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Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (as ammonium nitrate) was applied monthly onto the forest floor of one old-growth forest (>400 years old, at levels of 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and two young forests (both about 70 years old, at levels of 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1) over 3 years (2004–2006), to investigate how nitrogen (N) input influenced N leaching output, and if there were differences in N retention between the old-growth and the young forests in the subtropical monsoon region of southern China. The ambient throughfall inputs were 23–27 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in the young forests and 29–35 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in the old-growth forest. In the control plots without experimental N addition, a net N retention was observed in the young forests (on average 6–11 kg N ha−1 yr−1), but a net N loss occurred in the old-growth forest (−13 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Experimental N addition immediately increased DIN leaching in all three forests, with 25–66% of added N leached over the 3-year experiment. At the lowest level of N addition (50 kg N ha−1 yr−1), the percentage N loss was higher in the old-growth forest (66% of added N) than in the two young forests (38% and 26%). However, at higher levels of N addition (100 and 150 kg N ha−1 yr−1), the old-growth forest exhibited similar N losses (25–43%) to those in the young forests (28–43%). These results indicate that N retention is largely determined by the forest successional stages and the levels of N addition. Compared to most temperate forests studied in Europe and North America, N leaching loss in these seasonal monsoon subtropical forests occurred mainly in the rainy growing season, with measured N loss in leaching substantially higher under both ambient deposition and experimental N additions.  相似文献   
西部退耕还林工程社会影响评价——以会泽县、清镇市为例   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
从毁林开荒到退耕还林是对单纯追求物质文明的经济增长模式的否定,符合社会发展方向,是我国实施可持续发展战略的必然选择。西部退耕还林工程给工程实施区带来了方方面面的影响,工程的有效性和持续性受到各种因素的挑战,全面评价工程实施所产生的现实影响是提高决策科学性的必要前提。论文根据工程的特点建立西部退耕还林工程社会影响评价指标体系,通过深入调查研究取得评价的基础材料,以会泽县和清镇市为例,用定性定量相结合的方法从生态、社会和经济效益3方面对退耕还林所产生的影响进行系统分析与评价,在探明实施中制约工程有效性和持续性的社会变量的基础上,提出工程可持续发展的若干对策。  相似文献   
帽儿山地区是东北东部山区较典型的天然次生林区。本文利用ARC/INFO软件,对帽儿山林场景观类型最小距离指数和景观连接度指数进行分析,进而对帽儿山林场各景观类型的空间分布规律进行了探讨。结果表明:有林地与无林地的景观连接度有明显差异,无林地的景观连接度普遍大于有林地;天然林的景观连接度都接近于O,景观破碎化程度较高。人工林的最小距离指数低于天然林和非林地;人工林中,人工针叶混交林的距离指数最小,格局接近于团聚分布;天然林的景观格局近于随机分布;非林地中,采伐迹地的距离指数最小,接近于团聚分布。图2参15。  相似文献   
中国是世界上竹子资源最丰富的国家,也是全球竹子资源开发利用最充分的国家。竹林认证是我国森林认证一个重要且有特色的领域。中国竹林认证自本世纪初在浙江的一些地区开始实践至今已经历了10多年的发展,目前总体呈现缓中有进的趋势,已在认证要求、操作程序、模式选择等方面取得了一定进展,为世界竹业发展提供了较好的示范。文中从认证竹林面积与分布、类型与特点以及审核中存在的不符合项等方面总结我国竹林认证现状,指出竹林认证的成效及在实施过程中面临的挑战,分析竹林认证的发展趋势并提出相应对策。  相似文献   
The increasing shortage in water resources is a key factor affecting sustainable socio-economic development in the arid region of Northwest China(ARNC). Water shortages also affect the stability of the region's oasis ecosystem. This paper summarizes the hydrological processes and water cycle of inland river basins in the ARNC, focusing on the following aspects: the spatial-temporal features of water resources(including air water vapor resources, runoff, and glacial meltwater) and their driving forces; the characteristics of streamflow composition in the inland river basins; the characteristics and main controlling factors of baseflow in the inland rivers; and anticipated future changes in hydrological processes and water resources. The results indicate that:(1) although the runoff in most inland rivers in the ARNC showed a significant increasing trend, both the glaciated area and glacial ice reserves have been reduced in the mountains;(2) snow melt and glacier melt are extremely important hydrological processes in the ARNC, especially in the Kunlun and Tianshan mountains;(3) baseflow in the inland rivers of the ARNC is the result of climate change and human activities, with the main driving factors being the reduction in forest area and the over-exploitation and utilization of groundwater in the river basins; and(4) the contradictions among water resources, ecology and economy will further increase in the future. The findings of this study might also help strengthen the ecological, economic and social sustainable development in the study region.  相似文献   
‘力丰’黄瓜是以耐热自交系‘冠农–863’为母本,抗病自交系‘揭阳乌皮青–311’为父本配制而成的杂交一代华南型新品种。植株生长势强,早熟性及丰产性好。瓜圆筒形,瓜长25 cm,单瓜质量400 g左右,品质良,风味佳,耐贮运。耐热,抗枯萎病,一般产量60.0 t·hm~(-2),适合华南地区春秋季及东南亚地区种植。  相似文献   
通过检索相关文献,分析了1959以来中国有关竹刻的研究现状。结果表明,中国的竹刻研究呈现明显的阶段性、地域性,在研究涉及的领域和具体内容上存在着局限性。在文献分析的基础上,提出了今后竹刻研究的重点方向,即通过与心理学、传播学、教育学、社会学等学科结合,多层面、多方向、多角度展示中国竹刻工艺。  相似文献   
华北平原是中国最大的粮食生产基地,准确监测其冬小麦种植面积及其变化对粮食产量预测和国家粮食安全具有重要意义。然而,不同土地利用产品所估算的小麦面积、空间分布及其动态均存在较大分歧,不能有效反映出冬小麦的长期变化特征。该研究结合作物物候特征和已有小麦专题数据产品,首先构建动态阈值决策分类算法,以降低传统方法在阈值设定和样本筛选方面的不确定性;进而分析了2003—2022年华北平原区冬小麦播种面积的长期变化规律。结果表明:1)该研究提出的动态阈值决策分类算法能准确地提取冬小麦面积,平均总体精度为93.44%,且与统计数据具有较高的一致性;2)2003—2022年华北平原冬小麦种植面积整体呈上升趋势,不同地区变化类型差异较大;3)研究时段内,持续种植冬小麦的耕地面积仅占各年份种植范围总面积的5%,种植次数低于10 a的面积占比达55%;4)河北中南部、山东省西部和河南省中北部冬小麦种植面积相对稳定,京津冀地区以及山区冬小麦播种面积变化相对频繁。该研究可为大尺度冬小麦动态监测提供了新的方法视角,并对科学制定耕地调控策略具有重要意义。  相似文献   
中外高校图书馆对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以国外大学图书馆的先进管理理念和经验为参照,比较了中外高校图书馆在服务意识、服务对象、服务方式、馆员素质等方面的差异,找出差距,取别人之长,补自己之短,以期中国大学图书馆办得更好,为教学科研服务.  相似文献   
当前西部小城镇城郊农户兼业现象相当普遍,为了探明其兼营状况,基于对小城镇城郊农户的典型抽样调查,分析了其兼业现状及特点,揭示了农户兼业的原因,指出了存在的消极影响,并针对问题提出对策和建议。  相似文献   
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