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通过种植两茬油菜,设置7种施肥模式:有机肥施氮量600 kg/hm2;有机肥施氮量300 kg/hm2;无机肥施氮量767 kg/hm2;无机肥施氮量383 kg/hm2;有机肥施氮量450 kg/hm2,无机肥施氮量153 kg/hm2;有机肥施氮量300 kg/hm2,无机肥施氮量383 kg/hm2;有机肥施氮量150 kg/hm2,无机肥施氮量191 kg/hm2,研究了日光温室0~200 cm土壤中NH4+-N和NO3--N的迁移累积。结果表明,不同施肥模式主要影响0~40 cm土壤中NH4+-N的平均累积量和平均质量比,单施无机肥的相应值大于单施有机肥;不同施肥模式主要影响0~40 cm土壤中NO3--N的平均累积量和平均质量比,当施氮量小于383 kg/hm2时,相应值从大到小依次为:单施无机肥、单施有机肥、有机肥和无机肥配施,不同施肥模式也影响40~160 cm土壤中NO3--N的迁移累积。从地下水污染风险和产量考虑,北京农业种植区日光温室油菜种植可按照有机肥150 kg/hm2、无机肥191 kg/hm2的施肥模式进行施肥。  相似文献   
The proportional contribution of atmospheric N2 to the N nutrition of lupin (P atm) was estimated in a field experiment following addition of NH4Cl of KNO3 to unconfined microplots (1.5 m2) at 2.5 g N m-2 (10 atom% 15N). The integrated 15N enrichment, or mean pool abundance, of nitrate extracted from 0- to 15-cm samples taken under the lupin crop on eight occasion between 28 and 190 days after sowing was used as the reference criterion to estimate P atm by the 15N-isotope dilution technique. Estimates of P atm were similar to those obtained using canola as a non-fixing reference plant, but were higher than estimates obtained using a yield-dependent model. Use of mean pool abundance obviates the need for a non-fixing reference plant, and the frequent sampling and isotope-ratio analysis of the legume biomass required with the yield-dependent model is unnecessary. However, further work is needed to validate a sampling strategy commensurate with the growth of the legume roots.  相似文献   
水稻对红壤中N、P的吸收利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
傅志坚  王德先 《核农学报》1992,6(4):214-218
试验结果表明,当施氮量一定的情况下,增施磷、钾肥,氮肥利用率和水稻的产量都有显著的增加。谷粒产量和氮肥利用率为29.78g/盆和44.37%,分别比对照(单施氮肥)提高22.75%和9.62%。合理施用氮、钾肥,磷肥的利用率也有显著增加(为29.10%),比单施磷肥利用率提高6.88%。  相似文献   
黄泛区潮土-冬小麦系统中尿素的转化和化肥氮去向   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
在田间条件下,用~(15)N标记的微区试验法研究了潮土-冬小麦系统中尿素的转化和化肥氮的去向。结果表明:土壤中尿素水解后,主要进行硝化和生物固定,而被粘土矿物固定的量很少;小麦返青后,随着气温上升,生物固定的标记氮不断分解,其量可达总生物固定量的60%。作为基肥条施的尿素,其损失略高于作返青肥或拔节肥表施后随即灌水的处理。氮素损失主要发生在春季气温回升后的生长期间,当季的淋洗损失极微。在较为适宜的用量和施用技术下,化肥氮的损失仍达33—45%,其中以碳酸氢铵为最高,次为硫酸铵和硝酸铵,而尿素和硝酸铵中的硝态氮损失最低。  相似文献   
土壤不同粒级中C、N、P、K的分配及N的有效性研究   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:38  
本试验首先把7种采自不同省份的耕作土壤进行物理分级,然后测定了土壤C、N、P、K在不同粒级中的分布,同时还进行不同粒有中N的有效笥研究。结果表明:在不同粒级中C、N含量和分布均随土壤颗粒的加粗而逐渐下降,血C/N比则与此相反。在〈2μm粒级中N的有效性最高,随着土壤颗粒粒和戏的加粗有效性逐渐降低,在酸性土壤中P主要分布在较细的粒级中,而在石灰性土壤中则粗有效性逐渐降低。在酸性土壤中P主要分布在较细  相似文献   
水肥耦合条件下作物产量、水分利用和根系吸氮的试验研究   总被引:37,自引:6,他引:37  
根据1998~2000年两年在北京市水科所永乐店节水灌溉中心开展的冬小麦、夏玉米水肥耦合的田间试验成果的分析研究表明,氮肥效益的发挥与农田水分状况密切相关,低供水水平时(本研究中为冬小麦仅灌拔节水的节水灌溉处理),肥料的增产效益十分显著,但氮肥贡献率随施肥量的增加而呈递减的趋势。不同的分析方法都表明,在永乐店节水灌溉中心,冬小麦施尿素400 kg/hm2和200 kg/hm2两个施肥水平的试验处理所获得的水(肥)分生产率最高(在不同农田供水状况下),由于两者的水分生产率差异不大,为提高施肥效率,建议在生产上考虑选择200 kg/hm2的施肥方案较合理。  相似文献   
浅谈推算和预测宏观尺度土壤N_2O释放量的方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
徐文彬 《土壤通报》2000,31(2):91-95
土壤是N2 O的最主要释放源 .本文综述了根据局部地区土壤N2 O释放观察结果 ,推算和预测宏观尺度土壤甚至全球土壤N2 O释放通量变化和年释放量的方法 ,评述了各类方法的优缺点 ;并着重讨论了释放过程机理模型的应用 .  相似文献   
