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燕麦愈伤组织诱导和分化再生影响因素的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以燕麦3个品种(系)幼胚、幼穗为材料,通过组织培养方法,研究了基因型、培养基、外植体对愈伤组织诱导、继代和分化再生的影响。结果表明,对愈伤组织的诱导,基因型和培养基起重要作用,对幼胚作用极显著,对幼穗作用显著;外植体不同也影响愈伤组织形成,随培养基成分改变而变化,且幼穗较幼胚更易培养;2,4-D浓度影响愈伤组织生长和胚性愈伤组织形成,3 mg/L 2,4-D有利于愈伤生长,促进胚性愈伤形成;草莜一号幼穗愈伤组织有很强的继代能力,继代培养330 d仍具有46.58%的分化率,该材料在组织培养和基因工程研究中具有很大潜力。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨番茄显性复花序性状的遗传特性。[方法]以亲本单花序番茄自交系860与复花序番茄自交系HYT及其杂交与回交后代的6个世代为试材,调查亲本及其后代的花序性状和果重,并对F2群体和回交世代的花序性状进行遗传分析。[结果]亲本HYT的复花序性状表现稳定,而860全为不分枝的单花序。花数与果重存在负相关。花数较多的亲本HYT的平均果重较低(24.0 g),而花数较少的亲本860则较高(95.9 g)。F1代的花序特性与复花序亲本HYT基本相同,F2群体中复花序与单花序的比例为3∶1,初步说明复花序性状为显性。F1与亲本HYT回交后代全为复花序,与860回交后代的花序性状表现出1∶1分离,说明HYT的复花序性状由单显性基因控制。[结论]显性复花序基因可提高番茄育种效率,在番茄育种中有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   
为了探究梨花芽分化机理、分析每花序花朵数量差异的原因,选择每花序花朵数量差异较大的两个品种‘恩梨’和‘金香水’梨,对其花芽的营养物质进行分析,包括淀粉、可溶性糖、蛋白质及N、P、K等11种矿质元素。结果表明:‘恩梨’花芽淀粉含量显著大于‘金香水’梨,‘金香水’梨花芽N、P、K含量极显著大于‘恩梨’,‘金香水’梨花芽Zn含量显著大于‘恩梨’,‘金香水’梨花芽Fe、Cu、B含量极显著小于‘恩梨’。花芽中花朵的分化过程需要消耗淀粉。与花芽中花朵分化密切相关的元素有N、P、K、Fe、Cu、B、Zn。  相似文献   
We have studied the effect of artificial modification of leaf area on inflorescence and floral quality in Antirrhinum majus. We used two treatments where we clipped all the leaves except the first three pairs of true leaves, or we cut every leaf visible by the time the plant had six leaf pairs. Decreased leaf area caused a decrease in stem elongation that could be traced back to a decrease in internode elongation. Leaves left on the plant increased their size beyond control. Inflorescence quality was strongly affected since total floral number showed a strong decrease with reduced leaf area. In contrast, floral size hardly changed. Breeding programs in Antirrhinum should take into account growth conditions affecting leaf area when searching for changes in inflorescence quality while floral size can be screened independently of this factor.  相似文献   
试验以Lm型蓖麻—矮秆Lm型雌性系的两用系aLmAB2为研究对象,在显微学水平上研究其后代两性、单雌、标雌系3种类型花序分化过程中的差异,确定植株由营养生长到生殖生长转变的关键时期,以期为东北生态型蓖麻的栽培育种研究提供参考依据。试验结果表明:aLmAB2蓖麻的3种花序类型花芽分化的转变期在5~6片真叶期;花序为圆锥花序,花序上的小花排列紧密程度为两性系〉单雌系〉标雌系,锥底直径大小排序为两性系〉单雌系〉标雌系,不完全花;在7片真叶期时开始出现柳叶状功能叶。  相似文献   
Biological control is proposed as an ecological strategy to manage the threat of invasive plants, especially in natural areas. To pursue this strategy, we need to know that the host specificity criteria used to evaluate ecological risk with deliberate introduction of an exotic insect for biocontrol are sufficient to predict potential impact on native species. Host specificity is defined by adult feeding and oviposition preferences and larval development. One way to evaluate the criteria is to re-examine case histories where ecological effects are recorded, such as that of Rhinocyllus conicus Frölich. This flower head weevil, released in North America in 1968 to control exotic thistles like Musk thistle (Carduus nutans L), is now reducing seed production by multiple native North American thistle species (Cirsium spp.), and local population density of Platte thistle (Cirsium canescens Nutt.). We hypothesized that host specificity of R. conicus has changed since