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2013年,为探寻邵阳山地烟叶的最适播种期和移栽期,进行了不同海拔、不同品种、不同播种期和移栽期的的试验。结果表明:在海拔250、450、650 m的最适宜播种期是12月20日左右。在海拔250 m的地区适宜移栽期应该控制在3月25日之前,在海拔450 m和650 m的地区移栽区应该控制在4月4日之前。  相似文献   
An intensive sampling program for yolk-sac herring larvae and microzooplankton was carried out in the main spawning area of Norwegian spring-spawning herring during March to April 1990 (between 62o and 63o30'N) to estimate their hatching period and the abundance of copepod eggs and nauplii. Additional investigations were carried out in the Skagerrak area during January-March and on the Norwegian Shelf in May to study the otolith microstructure of the herring larvae. In May both autumn- and spring-spawned herring larvae were found in the samples from the Norwegian Shelf. They were easily distinguished by differences in otolith microstructure. The pattern in increment widths in the otoliths of the autumn-spawned larvae indicated that these larvae had not been transported through the Skagerrak area, but more likely were carried directly from the northern North Sea across the Norwegian Trench and into the Norwegian Coastal Current system. The calculated hatching of the spring-spawned larvae sampled in May occurred significantly later than the observed hatching over the spawning grounds. The results suggest a mismatch between the abundance of first-feeding herring larvae and their prey organisms, resulting in a higher survival of those herring larvae hatching during the latest part of the spawning period. This coincides with a general increase towards the middle of April in the abundance of prey organisms, from 1 to 4 1_1. There were no differences in otolith microstructure among spring-spawned herring larvae sampled on the shelf in May, indicating that these larvae originated from the same cohort and were well mixed throughout the whole shelf area.  相似文献   
不同类型连作晚稻机插安全齐穗期和适宜播栽期的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以五优308(杂交籼稻)、甬优2640(籼粳杂交稻)、嘉优2号(杂交粳稻)为材料,通过2年的播种期试验和秧龄弹性试验,研究了3种不同类型的连作晚稻在金华地区作机插的安全齐穗期和适宜播栽期。试验结果表明,不同类型连作晚稻机插产量均随着播种期的推迟而降低;在18 d秧龄条件下,五优308、甬优2640和嘉优2号于7月3日、7月6日和7月9日之前播种,能安全齐穗,五优308产量最高,嘉优2号最耐迟播,但产量水平明显低于五优308和甬优2640;五优308在秧苗素质、秧龄弹性方面明显差于甬优2640,五优308适宜机插的秧龄为12~20 d,甬优2640为17~27 d。五优308秧龄超过21 d之后,抽穗期推迟,安全齐穗风险加大,产量水平明显低于甬优2640。  相似文献   
为了探明影响广西甘蔗种茎出苗及苗期生长的气象因子,本研究选用2个广西当家甘蔗品种‘新台糖22号’(T22)和‘桂糖42号’(G42)为研究对象,从2—5月开展甘蔗分期播种试验,每半个月播种1期。通过观测每期甘蔗的出苗率、苗期生长状况以及同期的气象因子(降雨量、平均气温),并对数据进行相关统计分析。结果表明,T22、G42蔗种的出苗率与播种后20 d的累积降雨量呈显著正相关,而与播种后10 d的累积降雨量呈正相关,差异未达显著水平。由播种后20 d的累积降雨量与甘蔗出苗率的对数函数方程进一步显示,为了使甘蔗种茎出苗率达80%以上,甘蔗播种后20 d的累积降雨量要达到75 mm以上;播种后的平均气温、降水量和日照时数与甘蔗苗茎伸长期株高/茎粗相关性达到5%显著性水平以上,进一步逐步回归分析显示,降水量是影响甘蔗茎伸长期株高/茎粗的显著性自变量。推断甘蔗播种后10~20 d的累积降雨量是决定甘蔗出苗的关键气象因子,在甘蔗苗期生长过程中,降雨量对甘蔗生长至关重要,可以通过降雨量预测甘蔗苗期株高/茎粗。鉴于以上研究结果,在广西甘蔗生产过程中,为了提高甘蔗出苗率,要加强甘蔗种植后20 d内的水分管理,在这期间累积降雨量需达到75 mm以上才能达到甘蔗齐苗的目的,甘蔗出苗后也需加强水分管理,利于苗期快速生长,从而提高蔗苗质量。  相似文献   
