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为了解西藏地区绿化现状,定量分析其园林绿化基本情况,解决绿化中的相关问题,采用“生物五点法”进行了园林植物群落分层调查,首次对西藏各地的园林植物种类和应用现状进行了全面普查,并详细分析了西藏地区园林绿化的现状、特点及问题,提出了相应举措。调查结果表明,(1)西藏地区应用园林植物共计91科207属368种(含品种);(2)乔木层、灌木层、草本层重要值最高的分别为林芝云杉、大叶黄杨、草地早熟禾,其重要值分别为43.050,25.128,45.950;(3)西藏绿化中应用最多的依次为蔷薇科、杨柳科、菊科、豆科、禾本科、松科、木犀科和柏科,分别有53,23,21,20,19,16,14,12种,分别占调查植物的14.40%,6.25%,5.71%,5.43%,5.16%,4.35%,3.80%,3.26%;(3)绿化发展不均衡,园林植物应用地区差异大,园林植物配置单一;(4)园林植物配比不合理。  相似文献   
森林资源减少是区域生物多样性下降的重要原因之一,明确影响区域生物多样性变化的关键森林景观因子对深入了解森林景观对区域生物多样性的影响机制具有重要意义。以鄱阳湖生态经济区为研究对象,从森林景观的数量、质量、分布等方面选取11个指标,通过相关分析、弹性分析和线性回归分析研究森林景观指标与区域生物多样性的关系。结果表明,所选用的表征森林景观的指标,除平均树高外,均与区域生物多样性显著相关(显著水平0.05),与森林密度(每公顷株数)的相关性最好;区域生物多样性对平均胸径变动的敏感程度最强,森林景观分布均衡度次之,有林地面积最弱;采用逐步回归法,建立了多元回归方程,表明在多因素综合影响下,影响区域生物多样性的主要指标作用大小为:活立木蓄积量每公顷株数平均胸径森林景观分布均衡度林地面积。研究结论为科学管理森林景观,提高区域生物多样性提供了一定依据。  相似文献   
The development of post-industrial landscapes at industrial sites plays an important role to fill urban green spaces. However, current research on the use and redevelopment of post-industrial sites has mainly focused on ecological restoration, and studies combined with objective and subjective data to quantify public preferences remain poorly understood. In this study, deep learning was used to semantically segment the post-industrial landscape, and a multiple stepwise regression model was used to analyze the non-linear correlation between quantitative indicators and public “restorative-repressive” perception, and structural equation model (SEM) between quantitative indicators and public perception data were established. We investigated and found (1) Semantic segmentation models for machine learning combined with principal component analysis (PCA) and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis can categorize post-industrial parks into two groups dominated by artificial elements and natural elements. (2) Public perceptions varied more in the natural element-dominated group and less in the industrial element-dominated group. In addition, waterbody in the post-industrial landscape existed as a destabilizing factor. (3) There was a difference in the correlation between quantitative indicators and subjective perceptions in the two categories of parks. (4) Height of industrial building (HIB), function of industrial building(FIB), vegetation succession(VS) were significantly influenced public satisfaction. These findings informed that public satisfaction with post-industrial landscapes can be enhanced by taking full account of the different uses of natural and artificial elements and enabling researchers to analyze the redevelopment of post-industrial landscapes from a new perspective of evidence-based design.  相似文献   
延安市延河滨水绿地景观规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高延安市区河流景观的整体形象,在对延河城区段详细调查的基础上,针对延河景观现存问题及城市发展需要,应用园林与生态景观规划原理和方法对延河市区段滨水绿地进行了分区规划研究。认为规划布局应以延河为轴线,并根据城市规划及功能需求可将其划分为问书韬略区、河滩晨曦区、历史浮雕区、湿地公园区、生态恢复区等5个区。同时规划在突出生态性、文化性、艺术性、自然性的基础上,力求将延河打造成为具有延安特色的绿色景观廊道与城市景观窗口。  相似文献   