pre-release testing, providing an explanation for the unexpected magnitude of the documented ecological effects. Instead, when we re-tested host specificity of weevils naturalized over 28 generations, we found that host specificity has not changed. Naturalized adults of R. conicus showed strong feeding and oviposition preference for Musk thistle over Platte thistle. In addition, larval development by these weevils was faster and more successful (to larger size) on Musk thistle than on Platte thistle. Thus, our results indicate that a change in host specificity cannot explain the unexpectedly large build-up of R. conicus and significant ecological effect on Platte thistle. We conclude that accurate prediction of the potential level of impact on native host plants in the field requires further ecological information in addition to host specificity.  相似文献   
High temperatures are known to reduce fruit size and fruit weight in strawberry, but cultivar differences in the response to high temperature stress during the reproductive stage up to the second inflorescence have not been sufficiently reported. We examined the effect of two day/night temperature regimes on fruit set and fruit growth in two cultivars, ‘Nyoho’ and ‘Toyonoka’. A high day/night temperature of 30/25 °C reduced the number of inflorescences, flowers, and fruits in both cultivars compared with plants grown at 23/18 °C. The percentage of fruit set in ‘Nyoho’ was not significantly different between the two temperature treatments, while that in ‘Toyonoka’ was much lower at 30/25 °C than at 23/18 °C. Days to ripening was shorter at 30/25 °C than at 23/18 °C, and no cultivar differences were observed. Fresh weight of primary, secondary, and tertiary fruits was greater at 23/18 °C than at 30/25 °C in both cultivars, and no cultivar differences were observed, except in tertiary fruits. The diameter of fruits from all positions was also reduced at 30/25 °C in both cultivars. Relative growth rates of fruits showed two peaks in both cultivars and in both temperature treatments. Both peaks appeared earlier at 30/25 °C than at 23/18 °C. Percentage of fruit set at 30/25 °C in the second inflorescence was also significantly lower in ‘Toyonoka’ than in ‘Nyoho’. These results indicate that high temperature stress negatively affects the reproductive process in strawberry and that plant response to high temperature stress is cultivar-related in such responses.  相似文献   
芝麻几个器官和花序的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜心田  远彤  张根森 《作物学报》1997,23(3):307-310
对芝麻(Sesamum indicum L.)的几个器官和花序进行了观察和研究。芝麻叶腋内2个刺状物为苞叶。花冠筒内丝状物为退化雄蕊的短花丝。子房基部周围环状物为花内蜜腺。单蒴型芝麻果柄两侧圆形物为退化花的遗留物。芝麻花序定名为二歧聚伞花序。花序上的花可分为三级。单花型仅一级花开花,二级花退化,三级花未分化。三花型的一级花和二级花开花,三级花中止发育。多花型的一级花、二级花和有些三级花均可开花。这些观察结果对于芝麻栽培和育种工作都具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
周德宝 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(31):17382-17383,17386
以拟南芥为例,阐述了开花过程中基因调控方面的最新进展。  相似文献   
阿月浑子结果特性研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外阿月浑子大小年结果的研究进展,包括以下几个方面:(1) 花序芽分化及其脱落;(2) 树体对大小年结果的响应;(3) 激素与花序芽脱落;(4) 大小年结果的控制措施;(5) 大小年结果机理和存在的问题  相似文献   
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