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案例教学是教师组织学生进行自主学习,提高学生分析问题和解决问题能力的一种有效教学方法,符合果蔬加工学课程应用型人才培养目标的教学需要。结合自身教学实践,对果蔬加工学课程实施案例教学的必要性和如何具体实施案例教学过程进行了探讨,并对影响该课程案例教学效果的因素进行了分析。  相似文献   
淀粉是构成和影响水稻产量和品质的最主要因素;ADP-葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPase)基因是影响淀粉合成的关键酶基因之一。本研究用编码AGPase小亚基基因(AGPsma)序列的特异引物(序列为F:5’-TACGCTATGCTCTTGAAAC-3’;R:5’-TATCTTCCCAGTAACCATCA-3’)对普通野生稻(元江)、粳稻(榆密15)、籼稻(93-11)及籼粳交品系(南34)进行PCR扩增、克隆、测序和序列对比。又用该引物对来源于13个国家的15份AA基因组和5份CCDD基因组的共20份野生稻及205份包括40份籼稻和165份粳稻的云南地方品种和改良品种(系)进行PCR检测。在以上4个不同类型水稻材料该引物上扩增出184bp和215bp的2个片段均为AGPase小亚基基因的序列。在该序列的109bp处,元江普通野生稻和榆密15为T,而93-11和南34为C;籼粳交品系南34在121~151bp区间缺失31个碱基。所有的225份供试材料可分为3类。第一类具有215bp大小的条带,包括了全部的野生稻材料和196份籼粳材料。其中籼稻数占籼稻样本总数的95%,籼稻地方品种占籼稻地方品种总数的75%;粳稻数占粳稻样本总数的83.6%,粳稻地方品种占粳稻地方品种总数的60%。第二类具有184bp的条带,包括28个籼粳材料。第三类同时具有215bp和184bp的片段,此类只有1个父母本具不同片段的滇型杂交粳稻品种。结果表明AGPsma序列在野生稻中可能尚未出现分化,但在籼稻、粳稻和地方老品种及改良品种中都出现了遗传分化。  相似文献   
针对温室大棚空间狭窄、大田气力式精量播种机无法进入作业,而现有小型机械式播种机播种精度低的问题,设计了适用于温室大棚的小型气力式蔬菜精量播种机,采用正负压双作用排种器提高播种精度,并通过更换排种盘配合不同的开沟分种装置实现不同蔬菜及不同行数的播种作业,提高了播种机的适应性。对排种器进行基于EDEM的离散元仿真分析,探究充种区种群运动规律和搅种装置性能。对整机进行田间试验,结果表明:漏播率≤5%,重播率≤5%,种子机械破损率≤1%,播深一致性合格率≥90%,各项指标符合蔬菜种植农艺要求。  相似文献   
针对整叶类蔬菜清洗过程中整叶、低损伤、有序的要求,设计了以气浴和水流为清洗动力的整叶类蔬菜清洗机。确定了清洗工艺流程,进行了清洗机整体结构设计,针对菜叶遇水粘附、上浮等清洗难点,模拟人工清洗过程,设计料筐周期性上下振动方式清洗。对清洗机清洗槽和过滤装置、气泡发生装置、水流喷射装置等关键部件进行设计,实现设备自动化运转。针对喷气管路进行流体动力学模拟仿真,对不同气流流速下的气相分布情况进行研究,确定气流流速范围为2~8m/s,用以指导风泵的选型。选定气流流速6m/s作为参数,对不同喷气孔径、喷气孔间距的管路进行模拟仿真,以气相分布均匀程度作为评价指标,得出最优管路参数为喷气孔径8mm、喷气孔间距50mm。以整棵菠菜为清洗物料,选定清洗量、清洗时间、气浴强度作为因素,各选定三水平,同时设定空白列,进行四因素三水平正交试验。清洗试验以破损率和洗净率作为评价指标,按照破损率和洗净率各占0.5的权重进行正交试验分析和方差分析。清洗试验结果表明,清洗量、清洗时间、气浴强度对菠菜洗净率、破损率影响显著,最佳菠菜清洗参数清洗量为4kg、清洗时间为120s、气浴强度为5m/s。  相似文献   
棚室蔬菜产业在黑龙江省农业转方式、调结构和供给侧改革中占有重要的战略地位。黑龙江省棚室蔬菜生产规模近年来发展较快,技术支撑需求也与日俱增。本研究针对黑龙江省棚室蔬菜发展规模与技术服务支撑能力不匹配的现状,提出了基于云服务的棚室蔬菜智能终端系统及关键技术的实现方法。本研究以专家服务为主、数据挖掘技术为辅,以物联网设备为感知手段、以智能手机为用户终端,利用云服务对知识、资源、物联网数据的整合配置能力,提供蔬菜专家及棚室蔬菜用户对信息获取、存储、分析和决策的高效解决方案。本研究的部分内容已在黑龙江省农业科研部门、企业、蔬菜合作社、农户等不同用户群体中实验应用,能够为专家提供棚室蔬菜生产环境的远程问诊手段,适用于各类棚室蔬菜应用场景。本研究还提出了对大规模应用场景下的技术解决方案建议,可在全国的棚室蔬菜生产中推广应用,实现更广泛高效的专家技术服务支撑。  相似文献   
荷兰等设施园艺技术先进国家通过高投入、高产出、高效益的理念,走出了一条先进、高效的设施园艺生产路线。我国设施园艺近年也得到了快速发展,设施园艺种植面积逐年增加,目前在世界的占比已达80%以上。但是,与荷兰、美国、以色列等先进国家的设施园艺生产相比,我国园艺设施90%以上为简易温室,种植对象90%以上是蔬菜,设施生产技术水平低、产出效益低,设施园艺的技术优势未能有效发挥。本文针对园艺生产设施内种苗生产、无土栽培生产等方面相关的机械化、自动化生产装备发展现状进行分析,总结了我国设施园艺生产特点、生产装备的发展现状及存在的问题,并对我国设施园艺生产作业装备的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
Seventy-three villages randomly selected in 29 ethnic areas and three regions or agro-ecological zones of Benin were investigated by a participatory rural appraisal survey to assess the diversity of the species used as traditional leafy vegetables (TLVs). In total, 187 plant species belonging to 141 genera and 52 families were recorded. Among these, 47 (25.13%) were cultivated and 140 (74.87%) were gathered from the wild. Herbs (64.78%) were the most numerous followed by shrubs (19.78%) and trees (15.50%). The Shannon–Weaver diversity index calculated was 3.232. The total number of TLVs used highly varies, across ethnic groups, from 15 (Toli tribe) to 58 (people Mahi) with, on average, 36 species per ethnic group. The relative proportions of the wild and cultivated species used also vary with the tribes but on average appeared almost the same. Of the species inventoried, 18 of national importance were found among which Solanum macrocarpon, Corchorus olitorius, Amaranthus cruentus and Gymnanthemum amygdalinum ranked first. The matrix scoring technique yielded 12 criteria of different natures used to define preference. Among these, four (taste, ease