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Background: Nitrogen losses is an economic problem for wheat production and a high risk to the environment. Therefore, improved N fertilizer management is a key to increasing the N efficiency and minimizing N losses. To increase N efficiency, enhanced fertilizers such as urea combined with urease inhibitor can be used. Aims: The aim of present study was to evaluate the effects of different N forms on grain storage protein subunits in winter wheat and to examine whether the observed changes correlate with parameters of baking quality. Methods: The investigation was performed over two consecutive years at two locations in Germany. Protein subunits were analyzed by SDS‐PAGE. Results: Protein concentrations were similarly increased after fertilization with ammonium nitrate and urea + urease inhibitor. Analysis of the individual storage protein fractions indicated that both fertilizers specifically enhanced ω‐gliadins and HMW glutenins, but the effect was more pronounced in the ammonium nitrate treatment. Application of urea + urease inhibitor had greater influence on the protein composition and resulted in higher specific baking volume as well as the best fresh keeping ability, in comparison with urea treatment. Conclusion: Considering that the urea + urease inhibitor treatment resulted in almost comparable improvements of NUE and baking quality, with the additional benefit of reduced N losses in combination with easy handling, urea + urease inhibitor can be recommended as a viable alternative to both urea alone and ammonium nitrate treatments. This opens up an opportunity for the reduction of N loss in wheat production when use of urea is preferred.  相似文献   
三种类型农田排水沟渠氮磷拦截效果比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王岩  王建国  李伟  薄录吉  杨林章 《土壤》2009,41(6):902-906
为了了解太湖地区不同类犁农田排水沟渠对N、P拦截效果的影响,分别在野外构建了3种类型的农田排水沟渠,即生态沟渠、混凝土沟渠和土质沟渠.研究了不同进水N、P浓度、不同水力停留时间和不同进水流速条件下,3种类型沟渠的N、P拦截效果.结果表明:在水力停留时间分别为24 h和48 h静态试验以及在固定进水流速的动态试验中,沟渠对不同进水N、P浓度的N、P去除牢大小顺序是:生态沟渠、土质沟渠和混凝土沟渠,其中,生态沟渠明显优于其他沟渠.在固定进水浓度的条件下,沟渠在不同水力停留时间下的N、P去除率大小顺序为;生态沟渠、土质沟渠和混凝土沟渠,其中,生态沟渠明显好于其他沟渠.在高、低两种进水流速和固定进水浓度条件下.生态沟渠在低进水流速下的N、P去除率明显优于其他沟渠.在不同进水浓度条件下,生态沟渠最佳水力停留时间为48 h.  相似文献   
提出了一种新型的基于半透膜被动采样技术的微萃取方法(semi-permeable membrane based micro-extraction, SPM-ME),并以菲为模型污染物,测试了SPM-ME用于测定土壤间隙水中自由溶解态憎水性有机污染物的可行性。结果表明,菲在该SPE-ME装置与水相间的平衡可在6 h内达到,并且随着装置中三油酸甘油酯含量的增加,单元SPE-ME对于菲的富集系数也相应增加。该装置对土壤间隙水中菲的富集在10 d内能达到平衡,整个过程主要受菲从土壤向间隙水的传质控制。该装置测得间隙水中菲的浓度与实际测得间隙水浓度十分吻合,而由传统的相平衡分配法计算所得间隙水浓度则高出实测值4-5倍。同时,该装置对体系中污染物的耗竭小于体系中污染物总量的1%。因此,SPE-ME是一种准确、有效、非耗竭式的微萃取技术。  相似文献   
为揭示三唑磷农药在水稻中的动态变化,研究了田间栽培条件下两个品种水稻(内2优6号和秀水09)不同组织部位中三唑磷分布和动态趋势。水稻抽穗前,经不同浓度三唑磷(2250、4500mL·hm-2)处理一次,分别于0、1、3、7、14、21、60d测定水稻叶片、叶鞘、茎秆和穗等部位中三唑磷含量。结果表明,水稻叶片、叶鞘中三唑磷含量动态分布趋势均为随时间延长而逐渐降低,施药后第21d,2种水稻品种叶片中三唑磷的降解率均大于95%;水稻茎秆、穗中三唑磷含量动态分布趋势均呈现单峰曲线变化,其含量随时间延长先增加后降低。水稻叶片、叶鞘、茎秆和穗中三唑磷出现最高浓度的时间存在显著性差异,分别为施药后第0、0、1~3和21d,进一步表明,水稻叶鞘中三唑磷含量动态分布与叶片中相应过程具有一致性,而茎秆和穗中三唑磷含量动态分布与其在叶片和叶鞘中相应过程具有显著的滞后性。结合实际生产,水稻抽穗前应严格控制三唑磷的施用量和施用次数。  相似文献   
利用河南省119个气象台站自建站始至2003年的逐日降雨量资料,计算其所代表县(市)的逐年与平均降雨侵蚀力,并利用GIS等工具分析河南省降雨侵蚀力的时空变异特征。结果表明:河南省多年年均降雨侵蚀力总体趋势是由北向南递增,最大值出现在南部的新县、鸡公山、商城与桐柏、平舆,其值均超过7 000 MJ.mm/(hm2.h.a);河南省多年年均降雨侵蚀力排序结果可分为5个区域等级,基本与等值线一致;河南省各地的降雨侵蚀力在不同年份变异较大,FFT(快速傅立叶变换)表明无明显的年际周期性规律;河南省降雨侵蚀力的年内变化趋势表现为单峰型,侵蚀主要发生在7—9月份,集中度在北部区域均超过60%;河南省降雨侵蚀力与年侵蚀性降雨量或年侵蚀性降雨量和逐日侵蚀性降雨量之间存在极显著的线性相关性,相关系数分别为0.967 2和0.994 2。