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Introduced mammals are major drivers of extinction and ecosystem change. As omnivores, feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are responsible for wholesale adverse effects on islands. Here, we report on the eradication of feral pigs from Santiago Island in the Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador, which is the largest insular pig removal to date. Using a combination of ground hunting and poisoning, over 18,000 pigs were removed during this 30-year eradication campaign. A sustained effort, an effective poisoning campaign concurrent with the hunting program, access to animals by cutting more trails, and an intensive monitoring program all proved critical to the successful eradication. While low and fluctuating control efforts may help protect select native species, current eradication methods, limited conservation funds, and the potential negative non-target impacts of sustained control efforts all favor an intense eradication effort, rather than a sustained control program. The successful removal of pigs from Santiago Island sets a new precedent, nearly doubling the current size of a successful eradication, and is leading to more ambitious projects. However, now we must turn toward increasing eradication efficiency. Given limited conservation funds, we can no longer afford to spend decades removing introduced mammals from islands.  相似文献   
Introduced commensal rats (Rattus spp.) are a major contributor to the extinction and endangerment of island plants and animals. The use of the toxin brodifacoum to completely eradicate rats from islands is a powerful conservation tool. However, brodifacoum is toxic to animals other than rats and on some islands its use may not be feasible without prohibitively expensive mitigation. As part of a regional conservation program, we experimentally tested brodifacoum and two less toxic rodenticides, diphacinone and cholecalciferol, in eradicating Rattus rattus from three small islands in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico. All three rodenticides were successful in eradicating rats, suggesting that the less toxic diphacinone and cholecalciferol may be useful alternatives to brodifacoum for some island eradication programs. However, the choice of rodenticide must be balanced between efficacy and the risks to non-target species. Applied field research is needed on less toxic rodenticides, as well as improving palatability of baits. This may prove invaluable in preventing extinctions and in restoring larger and more diverse island ecosystems.  相似文献   
哺乳动物体细胞克隆的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过查阅研究1997年以来国内外对哺乳动物体细胞克隆技术的研究文献,综述了哺乳动物体细胞克隆技术的发展历史、研究现状、影响因素及存在问题,并对其应用前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   
  1. A small population of approximately 68 bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, resident in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand, is subject to physiologically challenging conditions, and is exposed to anthropogenic pressure from tourism.
  2. A voluntary Code of Management incorporating dolphin protection zones (DPZs), in which tour boat access is limited, was established in 2008.
  3. Kernel density estimation (KDE) was used to quantify dolphin habitat use over a 13-year period in order to describe seasonal variation in habitat use and consistency of habitat use over a decadal period, and to provide quantitative estimates of the extent of overlap between DPZs and core areas (50% volume contour) of habitat use.
  4. Habitat use varied seasonally, with the inner fjord area used more frequently in warmer months, and with a shift in use to the outer fjord in colder months. Patterns in habitat use were highly consistent over the 13-year duration of the study.
  5. The spatial overlap between the area of core dolphin habitat and DPZs was low (<18%) overall, and some DPZs were rarely used during colder periods.
  6. Consistency in habitat use through time vindicates spatial management, but low overlap between core habitat and current DPZs suggests that an expansion of the DPZ areas would confer greater protection.
  1. The protection of evolutionary processes and maintenance of genetic diversity is necessary for the persistence of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. The importance of genetic diversity has been reflected in a range of marine policy mechanisms, and the genetic ‘toolbox’ has great potential to support marine protection and marine spatial planning (MSP) at multiple scales. Despite scientific advances in the application of genetics in marine protection and management, systematic integration of genetic information has been generally lacking, primarily due to a knowledge and communication disconnect between geneticists and the marine policy and management community.
  2. To meet these outstanding needs, a ‘geospatial genetics’ approach to spatially map species-specific genetic data and associated information in a way that can be readily integrated by practitioners into marine protection and MSP decisions was developed. Techniques to derive geospatial genetic data layers, which can be viewed and mapped alongside other kinds of spatial data commonly used by conservation practitioners, hold promise for increasing the accessibility of genetic data to support policy decisions more fully.
