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湖泊被认为是重要的且被低估了的温室气体释放源,而甲烷(CH4)是湖泊释放温室气体的重要组成。研究表明,湖泊生态系统中CH4的产生和氧化过程主要受水体和沉积物中产甲烷菌和甲烷氧化菌的活动所控制。水温、pH、溶解氧浓度、营养盐等因素都可能影响湖泊 CH4释放通量。本文利用 Web of Science与 CNKI作为检索平台,调研了全球不同地区 80个湖泊水-气界面CH4释放通量。结果表明,CH4平均释放通量为2.56 mmol·m-2·d-1 (范围为0.001~40.3 mmol·m-2·d-1)。其中南美洲地区和欧洲地区湖泊CH4释放通量显著高于非洲地区湖泊,富营养湖泊向大气释放的CH4显著高于中营养湖泊和贫营养湖泊,面积<1 km2的湖泊向大气释放的CH4显著高于面积10~<100 km2和面积≥100 km2的湖泊,低海拔地区湖泊向大气释放的CH4显著高于高海拔地区湖泊和超高海拔地区湖泊,夏季湖泊向大气释放的CH4显著高于春季湖泊、秋季湖泊和冬季湖泊。在温暖季节低海拔地区的富营养化和小型浅水湖泊是CH4释放的热点区域,未来需进一步结合微生物产生和氧化CH4机制分析加强CH4释放通量的日变化研究,为估算全球气候变暖背景下湖泊CH4释放量提供科学依据。  相似文献   
为了探究不同湿地植物在处理高负荷养猪废水时的根际效应,本研究通过野外小区控制试验,以3种常见的挺水植物美人蕉(Canna indica)、梭鱼草(Pontederia cordata)、黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacorus)为研究对象构建表流人工湿地,研究人工湿地植物根系分泌物与根际氮循环微生物之间的关系。结果显示,梭鱼草对养猪废水的处理效果最好,氨氮、硝氮和总氮的去除率分别为78.3%、93.4%和81.2%。与试验前相比,梭鱼草和黄菖蒲根系可溶性有机碳(DOC)分泌速率在试验后分别增加了44.9%和13.5%;根系总有机酸(TOA)分泌速率分别增加了125.1%和147.5%。在处理养猪废水后,3种植物根际硝化过程氨氧化细菌(AOB)占主导地位,AOB-amoA基因丰度在黄菖蒲根际土中最高,为2.6×108 copies·g-1;反硝化过程nirK基因占主导地位,nirK基因丰度在梭鱼草根际土中最高,为4.3×108 copies·g-1。同时,3种植物根际均存在较明显的厌氧氨氧化过程,hz...  相似文献   
沈阳市湿地面积为270 422.5 hm2,除水稻田外主要以湖泊湿地和水库为主。在对沈阳市的湿地面积、湿地资源特点以及生态系统面临的主要问题分析的基础上,针对沈阳市湿地资源现状,提出了湿地资源保护和恢复的建议。  相似文献   
江西省修河国家湿地公园的湿地面积占总面积的87.6%,将湿地划分为2大系统2大类8个类型.项目区水质优良,水能资源丰富;生物资源多样;景观类型多样.分析了公园来自社会、经济、文化诸方面的压力与胁迫.提出了完善法律制度、严格控制开发规模、控制污染源、强化机构建设、完善投入机制、建立补偿机制和湿地监测体系等保护措施.  相似文献   
Abstract –  This study used passive telemetry (passive integrated transponders) to evaluate winter migration in three species of cyprinids (roach ( Rutilus rutilus (L.)), white bream ( Blicca bjoerkna (L.)) and rudd ( Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.))) and their potential predators (pike ( Esox lucius (L.)) and perch ( Perca fluviatilis (L.))) between a shallow lake and its streams. Migration patterns were investigated from October to June, and a substantial part of the roach (40%) and white bream (55%) populations tagged in the lake during autumn migrated during winter into the streams, whereas only very few piscivores (<2%) migrated. In contrast to roach and white bream, only few rudd (<6%) migrated, which is likely a consequence of different overwintering strategies, e.g., rudd overwintering in shallow highly structured habitats. Small rudd migrated more than larger rudd, whereas there were no size-differentiated migration patterns for roach or white bream. Migration of the cyprinid fishes was generally initiated in late October and ended in May, and specific synchronised bursts of migration were observed in December, January and April, suggesting that migration is triggered by one or more proximate environmental cues. The cyprinid fishes generally entered the streams in late afternoon or in the morning, depending on season, but overall migration patterns varied between the three streams. We suggest and discuss that our results have great implications for lake management as well as for the interpretation of seasonal trophic dynamics in shallow lakes.  相似文献   
通过对西洞庭湖青山湖国家城市湿地公园发展的现状、存在的问题进行了初步探讨和研究,并针对这些问题提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
闽江河口湿地鸟类监测研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2003年1月—2004年4月,对福建闽江河口湿地的鸟类及生境进行监测,调查共发现鸟类12目26科80种和亚种,其中水禽8目12科54种和亚种。该湿地鸟类主要以越冬和迁徙停歇鸟类为主,越冬水禽约2万只,主要是雁鸭类、鹬类、鹭类和鸥类。最多录得黑脸琵鹭(Plataleaminor)15只,卷羽鹈鹕(Pelecanusphilippensisccrispus)29只,鸿雁(Ansercygnoides)1000多只。发现福建鸟类新记录白领翡翠(Halcyonchlorisarmstrongi)和黄脚银鸥(Laruscachinnans)。  相似文献   
青海湖区生态环境现状及建设措施   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
范青慈 《青海草业》2001,10(1):26-28
通过对青海湖区生态环境现状分析 ,针对性提出退耕还林还草、减少牲畜数量、综合防治沙漠化及建立高效畜牧业等生态建设措施  相似文献   
我国湿地生态环境监测网络建设的初步构想   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
中国湿地资源极其丰富 ,在国民经济和生活生产中起着重要的支持作用 ,同时 ,湿地在调节气候、参与全球变化和人类可持续发展中有着不可替代的作用。本文侧重探讨建立全国湿地生态环境监测指标体系及其评价办法 ,研究监测网络站点设置原则和监测技术方法  相似文献   
A total of 5488 ha of oxbow lakes in Bangladesh has recently gained importance as a potential fishery resource. The growing need to utilize this resource to a fuller potential requires consideration of cage culture by resource-poor fishing communities as a compliment to existing stock enhancement programmes. In the present study, the existing management systems of eight lakes are reviewed. Water quality was analysed with reference to the largest lake, i.e. Lake Baluhar. During the present study, > 100 cm transparency indicated the suitability of a lake for cage culture. Other water quality parameters, especially dissolved oxygen, ammonia and nitrite concentrations, also indicated suitability for cage culture. Non-fisheries activities, such as the use of agricultural pesticides in the lake catchment and jute retting in its basin, were identified as the most harmful to fish by the majority of the fishermen. An integrated pest management programme using rice–fish based rearing systems in the lake catchment is recommended. It is further recommended that a unified management system should replace the existing dispersed systems under different management bodies.  相似文献   
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