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2005年春季在攀西干热河谷区试种哈密瓜,其生育期为90~100d,单果重735~2650g,可溶性固形物含量7%~12%,清香,微甜,味淡。试验表明,哈密瓜适于在该区种植。  相似文献   
Cold stress is one of the most detrimental environmental factors affecting plant growth and development. Melatonin (MEL), a natural indoleamine compound, responds to various environmental cues. To explore the role of MEL in the response of melon (Cucumis melo L.) seedlings to cold stress, the effects of exogenous MEL on the ascorbate–glutathione (AsA–GSH) cycle and proline metabolism were investigated. Melon seedlings were sprayed with various concentrations of MEL (0, 50, 100, 200, or 400 μM), then exposed to cold stress, 12/6°C (day/night) for 7 d, followed by recovery at 28/18°C for another 7 d. The results showed that MEL, especially the 200 μM treatment, dramatically alleviated growth inhibition caused by cold stress, manifested by increased plant growth and decreased O2 production rate and malondialdehyde content. Importantly, exogenous application of MEL enhanced the ratios of reduced and oxidized forms of AsA (AsA/DHA) and GSH (GSH/GSSG), and the activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR), and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) involved in the ascorbate–glutathione (AsA–GSH) cycle in melon seedings grown under cold stress. Besides, MEL pretreatment further increased the contents of proline and soluble protein under cold stress. The results reveal that protective effects of MEL against cold stress in melon seedlings are most likely associated with the regulation of the AsA–GSH cycle and proline metabolism as an effective antioxidant system.  相似文献   
以150个薄皮甜瓜品种为母本,分别与甜瓜野生近缘种角瓜和西印度瓜进行种间杂交,结果仅以编号V2和V129的薄皮甜瓜与角瓜和西印度瓜杂交后能够坐果,但与角瓜杂交后种子败育,而与西印度瓜杂交后仅果实底部有少量可育种子。采用SRAP分子标记技术对V129×西印度瓜杂交后代进行分析表明,1对引物(E14/M2)扩增出少量父本(西印度瓜)特征带,表明西印度瓜与V129甜瓜已经在DNA分子水平上发生了交换。  相似文献   
甜瓜属REMAP分子标记体系的建立及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于甜瓜属Ty1-copia类逆转座子的长末端重复序列信息,结合ISSR引物序列,在体系优化的基础上建立了适用于甜瓜属物种的REMAP(retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified polymorphism)标记体系。对46份甜瓜属不同类型材料进行聚类分析,证明该标记体系能有效检测甜瓜属不同类型材料间的多态性,可以用于甜瓜属作物品种鉴定及指纹图谱构建。  相似文献   
以水培黄瓜(9930)幼苗为试材,进行短时间不同浓度的低硝态氮处理,研究了处理期和恢复期黄瓜植株的生长发育状况、光合特性,以及果实产量和品质。结果表明:苗期短时间低硝态氮处理虽然会对水培黄瓜的光合特性和营养生长产生影响,但是经过一段时间的恢复,黄瓜的商品产量基本不受影响,而且果实品质有所提高。处理期T2(营养液NO3-浓度为5 mmol?L-1)的气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、净光合速率分别比对照高15.25%、4.90%和3.28%,商品产量仅比对照低1.60%,而果实VC含量提高了14.92%,硝酸盐含量降低了20.52%。  相似文献   
在实验室控温条件下研究了不同浓度沼液浸种对甜瓜种子萌发的影响.研究结果表明,60%沼液处理对甜瓜种子萌发和胚根生长有促进作用,沼液浓度在60%以上时,随着沼液浓度增加,种子的发芽速度逐渐降低,相对发芽指数、相对活力指数、胚根生长量均下降,不同浓度沼液浸种对种子的萌发影响较小,高浓度(>60%)沼液对种子α-淀粉酶活力和膜修复的抑制可能是造成甜瓜种子萌发推迟和发芽势下降的主要原因.  相似文献   
黄河蜜甜瓜CMV CP基因转化及其抗病性鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用整合有CMVCP基因及NPT-II基因的改建质粒pBim438,以农杆菌为载体,对黄河蜜甜瓜子叶进行转化,以75mg/L卡那霉素筛选转化体,获得了完整的转基因植株。Southern杂交证明转化植株整合了CMVCP基因,Western杂交证明转基因获得了表达。温室CMV攻毒试验及病毒含量测定表明,转基因甜瓜对CMV的侵染表达了较高的抗病性,能够推迟系统症状显症发生,减轻病害发生程度,转基因植株体内病毒含量低于对照。转基因植株抗病性存在差异,筛选出的2个抗性株系中,TM0-1抗性高于TM0-2。  相似文献   
黄瓜自花授粉后外源DNA导入技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
董伟  吴勇 《园艺学报》1993,20(2):155-160
Plants of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Euphorbia) were grown in a traditional high-wire cultivation system to investigate the effects of three lighting regimes on photosynthetic characteristics, leaf area and yield. The lighting regimes included overhead lighting (OH), where all the lamps were mounted above the canopy and overhead + intracanopy lighting (OH + IC) which comprised 65% of overhead lamps and 35% of lamps mounted vertically along the plant rows. All overhead lighting was provided for 20 h day−1 and intracanopy lighting was provided for either 20 h or 24 h day−1 lighting period. Intracanopy lighting improved the light distribution in the canopy. Gas exchange measurements showed that intracanopy lighting increased net photosynthesis (PN) and photosynthetic capacity (Pmax). Parameters calculated from CO2 response (A/Ci) curves showed that in vivo estimate of the maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylation (Vcmax) and the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) were affected by light regime. Intracanopy light increased yield by 11% compared to traditional overhead light.  相似文献   
陶兴林 《北方园艺》2008,(4):215-217
以农杆茵和转化的甜瓜组织为试验材料,通过组织化学染色法,来研究GUS基因在农杆菌和甜瓜组织中的表达.结果表明,含有GUS基因的农杆茵和甜瓜愈伤组织都能被染成蓝色,而不含有GUS基因的农杆菌和甜瓜愈伤组织没有被染色,因此在检测转基因植株时,可以减少或避免假阳性的出现,为植物的转化奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   
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