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不同强度的择伐作业对保留木与幼树幼苗的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
采用标准地的方式调查不同强度的择伐作业前后常绿阔叶林林分中保留木和幼树幼苗的变化.结果表明:保留木的损伤与采伐木的胸径及择伐强度有关.胸径越大则损伤率越大.择伐强度亦然.择伐作业后幼树的破坏与择伐强度间无明显的关系.这与作业的具体情况有关.择伐后与皆伐未整地经一段时间.林内幼苗数量都有所增加,尤以皆伐作业和弱度择伐为最.  相似文献   
分子标记、辐射育种、基因工程等现代育种技术及其发展将对农林复合系统发挥重要作用.文中分析农林复合系统种间关系中存在的诸如林木品种选育周期长,冠幅影响林下作物光合效应,与林下作物争夺资源导致林下生物量减少等问题,从遗传育种对农林复合系统中林木的作用,生物技术限制林木高生长和冠幅长势,选育优质高产林下作物等方面阐述遗传育种...  相似文献   
中国杨树分子遗传改良的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨树是中国广泛栽培的重要造林树种之一 ,我国是世界上杨树资源丰富的国家 .杨树具有速生丰产、实用性强、无性繁殖能力强 ,且基因组较小等特点 ,现已成为研究林木生理和基因工程研究的模式树种 .该文概述了基因工程技术、遗传图谱构建、重要性状基因定位以及分子标记辅助选择育种等方面在中国杨树遗传改良中的应用研究进展 ,并对现代分子生物学技术在林木遗传改良应用中存在的主要问题和应用前景进行了讨论  相似文献   
应用多目标决策方法,对22种油茶品系的生长、开花、结果、产油量进行综合评价,结果表明:优良无性系安无4综合评价最好,其次为油茶优良家系安优11,综合评价较好的油茶品系有安优2、安优10、安优5,5个优良品种具有生长好、早实丰产等特点,定植6年后年产油量达150kg/hm^2以上,比CK增产7.41~9.35倍,是值得推广的油茶优良品系.  相似文献   
湿地地表高程变化的测量对于预测海平面相对上升对红树林的影响、研究植物对湿地沉积过程的影响以及浅层沉陷的研究很有帮助。由美国地质调查局发明的地表高程测量仪能够在湿地生态系统中测量沉积物高程变化。由于其易于掌握、测量数据精确、携带轻便等特点, 是监测泥沙淤积和地表沉降特征的理想工具。文中主要介绍地表高程测量仪的结构、类型、测量方法, 展望其在我国湿地监测中的应用前景, 同时还与其他的测量方法进行了比较。利用地表高程测量仪结合水平标志层法能够获取湿地地表沉降速率和湿地浅层沉陷速率, 有助于了解湿地的保护与管理现状, 预测湿地演化及植被演替趋势, 为湿地生态系统的保护、恢复与合理利用提供参考数据。  相似文献   
简述了我国红豆杉科保护植物的种类,对几种DNA分子标记技术在红豆杉科保护植物中的应用,特别是对红豆杉属植物在遗传多样性、分类学、性别鉴定、特定性状的连锁标记、分子标记的开发等方面进行了详细阐述,同时指出了今后分子标记应用的重点.  相似文献   
Similar to SCAR, an extended random primer amplified region (ERPAR) marker is a PCR amplified genomic DNA fragment at a single genetically defined locus. However, ERPAR uses specific primer pairs derived from RAPD primers by adding bases sequentially to their 3′-ends. As an example, an ERPAR marker was derived from a RAPD marker (OT11900) linked to a dominant male sterility gene in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). After two cycles of base adding and primer pair screening, a primer pair (5′-TTCCCCGCGACT-3′and 5′-TTCCCCGCGAGA-3′) amplified a single intense band with the same size as OT11900. The identity of the new marker and OT11900 was verified by segregation analysis. The new marker amplified by this extended primer pair was named as EPT11900. The development of ERPAR exploits the importance of 3′-end bases of primers in PCR ERPAR shares advantages of SCAR, but eliminates the need for cloning and sequencing. It is a fast and universal way of converting RAPD markers into stable markers. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Y. Zhao    M. L. Wang    Y. Z. Zhang    L. F. Du  T. Pan 《Plant Breeding》2000,119(2):131-135
A mutant chlorophyll‐reduced (Cr) seedling with yellow‐green cotyledons and leaves was obtained from the Brassica napus inbred line 3529 induced by fast neutron and diethyl sulphate (DES). Genetic analysis revealed that the Cr seedling marker trait was controlled by a pair of recessive genes. A randomized complete block design was used to evaluate its agronomic performance. Results from 2 years of tests indicated that the seed yield of Cr lines was significantly lower than that of normal green plants; however, when the Cr gene was in the heterozygous condition, no deleterious effects on yield characteristics and disease resistance were observed. The Cr seedling marker trait was introduced into male‐sterile lines, and Cr male‐sterile lines revealed the same superior combining ability as normal chlorophyll (Nc) lines. The Cr trait can therefore be used as a marker to produce hybrid seed.  相似文献   
Understanding the genetic basis of tolerance to high temperature is important for improving the productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in regions where the stress occurs. The objective of this study was to estimate inheritance of heat tolerance and the minimum number of genes for the trait in bread wheat by combining quantitative genetic estimates and molecular marker analyses. Two cultivars, Ventnor (heat-tolerant) and Karl92 (heat-susceptible), were crossed to produce F1, F2, and F3populations, and their grain-filling duration (GFD) at 30/25 °C 16/8 h day/night was determined as a measure of heat tolerance. Distribution of GFD in the F1 and F2 populations followed the normal model (χ2, p > 0.10). A minimum of 1.4 genes with both additive and dominance effects, broad-sense heritability of 80%, and realized heritability of 96%for GFD were determined from F2 and F3 populations. Products from 59primer pairs among 232 simple sequence repeat (SSR) pairs were polymorphic between the parents. Two markers, Xgwm11 andXgwm293, were linked to GFD by quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of the F2 population. The Xgwm11-linked QTL had only additive gene action and contributed 11% to the total phenotypic variation in GFD in the F2population, whereas the Xgwm293-linked QTL had both additive and dominance action and contributed 12% to the total variation in GFD. The results demonstrated that heat tolerance of common wheat is controlled by multiple genes and suggested that marker-assisted selection with microsatellite primers might be useful for developing improved cultivars. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
以云南稻种耐冷性资源昆明小白谷及弱耐冷性的日本品种十和田配制的杂交F2代为材料,采用159个RFLP及SSR分子标记构建的连锁图和STATISTIC等分析软件,以单株结实率作为耐冷性评价指标.分析结果显示单株结实率与单株特定颖花结实率之间的相关系数(r)为0.8364;与耐冷性(以单株结实率为指标)相关的分子标记有43个,分布在8条染色体  相似文献   
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