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摘 要:由于长期连作导致香蕉枯萎病大量爆发,造成香蕉种植面积锐减,已严重影响海南香蕉产业的发展,因而急需寻求能够缓解或克服香蕉连作障碍的有效措施。本实验旨在探究使用绿色土壤熏蒸剂对长期连作蕉园的香蕉枯萎病的防控效果,特别是对植株生长发育、土壤化学性质和根际微生物区系的影响。田间试验共设置两个处理:石灰碳铵熏蒸处理(LAB)和对照处理(CK)。结果表明: LAB处理可以显著降低香蕉枯萎病发病率,与CK处理相比两季分别降低40%和46.62%,显著增加香蕉亩产量,与CK处理相比两季分别增产45.56%和75.99%。LAB处理可以显著提高土壤pH,改善土壤酸化,使酸性土壤维持中性水平,同时,增加土壤有机质含量,并且显著提高土壤速效磷(两季分别提高28.33%和89.14%)和速效钾含量(23.92%和38.67%)。并且LAB处理明显改变香蕉根际微生物群落结构,可以显著降低变形菌门和子囊菌门相对丰度,显著增加放线菌门等相对丰度,同时显著降低病原菌镰刀菌属相对丰度,并且显著提高部分土壤拮抗菌属的相对丰度,如链霉菌属、红球菌属和曲霉属。因此,石灰碳铵熏蒸有效改善香蕉根际微生物群落结构,有效防控香蕉枯萎病的发生并促进其植株生长。  相似文献   
为了探索福建省茎用芥菜1年2代繁育技术,选择6个茎用芥菜品种,分别进行冬春季正常繁育和夏秋季高山加代繁育的2代繁育试验,并对比各品种2代繁育的生育期、株高、株幅和种子产量。结果表明:所有参试茎用芥菜品种只要通过打破种子休眠、衔接好2代繁育的播种期都能完成1周年2代繁育,夏秋季高山加代繁育的全生育期比冬春季正常繁育平均缩短约50 d;冬春季繁育比夏秋季高山加代繁育株高增加31.2%~132.9%,株幅增加1.5%~21.8%,所有参试品种冬春季繁育的种子产量都极显著高于相应夏秋季高山加代繁育,种子产量增加17.8%~153.6%。  相似文献   
中国大陆环境污染聚类分区及林业对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国大陆29省(市、区)的土地资源、地形、水文、气候、生物、能源消耗、国民生产总值、人口密度和环境质量现状等资料,应用等级系统聚类分析法,将全国分为9个分区,其中:东北、黄土高原和四川为风沙、侵蚀、酸雨严重污染区;黄淮海平原和云贵高原为盐碱、酸雨重度污染区;东南部平原丘陵山区8省为侵蚀、盐碱、酸雨中度污染区;青藏高原、新疆和海南为高寒、干旱、风暴潮轻度污染区,并以此为根据,提出了相应的林业对策,从而为生态环境的综合治理和林业建设提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
A pathogenicity island within the genome of a multi-host plant bacterium, Pseudomonas cichorii strain SPC9018, comprises the hrp genes encoding a type III secretion system and the pat gene encoding an N-acetyltransferase proposed to play a role in virulence. However, the function of the N-acetyltransferase remains poorly characterized. Interestingly, limiting the iron condition using a phytosiderophore, mugineic acid, resulted in reduced virulence of strain SPC9018 on respective host plants, including eggplant, similar to the reduced virulence observed with a pat gene-deletion mutant. Spectroscopic analyses showed that the pat deletion reduced the concentration of pyoverdine, which is the main siderophore produced by strain SPC9018, leading to a reduction in pyoverdine-mediated iron acquisition. Furthermore, the pat gene deletion mutant showed enhanced expression of the fecA, pvdL, and pvdR genes, whose expression is induced under deficient siderophore-mediated iron uptake. The pat-deletion mutant showed a hyper-swarming phenotype, and the addition of iron decreased this swarming motility. The pat deletion also reduced the adhesion ability of the bacteria, similar to the effect of iron-limited conditions. Furthermore, deletion of the pat gene enhanced expression of the hrp genes. These findings suggested that the pat gene encoding the N-acetyltransferase may be implicated in iron acquisition, contributing to host specificity of P. cichorii strain SPC9018 and its virulence.  相似文献   
病毒病是为害马铃薯生长的主要病害之一,长期的无性繁育,使病毒长期积累,导致马铃薯世代带毒繁育,严重影响了马铃薯的品种特性。在了解马铃薯病毒病的基础上,采用热处理加茎尖培养的方式获得马铃薯脱毒苗;在此基础上,利用植物组织培养技术,在一定时间内繁育生产所需种苗,并通过炼苗、移栽等环节,建立马铃薯脱毒种苗繁育体系,从而获得脱毒马铃薯良种。  相似文献   