of preparation, availability and quantity of required condiments) were the most important and represent, all together, more than 72% of responses. Despite the diversity of species used as leafy vegetables, they were all basically consumed in the same way. Sauces were the main type of preparation and involved all the species. The perceived nutritional and medicinal (curative, regulative and stimulative) properties of the species as well as their cultural significance were documented. Some TLVs are known and consumed by all or many ethnic groups while many others were simply ethnospecific or used by only a few peoples. However, no correlation was found between the distribution of the utilisation of the species and their degree of consumption which all depend on the eating habits of the peoples. Cluster analysis revealed that peoples sharing a common geographical space and/or cultural identity or origin seem to consume almost the same types of TLVs and cluster together. Given the large quantity of evidence of the importance of the TLVs, there should be a systematic effort to improve their understanding and their uses to reduce if not alleviate rural poverty and malnutrition in Benin.  相似文献   
不同有机肥配比对蔬菜产量和品质及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
试验选择了5种有机肥料,采用6种配比在生菜和青花菜上进行了试验。研究表明,鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪按1∶1∶3或按1∶1∶1配比,青花菜的产量显著高于鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪、草炭为1∶1∶1∶1的配比。鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪按1∶3∶1的配比能明显提高青花菜的Vc和可溶性糖含量。鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪、草炭、玉米秸秆按1∶1∶1∶1配比能明显提高青花菜的粗蛋白和Vc含量。  相似文献   
彭友林  刘光明  王云 《草业科学》2012,29(5):824-828
对常德地区茄果类蔬菜田间杂草种类、分布及危害特点进行研究,结果表明,该地区现有茄果类蔬菜田间杂草16科38种,以禾本科、菊科、石竹科、蓼科、玄参科、莎草科、十字花科等为优势科,其中优势种有菵草(Beckmannia syzigachne)、马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、莎草(Cyperus rotundus)、卷耳(Cerastium arvense)、马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea)、水花生(Alternanthera philoxeroidea)、铁苋菜(Acalypha australis)、通泉草(Mazus japonicusxo)、丁香蓼(Ludwigia prostrata)、早熟禾(Poa annaua)等。并对盖有地膜和未盖地膜的茄果类蔬菜田间杂草种类、分布及危害特点进行了综合分析,为常德地区茄果类蔬菜田间杂草的综合防除提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
A total of 1027 genotypes of wild Lactuca spp. (L. serriola, L. saligna, and L. aculeata), originating from Israel, Jordan, East Turkey, Armenia, Kazakhstan, China, and various other countries in Europe were screened for resistance to the lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae Regel). The genotypes of L. serriola (N = 962); L. saligna (N = 43); and L. aculeata (N = 22) were tested at the seedling stage with two isolates of B. lactucae (race Bl-21 and Isr-74) isolated from cultivated lettuce in Italy and Israel, respectively. Altogether, the isolates possess virulence against 17 out of 20 Dm genes/R-factors composing the established differential set of lettuce lines/varieties. They could therefore be used for preliminary detection of the presence of new resistance factors. A total of 83 and three genotypes of L. serriola and L. saligna, respectively, were resistant to infection by each of the two isolates alone as well as to the infection by a mix of the two isolates. These genotypes probably carry previously unknown resistance, and therefore could be suitable for exploitation by breeders and further detailed research. The wild progenitor of lettuce, L. serriola, and related species harbor significant untapped genetic resources for lettuce improvement.  相似文献   
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