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The proportion of background pollen grains in the seed crops of two Pinus sylvestris seed orchards in Central Finland was estimated with the aid of multilocus allozyme markers. The orchards studied were more than 30 years old and in full pollen production. For the bulked seed crops of the seed orchard with southern clones the estimated average of background pollination over four years was 26%. There were statistically significant differences between years. No significant heterogeneity in the degree of background pollination between clones was found. Among single ramets there was significant heterogeneity in the estimated contamination rates, but the variation was not related to position in the orchard. For the seed orchard with northern clones the bulked seed crop was studied only for one year and the level of background pollination was found to be 33 %. These estimates are fairly high, but lower than for many other orchards. Background pollination at this level will cause losses in expected genetic gains. Part of the seeds from northern orchards will not be adapted to the intended area of use.  相似文献   
麻竹开花生物学特性观察及控制授粉的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
竹类植物开花生物学特性和控制授粉技术的研究是开展竹类有性遗传改良的必要前提.该文以设在福建省南靖县国营苗圃的29丛90根麻竹开花亲本为研究对象,采用野外实地观测的方法,观测了其开花预兆、开花周期及持续时间、开花季节和初花时间、花枝类型及结构、小穗形态及结构、花器构造和发育特性及竹花开放顺序等开花生物学特性,研究了麻竹控制授粉时不同气候条件和花枝位置对结实率的影响.研究结果初步表明,控制授粉时气候及花枝位置对结实率的影响不显著,及时利用竹子田间自然开花并适时地进行人工授粉是可行的.   相似文献   
J. B. Sale 《African Zoology》2013,48(1):101-113
Activity in two unrelated genera of mole-rats, Tachyoryetes and Heliophobius, was studied in the field by recording the movements of animals tagged with radioactive wire. Tachyoryetes shows a single marked activity peak and only leaves its nest between 10.00 and 19.00 hour. Heliophobius shows a more dispersed and prolonged activity pattern although peak activity occurs over approximately the same period as in Tachyoryetes. Heliophobius spends over 50 of the day out of its nest, Tachyoryetes, under 25%.

These differences can be attributed to a different function of the nest in the two genera (Tachyoryetes has a multipurpose nest; Heliophobius uses its nest solely for rest), and also to the fact that Tachyoryetes has light-sensitive eyes whereas Heliophobius appears unable to appreciate light; Tachyoryetes periodically comes to the surface to forage and this exposure to light may trigger the 24-hour activity cycle.  相似文献   
【目的】研究农用地利用集约度与昆虫传粉服务之间的定量关系,为农用地集约利用提供有价值的决策依据。【方法】以广东省市域农用地为研究对象,选取4种不同传粉依赖度的典型农作物,基于长时间序列(2000—2015年)统计数据,利用回归分析方法分析各自集约度水平与其产量之间的关系,进而探索农用地集约水平与传粉服务的定量关系。【结果】(1)就作物产量而言,当作物的传粉依赖度越大时,随着集约度的提升作物产量呈下降趋势越明显;而当作物的传粉依赖度较小时,随着集约度的提升作物产量呈上升趋势。(2)就作物产量变异性而言,当作物的传粉依赖度越大时,随着集约度的提升,其产量变异性系数变大,即产量越不稳定。【结论】农用地集约利用水平的提升,并不一定带来作物产量的提升和产量的稳定性,而明显受限制于作物的传粉依赖度。  相似文献   
