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The 13C and 15N values of sugarcane plant tissues, decomposing harvest residues, soil and the casts and body tissues of the earthwormPontoscolex corethrurus were determined. Little variation in 13C values was found between plant parts. The 13C values of the decomposing harvest residues declined and became more variable after 148 days of exposure in the field. In the decomposing residues, 13C values of the neutral detergent fibre fraction were similar to those of the whole tissues while those of the proximate lignin were more negative. The 15N values of the residues also declined over time after a short initial delay.P. corethrurus populations are more intimately associated with the roots of sugarcane than with the bulk soil. Tissue 13C values suggest that the earthworm diet is similar to or more enriched in13C than sugarcane tissues and is substantially more enriched than the soil C. Earthworm tissues have similar levels of15N enrichment to both the soil and plant tissues. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that this earthworm derives much of its assimilated C relatively directly from organic matter associated with the roots and decomposing harvest residues.  相似文献   
For high quality oil, table olive characteristics, and reduction of alternate bearing tendencies, it is often desirable to harvest olive fruits prior to full physiological maturity, that is, before the natural separation zone has differentiated. Olive fruit abscission can occur at different positions, mainly fruit-pedicel, pedicel rachis and peduncle-branch, apparently varying according to cultivar, fruit weight, and fruit maturation. Precisely identifying the location of separation is critical for studying the differentiation of the abscission zone or zones and testing the effectiveness of harvest procedures, including the mode of action of different fruit-loosening chemicals. We determined the olive fruit abscission zone position under natural conditions, throughout the complete fruit maturation period, for two cultivars differing in fruit size. The major separation zone for the cultivars studied was between the fruit and pedicel. For cv. Picual, abscission in zones other that fruit-pedicel occurred in less than 15% of the fruit at all dates throughout the maturation period, whereas in cv. Hojiblanca, the percentages of fruits detached at peduncle-shoot (27%) and pedicel-rachis (19%) were initially substantial, and then decreased progressively during fruit maturation. Our data clearly indicate both varietal and temporal differences which should be taken into account not only when testing fruit-loosening compounds but in extrapolating test results to different varieties or dates. Fruit weight did not appear affect the abscission location. The method we used, of counting the different detached units, is simple and effective for determining the position of fruit abscission.  相似文献   
