiolata H.Qian的实地调查,对其分布概况、生境特性以及种群生存概况等方面进行了分析。结果表明:(1)毛柄小勾儿茶主要分布于安徽省霍山县马家河、舒城县万佛山和浙江省临安市湍口乡、临安市马啸乡等地。常见分布于沟边、路边、悬崖峭壁的向阳面。(2)毛柄小勾儿茶对水分及光照的要求较高,喜温暖湿润气候,成年植株主要分布在群落最高层,其幼苗耐荫性差,难以在郁闭度高的林内生长。(3)毛柄小勾儿茶种子大都落在树旁,缺乏有效传播方式,且种子未熟先落,95%无活性,导致极其缺乏幼苗。毛柄小勾儿茶生态位十分狭窄,是群落的伴生种或偶见种,缺乏群落竞争力。毛柄小勾儿茶数量已极其稀少,建议加大保护力度,加快对种子成熟生理机制的研究,提高种子活性。或是探索有效的规模化繁育技术,进行人工抚育小苗,扩大种群数量。  相似文献   
大栗鳃金龟自1985年首次在临夏太子山林区发生后,以5年为一周期于1990年、1995年定期发生。该虫以幼虫和成虫在土壤内越冬,也以幼虫和成虫对林木幼苗造成巨大为害。幼虫期采用50%辛硫磷乳剂600倍液、80%敌敌畏乳剂600倍液,防治效果达90%以上。成虫期采用黑光灯诱杀、人工捕捉,25%氧乐菊酿乳剂800倍液或“666”烟剂防治,均能收到很好的效果。  相似文献   
通过对黑龙江帽儿山地区金龟类访花甲虫种类的初步调查,结果表明,访花金龟共有15种,其中花金龟科有7种(46.67%),丽金龟科5种(33.33%),斑金龟科2种(13.33%),鳃金龟科1种(6.67%);优势种3种:短毛花金龟、小青花金龟和白星花金龟。金龟类访花优势种,主要访问的植物种类有:珍珠梅、深山唐松草、柳叶绣线菊、鸡树条荚蒾、蚊子草等。并对金龟类访花甲虫对花的选择特征进行了总结。  相似文献   
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