A perusal of literature showed that a little is known about the metabolic changes related to senescence in orchid flowers. It was observed that unpollinated flowers of Cymbidium pendulum (Roxb.) Sw. remained fresh for 20 days and senesced within 8 days after pollination (DAP), while that of Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw. took 18 days when unpollinated but showed senescence in 7 DAP. A higher level of electrolyte leakage was recorded in all the floral organs of pollinated flowers in both the species. There was a concomitant increase in levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); indicators of oxidative damage, in all the organs for both the species. Ascorbic acid, on the other hand, decreased significantly. Higher amount of electrolyte leakage, MDA and H2O2 content were recorded in C. pendulum as compared of the other species while the ascorbic acid, on the other hand, was observed to be decreased and this decrease was more in C. pendulum than C. aloifolium suggesting a higher oxidative damage to the floral organs in the former species than the latter. TIBA, i.e. tri-iodobenzoic acid (an auxin inhibitor; 0.25 μM) and silver nitrate (ethylene inhibitor; 0.25 μM) application to pollinated flowers partially prevented the elevation of oxidative damage and consequently senescence suggesting the involvement of these hormones in governing these changes in orchid flowers. Comparatively, AgNO3 was more effective than TIBA in delaying senescence.  相似文献   
用常规柱头授粉和切割不同长度花柱4种授粉方式对亚百系内杂交的花粉管生长和结实情况进行了研究.结果表明:同一系内各组合亲和性存在差异,亲和性较好的组合为"金色号角×多安娜"、"普瑞头×索莱尔",次之为"多安娜×普瑞头","金色号角×普瑞头","普瑞头×多安娜"为不亲和组合;同一系内组合中,采用常规柱头授粉比切割花柱授粉得到胚的比例高,所有组合花粉管均能进入子房,而且随着切割花柱长度的增加,花粉管在花柱中及进入子房的量是依次递减的,种子数目与花粉管的生长情况呈正相关;果实膨大系数不能反映果实是否结籽;所有组合中都存在胚囊不亲和现象,形成了无胚仅有胚乳的种子.  相似文献   
郭爱龙  P.A.Cooper 《林业研究》1999,10(3):141-146
introductionWaterbornepreservativesareamajorcomponentofthewood-treatingindustrybecauseoftheireaseofapplication,lowcost,andthecleanappearanceofthewoodattertreatment.Theuseofchromatedcopperarsenate(CCA)preservativesintheUSAhasgrownfroma14%shareofthewoodpreservativesmarketin1977to73%in1987(Micklewright1993).ThisismainlyduetotheincreasinguseofCCAtreatedwoodasdecksandoutdoorstructures.ThewaterbornepreservativeCCAhasbecomeoneofthemosteffectivetreatmentsforNorthAmericanwoodproduCts,usedinapplic…  相似文献   
以9个授粉品种对5个长山核桃无性系进行人工授粉,探讨不同授粉品种对长山核桃坐果率及果实性状的影响。结果表明,5个无性系的父本方差贡献率均高于5 0%,同一母本下,不同父本的杂交组合之间坐果差异都达到了极显著水平。父、母本之间表现出交互作用,除核果质量的父本间差异不显著,其余性状各差异均达到极显著水平;4 5个杂交组合内7个性状指标的变异幅度很大,变异系数最大的是无性系2 1号单果质量,达到2 6.3 3%,最小的是无性系1 3号核果径,为1.5 3%;根据各杂交组合单株间坐果及果实性状的差异情况,为5个母本筛选了适合的父本作为与其配置的授粉品种,如3 5号和建林1号可为无性系1 0 4授粉,1号、3 4号和建林1号可为无性系2 8号授粉,5号和1 2 7号可为无性系2 1号授粉,3 4号和6号可为无性系1 3号授粉,以及3 5号、5 2号和建林1号可为无性系1 1号授粉。  相似文献   
回-直肠吻合猪术后不同时间对氨基酸消化率测值的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回-直肠吻合术是收集回肠末端食糜的一种简捷、实用的方法,近年来被越来越多地用于饲料氨基酸消化率的测定〔1〕。回-直肠吻合手术以后,荷术猪(hostswine)的手术应激是客观存在的。随着术后时间的延长,荷术猪的日龄和体重都在增加。这些变化对猪饲料氨基酸消化率的测定结果有无影响、程度如何,直接决定着回-直肠吻合猪用于氨基酸消化率评定时的使用寿命。为此,本试验研究了回-直肠吻合猪术后不同时间对氨基酸消化率的测值,探讨其变化规律,为其在评定饲料氨基酸生物学效价时更客观、合理地使用提供理论依据。1 材料…  相似文献   
棉花蜜蜂传粉杂交制种效果研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
利用抗虫不育系(Btms5ms5ms6ms6)和转Bt基因抗虫棉品系(Rg3)作为杂交制种亲本,制种期间在田间放养蜜蜂作为传粉媒介,连续三年在长江流域和黄河流域进行小规模田间开放式蜜蜂传粉杂交制种试验,对蜜蜂传粉杂交制种体系中的父母本种植比例、不同的蜂种、父母本种植方式、天气等对蜜蜂传粉制种效果进行了研究。初步研究结果表明:父母本种植比例以1:4制种效果较为理想,蜜蜂是较理想的传粉媒介,父母本混合种植方式和相间种植方式传粉效果差异不明显,天气变化对蜜蜂传粉影响较大,直接影响制种产量。  相似文献   
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