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以塔里木河中游英巴扎地区为例,探讨了景观生态学的多样性指数,优势度指数及均匀度指数在植被监测中的应用。结果显示,景观生态学中的一些指数研究方法在植被监测方面有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
针对若尔盖湿地重要的地理位置及生态服务价值,以及出现沙化面积增加、景观破碎化严重和生态服务功能下降等问题,查阅和分析了2000—2014年若尔盖湿地相关研究及出版文献。结果表明:自2000年以来,若尔盖湿地的研究逐步深入、方法多样化和现代化,主要聚焦于若尔盖湿地的气候变化、现状、退化原因、恢复重建措施、生物多样性变化、生态服务价值、湿地资源可持续发展利用、历史生态学等方面的研究。但在湿地恢复和重建、生态补偿理论及实践、当地少数民族文化的传承、湿地生态服务价值等方面需要进一步加强、拓展和深化研究。  相似文献   
基于遥感的北方防风固沙区沙化草地利用基线盖度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为推动北方防风固沙生态功能区稳定维持生态健康安全,满足草地资源适度利用协调发展,该文选择北方防风固沙生态功能区的正蓝旗为典型研究区,利用TM遥感影像的NDVI,结合大量的野外地面调查数据,建立植被盖度遥感反演模型,提取区域植被盖度,并按照沙地类型划分标准划分沙地类型,提取半固定沙地和固定沙地过渡带处的平均植被盖度,开展防风固沙功能基线盖度评估研究。以基线盖度为基准,划分非利用区和可适度放牧利用。结果显示,提取正蓝旗草地资源利用基线盖度为30.47%,并通过基线盖度地面调查验证,与基线盖度地面调查结果一致。确定了可适度利用的草原范围及面积为396 927.3 hm2,占正蓝旗草原面积的39%,建立了生态保护约束下的草地资源利用格局。该研究可为沙化草地合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   
在适地适树配植的基础上,以光、水和土壤3个自然因素为要素,将数百种热带、南亚热带植物归纳为9个生态类型,以期为种植设计提供参考。  相似文献   
为科学选择城镇造林或绿化树种,对浙江省嘉兴市新塍镇13 个树种林分内的空气负离子浓度进行日变化监测研究。结果表明:不同树种林分的空气负离子浓度具有一定差异,樱花Cerasus serrulata+小叶黄杨Buxus sinica var. parvifolia混交林、红枫Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureu’纯林内空气负离子浓度相对较高,黄山栾树Koelreuteria paniculata与无患子Sapindus mukorossi纯林内空气负离子浓度较低。不同结构林分的空气负离子浓度差异明显,表现为乔灌混交林>灌木林>乔木林,其空气负离子浓度日变化趋势较为一致,均在上午10 : 00左右出现 1个峰值,在下午16 : 00 - 18 : 00呈上升趋势。对空气负离子与环境因子的相关性分析显示,空气负离子与相对湿度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),而与温度极显著负相关(P<0.01),与紫外线强度显著负相关(P<0.05)。对空气负离子与林分因子的相关性分析显示,空气负离子浓度与林分密度呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。图2表5参14  相似文献   
岩原鲤的研究概况和进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩原鲤[Procypris rabtmdi(Tehang)]是一种长江中上游水系特有的珍稀保护动物,其分布区域狭窄,种群数量少,再加上环境巨变和滥捕,使岩原鲤野生资源日益枯竭,濒临灭绝,已被列入<中国濒危动物红皮书>.结合大量的文献和自己的研究结果,从分类地位、种群生态、形态学、生理生化、遗传学和人工养殖等方面较为全面地总结了岩原鲤的研究概况和进展,指出了岩原鲤种群研究中存在的一些问题以及今后的研究方向.  相似文献   
矿区是人类剧烈开采活动干扰形成的典型的脆弱的生态系统,矿区覆盖面积大,景观生态破坏严重,对矿区进行复垦是国家、企业、矿区居民及生态工作者密切关注的问题。以矿区复垦的研究现状为基础,总结了中国现有的矿山开发污染技术治理技术,并提出了矿山园林景观生态重建的组织措施及经济手段。  相似文献   
罗玲玲  钟艳霞  谢静 《湖北农业科学》2014,53(18):4290-4293
利用综合污染指数法对银川市阅海湿地13个位点进行4个季节水质评价,发现阅海湿地水体全年均呈污染状态,春季水质状况最差.各季节相应位点分别进行水体中可培养细菌计数及菌种鉴定,发现各位点可培养细菌总数均呈夏>秋>春>冬的总体变化趋势,夏、秋季细菌数量明显高于春、冬季,夏、秋季间各位点细菌数量变化趋势基本吻合.共分离获得6属13种细菌,细菌种属多样,分布广泛.阅海湿地水体细菌数量、种属可影响湿地水体水质.  相似文献   
Since Pre-Columbian times, humans have exploited Jamaican marine ecosystems with significant consequences for flora and fauna. This study focuses on the history of reef fish exploitation in Jamaica, from first human occupation to the present day, to determine how past fishing activities contributed to subsequent declines in the coral reef ecosystem. The pattern of declining reef fish populations was nonlinear. Reef fish first declined in prehistoric times but then potentially recovered, following genocide of the native human population. Reduced fishing pressure lasted until the mid-19th century. At that time, depletion of reef fish populations again occurred with a precipitous decline from the 1850s to the 1940s. The final shift from relatively abundant to overfished marine fauna corresponded to subtle changes in fish trap design as well as development of recreational fishing. Government subsidies throughout the second half of the 20th century exacerbated the declines. This analysis shows that local artisanal fisheries with relatively low levels of effort and seemingly subtle shifts in technology can significantly impact the coral reef ecosystem and that declines occurred decades to centuries before modern ecological studies began. This research shows how historical analysis can be a powerful tool to minimize shifted baselines and establish realistic targets for recovery and sustainable management of marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
Skates (class Chondrichthyes; subclass Elasmobranchii; order Rajiformes; family Rajidae) comprise one quarter of extant chondrichthyans, yet have received little attention in the scientific literature likely due to their relatively low economic value and difficulties in species identification. The absence of species‐specific information on catch, life history and migration of skates has often precluded the development of single‐species stock assessments and led to the use of cursory multispecies assessments, which lack the ability to track species‐specific catch and abundance trends. This has resulted in undetected local extirpations, as has been previously reported for common (Dipturus batis, Rajidae), white (Rostroraja alba, Rajidae) and long‐nose (Dipturus oxyrhinchus, Rajidae) skates in the Irish Sea. Here, we (a) use case studies to illustrate how the perception of skate population structure and stock status has historically been masked through multispecies assessment and management practices, (b) review current information on the movement of skates and identify gaps in knowledge, and (c) identify biases associated with the use of various tagging technologies, which have confounded our understanding of movement and migration ecology of skates. Considering that over 40% of extant Rajidae species are listed as “Data Deficient” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, we illustrate a critical need to broaden the current understanding of skate life history, movement and migration ecology by providing recommendations on the further application of electronic tags and biogeochemical natural tags in movement studies and highlight the benefits that studies using these approaches have for novel management frameworks.  相似文献   
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