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川中丘陵区坡耕地侵蚀空间分布的WEPP模型和137Cs法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
当前核素示踪技术和侵蚀产沙模型联合应用于侵蚀空间分异规律研究甚少且主要集中在流域尺度上。本研究利用WEPP模型和137Cs核素示踪技术估算了川中丘陵区简阳县贾家村附近两块坡耕地的侵蚀速率,进而对两种方法估算的侵蚀速率在坡面上的空间分布规律进行了分析。研究表明用137Cs核素示踪法测算的两块坡耕地的侵蚀速率随坡长增加而呈波动变化特征,用WEPP模型估算的坡耕地和坡耕地的土壤侵蚀速率随坡长增加而增大。坡耕地I顶部极高的137Cs计算的侵蚀速率和极低的WEPP模型计算的侵蚀速率表明人工刨地耕作逐渐把该坡耕地顶部的耕作土迁移至下部并将坡顶变成该坡耕地内最贫瘠的部分。用WEPP模型模拟的侵蚀速率与用137Cs计算的侵蚀速率在量上和空间分布上都有较大的不同,这说明在川中丘陵区用WEPP模型来估算传统耕作方式下坡耕地的侵蚀速率存在一定的局限性。  相似文献   
大气核爆产物137Cs能够强烈地被土壤颗粒所吸附,是一种示踪土壤运移的良好示踪剂。通过对紫色丘陵区响水滩小流域不同地貌部位和不同土地利用类型下土壤剖面中137Cs含量的测定与分析,计算了流域各地貌部位、土地利用类型的侵蚀强度。研究得出该流域137Cs含量的背景值是1870 Bq/m2;流域内坡耕地、林地的年均侵蚀强度分别是4468 t/(km2.a)和1759 t/(km2.a);丘顶、丘坡和鞍部的年平均侵蚀强度分别是2125,4676 t/(km2.a)和3625 t/(km2.a),槽土和水田则是沉积区。分析结果表明地貌部位和土地利用类型对土壤侵蚀影响巨大,坡耕地是该小流域泥沙的主要来源。  相似文献   
Determining how soil erosion affects enzyme activity may enhance our understanding of soil degradation on eroded agricultural landscapes. This study assessed the changes in enzyme activity with slope position and erosion type by selecting water and tillage erosion-dominated slopes and performing analyses using the 137Cs technique. The 137Cs data revealed that soil loss occurred in the upper section of the two eroded slope types, while soil accumulation occurred in the lower section. The invertase activity increased downslope and exhibited a pattern similar to the 137Cs data. The spatial patterns of urease and alkaline phosphatase activities were similar to the 137Cs inventories on the water and tillage erosion-dominated slopes, respectively. On both the eroded slope types, the invertase activity and soil organic carbon content were correlated, but no correlation was observed between the alkaline phosphatase activity and total phosphorus content. Nevertheless, the urease activity was correlated with the total nitrogen content only on the water erosion-dominated slopes. The enzyme activity-to-microbial biomass carbon ratios indicated high activities of invertase and urease but low activity of phosphatase on the water erosion-dominated slopes compared with the tillage erosion-dominated slopes. Both the invertase activity and the invertase activity-to-microbial biomass carbon ratio varied with the slope position. Changes in the urease activity-to-microbial biomass carbon ratio were significantly affected by the erosion type. These suggested that the dynamics of the invertase activity were linked to soil redistribution on the two eroded slope types, whereas the dynamics of the urease and alkaline phosphatase activities were associated with soil redistribution only on the water or tillage erosion-dominated slopes, respectively. The erosion type had an obvious effect on the activities of invertase, urease and alkaline phosphatase. Soil redistribution might influence the involvement of urease in the N cycle and alkaline phosphatase in the P cycle. Thus, enzyme activity-to-microbial biomass ratios may be used to better evaluate microbiological activity in eroded soils.  相似文献   
Studying on spatial and temporal variation in soil organic carbon (SOC) is of great importance because of global environmental concerns. Tillage-induced soil erosion is one of the major processes affecting the redistribution of SOC in fields. However, few direct measurements have been made to investigate the dynamic process of SOC under intensive tillage in the field. Our objective was to test the potential of 137Cs and 210Pbex for directly assessing SOC redistribution on sloping land as affected by tillage. Fifty plowing operations were conducted over a 5-day period using a donkey-drawn moldboard plow on a steep backslope of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Profile variations of SOC, 137Cs and 210Pbex concentrations were measured in the upper, middle and lower positions of the control plot and the plot plowed 50 times. 