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9种杀菌剂对玉米弯孢霉室内毒力和田间药效试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用生长速率法测定了9种有机杀菌剂对玉米新月弯孢霉菌的毒力,并进行了极强毒力杀菌剂的混配试验。结果表明:烯唑醇和扑海因对玉米弯孢霉具有极强毒力,回归曲线的相关系数和EC50值分别为0.973和1.4048E+1和0.965、2.2172E+1。烯唑醇和扑海因以5∶5比例混配不仅表现为强增效作用(共毒系数为147),而且对玉米新月弯孢霉菌丝生长抑制作用最强,菌丝生长相对抑制率为32.30%。利用这两个混配组合进行田间药效试验。结果显示:烯唑醇与扑海因以5:5混配,田间相对防效明显高于两单剂及目前生产中常用于防治玉米弯孢霉叶斑病的百菌清。 相似文献
通过9%吡唑醚菌酯、75%肟菌酯戊唑醇、35%氟唑嘧菌酯等几种杀菌剂对水稻穗颈瘟的防效进行比较,结果表明:吡唑醚菌酯对水稻穗颈瘟的防效最好,而且水稻色泽明显好于其他处理;常规使用配方75%三环唑WP30g/667m^2效果表现最差,可能与其长时间使用而导致病菌抗性上升有关;稻瘟酰胺表现和三环唑相当,但和春雷霉素减量复配后效果均好于各自单剂的使用效果,建议复配使用。综合比较,25%吡唑醚菌酯SC60mL/667m^2、9%吡唑醚菌酯CS60mL/667m^2、35%氟唑嘧菌酯SC50mL/667m^2、2%春雷霉素AS100mL/667m^2+20%稻瘟酰胺SC100mL/667m^2以及75%肟菌酯戊唑醇WG20g/667m^2这5个药剂配方均可作为穗颈瘟的优选防治配方。 相似文献
研究了70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂(甲基硫茵灵)、40%施佳乐悬浮剂(嘧霉胺)、50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂、75%达科宁可湿性粉剂(百菌清)和40%福星乳油(氟硅唑)5种杀菌剂对马兰茎腐病的防治效果。结果表明:用40%福星乳油4000倍液或40%施佳乐悬浮剂1200倍液连续喷施3次,每次间隔7d,防治马兰茎腐病效果最好,防治有效率均达到100.00%;70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂800倍液和50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂800倍液防治效果次之,防治有效率分别为89.52%和81.26%。 相似文献
果蜡保鲜剂配方优化研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以富士苹果为试材 ,利用四因素二次通用旋转组合设计法 ,对初选出的保鲜剂 IAA、6 - BA、戴唑霉、TBZ的保鲜效果进行了配方优化组合研究 ,并对选出的优化配方进行了保鲜效果试验。结果表明 ,纳米 Si Ox苹果保鲜果蜡配方为 Si Ox果蜡基蜡 IAA2 0 0 m g/ kg 6 - BA2 0 m g/ kg 戴唑霉 5 0 0 mg/ kg TBZ5 0 0 mg/ kg;纳米Si Ox果蜡基蜡对保鲜剂剂量无显著影响 ,纳米 Si Ox苹果保鲜果蜡在增加果品色泽、亮度及降低果品干耗等性能方面与进口果蜡相近 ,且在防腐烂性能方面优于进口果蜡 相似文献
丙烷脒防治番茄灰霉病效果初报 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
采用室内毒力测定和田间药效试验方法,对丙烷脒防治番茄灰霉病(Botrytis cirerea)进行了研究。丙烷脒对灰霉病菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发的EC50分别为2.1599 mg/L和2.7510 mg/L;在组织法测定中,丙烷脒对灰霉病表现出较高的保护和治疗作用;田间药效试验表明,丙烷脒在施用剂量为(a.i.) 90~180g/hm2、施药4次、间隔7d的条件下对番茄、黄瓜、草莓等作物的灰霉病有良好的防治效果,防效优于对照药剂嘧霉胺和腐霉利,与菌核净的防效相当。 相似文献
Narrow brown leaf spot (NBLS) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) is caused by Cercospora janseana (Racib). O. Const. (Synonyms: Cercospora oryzae Miyake, Passalora janseana Racib. U.). Experimental studies were conducted at Rice Research Station, Louisiana State University, and Agricultural Center, Crowley, to manage NBLS by fungicide application of propiconazole at different growth stages of rice cultivars having different susceptibility levels to NBLS in different planting dates. Results of these studies revealed that April (early) had less NBLS severity as compared to May (late) planting. Very susceptible cultivars, CL131 and Cheniere, had the highest and resistant cultivars, Della and Presidio, had the lowest NBLS severity at both the planting dates. Propiconazole application significantly reduced the NBLS severity in comparison to untreated. Fungicide application at panicle initiation was the most effective time to manage NBLS on the very susceptible and susceptible cultivars at both planting dates. NBLS on moderately susceptible cultivars was best managed by applying fungicide either at panicle initiation or early boot stage in early planting but panicle initiation was the best time to apply fungicide in late planting. Resistant cultivars did not need fungicide in April planting but did need in May planting. Rice yield was determined to be higher in April than May planting. Fungicide application at early boot stage protected the yield by 9.4% in April planting and 34.2% when applied at panicle initiation in May. Susceptible cultivar, Cheniere, exhibited the greatest yield and resistant cultivars had lowest yield in both the planting dates regardless of its susceptibility level to NBLS. Yield of very susceptible to susceptible cultivars was reduced in late planting but no effect was observed on yield of moderately susceptible and resistant cultivars. 相似文献