Alternate two different modes of actions of green chemicals: spinosad & methoxyfenozide to combat the lesser date moth, Batrachedra amydraula and the Almond moth, Cadra cautella Walk on dates in Dakhla Oasis, New Valley, Egypt were done in 2010 and 201 I. Based on infestation of the early insect pest B. amydraula, the three-rotation program with basic 1st spray of spinosad 24 SC at 20 mL/100 L showed insignificant difference. Based on minimum effective rotation doses, alternating spinosad 24 SC at 20 mL/100 L, then methoxyfenozide 24 SC at 15 mL/100 L with two-week interval showed zero infestation and 1.8% at the last sample of 2010 and 2011, respectively. Based on infestation of the late insect pest, Cadra spp., tlhe same previous trend of the three-rotation results. Based on minimum effective rotation doses, alternating spinosad 24 SC at 20 mL/100 L, then methoxyfenozid 24 SC at 15 mL/100 L with three-week interval indicated less than 1% and 1% infestation during harvest for 2010 and 201 l, respectively. The last reflected important value when storing the fruit. Both products proved to be working under dry hot high temperatures.  相似文献   
基于北部湾城镇群22个县域单元,利用面板数据模型,实证分析了人口集聚度与经济集聚度时空变化及相互关联情况。结果表明,人口集聚度与经济集聚度存在双向因果关系;南宁市、北海市、防城港市、玉林市及北部湾整体的县域人口集聚度与经济集聚度之间相互呈正效应,而钦州市、崇左市分别相互呈负效应、弱负效应。未来,北部湾城镇群应实施"大县城"战略,大力发展县域经济,加强县域尤其是县城的人口集聚与经济集聚,提高经济发展效率,优化城镇结构,走出一条富有自身特色的新型城镇化道路。  相似文献   
为探明气候变暖背景下湖北省各地小麦适宜播期,同时为鄂北地区小麦亩产千斤提供理论支撑,本研究对2008~2012年湖北省郧西等10个地区的气象数据进行了分析,依据在前期研究基础上提出的湖北省小麦主导品种郑麦9023的叶热间距,运用叶龄积温法推算得出郧西等10个地区的小麦适宜播期。生产上各地可根据此次研究结果,结合当地气象预报、土壤墒情以及小麦品种特性等适当调整小麦播期,确保小麦壮苗越冬、高产稳产。  相似文献   
烤烟套种蚕豆对烟叶和蚕豆品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确定烤烟套种免耕鲜食蚕豆的最佳播种期,采用随机区组试验,研究烟株封顶后上部烟留叶8片、5片、3片和顶叶全部采收后播种蚕豆对免耕套种鲜食蚕豆和烟叶产质量的影响。结果表明:烤烟套种免耕鲜食蚕豆模式比烤烟采收后单一种植蚕豆(CK)中上等烟比例提高0.56%~1.58%,产量提高0.54%~0.63%,产值提高1.38%~2.01%;可提高总糖和还原糖含量,降低氮和烟碱含量,增加钾和施木克值,协调烟叶内在品质;增加收入293.18~454.03元/667m2。可提高蚕豆的蛋白质、钙和硒的含量,分别比 CK 增加0.41%~0.56%、11.53%~34.61%和4.93%~11.11%;降低单宁的含量,比 CK 降低18.18%~36.36%。上部烟留叶5片的处理对提高烟叶和蚕豆的品质效果最佳。  相似文献   
【目的】探索水稻抽穗期的遗传机制.【方法】以华粳籼74的8个单片段代换系为材料,构建了7个聚合了双QTL的次级F2作图群体,并通过分子标记的选择区分出每个群体的9种基因型以估算水稻抽穗期QTL的各类上位性分量.【结果和结论】除QTL HD3/HD8间的上位性互作不显著外,其他QTL对均存在显著的上位性效应,占85.7%;在检测的28个不同类型的上位性效应中,有60.7%的估计值达到5%或1%的显著水平,其中加加、加显或显加、显显上位性分别占71.3%、42.8%、85.6%.研究结果进一步证实了上位性作用在数量性状遗传体系中的普遍性和重要性,并为水稻抽穗期的分子聚合育种提供了依据和材料.  相似文献   
以泰农18为试材,在播种密度(基本苗)405.0万株/hm2条件下,研究两个不同地力水平和适度早播(10月1日)、适播(10月8日)和适度晚播(10月15日)对冬小麦籽粒产量和氮素利用率的影响。结果表明:高地力水平下小麦籽粒产量较高但氮素利用率偏低;同地力条件下,适当推迟播期,通过协调单位面积穗数和穗粒数,仍可维持与早播和适播条件下相当水平的籽粒产量;虽然推迟播期降低冬小麦氮素吸收效率,但可提高氮素利用效率,两者互补,所以适当推迟播期氮素利用率仍可维持与早播和适播相当的水平。因此,在不同地力水平下,适当推迟播期可以调控冬小麦冬前群体免受冷害和寒害的影响,维持较高的籽粒产量和氮素利用率。  相似文献   
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