  3. While applicable to many mobile and sessile taxa, an initial focus was placed on marine mammals, and the approach was developed and refined through a series of international meetings and published papers, as well as the development of interactive, expert-reviewed case studies hosted on the MSP tool SeaSketch.
  4. Outcomes of the work to date are currently serving in the policy arena by informing the identification of Important Marine Mammal Areas, an initiative led by the IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force to apply criteria to identify marine mammal habitats across the world's ocean, seas and relevant inland waters through a standardized process.
  5. It has become clear that geospatial genetics has great potential to foster increased collaboration among an intersectional community of geneticists, spatial ecologists, and practitioners. This increased opportunity for dialogue and cooperation will help ensure that evolutionary processes are factored into marine protection and MSP processes, and potentially for freshwater and terrestrial systems.
  1. The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) is a Vulnerable species threatened by habitat loss in the coast of north‐eastern Brazil. This study investigates how the distribution and habitat use of the West Indian manatee is influenced by resource availability in a scenario of freshwater limitation.
  2. Land‐based and boat surveys were conducted to record manatee sightings and habitat use, in a total of 206 hours of observation.
  3. Manatee abundance was significantly influenced by freshwater availability, with greater abundances occurring close to freshwater sources. Food availability and the variation in freshwater availability between seasons were also important to determine their distribution. For the 47 manatees sighted, 39 were recorded during the rainy season and eight during the dry season.
  4. Habitat use was influenced by freshwater sources and manatees spent more time (average coefficient of area use = 24.96%) in areas with greater availability of fresh water. Under conditions of freshwater limitation, manatees were more abundant and spent more time closer to fresh water than to food sources; as a result, animals' distribution varied between seasons.
  5. The results found here can help to determine conservation strategies for the region with the highest population density and genetic variability of West Indian manatees in Brazil.
  1. The 13 California sea lion breeding colonies in the Gulf of California (GoC), Mexico are each characterized by different population growth trends, including a variable number of births. Despite being located in a highly productive marine area, both the species’ population and the number of births have declined significantly over the past few decades.
  2. The goal of this study was to assess the effects of certain environmental variables on the number of births at colonies in three regions (northern, central and southern) of the GoC (1995–2018). Data on diet, small pelagic fish catches by fisheries, the density of small pelagic fish schools, remotely sampled values of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration and El Niño Southern Oscillation events were collected in order to evaluate whether these variables had an effect on the number of births using correlations and generalized linear models.
  3. No significant relationships were found between the environmental variables and the number of births. However, the number of births decreased when the sea surface temperature anomalies exceeded 1°C in the northern and central regions of the GoC. Although no significant relationships were found between the small pelagic fish catches and the number of births, positive trends were observed between sardine catches and the number of births during certain periods in the central region. A positive correlation between the density of small pelagic fish schools and the number of births suggests a possible relationship between prey availability and reproductive success in the central region.
  4. A Programme of Action for the Conservation of the Species should be promoted by the Federal Government and carried out in order to implement specific management actions. Specifically, surveillance efforts should increase, fishing gear conversion plans should be established and sea lion exclusion devices should be introduced, among other measures.
  1. Aquatic mammals worldwide are highly threatened in freshwater ecosystems where they are affected by direct human activities (e.g. hunting) as well as indirect human alteration of freshwater ecosystems (e.g. dams, mining activity). Although aquatic mammals of the Amazon Basin are experiencing many growing threats, little is known about the escalating impacts on them, current limitations in protection mechanisms, and possible strategies to ensure their conservation. This study synthesizes the available information on Amazonian aquatic mammals, including the ecological characteristics of these species, key threats, population status and conservation prospects.
  2. Amazonian aquatic mammals comprise seven species – Inia geoffrensis, Inia boliviensis, Inia araguaiaensis, Sotalia fluviatilis, Trichechus inunguis, Pteronura brasiliensis and Lontra longicaudis – which are characterized by low reproductive rates and keystone ecosystem roles. These species are endangered mainly by biological resource use, natural ecosystem modifications, energy production and mining, and climate change. Although information is sparse, there is evidence that these threats are inducing population declines of Inia spp., and hindering the recovery of populations of P. brasiliensis.
