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降水、气温、风速是形成积雪的气象因子,由于承灾体(畜牧业生产)的脆弱性,积雪在一定程度上对畜牧业产生不利影响,但是某地区的自然、社会条件和人为活动作为孕灾环境能使这种不利影响加强或者发生转变,减轻或者加剧雪灾造成的损失.本文应用灾害学的理论和观点,对灾害形成的致灾因子、孕灾环境和承灾体等要素分层分析,明确各影响因子的作用及其相互关系.由此建立从降水、积雪、成灾到灾情评价的逐级判识模型,在地理信息背景数据库的支持下,从产生降水之后进行动态监测,并对不同地区的雪灾发展趋势做动态预测,最后实施灾情评估.经实际检验,该模型具有业务应用潜力.  相似文献   
This article develops an approach for exploring the social and cultural aspects of human–wildlife conflict in a global context. The proposed micro-macro level model integrates the cognitive hierarchy theory of human behavior and materialist theory of culture. This model guides research of human behavior in these situations and yields information that can aid conflict prevention and mitigation on the local level and offer suggestions for effective coordinated global, national, or regional efforts. Past applications of the micro (individual level) component and preliminary research and potential areas of future exploration for the macro (cultural level) component are discussed. Cross-cultural research will be highly useful in advancing an understanding of human–wildlife conflict.  相似文献   
We examined the relationship between self-reported fear of large carnivores and the demographic characteristics of villagers living in a rural district adjacent to Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. Data were obtained from 593 respondents living in 8 villages. The intensity of verbally expressed attitudes was heavily dependent on whether the attitude object was of a general or a specific category. Level of self-reported fear was much higher for specific species of large carnivores than for broad verbal categories like concern over safety due to carnivores in general. Women were more afraid than men. The elderly expressed lower fear than other age groups, but only in response to the general category question. Level of fear was positively correlated with educational level. For almost all questions, villagers living further away from the national park expressed more fear than villagers living closer to the park. Fear can influence attitudes toward wildlife. Understanding whether encounters with wildlife are experienced as positive or negative can help in forming management strategies that are effective in reducing human–wildlife conflicts.  相似文献   
This study examines the development and trends of China's alfalfa market and imports, identifies key factors for the rapid increase in China's alfalfa imports, and discusses potential impacts of the U.S.–China trade dispute and retaliations on the alfalfa markets and trade in both nations. China's rapid transition toward larger-scale commercial dairy production, with enhanced feed and cost management as well as quality and safety control, and its limited resources for high-quality alfalfa production are key factors for the dramatic increase in its alfalfa imports, from 19 601 metric tons in 2008 to 1.38 million metric tons (mmt) in 2018. While the United States dominated China's alfalfa imports with an average share of 97.01% from 2007 to 2017, the share dropped to 83.76% in 2018 and 63.28% in January 2019 due to the trade dispute and retaliations started in 2018. China will likely remain a large importer of alfalfa because of both its growing demand and the comparative advantages of imported alfalfa in quality and price, but the imports from the United States will be highly affected by the ongoing trade dispute and negotiations. China is also expected to make more efforts to reduce its dependence on U.S. alfalfa through increased investment in domestic alfalfa production and identification of alternative sources of alfalfa and other hay imports.  相似文献   
Effective methods to identify areas and people prone to human–wildlife conflicts help wildlife and land managers develop strategies that minimize unwanted human–wildlife interactions. We combined landscape variables (i.e., housing density, habitat quality) with data on local land use practices and sociodemographics from a mail survey of 730 landowners to anticipate perceptions of human–black bear (Ursus americanus) interactions in the Adirondack Park in Northern New York, USA. Generalized linear models indicated that specific experiences (e.g., bears approaching people), general concerns about wildlife, and actual property damage were most closely related to perceiving a negative interaction with bears. Similar perceptions of human–bear interactions were spatially clustered. Negative and indifferent perceptions of bear interactions were associated with less support for wildlife protection programs. Strategies fostering information exchange between wildlife managers and land use planners may be effective in limiting human–bear interactions before landowners have conflicts.  相似文献   
Interactions with coyotes are a growing management concern in urban North America. We conducted a content analysis of 453 articles addressing coyote events reported in the Canadian print media between 1995 and 2010. There were 119 articles about human–coyote interactions: 32 involved a coyote biting (26) or attempting to bite (6) a person. The first record of a coyote-caused human mortality in Canada occurred in 2009. Ninety-one incidents involved dogs, including 38 cases of coyote-caused dog mortality, of which 34 were small dogs. Eighteen small dogs were attacked in yards and eight attacks were preempted if a person intervened. Dogs were off leash in 92.3% of encounters; larger dogs were most frequently attacked while chasing coyotes. There were 32 reports of attacks on cats, and all were fatal. Avoiding food conditioning of coyotes, educating the public, and managing human behavior are discussed as means to facilitate coexistence with urban coyotes.  相似文献   
Wildlife harvest management requires an understanding of hunter behavioral interactions with the game. Hunter harvest is indicated to be more dependent on experience and attitudes than game abundance. We tested how the grouse hunter's bag size was affected or not by having local knowledge of the hunting ground, grouse density, and distribution. The local knowledge was acquired through approximately a decade of conducting pre-hunt counts, and was tested against hunters without the local knowledge, but who had similar experience of counting grouse from other areas. Hunters with local knowledge were not more efficient in bagging grouse than hunters without local knowledge. Rather, there seems to be the general variation in experience among hunters that regulated harvest rates, through number of grouse encounters, and gender of the hunters. The results add support to the concern of using bag statistics as an index for population changes of wildlife species.  相似文献   
Deer are not endemic to Australia, but were introduced for game and aesthetics between the early 18th and 20th centuries. Until recent decades, most deer descended from these introductions. Before the 1970s when deer numbers and distribution expanded dramatically, farming was a modest enterprise. With the collapse of farming in the 1990s, large numbers of deer were deliberately released and translocated. Feral numbers and herds have subsequently expanded, and are increasingly encroaching on urban areas. As a new issue in Australia, views toward feral deer are polarized and span “welcome guest” to “major pest.” The emerging urban deer issues need greater acknowledgment and strategic management. This will require more emphasis on raising awareness, engagement with stakeholders, and development of legislative instruments to provide better strategic management of urban deer. This article reviews the potential increase in urban deer in Australia, considers the associated issues, and provides recommendations for management.  相似文献   
The decline in carnivore populations is largely exacerbated by lethal methods used to reduce livestock depredation. Financial mechanisms are designed to limit lethal control by reducing the cost of depredation. The media can affect how the general public feel about issues like financial mechanisms but no study has been undertaken to understand the framing of this topic. This article filled this gap by using content analysis of newspapers to analyze economic incentives designed to mitigate human–carnivore conflict in Namibia. Forty-six percent of the articles were framed positively toward incentives, 24% ambivalently, 19% negatively, and 11% neutrally. Compensation was commonly framed positively whereas community-based conservation, trophy hunting, and tourism were framed ambivalently. Incentives were framed more negatively where perceived costs outweighed benefits. These results can help conservationists plan more effective communication interventions and anticipate issues that can affect the success of mitigation strategies.  相似文献   
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