137Cs concentration did not show variations in the upper 0–30 cm of soil whereas 210Pbex showed a linear decrease (P < 0.05) with soil depth in the upper and middle positions, and an exponential decrease (P < 0.01) at the lower position of the control plot. The amounts of SOC, 137Cs and 210Pbex of sampling soil profiles increased in the following order: lower > middle > upper positions on the control plot. Intensive tillage resulted in a decrease of SOC amounts by 35% in the upper and by 44% in the middle positions for the soil layers of 0–45 cm, and an increase by 21% in the complete soil profile (0–100 cm) at the lower position as compared with control plot. Coefficients of variation (CVs) of SOC in soil profile decreased by 18.2% in the upper, 12.8% in the middle, and 30.9% in the lower slope positions whereas CVs of 137Cs and 210Pbex decreased more than 31% for all slope positions after 50 tillage events. 137Cs and 210Pbex in soil profile were significantly linearly correlated with SOC with R2 of 0.81 and 0.86 (P < 0.01) on the control plot, and with R2 of 0.90 and 0.86 (P < 0.01) on the treatment plot. Our results evidenced that 37Cs and 210Pbex, and SOC moved on the sloping land by the same physical mechanism during tillage operations, indicating that fallout 137Cs and 210Pbex could be used directly for quantifying dynamic SOC redistribution as affected by tillage erosion.  相似文献   
Pre‐Columbian agricultural raised fields are widespread in Neotropical wetlands. Many seasonally flooded coastal savannahs of French Guiana are dotted with thousands of small, round mounds, which current research indicates are vestiges of raised fields. It is surprising that these elevated structures persist under the erosive force of heavy tropical rainfall. One hypothesis for this stability is that “engineer” organisms such as plants, earthworms, termites and ants colonize abandoned raised fields and maintain the raised structures against erosion. This “erosion/deposition balance” hypothesis assumes that the landscape is subject to non‐negligible rates of erosion, but that actions of engineer organisms reduce the erodibility of mounds, compensate for erosion by transporting materials to mounds, or both. The hypothesis also predicts greater bioturbation on mounds than in other parts of the landscape. To test these assumptions and predictions, we estimated soil erosion and bioturbation rates in abandoned raised fields in a seasonally flooded savannah in French Guiana by using two radionuclides (137Cs and unsupported 210Pb) as tracers for soil redistribution. Analysis of the vertical and horizontal distribution of radionuclides at the study site showed that soil erosion in the mounds either occurs at a rather low rate or that organisms counteract erosion, or both. We also showed that mounds were heavily influenced by bioturbation. These results validate the fundamental assumptions of the erosion/deposition balance hypothesis.  相似文献   
用13 7Cs示踪法探讨滇池流域的土壤侵蚀表明 ,不同利用方式农田的侵蚀量从 2 2 4t km2 yr(菜地 )~ 345 6t km2 yr(园地 )。与太湖地区相比 ,粗放的耕作方式也改变了当地农田的侵蚀排序。特别是土壤中的13 7Cs含量为 35 5~ 872Bq m2 ,比世界其他许多地区都低 ,却与青藏高原相邻地区的数值相近。原因可能是气候特点及远离核试验中心。经与其他方式所得结果比较可见 ,用13 7Cs示踪法研究滇池流域的中长期土壤侵蚀既简便快速又合理可行。  相似文献   
