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Many studies have shown that changes in nitrogen (N) availability affect the diversity and composition of soil microbial community in a variety of terrestrial systems, but less is known about the responses of microbes specific to biological soil crusts (BSCs) to increasing N additions. After seven years of field experiment, the bacterial diversity in lichen-dominated crusts decreased linearly with increasing inorganic N additions (ambient N deposition; low N addition, 3.5 g N m−2 y−1; medium N addition, 7.0 g N m−2 y−1; high N addition, 14.0 g N m−2 y−1), whereas the fungal diversity exhibited a distinctive pattern, with the low N-added crust containing a higher diversity than the other crusts. Pyrosequencing data revealed that the bacterial community shifted to more Cyanobacteria with modest N additions (low N and medium N) and to more Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria and much less Cyanobacteria with excess N addition (high N). Our results suggest that soil pH, together with soil organic carbon (C), structures the bacterial communities with N additions. Among the fungal communities, the relative abundance of Ascomycota increased with modest N but decreased with excess N. However, increasing N additions favored Basidiomycota, which may be ascribed to increases in substrate availability with low lignin and high cellulose contents under elevated N conditions. Bacteria/fungi ratios were higher in the N-added samples than in the control, suggesting that the bacterial biomass tends to dominate over that of fungi in lichen-dominated crusts after N additions, which is especially evident in the excess N condition. Because bacteria and fungi are important components and important decomposers in BSCs, the alterations of the bacterial and fungal communities may have implications in the formation and persistence of BSCs and the cycling and storage of C in desert ecosystems.  相似文献   
本文对9种药用及食用真菌菌丝体中SOD的同功酶进行了初步的研究.并以云芝为实验对象研究了真菌菌丝体生长与SOD活性的关系.结果表明:不同真菌来源的SOD之间同功酶组成存在较大差异:云芝菌丝体液体发酵结果显示,菌丝体的生长过程包括生长迟滞期、迅速生长期及衰亡期三个阶段.在迅速生长期后期可以获得大量富含SOD的云芝菌丝体。  相似文献   
日本肯定列表制度对我国出口食用菌的影响和对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了日本肯定列表制度、我国出口食用菌的现状和问题以及肯定列表制度对我国出口食用菌的影响.提出了加强农残监控、强化原料基地管理、严格卫生注册登记管理、加强农资销售市场管理、加强食用菌农药使用的研究与指导、完善标准体系6个方面的应对措施。  相似文献   
The role of tree diversity and identity as determinants of soil animal community structure is little understood. In a mature deciduous forest dominated by beech we identified clusters of one, two and three tree species of beech, ash and lime allowing to investigate the role of tree species diversity and identity on the density and community structure of oribatid mites. To relate oribatid mite community structure to environmental factors we measured leaf litter input, fine root biomass, mass of organic layers, topsoil pH and C and N content. We expected oribatid mite density to increase with increasing tree diversity, but we expected the effects of tree species identity to override effects of tree diversity. Further, we hypothesized the density of oribatid mites to be reduced by the presence of beech but increased by the presence of lime and ash. As expected tree diversity little affected oribatid mite communities, whereas tree species identity strongly altered density and community structure of oribatid mites. However, in contrast to our expectations the density of oribatid mites was highest in presence of beech indicating that many oribatid mite species benefit from the presence of recalcitrant litter forming thick organic layers. Especially Oppioidea benefited from the presence of beech presumably due to an increased availability of food resources such as fungi and nematodes. Lower density of oribatid mites in monospecific clusters of lime and ash suggests that oribatid mites did not benefit from high quality litter of these species. Notably, large and strongly sclerotized oribatid mite species, such as Steganacarus magnus and Chamobates voigtsi, benefited from the presence of ash and lime. Presumably, these large species better resist harsh microclimatic conditions in shallow organic layers.  相似文献   
