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[目的]评价牡丹江地区果桑最佳采收期.[方法]对牡丹江地区果桑果实发育情况进行观测,应用Logistic方程拟合果桑果实生长曲线.[结果]Logistic方程拟合优度(R2)为0.96295,拟合效果好,模型选择正确,预测结果较真.[结论]最佳采收期应不迟于果桑落花后第5.34周,牡丹江地区应在5月下旬进行采摘.  相似文献   
[目的]评价牡丹江地区山楂最佳采收期.[方法]对牡丹江地区山楂果实发育情况进行观测,应用Logistic方程拟合山楂果实生长曲线.[结果]表明,Logistic方程拟合优度(R2)为0.95513,拟合效果好,模型选择正确,预测结果较真.[结论]最佳采收期应不迟于山楂落花后第19.8周,牡丹江地区表现为应在10月上旬进...  相似文献   
Softening process and total antioxidant activity were evaluated in kiwifruit differently exposed to light intensity and harvested at two different times (October 10 and November 14). Fruit was stored for 2 months at 0 °C (S1) and then maintained for a week at ambient temperature (S2). The results showed that fruit harvested later presented a faster softening rate during storage than fruit harvested earlier, even if antioxidant activity did not change. Light-exposed fruit showed higher flesh firmness than that of shaded ones. Polygalacturonase activity was higher in kiwifruit maintained for a week at ambient temperature after cool storage and, in particular the highest value was recorded in fruit harvested later. The behaviour of β-galactosidase was different: it did not show changes in fruit harvested later and significantly decreased in light- and shade-exposed fruit harvested earlier.  相似文献   
青贮玉米收获机打捆装置自动控制系统设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青贮玉米收获机可在玉米摘穗的同时,将切碎的秸秆打成圆捆,以便于青贮.为提高作业效率、简化机手操作流程,设计了一套喂料与送绳自动控制系统,该系统由传感检测元件、控制电路及执行机构3部分组成.采用四路换向开关作为传感检测元件,并结合RS去抖电路,可有效提高控制系统工作可靠性.执行元件为两电磁离合器,接收控制电路的输出信号,完成对喂料和送绳过程的实时控制.试验表明:该系统工作安全、可靠,料捆成捆率达到1009%;与手动控制方式相比,有效强化了料捆密度控制的准确性,使机具的作业效率提高20%.  相似文献   
This review focuses on the present distribution of populations of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus that are harvested in Turkey. It also examines the history of this harvest and the impact that crayfish plague has had on them. Crayfish plague, caused by the fungus-like organism, Aphanomyces astaci Schikora, 1906, is a severe parasite of freshwater crayfish and has caused a lot of damage to A. leptodactylus populations in Turkey since 1984. Turkey was the largest provider of A. leptodactylus to Western Europe from 1970 (or possibly earlier) until 1986. For example, the peak production was reached in the early 1980s, with over 5,000 tonnes being exported in 1984. On the other hand, as a result of the crayfish plague the harvest of A. leptodactylus was reduced severely in most populations in Turkey after 1985. The harvest was only 320 tonnes in 1991. After the occurrence of crayfish plague in Turkey, in order to increase crayfish production uncontrolled A. leptodactylus stockings have been carried out in many waterbodies throughout Turkey. These introductions have caused an increase in the number of A. leptodactylus populations, but exploitation of A. leptodactylus is still under the pressure of the plague, although there has been a steady increase in crayfish production in recent years. The harvest increased to 2,317 tonnes in 2004. Fortunately, among those populations affected by crayfish plague, large amounts of A. leptodactylus can still be harvested from three lakes, ?znik (Bursa), E?irdir (Isparta) and Çivril (Denizli). Thus, it seems that A. leptodactylus has a degree of resistance to crayfish plague. It is therefore interesting to investigate the resistance of A. leptodactylus caught from these populations to crayfish plague.  相似文献   