北疆玉米大田机械粒收质量调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北疆是我国玉米机械粒收率最高的区域,为了解北疆玉米大田粒收质量现状,2012-2017年在新疆奇台总场、伊犁新源71团、伊宁县和温泉县等地农户田块调查了机械粒收质量,共获得269组样本,结果表明:(1)子粒破碎率均值为6.38%,高于5%的国家标准[玉米收获机械技术条件(GB/T 21961-2008)]要求;杂质率和产量损失率均值分别为0.41%和0.96%,分别低于3%和5%的国家标准要求,子粒破碎率高是当前北疆玉米大田机械粒收存在的主要质量问题。(2)收获玉米子粒含水率均值为23.3%,其与破碎率呈显著相关,可用二次函数y=0.0263x 2-1.0433x+15.867(R 2=0.108,n=269)拟合。(3)在子粒含水率相同条件下,不同品种之间子粒破碎率表现出明显差异,其中,新引M751子粒破碎率明显低于KWS2564,而KX3564介于两者之间。(4)筛选早熟、脱水快、耐破碎品种,实施玉米密植高产全程机械化绿色生产,可以有效改善机械粒收质量,实现玉米高产高效协同。  相似文献   
采收成熟度对南丹山地烤烟质量特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]探明不同采收成熟度对广西南丹山地烤烟质量特征的影响。[方法]选取烟株中部尚熟、成熟和过熟烟叶进行烘烤试验。[结果]随着采收成熟度的提高,烟叶外观质量先由差变好,再由好变差;上等烟和上中等烟比例先升高后降低;单叶重持续下降;烟叶总糖、还原糖含量和糖碱比值先增加后减少,总氮、烟碱和石油醚提取物含量趋于下降;烟叶香气成分总量及其中性组总量、酸性组总量先升高后降低,碱性组总量趋于升高;烟叶香气指数先升高后降低;烟叶香气型指数趋于升高,过熟采收对香型风格稳定有不利影响。[结论]南丹山地K326品种中部烟叶不宜尚熟采收,更不宜过熟采收,必须成熟采收。  相似文献   
[目的]研究不同采收期对川半夏产量和品质的影响,以确定川半夏的最佳采收时间。[方法]7月9日~11月6日每15 d采收一次,共设9个不同采收时期,测定各采收期川半夏块茎主要产量性状和水溶性浸出物平均含量。[结果]各采收期的川半夏各产量性状及水溶性浸出物平均含量存在差异,9月22日采收的川半夏单株总块茎数、大中块茎粒数最多,净产量、增殖率和折干率最高,水溶性浸出物平均含量亦较高。[结论]川半夏最佳采收期为9月下旬。  相似文献   
对着色系优系富士‘烟富3号’品种不同采收期的果实品质和香气物质含量进行了测定分析,结果表明:在10月5日至10月26日期间,随采收时间的延迟,可溶性固形物含量由13.2%增加到15.2%,可溶性糖由9.977%增加到12.967%,可滴定酸含量由0.252 mmol/g逐渐下降至0.164 mmol/g;VC含量则先增加后下降,10月26日采收的果实中VC含量仅为19日的26.7%;10月5日采摘的果实中仅检测出18种香气物质,总含量6.581μg/g,26日采摘的果实中检测出香气物质32种,总含量达到了45.770μg/g;适当延迟采收时间有利于增加可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、香气成分种类和总量,提高果实的风味和品质;在烟台地区,10月20日应该是‘烟富3号’苹果最佳食用的采摘期。  相似文献   
介绍了冷凉地区繁育的百合种球的采收和冷处理技术,包括采收时间和标准、挖球、冷库消毒及摆放等.  相似文献   
梁伟 《野生动物》1996,(5):9-13
本文对雷公山地区的25个村寨、69位猎人自1989~1993年4年来的雉类猎捕状况作了调查统计,面积473km2。结果表明:4年来雉类猎捕方法有8种,猎捕量计732只,年平均183只,平均狩猎强度为3.95只/(人·a),均逐年下降,这对该地区雉类资源的现状和今后的保护提供了依据。  相似文献   
相智华  张国  朱启法  王传义 《安徽农业科学》2014,(28):9715-9718,9737
[目的]为了解烤烟上部烟叶可用性的影响因素.[方法]采用田间试验与室内分析的方法,研究成熟期灌水、采收方式、采收成熟度等因素对上部烟叶等级结构、外观质量、常规化学成分、评吸质量及物理特性的影响.[结果]烤烟上部叶成熟期的水分供应、采收方式和采收成熟度对上部烟叶可用性均有比较明显的影响,但影响程度不同,成熟水对上部烟叶质量影响最大,其次是采收方式,再次是采收成熟度.在烟叶生产实践中,采收前5~7d灌溉一次成熟水、4~6片叶一次性采收(带茎或不带茎)、适当推迟采收时间,有利于改善上部烟叶质量和可用性.[结论]该研究可为提高上部烟叶可用性奠定理论基础与实践依据.  相似文献   
机械粒收是玉米生产发展的方向,是降低玉米生产成本提高市场竞争力的重要措施。黄淮海区玉米目前处于机械粒收技术示范推广的关键时期。本研究通过分析一年两地持续阴雨对不同播期玉米品种机械粒收质量的影响,为该技术的推广应用提供参考。试验选用华美1号、郑单958、登海605为材料,分析持续阴雨天气下播期、品种、密度对机械粒收质量的影响。结果表明,在持续降雨条件下,播期、品种和密度间的子粒含水率、破碎率存在显著差异,品种间的杂质率差异显著,品种、密度间的田间损失率差异显著。综合比较,持续阴雨天气条件下,子粒含水率是影响机械粒收质量的关键因素,主要通过影响子粒破碎率影响收获质量。  相似文献   
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