The turnover of native and applied C and N in undisturbed soil samples of different texture but similar mineralogical composition, origin and cropping history was evaluated at −10 kPa water potential. Cores of structurally intact soil with 108, 224 and 337 g clay kg−1 were horizontially sliced and 15N-labelled sheep faeces was placed between the two halves of the intact core. The cores together with unamended treatments were incubated in the dark at 20 °C and the evolution of CO2-C determined continuously for 177 d. Inorganic and microbial biomass N and 15N were determined periodically. Net nitrification was less in soil amended with faeces compared with unamended soil. When adjusted for the NO3-N present in soil before faeces was applied, net nitrification became negative indicating that NO3-N had been immobilized or denitrified. The soil most rich in clay nitrified least N and 15N. The amounts of N retained in the microbial biomass in unamended soils increased with clay content. A maximum of 13% of the faeces 15N was recovered in the microbial biomass in the amended soils. CO2-C evolution increased with clay content in amended and unamended soils. CO2-C evolution from the most sandy soil was reduced due to a low content of potentially mineralizable native soil C whereas the rate constant of C mineralization rate peaked in this soil. When the pool of potentially mineralizable native soil C was assumed proportional to volumetric water content, the three soils contained similar proportions of potentially mineralizable native soil C but the rate constant of C mineralization remained highest in the soil with least clay. Thus although a similar availability of water in the three soils was ensured by their identical matric potential, the actual volume of water seemed to determine the proportion of total C that was potentially mineralizable. The proportion of mineralizable C in the faeces was similar in the three soils (70% of total C), again with a higher rate constant of C mineralization in the soil with least clay. It is hypothesized that the pool of potentially mineralizable C and C rate constants fluctuate with the soil water content.  相似文献   
水稻对氮素的吸收、分配及其在组织中的挥发损失   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
应用15N示踪技术研究了水稻不同生育期吸收的15N在各器官中的分配,以及后期植物组织中的挥发损失。结果发现,水稻在分蘖期吸收的氮量少于在幼穗分化期吸收的氮量;在分蘖期吸收的15N,标记结束时氮素主要分配于水稻的叶片中,至成熟期15N有39%转运至水稻子粒中;水稻在幼穗分化期吸收的15N,标记结束时氮素主要分配在水稻茎和叶鞘中,至成熟期15N有46%转运至水稻的子粒中;水稻在分蘖期和幼穗分化期吸收的氮素在后期可以通过植株组织挥发损失,至成熟期损失的比例分别达16.7%和13.4%。  相似文献   
Some of the effects of land desertification on soil properties are manifested by the coarsening of the soil particlesize distribution (PSD) and the losses in organic C and nutrients. The changes and characteristics of PSD and selected chemical properties in soils at the 0-15 cm plough layer from different degrees of desertified croplands are analyzed in the semiarid Horqin Sandy Land, northern China. The fractal dimension of the PSD is emanated to characterize the patterns of PSD. The relationships between the fractal dimension of the PSD and selected soil properties are discussed. The results show that: (1) in the transformation from potential desertified cropland to extremely desertified cropland, the sand content at the 0-15 cm soil increased from 69% to 93%, organic C and total N contents decreased by 65% and 69%, respectively; (2) the fractal dimension of PSD ranged from 2.179 to 2.611, the more the contents of sand, the lower the fractal dimension and the higher the desertified degree of farmland. In the desertification process within the studied area, the mean fractal dimension decreased from 2.555 for the potential desertified soils to 2.298 for extremely desertified soils; (3) there existed considerable linear relationships between fractal dimension and soil properties. It was shown that fractal dimensions of PSD are useful parameters able to monitor soil degradation and to estimate the degree of soil desertification.  相似文献   
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