作物产量潜力估计对于作物生产及超高产创建具有重要的理论指导意义。本文以玉米品种‘先玉335’为试验材料,于2005—2013年在吉林省3个不同生态类型区(乾安县、公主岭市和桦甸市)布置密度试验进行玉米超高产研究,利用获取的田间试验资料结合FAO-AEZ模型提出了一种基于优化模式的玉米产量潜力估计方法,解决了FAO-AEZ模型中收获指数常数的选择问题,并进一步建立玉米超高产生产中干物质积累途径分析方法。结果表明,玉米的产量与描述其干物质积累过程的Logistic方程参数密切相关,所建关系模型达到极显著水平(P0.01),并通过2012年和2013年实际产量统计检验;基于非线性优化理论,利用所建产量关系模型估算出乾安县和桦甸市的产量潜力,较FAO-AEZ模型潜力估计值年平均提高17.5%和16.1%;以实际生产数据作为约束条件,进一步求出乾安县、公主岭市和桦甸市产量达到15 000 kg·hm-2时的最低种植密度分别为7.7万株·hm-2、8.2万株·hm-2和7.9万株·hm-2,同时求出各生态区相应的干物质积累参数和各生育阶段的干物质积累量指标,为玉米超高产栽培播前决策和生育期调控提供理论依据。本文分析结果可作为吉林省玉米产量潜力估计及高产与超高产创建的理论依据,所建模型及相关分析方法也可作为其他地区作物产量潜力估计的参考。  相似文献   
The 13C and 15N values of sugarcane plant tissues, decomposing harvest residues, soil and the casts and body tissues of the earthwormPontoscolex corethrurus were determined. Little variation in 13C values was found between plant parts. The 13C values of the decomposing harvest residues declined and became more variable after 148 days of exposure in the field. In the decomposing residues, 13C values of the neutral detergent fibre fraction were similar to those of the whole tissues while those of the proximate lignin were more negative. The 15N values of the residues also declined over time after a short initial delay.P. corethrurus populations are more intimately associated with the roots of sugarcane than with the bulk soil. Tissue 13C values suggest that the earthworm diet is similar to or more enriched in13C than sugarcane tissues and is substantially more enriched than the soil C. Earthworm tissues have similar levels of15N enrichment to both the soil and plant tissues. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that this earthworm derives much of its assimilated C relatively directly from organic matter associated with the roots and decomposing harvest residues.  相似文献   
对贵州省林业科学研究院树木园内的杜仲林、黄皮树林、凹叶厚朴林随机分别选取6株样树,从2001年9月至2002年8月每月定日取样,用烘干法测定其含水率,用醇溶性浸出物测定法测定其萃取率。结果表明,不同取样时期杜仲、黄柏、厚朴的含水率差异显著,三种药材含水率变化相对一致,在4、5、6、7月含水率较高,9、10月含水率较低。杜仲、黄柏的最佳取皮期为6月,其萃取率分别为7.92%、6.77%;厚朴的最佳取皮期为7月,萃取率为8.93%。  相似文献   
陈丽娜  陈石  龙卫平 《蔬菜》2017,(6):26-28
为了探明家庭盆栽香葱的最佳方式,比较了不同品种、摆放位置和采收方式对香葱的影响。结果表明:与本地小香葱(对照)和改良日本香葱相比,农友小香葱植株优势明显,更适宜家庭盆栽种植;摆放位置表现为屋顶最佳,朝东阳台次之,朝北阳台最差;剪切采收显著增加分蘖数,分株采收则能保证植株粗壮。  相似文献   
采收机不同振动强度采收对枸杞树光合系统参数的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别于2008年的6月22日、7月11日、8月5日、10月12日(其中6~8月为夏果期,10月为秋果期),按3个处理(采收机采收,T1、T2、仍振动强度依次增大)和对照(熟练工人工采摘)分别采收枸杞,研究枸杞采收机不同振动强度采收对枸杞树的光合系统参数的影响。结果表明:对照和各处理的净光合速率(砌)变化规律为7月中旬以前逐渐降低,7月中旬达到最低点,此后开始上升,至8月份达到一个新的高度,随后又开始下降,与枸杞树物候期分析结果一致。蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)的变化趋势与Pn一致。6~8月胞间CO,浓度(Ci)的变化趋势与Pn一致,但在10月明显升高。方差分析表明,各处理在各测定时期的Pn、Tr、Gs、Ci与对照相比差异不显著,说明采收机采收对枸杞树叶片的光合系统参数没有显著影响。光合系统参数的相关性分析表明,Pn和Cs、Tr具有较强的相关性,同时Gs和Pn、Tr也具有较强的相关性,说明光合速率和蒸腾速率的高低受气孔影响很大。在6~8月,Pn和Gi具有较强的正相关性,与气孔限制值Ls(Ls=1—Ci/Ca,Ca为空气中CO2浓度)有较强的负相关关系。夏果期(7月16日)光合速率的降低伴随着胞间CO2浓度的降低和气孔限制值的增大,光合速率的下降为气孔因素。秋果期(10月14日)光合速率降低,而胞间CO2浓度升高,表明光合速率降低为非气孔因素,是叶片的光合功能下降所致。  相似文献   
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