杨凯健  黄耀志  徐谦 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(16):9015-9017,9026
分析了城镇化、工业化、农业现代化对乡村空间格局所产生的影响,并以长三角水网地区为例,总结水网地区乡村空间格局的典型类型,提出其保护的必要性。尝试通过构建乡村空间格局评价指标体系来诊断长三角水网地区乡村的健康发展程度,以便于指导乡村规划建设。  相似文献   
陕西秦岭地区百合科野生花卉资源及园林应用评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕西秦岭地区野生百合科植物资源丰富,共有29属117种;对其中观赏价值较高的55种百合科野生花卉资源的植物区系、生境和观赏特性进行了分析。结果表明,温带系成分占绝对优势,占总属数的87.51%,温带成分中以东亚分布、北温带分布、东亚和北美洲间断分布为主;热带成分和中亚成分分布很少,仅占总属数的8.34%和4.17%。55种百合科野生资源生境差异较大,分布范围广;花色丰富,以白色、红色和紫色系居多;主要以观花和观叶为主。对野生花卉资源的园林应用进行了评价以及对资源的开发利用和保护提出了建议。  相似文献   
张仁桥 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(13):7012-7017
介绍了在离散型地域结构条件下乡村公共设施配置的基本原理,以浙江为例,对离散型地域结构对乡村公共设施配置的影响进行实证分析,针对离散型地域结构对乡村公共设施配置的不利影响,提出积极推动乡村人口适度集中、统筹城乡公共设施规划建设、创新城乡公共服务统筹发展政策等建议,以期使乡村居民能够较为公平地享受公共服务。  相似文献   
龚松 《绿色科技》2013,(12):48-50
从施肥原则、施肥时间、施肥用量与施肥方法等4个方面对大同市城市园林树木施肥的措施进行了总结,为城市园林树木的养护,提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   
The capacity of urban parks to contribute to soundscape restorativeness, understood here as contributions to people’s recovery from attentional fatigue and reflection on life issues, is receiving increased interest in research and policy. However, scientific understanding of the influential mechanism of perceived soundscape restorativeness is still not clear. This paper aims to explore the effects of audio-visual interaction on perceived soundscape restorativeness (PSR) of urban parks, considering visitors of different social and demographic characteristics. The research design comprises a survey of 419 visitors to five urban parks in Fuzhou, China, general structure equation modeling, and multi-group model analysis. The results show a substantial dependence of visitors’ PSR values on respective perceptions of soundscape pleasantness and eventfulness, especially soundscape pleasantness. Visual landscape characteristics showed mediating effects on the influence of soundscape pleasantness and eventfulness on the perceived soundscape restorativeness (19.3 % and 28.3 % of the total effect, respectively). Age was the most influential social and demographic characteristic affecting the PSR, followed by gender, while occupation and educational background showed only limited effects. Future development of urban parks should strongly integrate soundscape design considerations to enhance positive PSR effects for visitors.  相似文献   
人类活动是诱发区域生态风险的重要因素,但生态风险与人类活动在不同尺度下的表征效果不一,响应程度不同,从多尺度科学地研究区域景观生态风险与人类活动强度的关联特征对于协调区域人地关系地域系统矛盾,推动地区可持续发展具有重要意义。该研究以长三角地区为研究对象,基于1990—2020年4期土地利用、夜间灯光、人口空间分布数据,建立市域、县域、格网三级尺度,构建景观生态风险及人类活动强度评估模型,刻画不同尺度下二者的时空响应特征,并基于Copula函数、双变量空间自相关及耦合协调度模型,揭示景观生态风险与人类活动强度的时空关联性。结果表明:1)1990—2020年间不同尺度下长三角地区景观生态风险均呈现北高南低的空间分布格局,且高风险地区持续减少,低风险区均呈增加趋势,其中市域尺度下高风险地区的减势最明显,而县域尺度下,低及中低风险区总体增势最为显著;2)1990—2020年间不同尺度下长三角地区人类活动强度均呈现东北高西南低的空间分布格局且高强度区域均呈现显著上升趋势,而低强度区域均明显下降,其中格网尺度下高强度区域增幅最大,达13.42个百分点,市域尺度下低强度区域的减幅最为明显,达9.76...  相似文献   
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