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This study discussed the development and evolution of Chinese royal gardens from the initial generation period (Zhou,Qin and Han dynasties) to the late mature period (middle Qing Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty).Through the specific analysis of the typical royal gardens in different periods,the development and changes of the gardening skills and overall layout of the royal gardens in each period were obtained,and the development characteristics of the whole historical period of the Chinese royal gardens were summarized.  相似文献   

为了准确预测水质参数中的溶氧量,采用长短时记忆网络 (Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM) 模型,提出一种增强型麻雀搜索算法 (Enhance Sparrow Search Algorithm, ESSA) 以改进预测率的精确性。该算法引入了Circle混沌映射进行种群初始化,并结合正弦余弦算法和Levy飞行策略分别对侦察者、跟踪者的位置进行更新,以促使麻雀个体能够快速跳出局部最优解。首先将ESSA与多种其他算法进行多形态基准函数对比测试,结果表明该算法在多个基准函数上展现出出色的性能和鲁棒性;随后将其应用于LSTM模型参数寻优,并与其他优化算法进行比较,结果显示基于ESSA-LSTM模型的预测率达到99.071%,相较于基本麻雀搜索算法 (Sparrow Search Algorithm, SSA)、灰狼优化算法 (Grey Wolf Optimizer, GWO)、海洋捕食算法 (Marine Predators Algorithm, MPA)、鲸鱼算法 (Whale Optimization Algorithm, WOA) 分别提升了2.142%、6.653%、6.682%、7.714%。研究表明,使用ESSA显著提高了溶解氧预测率,并有效减少了参数设置的盲目性和时间成本。

Burning of the vegetation in the African savannahs in the dry season is widespread and may have significant effects on soil chemical and biological properties. A field experiment in a full factorial randomised block design with fire, ash and extra grass biomass as main factors was carried out in savannah woodland of the Gambella region in Ethiopia. The microbial biomass C (Cmic) was 52% (fumigation-extraction) and 20% (substrate-induced respiration) higher in burned than unburned plots 12 d after burning. Both basal respiration and potential denitrification enzyme activity (PDA) immediately responded to burning and increased after treatment. However, in burned plots addition of extra biomass (fuel load) led to a reduction of Cmic and PDA due to enhanced fire temperature. Five days after burning, there was a short-lived burst in the in situ soil respiration following rainfall, with twice as high soil respiration in burned than unburned plots. In contrast, 12 d after burning soil respiration was 21% lower in the burned plots, coinciding with lower soil water content in the same plots. The fire treatment resulted in higher concentrations of dissolved organic C (24-85%) and nitrate (47-76%) in the soil until 90 d after burning, while soil NH4+-N was not affected to the same extent. The increase in soil NO3-N but not NH4+-N in the burned plots together with the well-aerated soil conditions indicated that nitrifying bacteria were stimulated by fire and immediately oxidised NH4+-N to NO3-N. In the subsequent rainy season, NO3-N and, consequently, PDA were reduced by ash deposition. Further, Cmic was lower in burned plots at that time. However, the fire-induced changes in microbial biomass and activity were relatively small compared to the substantial seasonal variation, suggesting transient effects of the low severity experimental fire on soil microbial functioning.  相似文献   
This work is part of a research program with the general objective of evaluating soil sustainability in areas surrounding hydroelectric reservoirs, which have been planted with riparian forest. The specific aims were: (i) to assess if and how the soil organic matter (SOM) chemical composition has changed in such areas, and (ii) to contribute to the knowledge of SOM chemistry in Brazil. To this end, we sampled litter and soil (Anionic Acrustox) in two adjacent areas: one under native vegetation and another forested with riparian species in 1992. The native vegetation was Brazilian savannah orcerrado. In this case, it was a ‘grassy cerrado’, dominated by grasses with few shrubs. Litter was collected and humic substances were extracted from soil by an alkaline solution. Both were characterised by a combination of cross-polarisation-magic angle spinning (CPMAS) solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and pyrolysis-gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Eight years after forestation, the addition of the forest litter had changed SOM chemical composition. The C input pattern exerted a key role on the observed alterations. In the grassy cerrado, litter addition is predominantly below-ground and the litter is richer in carbohydrate-derived compounds and poorer in lignin moieties. In the forested area, C input is largely above-ground and grass litter has been partially replaced by a relatively more recalcitrant material. As a result, topsoil under forest was chemically strongly different from that under cerrado. Factor analysis indicated that the largest differences were between topsoil under forest and deepest subsoil under cerrado, where there is influence of remaining cerrado-derived C. Both semi-quantification and factor analysis of pyrolysis data gave further insight on the extent of alterations, but more research on such a quantitative approach should be developed to detail its application in SOM studies.  相似文献   
1996年—1998年的3月—10月,在太原市小店区对雀鹰的生态进行了研究。结果为:该地区雀鹰种群密度为0.05只/km,筑巢于4月,每巢产4枚卵,孵化期22.5d~24d,巢内育雏期20d~23d。食物由鼠类、鸟类、昆虫和蛙类组成。  相似文献   
Abstract –  Differences in the life history strategies employed by otherwise ecologically similar species of a fish assemblage may be an important factor in the coexistence of these species and is an essential consideration in the conservation and management of these assemblages. We collected scales to determine age and growth of four species of the catostomid assemblage (northern hogsucker Hypentelium nigricans , spotted sucker Minytrema melanops , notchlip redhorse Moxostoma collapsum and robust redhorse Moxostoma robustum ) of the Savannah River, Georgia–South Carolina in spring 2004 and 2005. Robust redhorse was the largest species; reaching sexual maturity at an older age and growing faster as a juvenile than the other species. Spotted sucker did not achieve the same size as robust redhorse, but reached sexual maturity at younger ages. Notchlip redhorse was intermediate between the abovementioned two species in age at maturity and size. Northern hogsucker was the smallest species of the assemblage and reached the sexual maturity at the age of three. Both robust redhorse and spotted sucker were sexually dimorphic in size-at-age. The range of life history strategies employed by Savannah River catostomids encompasses the range of life history strategies exhibited within the family as a whole.  相似文献   
为确定气象数据缺乏地区参考作物蒸散量(ET0)的最优简化估算模型,本文以京津冀地区作为研究区域,以传统BP神经网络模型为基础,基于粒子群算法(PSO)、遗传算法(GA)、思维进化算法(MEA)、麻雀算法(SSA)和人工鱼群算法(AF)5种优化算法,构建了PSO-BP、GA-BP、MEA-BP、SSA-BP、AF-BP共5种优化模型,并将计算结果与3种传统机器学习模型BP模型、随机森林模型(RF)、小波神经网络模型(WNN)和2种经验模型Hargreaves模型(HS)、Droogres-Allen模型(DA)进行对比,在仅输入温度数据的条件下,得出区域ET0最优估算模型。结果表明:在不同区域,5种优化模型计算精度显著高于其余模型,其中,SSA-BP模型均表现出了较高的精度,RMSE、R~2、Ens和MAE分别为0.297~0.402mm·d-1、0.879~0.946、0.862~0.940、0.210~0.300mm·d-1,模型GPI在研究区域内排名第1位;在相同气象数据条...  相似文献   
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