侵蚀引起的苏南坡地土壤退化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Soil erosion accelerates soil degradation. Some natural soils and cultivated soils on sloping land in southern Jiangsu Province, China were chosen to study soil degradation associated with erosion. Soil erosion intensity was investigated using the 137Cs tracer method. Soil particle-size distribution, soil organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were measured, and the effects of erosion on soil physical and chemical properties were analyzed statistically using SYSTAT8.0. Results indicated that erosion intensity of cultivated soils was greater than that of the natural soils, suggesting that cultivation increased soil loss. Erosion also led to an increase of coarser soil particle proportion, especially in natural soils. In addition, silt was the primary soil particle lost due to erosion. However, in cultivated fields, coarser soil particles over time were attributed not only to soil erosion but also to mechanical eluviation as a result of farming activities. Moreover, erosion caused a decrease in soil OM, TN and TP as well as thinning of the soil layer.  相似文献   
The effect of soil exchangeable (plant-available) potassium (ExK) content on cesium (Cs) absorption and translocation in buckwheat was evaluated in a field contaminated with radioactive Cs (134Cs and 137Cs, RCs) in 2013. The RCs concentration in buckwheat was significantly positively correlated with the naturally occurring stable Cs (133Cs, SCs) concentration, and was lower at higher soil ExK content. The RCs and SCs were actively absorbed by buckwheat until the flowering stage. The soil ExK content was significantly negatively correlated with soil exchangeable RCs and SCs (ExRCs and ExSCs) concentrations. Greater RCs and SCs absorption by buckwheat in soils with low ExK contents was mainly due to higher soil ExRCs and ExSCs concentrations. Reproductive organs showed the largest differences in SCs concentration between low-ExK and high-ExK plots. The root–shoot and shoot–reproductive organs translocations of SCs markedly decreased with increasing soil ExK content. In the root–shoot and shoot–reproductive organs translocations, the discrimination of SCs and K decreased with decreasing soil ExK content. Our main findings were as follows: (1) because RCs are mainly taken up at the earlier growth stage, potassium should be applied as a basal fertilizer to decrease the RCs concentration in buckwheat; (2) lower soil ExK content led to higher soil ExRCs concentrations, resulting in greater RCs absorption by buckwheat; (3) the high Cs absorption and translocation and weaker discrimination between Cs and K in low ExK content soil may be due to the expression of K transporter(s) with weak discrimination between Cs and K.  相似文献   
水稻不同生育期污染主茎单个叶片结果表明,137Cs向植株未污染部位的转移与污染叶的叶位有关,植株中的137Cs主要分布在茎叶中。受污染的水稻各部位137Cs积累量与污染量呈线性正相关,植株各未污染部位137Cs比活度大小顺序为叶>茎>根>穗。  相似文献   
Field studies on soil properties and processes in southern Saskatchewan have clearly indicated the need to account for both lateral and vertical transfers of components in the landscape for a better understanding of soil dynamics at a given point. Extrapolation of these studies requires greater integration of the site-specific field results with the current generation of process models. In this paper, we use the results of a field study to assess the ability of the CENTURY model to describe the influence of soil redistribution on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics. After modifying the erosion input of CENTURY to account for soil deposition, the results from CENTURY were compared to measured SOC levels from a chronosequential study of cultivation effects on SOC levels in southern Saskatchewan. CENTURY closely simulated the effects of soil loss on SOC levels in landform segments with dominantly convex profile (i.e., downslope) curvature. CENTURY estimates of SOC changes for landform segments experiencing soil gain are less comparable to the field results; it overestimated SOC loss after 80 years by 16 Mg ha−1 for depressional complexes and 10 Mg ha−1 for footslope complexes. This leads to a 14% difference in total SOC loss on a landscape-weighted basis (estimated loss based on field data of 36 Mg ha−1 versus a CENTURY-simulated loss of 41 Mg ha−1).  相似文献   
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