  3. Protection mechanisms for these species mostly include national and international laws and agreements, legislation governing environmental licensing and protected areas. Each of these protection mechanisms, however, has limited capacity to protect Amazonian aquatic mammals, largely because they are poorly enforced, lack transnational coordination or require population trend data that do not exist.
  4. Reversing the current state of affairs for Amazonian aquatic mammals requires an integrated research and policy approach that, at a minimum, substantially increases the present capacity to monitor their population responses to human impacts, establishes effective enforcement of existing legislation and prevents further impacts from hydropower development. To implement such an approach, information on the ecology of these species is necessary to create public and scientific awareness.
  1. Species distribution modelling has been used to identify critical habitats for the delimitation of Marine Protected Areas. Although Marine Protected Areas may often overlap with the distribution of key marine species, illegal human activities often continue within these areas, causing negative impacts on the local biodiversity.
  2. A generalized linear model with spatial eigenvector mapping was used to investigate, for the first time, the influence of environmental variables and anthropic activities on the number of Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis sightings/grid, and to determine whether a Marine Reserve, in south‐eastern Brazil, is adequate for the protection of the local population. Data were collected between May 2007 and October 2013 onboard a 7.5‐m vessel with an inboard engine.
  3. The models for the different periods (annual, dry, and rainy seasons) all indicated that depth, the distance to seafood farms and fishing grounds, and mean sea surface temperatures influenced the distribution of the dolphins within the study area. The annual and seasonal models predicted that the dolphins prefer a continuous area between Cedro and Pico Islands, a large area that lies outside the limits of the Marine Reserve.
  4. Although the habitat of Ilha Grande bay is still much less degraded than that inhabited by other nearby Guiana dolphin populations, the results of the present study indicate that anthropic activities in this area influence habitat use by the dolphins. Less than 30% of the area used by the dolphins is protected by the Tamoios Ecological Station (ESEC Tamoios).
  5. Sotalia guianensis is classified as ‘Vulnerable’ in Brazil, although the marine reserve (ESEC Tamoios) does not protect the core area used by the local dolphin population. The results of the present study provide specific locations for the creation of a new multiple‐use MPA, as suggested by the Brazilian National Action Plan for the Conservation of Small Cetaceans, or the inclusion of a special management programme for the area between Cedro and Pico islands to better protect the dolphins in the ESEC Tamoios buffer zone. The continuation of surveys to better understand the current and future impacts of human activities, and the development of a closer interaction with both the local community and local stakeholders will help to safeguard Ilha Grande Bay and the local Guiana dolphin population.
  1. During the last decade, the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) has become the second most sighted species in Israeli coastal waters, after the common bottlenose dolphin. Documentation mostly relies on opportunistic, photo and/or video-backed second-party reports, delimited within a 10 km near-shore strip.
  2. Sightings occur year round, are confined to the southern part of the Israeli coast and typically comprise relatively large groups (mean ± SD: 21.5 ± 13.3), often with young calves.
  3. Strandings are relatively scarce, typically one per year, and have so far yielded five upper digestive tract contents for diet analysis.
  4. Cephalopods comprised 1.2% of the estimated number of prey items in the combined content. Surprisingly, by far the most abundant and prevalent prey item found (57% of pooled prey items; present and dominant in four out of five tracts) was the Balearic eel (Ariosoma balearicum), a sand burrower which is also a major dietary component of the common bottlenose dolphins.
  5. Bottlenose dolphins in Israel are known to forage in association with bottom trawlers, leading to the notion that common dolphins also make use of this foraging mode. Indeed, in addition to their association with purse seiners, they have been documented accompanying bottom trawlers, by both day and night. The slender Balearic eels are frequently found protruding from the net's eyes, presumably making easy prey for both dolphin species.
  6. Information gaps on common dolphins include range extension to the south/south-west, abundance estimation and genetic flow/isolation. Even so, its unusual diet and the fact that the closest known populations to the north/north-west are from the Aegean Sea, were major considerations in the recent designation of the ‘Coastal Shelf Waters of the South-east Levantine Sea’ as a Mediterranean Important Marine Mammal Area.
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