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Background:The experiment evaluated the effect of nutrition levels and sex on the growth performance,carcass characteristics and meat quality of F1 Angus × Chinese Xiangxi yellow cattle.Methods:During the background period of 184 d,23 steers and 24 heifers were fed the same ration,then put into a2×2×2 factorial arrangement under two levels of- dietary energy(TON:70/80%DM),protein(CP:11.9/14.3%DM)and sex(S:male/female) during the finishing phase of 146 d.The treatments were-(1) high energy/low protein(HELP),(2) high energy/high protein(HEHP),(3) low energy/low protein(LELP) and(4) low energy/high protein(LEHP).Each treatment used 6 steers and 6 heifers,except for HELP- 5 steers and 6 heifers.Results:Growth rate and final carcass weight were unaffected by dietary energy and protein levels or by sex.Compared with the LE diet group,the HE group had significantly lower dry matter intake(DMI,6.76 vs.7.48 kg DM/d),greater chest girth increments(46.1 vs.36.8 cm),higher carcass fat(19.9 vs.16.3%) and intramuscular fat content(29.9 vs.22.8%DM).The HE group also had improved yields of top and medium top grade commercial meat cuts(39.9 vs.36.5%).The dressing percentage was higher for the HP group than the LP group(53.4 vs.54.9%).Steers had a greater length increment(9.0 vs.8.3 cm),but lower carcass fat content(16.8 vs.19.4%) than heifers.The meat quality traits(shear force value,drip loss,cooking loss and water holding capacity) were not affected by treatments or sex,averaging 3.14 kg,2.5,31.5 and 52.9%,respectively.The nutritive profiles(both fatty and amino acid composition) were not influenced by the energy or protein levels or by sex.Conclusions:The dietary energy and protein levels and sex significantly influenced the carcass characteristics and chemical composition of meat but not thegrowth performance,meat quality traits and nutritive profiles.  相似文献   
To investigate the effects of different sources of carbohydrates on intake, digestibility, chewing, and performance, nine lactating Holstein dairy cows (day in milk= 100±21 d; body weight=645.7 ± 26.5 kg) were allotted to a 3 × 3 Latin square design at three 23-d periods. The three treatments included 34.91% (B), 18.87% (BC), and 18.86% (BB) barley that in treatment B was partially replaced with only corn or corn plus beet pulp in treatments BC and BB, respectively. The concentration of starch and neutral detergent soluble carbohydrate varied (22.2, 20.2, and 14.5; 13.6, 15.9, and 20.1% of DM in treatments B, BC, and BB, respectively). Cows in treatment BB showed a higher DMI and improved digestibility of DM, NDF, and EE compared with treatments B or BC. Ruminal pH was higher in cows fed on BB (6.83) compared with those that received B or BC treatments (6.62 and 6.73, respectively). A lower proportion of propionate accompanied the higher pH in the BB group; however, a greater proportion of acetate and acetate: propionate ratio was observed compared with cows fed either on the B or BC diet. Moreover, cows fed on the BB diet showed the lowest ruminal passage rate and longest ruminal and total retention time. Eating time did not differ among treatments, rumination time was greater among cows fed on the BB diet compared with the others, whereas total chewing activity was greater than those fed on BC, but similar to those fed on B. The treatments showed no effect on milk yield. Partially replacing barley with corn or beet pulp resulted in an increase in milk fat and a lower protein concentration. Changing dietary NFC with that of a different degradability thus altered intake, chewing activity, ruminal environment, retention time or passage rate, and lactation performance. The results of this study showed that beet pulp with a higher NDF and a detergent-soluble carbohydrate or pectin established a more consistent ruminal mat than barley and corn, thus resulting in higher mean retention time and chewing activity, whereas no changes in 3.5% FCM and milk fat were observed.  相似文献   
