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金石拓片是地方文献的特殊载体之一,通过对浙江的金石拓片的特点、价值的认识和思考,指出对金石拓片开发和利用,发挥其应有的价值。  相似文献   
在果实生长发育期,通过测定果实纵径、横径、侧径、体积、鲜重及干重,研究了金太阳杏果实发育规律。结果表明:金太阳杏果实的生长发育动态呈“慢—快—慢—快—慢”的“双S”形曲线,整个发育过程可分为5个时期:幼果缓慢生长期、果实第1次迅速生长期、果实第2次缓慢生长期、果实第2次迅速生长期和果实熟前缓慢生长期。果实纵、横、侧径与果实鲜重、体积变化曲线极为相似,并具有同步增长的趋势。同时建立起各生长指标的生长模型曲线。  相似文献   
黄鹂无齿鲹(Gnathanodon speciosus)是一种兼具观赏与食用价值的名贵海水鱼类。本文报道了黄鹂无齿鲹的胚胎及胚后发育特征。受精卵孵化条件为:盐度(30.26±0.67)‰、 温度 (24.72 ± 0.32)°C 、 pH值(7.46±0.12)、溶解氧(5.13±0.33) mg/L、光照强度约3 000 LUX。结果显示黄鹂无齿鲹受精卵为透明浮性圆球形,平均卵径764.29 ± 14.74 μm;含单油球,油球平均直径166.32 ± 18.28 μm。胚胎发育历经受精卵期、胚盘期、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官形成期与孵化出膜期8个阶段,再进一步细分成24个时期。受精后18 h 30 min孵化出膜,进入仔鱼阶段(含前仔鱼期和后仔鱼期)。前仔鱼期位于孵化后0-3天,卵黄囊没有完全吸收;后仔鱼期位于孵化后4-20天,卵黄囊完全吸收。初孵仔鱼全长1 520 ± 19 μm,出膜后第6天油球储备耗尽并形成鳔。孵化后第20天,鱼体后脊索完全弯曲,各鳍和消化系统发育完善,体表大量色素沉淀且具有独立生活的能力,仔鱼进入稚鱼阶段。本研究为黄鹂无齿鲹苗种培育提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
【目的】建立和优化苹果S-SAP分子标记体系,探讨应用S-SAP技术区分元帅芽变的可能性,为从DNA分子水平上对苹果芽变鉴定和利用奠定基础。【方法】利用富士、寒富和嘎啦初步建立S-SAP分析体系;根据谱带量和多态性等对32对引物组合进行筛选;从DNA酶切、PCR扩增、银染方法等角度对影响S-SAP反应的因子进行优化;利用6对多态性引物,对8个元帅芽变进行S-SAP分析,采用NTsys-pc2软件的SIMQUAL程序计算相似系数,UPGAM方法进行循环同化阶层聚类分析,并通过Treeplot程序生成聚类图。【结果】优化的苹果S-SAP分析体系为,改良CTAB法提取基因组总DNA;MseⅠ和PstⅠ双酶切基因组总DNA;Fermentas公司的TaqDNA聚合酶进行PCR扩增;6%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶分离选择性扩增产物;改良弱碱法银染检测差异片段。筛选出6个适宜苹果品种分析的S-SAP引物。发现LTRP1/Mtcc引物组合在元帅芽变分析中具有多态性,矮红、红星与新元帅等具有多态性位点,供试芽变资源的遗传相似系数在0.88—0.98之间,以相似系数0.93为标准,8个元帅芽变资源可分为4类。【结论】建立了基于Ty1-copia组反转录转座子的苹果S-SAP标记体系,筛选出了6个适宜苹果品种分析的S-SAP引物,利用LTRP1/Mtcc引物组合成功区分了元帅芽变。  相似文献   
黄金茶生长及栽培管理技术调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄金茶产地位于武陵山腹地,气候、土壤等生态条件优越,适宜茶树生长。黄金茶为地方群体,属小乔木,树姿半披张,植株较高大,新梢生长势强。黄金茶在栽培上存在种植密度偏小、没有进行系统修剪、管理较粗放、基本不施肥等问题。报告提出了相关建议。  相似文献   
Pigmentary uveitis (PU), also known as Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis (GRPU), is a common ocular condition of Golden Retrievers that has severe, vision‐threatening ocular complications and can require surgical intervention. In order to ensure consistency in the diagnosis of GRPU between examiners, a specified set of diagnostic criteria must be applied. This is critical to ensure owners, breeders, and veterinary ophthalmologists maintain confidence in the ocular certification process. Therefore, current and former members of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists’ Genetics Committee came together to draft this Viewpoint Article on the challenges of diagnosis and treatment of Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis for veterinary ophthalmologists, Golden Retriever owners, and Golden Retriever breeders.  相似文献   
The effects of different pre-harvest calcium treatments and their interrelation with other nutrients in apples (Malus domestica Borkh, ‘Golden Smoothee’) on quality attributes at harvest and after cold storage and on relation between calcium (Ca) and other nutrients were investigated. Calcium sprays were applied during three-seasons beginning 60 days after full bloom (DAFB), with 6 or 12 applications in the second part of the growing season. It was confirmed that calcium treatments generally resulted in increased flesh firmness at harvest but not sufficient to maintain during storage. Treatments reduced bitter pit and lenticel blotch pit after cold storage, but these disorders were not totally eliminated. The treatments did not influence evolution of titratable acidity and soluble solids. Total fruit calcium increased with number of applications, but this increase was not proportional with number of applications. The beneficial effect of calcium treatments was reflected in the nitrogen/Calcium (N/Ca), potassium/calcium (K/Ca), and (K+Mg)/Ca ratios.  相似文献   
Summary Samples of a sandy soil and a marine clay soil sterilized by steam were put in 55-1 containers insulated with polystyrene and placed outdoors on a brick pavement. Sandy soil was infested singly or in all possible combinations with root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) and the fungiRhizoctonia solani andVerticillium dahliae, and the marine clay soil was infested with the root-lesion nematodePratylenchus neglectus and the same fungi to evaluate the effects of these organisms on the yield of potato. The experiments were carried out from 1983 to 1986. Tuber yield was reduced by single infestations of theMeloidogyne spp. andV. dahliae but not significantly byR. solani orP. neglectus. A three-factor interaction: nematode ×R. solani × V. dahliae was found in both experiments.R. solani andV. dahliae showed significant synergistic effects when soil was infested with theMeloidogyne spp. orP. neglectus.  相似文献   
大自然中广泛存在着黄金分割现象,大凡符合或满足黄金分割比例关系组成的任何事物都表现出其内部关系的和谐与均衡。本文分析了新疆棉花产量组分与黄金分割律的关系,为新疆棉花群体优化调控技术提供了一种新的理念,研究结果具有理论价值和应用潜力。  相似文献   
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