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of land use on nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) in shallow groundwater (G-N) and total nitrogen (N) in river water (R-N). The study area consisted of 26 watersheds (1342 km2) covering 72% of Kagawa Prefecture in Japan. We estimated G-N specific concentrations, which showed the magnitude of the upland fields, paddy fields, forests and urban land-use contributions to watershed-mean G-N. G-N specific concentrations were gained as partial regression coefficients using a multiple regression analysis of the watershed-mean G-N concentrations and the land-use ratios in each of the 26 watersheds. The results showed that the G-N specific concentration, which was gained as the partial regression coefficient for the multiple regression analysis, was 15.2 mg L?1, 10.3 mg L?1, 2.3 mg L?1 and 2.5 mg L?1 for the upland fields, paddy fields, forests and urban land-use types, respectively. R-N pollution load runoff to the river mouth was calculated by multiplying R-N specific concentration (previously reported) by river flow at the river mouth. Similarly, G-N pollution load arrival to groundwater was calculated by multiplying G-N specific concentration by the groundwater flow. The R-N pollution load runoff was 19.3 kg ha?1 y?1, 7.7 kg ha?1 y?1, 1.7 kg ha?1 y?1 and 7.6 kg ha?1 y?1, while the G-N pollution load arrival was 7.3 kg ha?1 y?1, 5.0 kg ha?1 y?1, 1.1 kg ha?1 y?1 and 1.2 kg ha?1 y?1, for upland fields, paddy fields, forests and urban areas, respectively. These results showed that the N in river water and groundwater was derived mainly from runoff and leaching from croplands. Therefore, the relationships between watershed-mean non-absorbed, applied nitrogen (NAA-N: nitrogen applied to cropland via fertilizer and manure without being absorbed by crops), R-N concentration and watershed-mean G-N concentration were investigated. A curvilinear correlation was observed between NAA-N and R-N concentrations (r2 = 0.68) except for one small, high-density, urban watershed, and a weak linear correlation was observed between NAA-N and G-N concentrations (r2 = 0.42).  相似文献   
《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2503-2520

Rooted cuttings of Rhododendron canescens “Brook” and Rhododendron austrinum were grown in sand culture with a modified Hoagland's solution under greenhouse conditions. The effect of varying ammonium:nitrate (NO3 ?:NH4 +) ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, 0:100) on growth, chlorophyll content, plant quality, and elemental tissue concentration were determined. With NO3 ? as the nitrogen (N) form, both azalea cultivars exhibited less vegetative growth, lower overall plant quality, with leaves showing visual chlorotic symptoms in comparison to plants receiving NH4 + as the N‐form. Leachate pH was highest with NO3 ? as the predominate N‐form and decreased significantly with each increment of NH4 +. With both azalea cultivars, N‐form significantly influenced uptake and utilization of essential plant nutrients. Leaf concentrations of N, potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), boron (B), and molybdenum (Mo) were highest with NO3 ?‐N. Leaf elemental concentrations of phosphorous (P), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) increased as NH4 + supplied more of the N‐ratio. Significant differences in Mg, Mn, and Zn were observed between species. Results from this study show that foliar N concentration is not an accurate indicator of plant growth response. Further investigations are needed to determine if foliarchlorosis and low growth rates observed with NO3 ? fed plants due to an Fe deficiency, to low nitrate reductase (NR) activity in the leaves, or to a combination of these factors.  相似文献   