选择材质较硬的木扦制作的香菇木扦原种,生产的栽培种满袋时间仅需锯末种的一半,降低了后期感染的机率,成活率高,满袋后菌丝活力旺盛,无老化现象,延长了保藏时间。  相似文献   
通过对浙江天童常绿阔叶林中马尾松的菌根研究,比较分析了马尾松在不同样地及不同季节菌根感染率的状况,结果表明,菌根感染率与季节及样地类型有密切的联系,12月份左右,在裸地中菌根感染率较低,只有2.67%;而7月份左右,在马尾松林中,菌根感染率达到了76%.其次,通过一年多对各样地子实体的采集研究和实验室分析,确定在这个阔叶林中与马尾松共生的菌根真菌共4科6属8种,其中硬皮马勃科(Scleroderrnataceae)豆马勃属(Pisolithus)的彩色豆马勃(P.tinctorius(Pers.))和大包硬皮马勃(S.bovista Fr.)以及红菇科(Russulacese)乳菇属(Lactarius Dcex Gray)的松乳菇(L.deliciosus(L.ex.Fr)Gery)分布较广泛,在多数样地中均可找到相应的子实体.最后,本文通过菌根在生态系统中的作用,初步探讨了菌根与常绿阔叶林整体退化机制之间的关系.  相似文献   
A 14-day bioassay indicated the effectiveness of Compartmentalization evident 24 months following wounding of two clones of hybrid-poplar. The boundary pattern adjacent to columns of wound-initiated discoloration indicated that column boundary layer formation was not the sole determinant for the effectiveness of Compartmentalization.  相似文献   
As part of a study of the processes involved in litter biodegradation following sewage sludge (SS) addition, the variations over 14 months of phosphatase activities in a cork oak litter (Quercus suber L.) were investigated. A field experimental design was carried out using the litter-bag method on both a fertilized plot receiving SS applications (twice ) and a control plot. Acid (APH) and alkaline (BPH) phosphatases were measured, along with several biotic and abiotic variables potentially involved in the regulation of these enzymes. These included moisture, temperature, pH, water-extractable inorganic P (PW), culturable heterotrophic bacteria and fungi. Sludge addition had significant effects on all the variables measured. Indeed, sludge increased significantly BPH activities, available PW, microbial densities (i.e. bacteria and fungi) and pH in the fertilized plot. In contrast, APH activities decreased significantly following sludge addition. As a consequence, the BPH/APH ratio increased markedly and immediately in the fertilized plot, but only after the 1st amendment. Following the 1st preconditioning SS amendment, the 2nd fertilization had fewer effects on biological variables, because of summer dryness. The different properties examined varied significantly with incubation time, and most were significantly related to the seasonal patterns of litter moisture in this Mediterranean forest ecosystem. Hence, sewage sludge application modified the intensity of microbial responses to environmental factors, but biological patterns regulating P turn-over were maintained.  相似文献   
Research on how the young embryo protects itself from normal environmental stresses reveals that the earliest phases of development have unique, innate mechanisms to protect the embryo during this most sensitive phase of embryogenesis. This paper shows ways in which knowledge of these protection mechanisms might be used to advantage in the aquaculture situation. These include novel mechanisms to deter bacteria and fungi such as secretion of anti-bacterial/anti-fungal substances from the egg at fertilization, as well as the utilization of anti-fungal metabolites provided by symbiotic bacteria associated with egg cases. UV damage is avoided by provision of unique sunscreens to the embryos so that UV penetration into the cytoplasm is avoided. Finally, embryos have exaggerated mechanisms to avoid the effect of toxicants on development but these are inadequate to remove pollutants present in feed used in aquaculture. Approaches are suggested on how this knowledge about adaptations might be used in the aquaculture setting to avoid pathogens, increase UV resistance and reduce levels of pollutants.  相似文献   
在2010年10月至2013年5月间,通过对采自海南省儋州、文昌、澄迈、五指山、白沙、三亚、东方、临高、定安、琼中、陵水等11个市、县的中、老龄橡胶树林段及其防护林的病、死树及树桩上的灵芝属真菌标本180余份进行鉴定,初步鉴定出灵芝属真菌17种,分别为白边树舌(Ganoderma albornartginatm)、层叠灵芝(G.lobatum)、长管灵芝(G.annulare)、黄边灵芝(G.luteomarginatum)、灵芝(G.lucidum)、南方树舌灵芝(G.australe)、热带灵芝(G.tropicum)、唐氏灵芝(G.donkii)、橡胶灵芝(G.pseudoferreum)、有柄树舌灵芝(G.gibbosm)、树舌灵芝(G.applanatum)、菲律宾灵芝(G.philippii)、褐灵芝(G.brownii)、薄盖灵芝(G.capense)、马蹄状灵芝(G.ungulatum)、吊罗山灵芝(G.diaoluoshanense)和无柄灵芝(G.resinaceum)。其中橡胶灵芝和菲律宾灵芝为引起橡胶树红根病的重要病原菌,热带灵芝(G.tropicum)、薄盖灵芝(G.capense)为引起台湾相思、木麻黄、桉树等防护林树木枯死的重要病原菌。  相似文献   
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