叶火香 《茶叶》2014,40(4):220-222
本文通过台湾茶业考察见闻,论述台湾茶业的现状与特点,并提出今后发展茶业可参考借鉴台湾发展茶业的一些经验。  相似文献   
不同淹水时间对分蘖期中稻生育动态及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过盆栽定植试验,研究了中稻(徽两优6号、两优1128)在分蘖末期受不同淹水时间胁迫后生长发育和生理特性的动态变化,并同时考察了其产量结构。结果表明,淹水胁迫下,两个品种水稻生育期推迟,始穗到齐穗历时增加,且随淹水时间的增加而延长;淹水后短期内植株株高降低,但成熟前7 d时淹水2 d、4 d的处理株高反而略高于对照;植株绿叶数、绿叶面积、根长、根表面积、根体积、根系活力和相对叶绿素含量(SPAD值)均随淹水胁迫加重而显著减少(淹水2 d处理植株根系活力升高);但经过恢复生长,淹水胁迫后20 d,各淹水处理SPAD值已和对照非常接近,并且一直保持到成熟前7 d,其他各指标数值在轻度淹水胁迫(淹水2 d和4 d)下和对照接近而无显著差异,重度淹水胁迫(淹水6 d、8 d和12 d)下和对照差距缩小,成熟前7 d,由于淹水胁迫早衰严重而差距重新拉大;两个水稻品种减产幅度均随淹水时间的延长而加剧,淹水6 d处理的产量已经降至对照的50%左右,产量下降的原因是总粒数减少、空秕粒数增加和结实率降低等因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   
施氮量对茶树生长及叶片光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用水泥池培育的方法,研究了不同氮肥施用量对茶树生长和叶片光合特性的影响。试验设置4个施氮水平,分别为0kg N/hm2(CK)、112.5 kg N/hm2(N1)、225 kg N/hm2(N2)和450 kg N/hm2(N3)。结果表明:施氮显著促进茶树生长,施氮处理茶叶产量比CK显著提高116.98%~141.51%(P〈0.05),但施氮处理间差异不显著(P〉0.05);施氮处理茶树叶片叶绿素总量提高30.56%~72.67%,类胡萝卜素含量降低13.37%~29.74%,并与CK差异显著(P〈0.05);施氮处理茶树叶片净光合速率比CK显著提高14.88%~17.26%(P〈0.05),但施氮处理间差异不显著(P〉0.05);氮肥施用提高茶树叶片气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率。适量的施氮可提高茶树叶片叶绿素含量、提高光合速率,促进茶树生长和茶叶产量提高;但随着氮肥施用量的增加,单位氮肥对茶树生长的促进效应降低。  相似文献   
天优3301是福建省农业科学院生物技术研究所和广东省农业科学院水稻研究所用天丰A×闽恢3301配制而成的籼型杂交水稻新品种。2010—2012年引进三明市沙县夏茂镇作烟后稻示范推广种植,表现生育期适中、抗逆性强、丰产性好、米质优等特点。总结了天优3301在沙县作烟后稻示范种植表现及高产栽培技术。  相似文献   
采用田间试验的方法,研究了杂交中稻广两优香5的营养特性与施肥效应。结果表明,在生育前期广两优香5对氮、磷需求量大,中后期钾素吸收增加;养分对其产量构成因子的影响上表现为氮钾磷;结合模拟的最佳施肥量和经济施肥量,推荐了江汉平原地区中等肥力条件下的施肥量为氮170~200 kg/hm2、磷70~100 kg/hm2、钾105~135 kg/hm2。  相似文献   
利用河西走廊1965-2017年21个气象站点逐日气象数据,基于Penman-Monteith蒸散模型计算不同时间尺度的SPEI,分析河西走廊气象干旱的变化趋势、发生频率和持续时间等时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)近53a来河西走廊月、季、年尺度SPEI均呈显著上升趋势,即干旱有显著减弱趋势,但个别站点干旱持续时间较长,其中武威站在2013年持续时长达到11个月;(2)河西走廊四季均存在变湿趋势,且冬季变湿显著,其中春、夏、秋季干旱呈不稳定变化,而冬季在1989年前后发生突变,由干旱向湿润突变;(3)河西走廊干旱的空间分布具有明显的区域特征,干旱区域主要集中在西北部,湿润区域主要集中在南部;(4)不同时间尺度各等级干旱发生频率的变化规律具有一致性,轻中旱发生频率远高于重特旱,且年、季尺度重特旱发生相对高频区空间分布特征与轻中旱正好相反。总之,近53a来河西走廊干旱呈减弱趋势,有利于当地的农业生产开展和生态环境改善,但该区域气候变化较复杂,需要注意局部干旱情况。  相似文献   
粟凡婕    王加胜    王志敏    陈鑫亚    王丽蒙    杨昆   《水土保持研究》2022,29(5):220-227
植被物候对气候敏感易观测,是观测生态变化与全球气候变化的重要指标,研究植被物候变化及其对气候的响应对于了解全球气候变化与植被之间的复杂关系具有重要意义。为揭示近20年来南盘江流域植被物候时空变化及其对气候的响应特征,基于2001—2020年增强型植被指数(MOD13Q1-EVI),运用S-G滤波、动态阈值法、Sen斜率分析法、相关性分析法等方法,获取了南盘江流域植被物候参数,分析其时空分布特征,利用偏相关系数分析了气候变化对SOS,EOS的影响。结果表明:(1)2001—2020年,南盘江流域物候特征变化较大,SOS(Start of the growing season)呈提前趋势,EOS(End of the growing season)和LOS(Length of the growing season)呈推迟延长趋势,物候变化具有空间异质性,不同子流域植被物候存在较大差异。(2)植被物候变化受到地形的影响,EOS随海拔升高,结束时间提前; SOS随海拔变化的规律与LOS的规律相反,都存在1 000 m,2 000 m和2 600 m分界线。(3)南盘江流域SOS变化与气温、降水呈正相关关系,EOS与气温呈正相关关系、与降水呈负相关关系。该研究可为南盘江流域的生态环境保护与植被资源可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
刘丛伟  胡珊珊  张涛  杨展 《水土保持研究》2022,29(6):254-259,267
为探究白洋淀流域在气候变化背景下的干旱时空演变特征,基于1979—2018年0.1°分辨率降水格点数据,采用年尺度和季节尺度的标准化降水指数(Standardized Precipitation Index,SPI),结合Mann-Kendall趋势检验法研究了白洋淀流域干旱频次、干旱面积的时空演变特征。结果表明:(1)研究区发生轻旱的频次最高,中旱、重旱、特旱发生的频次依序减少,春季和夏季是干旱频次发生较高的季节,但特旱主要分布在秋季和冬季。(2)研究区年尺度下干旱程度呈不显著减缓趋势,干旱面积略有减少; 春季和夏季干旱程度呈不显著增加趋势,干旱面积略有增加; 秋季和冬季干旱程度呈显著减缓趋势,秋季干旱面积显著减少。(3)轻旱和中旱在整个流域内分布广泛,下游平原区的发生频率高于上游山区,大清河山区的北部和西部以及流域的东南边缘是重旱和特旱的高发地带。综上,白洋淀流域整体呈干旱缓和趋势,但春夏季干旱情况在未来可能会加重。  相似文献   
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