Swine fever. Immunisation of piglets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vaccination against Swine Fever using the CL Chinese strain can be done in 7-day-old piglets if they are born of non-immune sows. The simultaneous weaning and vaccination emphasises the safety of this strain. The excellent immunity observed confirms the immunocompetence of 7-day-old piglets. In piglets born of immune sows and also weaned at 7 days, passive protection can extend beyond the age of 2 months if the sow is vaccinated several months prior to gestation. The immune level of the piglets would seem to depend on the interval between vaccination of the sow and farrowing and can be attributed to the quality of the antibodies transmitted by the colostrum. Piglets born of sows vaccinated 10 months prior to farrowing can be vaccinated as early as 5 weeks; the protection percentage observed at the age of about 6 months is over 80%. A booster injection at this age then confers immunity to future breeders throughout their economic life, i.e. 4 years in the reported experiment.  相似文献   
The phospholipid fatty acid biomarkers 18:1ω9, 18:2ω6,9 and 18:3ω3,6,9 are commonly used as fungal biomarkers in soils. They have, however, also been found to occur in plant tissues, such as roots. Thus, the use of these PLFAs as fungal biomarkers in sieved soil, which may still contain small remains of roots, has been questioned. We used data from a recent beech tree girdling experiment to calculate the contribution of roots to these biomarkers and were able to demonstrate that not more than 0.61% of 18:1ω9 and 18:2ω6,9 in sieved soil samples originated from roots (but 4% of 18:3ω3,6,9). Additionally, the abundance of the biomarker 18:2ω6,9 in the soil was found to be highly correlated to ectomycorrhizal root colonization, which further corroborates its fungal origin. PLFA biomarkers were substantially reduced in vital roots from girdled trees compared to roots of control trees (by up to 76%), indicating that the major part of PLFAs measured in roots may actually originate from ectomycorrhizal fungi growing inside the roots. We calculated, that even a near to 50% reduction in fine root biomass - as observed in the girdling treatment - accounted for only 0.8% of the measured decrease of 18:2ω6,9. Our results demonstrate that both 18:1ω9 and 18:2ω6,9 are suitable biomarkers for detecting fungal dynamics in soils and that especially 18:2ω6,9 is a reliable biomarker to study mycorrhizal dynamics in beech forests.  相似文献   
分析不结球白菜遗传多样性,筛选与形态性状相关联且具有多态性的标记位点,为不结球白菜的分子辅助育种选择、种质资源的利用和新品种选育提供依据.本研究以类型差异大、有南方特色的54份种质资源为材料,对其6个质量性状和5个数量性状进行3次田间调查,从40对引物中筛选出25对SSR引物进行遗传多样性分析,结合形态性状对54份不结...  相似文献   
 用培养皿滤纸吸附测定法和不伤根土壤拌菌处理及针刺接种法,测定了大白菜软腐病菌游动性突变体进入大白菜体内、并在其中侵染定殖和扩展的特性。结果表明,游动性丧失和增强的突变体都可以通过种子萌发和主动接触进入大白菜体内、并可以在体内有短期的繁殖,但菌量远低于野生菌。大白菜叶片接种实验说明,这两种突变体也都可以进行短距离扩展,但扩展距离和菌的繁殖量低于野生菌。  相似文献   
 以大白菜自交系03s205,03s206为试材,研究了温度对大白菜抽薹开花的影响。结果表明,随着2℃种子春化时间的延长,从播种到开花的时间缩短,叶片数减少。从春化开始到现蕾的总计天数来看,春化15 d的处理所需时间最短。而未经春化的对照处理则不能开花。在8℃和10℃条件下,03s205和03s206均能通过春化,但10℃条件下要求更长的持续时间。8℃处理15 d就可开花,而10℃处理要25 d才能通过春化。苗期35℃的持续高温可使春化15 d和24 d的材料发生春化逆转,但对苗龄大于12 d的植株无效。而18 h 23℃和6 h 35℃交替温度下,春化15 d的大白菜不发生春化逆转,仍能够开花。  相似文献   
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