蚯蚓与黑麦草相互作用对土壤中荧蒽去除的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earthworms can promote the bioremediation of contaminated soils through enhancing plant growth and microorganism development. The individual and combined effects of earthworms and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) on the removal of fluoranthene from a sandy-loam alluvial soil were investigated in a 70-d microcosm experiment. The experiment was set up in a complete factorial design with treatments in four replicates: without earthworms or ryegrass (control, CK), with earthworms only (E), with ryegrass only (P), and with both earthworms and ryegrass (EP). The residual fluoranthene, microbial biomass C, and polyphenol oxidase activity in the soil changed significantly (P<0.01) with time. In general, the residual concentration of fluoranthene in the soil decreased sharply from 71.8-88.7 to 31.7-37.4 mg kg 1 in 14 d, and then decreased gradually to 19.7-30.5 mg kg 1 on the 70th d. The fluoranthene concentration left in the soil was the least with both earthworms and ryegrass, compared to the other treatments at the end of the experiment. Half-life times of fluoranthene in the E, P, and EP treatments were 17.8%-36.3% smaller than that of CK. More fluoranthene was absorbed by earthworms than ryegrass. However, the total amounts of fluoranthene accumulated in both the ryegrass and earthworms were small, only accounting for 0.01%-1.20% of the lost fluoranthene. Therefore, we assumed that microbial degradation would play a dominant functional role in fluoranthene removal from soil. We found that earthworms significantly increased microbial biomass C and polyphenol oxidase activity (P<0.01) in the presence of ryegrass at the end of the experiment. Furthermore, microbial biomass C and polyphenol oxidase activity were significantly (P<0.05) and negatively related to the residual fluoranthene concentration. This implied that earthworms might promote the removal of fluoranthene from soil via stimulating microbial biomass C and polyphenol oxidase activity.  相似文献   
利用开顶式气室和盆栽方法, 以冬小麦品种"小偃6号"和"小偃22"为供试材料, 在2种CO2浓度(375 μL·L-1和750 μL·L-1)和3个施氮水平[0、0.15 g(N)·kg-1(土)和0.30 g(N)·kg -1(土)]下分析了小麦抽穗期绿色叶片、非叶光合器官(茎鞘、穗、芒)的形态和光合面积以及粒叶比对CO2浓度升高和施氮的反应。结果表明, 施氮有助于小麦叶和非叶光合器官伸长和增宽(粗), 增加其光合面积、穗粒数、穗粒重、粒数叶比和粒重叶比。与背景CO2浓度(375 μL·L-1)相比, CO2浓度升高对叶片和茎节长度、茎叶和芒光合面积具有明显的正向效应(P<0.05), 但对叶宽、茎节直径、穗面积影响不明显(P>0.05), 使"小偃6号"和"小偃22"单茎光合面积分别增加8.1%~15.1%和2.8%~13.2%, 且均以0.30 g(N)·kg-1(土)施氮水平下增幅最大。CO2浓度升高后, 穗粒数和粒数叶比在3个施氮水平下均不同程度增加, 其中2个品种粒数叶比分别在0.30 g(N)·kg-1(土)和0.15 g(N)·kg-1(土)施氮水平下增加最明显, 增幅分别为44.2%和41.4%; 穗粒重和粒重叶比在不施氮时下降, 在施氮时显著增加, 其中2个品种粒重叶比平均增幅分别为43.6%和20.7%。由于芒面积远小于其他源器官面积, 在单茎光合面积中所占比例较小(3%左右), 因此认为CO2浓度升高主要通过促进小麦茎叶伸长生长来增加光合面积, 同时提高单位叶面积库承载力和物质调运能力, 改善源库关系, 增加氮素供应有利于小麦源库生长对CO2浓度升高的反应。  相似文献   
Upland rice is an important crop in South America, including Brazil. Nitrogen (N) is one of the most yield-limiting nutrients in upland rice production in Brazil. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate N uptake and use efficiency as influenced by N sources. The soil used in the experiment was an Oxisol. The N sources were ammonium sulfate and urea, and N rates were 0, 50, 100, 150, 300, and 400 mg kg?1 of soil. Nitrogen concentrations in the root, shoot, and grain were significantly influenced by N sources. The N rate and N source significantly influenced the N uptake in root, shoot, and grain. Similarly, nitrogen rate by N source interaction was also significant for N uptake in the root, shoot, and grain, indicating N source has a significant influence on uptake of N. Overall, concentration (content per unit dry weight) of N was greater in the grain, followed by root and shoot. Agronomical efficiency, apparent recovery efficiency, and utilization efficiency of N were significantly influenced by N rate and varied with N sources. However, physiological and agrophysiological efficiencies were only influenced significantly by N sources. Overall, N recovery efficiency was 33% for ammonium sulfate and 37% for urea. Hence, the large amount of N lost from soil–plant system may be by denitrification or voltilization.  相似文献   
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