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Ultrasonography of the liver was performed in 200 Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle using a 3.5 MHz transducer with a linear array electronic scanner. Liver samples were taken, processed and examined microscopically and the fat occupying rate was calculated. The hepatic ultrasonograms were evaluated according to the presence of bright pattern, dark pattern, deep attenuation, vascular blurring and blurring of edges. Of the 200 animals, 96 had a normal liver, 63 had hydropic degeneration of the liver, 37 had fatty infiltration of the liver, 3 had liver dystrophy and I had hepatic amyloidosis, diagnosed through histopathological examination. Amyloidosis was characterized by bright pattern and blurring of edges. Liver dystrophy had higher percentages of bright pattern and blurring of edges than normal liver. Hydropic degeneration had higher percentages of dark pattern and blurring of edges than normal liver. Fatty infiltration had higher percentages of bright pattern, deep attenuation, vascular blurring and blurring of edges than normal liver. The present results suggest that different ultrasonographic patterns can be observed in various diffuse hepatocellular disorders in dairy cattle  相似文献   
研究结果表明,无论是香菇生料菌砖栽培,还是金针菇熟料袋栽,菌种世代的多少对产量均无明显的影响,这可能是由于菌种通过无性繁殖,遗传性变异甚小之故;研究结果还表明,金针菇菌丝生长的速度似乎有随着菌种工代的增多而加快的趋势,这窨是由于低代菌种自琼脂培养基移接天以杂本屑,棉籽壳等为主要原料的粗质培养基上的时间较短,适应酶的活性较弱,分解,利用高分子化合物的能力较差,故菌丝生长速度较为缓慢?还是由于其他原因  相似文献   
塔里木河流域生态环境恶化的水文效应   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12  
塔里木河是我国最大的内陆河。 4条源流出山口多年平均天然径流量 2 2 4 .9× 10 8m3 (195 7~ 2 0 0 1年 )。在全球变暖的大背景下 ,塔里木河流域山区气候出现变暖增湿的趋势 ,2 0世纪 90年代径流量达 2 4 1.9× 10 8m3 ,增幅 7.6 %。由于源流区人类开发利用水资源的影响 ,使得补给塔里木河干流的水量不断减少 ,水文条件改变 ,造成干流上、中游段耗水严重 ,导致下游生态与环境急剧退化。自 2 0 0 0年以来 ,实施的从开都河—博斯腾湖向下游绿色走廊应急输水 ,已使下游生态环境开始恢复生机。  相似文献   
民勤沙区主要植物群落退化特征及其演替趋势分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
优势种植物密度和优势种盖度以及全部植物密度和盖度在样方间均存在不同程度的差异,表明民勤的植物生长在受干旱荒漠环境影响的同时,局部小环境对植物的分布和生长有显著影响。沙蒿当年幼苗密度最大,但幼苗的成活率很低,群落的投影盖度越小,则当年幼苗密度越大;梭梭不能实现自然更新;沙拐枣的生态位宽度较大,各年龄小苗均存在,自然更新能力强。在民勤沙区人工梭梭林普遍退化,尤其在西沙窝一带,梭梭人工林退化更为严重,有被沙拐枣取代的趋势。由于梭梭群落均为人工林,群落内地表异质性较大,因此,草本植物种类较多。  相似文献   
西双版纳阳春砂仁生产中面临的问题及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据西双版纳阳春砂仁生产中品种退化、低产和与热带雨林生物多样化保护的矛盾等问题,提出了在最适宜区种植砂仁,进行规范化种植、集约化管理,统一加工、打造品牌,提高单产、减少种植面积的对策。  相似文献   
白僵菌菌株退化与培养条件关系及其控制技术   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过对 1 0个菌株在 5种培养基上继代培养情况检测 ,探讨了不同培养基对菌种稳定性、产孢量和毒力的影响 ,结果显示 ,菌落局变的分离株多表现为菌落生长速率增加 ,产孢能力下降 ,对寄主害虫毒力降低趋势 .经过比较 ,以营养贫乏的 PDA培养基培养容易产生变异 ,以含虫尸、蛋白胨加 PDA培养基 (CPPDA)培养最为稳定 ,表明氮源是影响变异的主要因子 ,但菌株变异主要决定于本身的遗传物质 ;并提出了控制菌种退化的有效措施  相似文献   
在食用菌工厂化栽培中,优质菌种是影响经济效益的关键因素。通过分析食用菌工厂化栽培对高活力菌种的需求和菌种扩繁模式,从食用菌的菌种退化、种性确认、母种培养、菌种保藏等方面阐述了菌种的质量控制要点,以期为菌种生产提供参考。  相似文献   
1990~1992年作者对福建省葡萄产区进行了抽样调查,发现该省约31%的果园有葡萄扇叶病(GFLV)和葡萄卷叶病(GLRV)。在调查的11300株葡萄中(602亩),GFLD株发病率为13.27%,造成葡萄减产27.2%;GLRV株发病率为7.3%,减产21.5%。病株表现为不同程度的种性退化,生长赢弱、停滞,果实品质下降,果粒成熟不齐。  相似文献   
The clinical records of 38 cats (1985-1995) with a neuropathologically confirmed diagnosis of necrosis of the hippocampus and occasionally the lobus piriformis were evaluated retrospectively. There was no sex or breed predisposition. Most cats were between 1 and 6 years of age (mean age 35 months) and had either generalized or complex-partial seizures of acute onset and rapid progression. The seizures had a tendency to become recurrent and to present as clusters or even status epilepticus later in the course of the disease. Fourteen cats died spontaneously, and 24 were euthanized. Histopathologic examination revealed bilateral lesions restricted to the hippocampus and occasionally the lobus piriformis. The lesions seemed to reflect different stages of the disease and consisted of acute neuronal degeneration to complete malacia, affecting mainly the layer of the large pyramidal cells but sometimes also the neurons of the dentate gyrus and the piriform lobe. The clinical, neuropathologic, and epidemiologic findings suggest that the seizures in these cats were triggered by primary structural brain damage, perhaps resulting from excitotoxicity. The cause remains unknown, but epidemiologic analysis suggests an environmental factor, probably a toxin.  相似文献   
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